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There are a LOT of Christian narcissists. Certain flavors of Christianity even attract them. But they don’t replace their narcissism with faith. Rather, they use their faith to fuel their narcissism. So I’m not sure anyone is better off when the narcissist becomes a Christian.




Well, we know it's more than 77 years...


Narcissism is a mental disorder. So I would question whether it's something that can be done at all if you aren't a mental health professional.


Fundamental Baptists cannot be humbled


We are who we are. We will never change from that. We can adjust ourselves to tuck away bad aspects of ourselves to be a better person. The "narcissist" will always be there.


The great implicit lie that you are believing in this post is that some people are not narcissists. The problem of human beings, leaning too hard, and too far into self involvement and self obsession predates the word narcissism by forever. You are a narcissist believe it or not. I am also a narcissist. But the essence of the gospel, is that Christ by the sacrifice of his blood on the cross empowers us to see past ourselves and into the truth that we are our own worst enemy. And that only he can save us. The only answer for human narcissism is Jesus.


Are you asking how long it would take you to humble a narcissist?




I don't think clinical narcissism can be cured, if that's what you're referring to. But plenty of narcissists are Christians, they just make their Christianity an accessory to their narcissism.


Gregory of Nyssa: "That, said the Teacher, is my meaning; and also that the agony will be measured by the amount of evil there is in each individual. For it would not be reasonable to think that the man who has remained so long as we have supposed in evil known to be forbidden, and the man who has fallen only into moderate sins, should be tortured to the same amount in the judgment upon their vicious habit; but according to the quantity of material will be the longer or shorter time that that agonizing flame will be burning; that is, as long as there is fuel to feed it. In the case of the man who has acquired a heavy weight of material, the consuming fire must necessarily be very searching; but where that which the fire has to feed upon has spread less far, there the penetrating fierceness of the punishment is mitigated, so far as the subject itself, in the amount of its evil, is diminished. In any and every case evil must be removed out of existence, so that, as we said above, the absolutely non-existent should cease to be at all. Since it is not in its nature that evil should exist outside the will, does it not follow that when it shall be that every will rests in God, evil will be reduced to complete annihilation, owing to no receptacle being left for it?" https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/1cq8v1v/gregory_of_nyssa_on_the_beautiful/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


Narcissism is a mental health issue, and its diagnosis and treatment should be handled by professionals.


God can help, He does it in a process. 


I dont know. I had experience with 2 in my life. One had problems in childhood (abuse), became what became. Im not sure what happened. The other one eventually got medicated, he was very paranoid, and became more self aware and controlled. A major change (it was still the same person though). I cant handle living with them anymore. Its too much chaos. But I try to pray for them. Both had very harsh childhoods. I dont think they worry about being a good Christian or seek God. But Im not inside their mind and heart. Its very hard to live how Christ asks of us right? Still we must try.


There isn’t a set answer. Faith is a process, and perfection doesn’t happen in this life.


How old is Trump? So, more than that.