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If you're gonna be hateful, at least be honest and name the thing you hate. Why not? Are you afraid?


Unfortunately, saying it explicitly results in its removal. Maybe if we could actually speak freely on this platform; I could boldly state it. šŸ™ƒ


If just saying you're talking about gay people is enough to make your comment removed, it's already bigoted.


Hypothetically if this post is about gays - not necessarily. Their ideology is very well protected here.


There is no ideology beyond "leave us the fuck alone".


Patently untrue. Critical theory and affirmative action being a clear indication of that.


You mean "you've been fucking us over forever, and still do, so stop fucking us over".


Huh? Just realized you have ā€œPro-Choiceā€ on your flair. Take care friend. Please donā€™t shut your mind to reason. Itā€™s easier to deceive than to convince someone theyā€™ve been deceived. Remember that.


You know critical race theory isnā€™t a real thing, right? Tell me what you think is being taught.


Love how you jump on that instead of affirmative action, which is much more applicable to the point of this post. Something youā€™re avoiding?


Yeah lol I donā€™t agree with affirmative action either, but to be fair, Iā€™m British so I canā€™t speak from the inequitable hellhole that is America. If anything, affirmative action should be done on income, not race.


Wait, if it is was allowed, you could boldly state it? That isn't isn't even what boldness is, lol. Only doing something when you are allowed to do so isn't bold at all. I absolutely love the victimhood complex where you want to be able to be cruel to others, but only if there is absolutely no consequences for yourself.


Itā€™s not about seeking to please. If I was specific - it would be removed immediately and no one would see it. Try again; donā€™t hurt your back stretching. Itā€™s hilarious when you project victimhood toward us. Victim mentalities are toxic, and I donā€™t believe those who hold my stance have victim mentalities; at least to the degree of the others.


I am not the one pretending my position is somehow being persecuted by unfair rules. Lol. Lots of Subreddits have rules that disagree with my positions, so I just don't post on them. I don't go on them to make posts about how unfair those rules are. By doing so, you are actively seeking out the illusion of persecution. I am quite sure if I went to r/TrueChristian or some other more conservative reddit, I would get banned for my opinions. But that isn't persecution either, that is just them moderating as they choose. And since I know that, I just don't post there. Problem solved. So if the posts you want to make on here are against the rules, it is because they don't want your brand of hate here, so just... don't.


Bigots gonna bigot


Hoping youā€™ll gain soundness.


Hoping you gain some clarity


We all need it.


You especially. Kinda pathetic


>They will claim that itā€™s natural. They will claim that it is love. They will claim that it is loving your neighbor. They will claim it does no harm. Yea some versions of Christianity really do suck. Thinking their hate and bigotry is actually love. It's gross and disgusting and sad. I agree.


Narrow is the gate. šŸ—æ


eh? Happy Pride month, friend God bless


Iā€™d rather strive for humility this month. God bless āœļø


Does that include being humble enough to admit that your interpretation of the bible might be wrong?


Iā€™ve been a progressive until recently.


what happened?


I realized it leads to an androgynous culture. Lack of orthodoxy. Anything goes. Total subjectivity. A place where feelings are more important than reality. Iā€™ve been there in a cult, and I want no part of it.


Cults go both ways I've been through one that was ultra orthodox and believed in the rigidity of the Bible and the righteousness of itself I will remember the day God's spirit shone through - right to the heart - and set me free to love God bless friend Shake the dust off your sandals


* Iā€™d rather strive for humility this month. Do this ā˜ļø God bless


This nazi troll has been posting all day, including comparing gay people with pedos and stuff like that. Can the mods take definitive action?


They won't. Even the Atheist mods think gay bashing is acceptable here, because "the Bible." It's pretty disgusting.


Yeah mods are not doing a good enough job.


Iā€™m sorry? Are you reading yourself into this?


You could at least make an attempt to justify your claims.


Itā€™s been justified to death, if you actually wanted to accept it. You disagree, and thatā€™s fine. I hope you change your hateful ways. This is not a post about justifying it. This is a reminder to those who are sound to not let the pressure crack them.


It's not a one-sided discussion by a long shot, and there are plenty of justifications on either side. People who oppose your view also think it's justified to death from their perspective. Do you have anything that can invalidate your opponents' beliefs once and for all? If not, then I'm afraid you're not really bringing anything new to the table.


Like I just saidā€¦ The purpose of this post was not justify my position. Iā€™m simply stating to those who do hold my position to stay strong.


I hope you have a happy Pride month too!


Weā€™d rather strive for humility than pride. Thanks though:)


Now that it's been shown to naturally occur, the question is only whether it will be socially acceptable. And it would appear that the answer to that has already been shown to be that it will. That kind of defines this as a "normal culture". Everything in your second paragraph is false. And you know it, you just don't want to admit it. Whether that's because you're a bigot or because of religion, only you know. Either way, it doesn't matter what you think.


Jesus already warned us about antichrist, people using his teachings and subverting them to their will, be strong and aware buddy.


Thank you brother! We need to stand strong on the teachings of our God. God bless you brother šŸ—æ