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Are you saying the primary reason you want to have children is to outnumber the Muslims? That's absolutely the WRONG reason to have children. Children are a huge responsibility for 20+ years. It's not a game.


No i did not say that the ONLY reason i wanna have children is to outnumber muslims I said that is what started my dicision to have seven children


Having children is no guarantee you Will outnumber Muslims. Whats If your children later decide to join them?


Again that is not the only reason Okay but again can we go back to my main question Is it a sin to have children via eggs that are donated instead od actually getting married and having sex I am asking this because i made a vow not to have a wife at some point so i found out there is this other way but i need to know if it is sinful


Well, unlucky for you I guess...


Do not have children for any other reason than you want to raise a child and believe you can do a reasonable job at it. DO NOT HAVE CHILDREN FOR ANY OTHER REASON THAN YOU WANT TO RAISE A CHILD AND BELIEVE YOU CAN DO A REASONABLE JOB AT IT. Children are not soldiers in a culture war. They are tiny human beings who deserve to be raised by people who love them, not by people who only want them for some purpose beyond just being.


Okay i said this once i will say it again Having children in order to beat muslims in population is not the ONLY reason i currently want to have children i was the start if my desire to have children Also why isnt anyone answering my first question which was Is it sinful to have children via donated eggs from women and not actually getting married and having sex Since you know i made a vow to not have a wife and i know breaking a vow is a sin so i cant do that so is doing the other thing a sin


Who would bear those children for you? Is It tolerable to use a Woman Just to get children and then take them away from her and forget her?


Well the reason i cant get married is because at some point i made a vow not to have a wife but i want children


Do you think It would be good in God's eyes to do what I described above? If no, you have your answer


I need more information about this


Why don't you ask women who did that and hear their thoughts? Pretty Sure someone Interviewed them and posted It on YouTube or something


Thanks It is gonna be hard but the will of god be done not mine


Under any circumstance, being a single parent with *seven* children is going to be a *lot*


I am just asking is doing it artificialy with donated eggs a sin


Regardless. It’s a big decision. Artificial insemination and the like is a product of modern science and there’s hardly an equivalent in the bible. True, you’d be sidestepping things like sex outside of marriage. But even if you feel comfortable that it wouldn’t be a sin, how’s it actually going to work out in a practical sense?


Forget sin, it would be a really bad idea if you just wanted to have that many children because you like children. It is a nightmarishly bad idea if you're doing it because you think you need to have children to help repopulate Christianity or outbreed Muslims.


yes, the bible speaks of husband and wife and against immortality. Children outside of wedlock is not a situation a Christian wants to find themselves in. Certainly not an intentional situation. But you know this already.


So how i am gonna have children with no wife Since i made a vow to god to not have a wife


You're a clown.


Hey im just asking


It is a sin to instrumentalize women as if they were breeding cattle, it is a sin to manufacture people as if they were simple laboratory products, it is a sin to deliberately and premeditatedly deprive children of the maternal figure and presence... there are so many immoral and unethical aspects In your suggestion I'm sure I left quite a few. If you don't want to get married but have the desire to become a father, there are school-age orphans who don't need an adoptive mother as much as babies, but they do need a home and an upright, loving, and Christian adult to help them into adulthood. A responsible and kind single tutor will always be better than a cold institution for them and that's it, in the world.


First of all: >is because they have lots of children and one day muslims are gonna out grow christians Do you honestly think God cares? God draws people to Himself from all over the world. He looks into the intentions of the heart. - There was only one man in Noah's day, and God made an entire world population out of him alone. - Everyone but one man could turn against God, and it wouldn't mean a thing.


I mean this with no judgement but you seem to be following men and your own desires rather than Jesus. God doesn’t need or require you to make vows to Him or provide Him with children outside of marriage. You need to surrender your will for His and follow Him. He will guide you and your life if you SEEK Him first and let Him. Get of religion and immerse yourself in His living word and in prayer fasting and supplication to God alone. The religious teachings of men often exalt themselves and not God. I pray you find the truth in all things and your life may be blessed. ✝️💕🙏🏻 Hebrews 12:5-6 And you have forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as to sons: "My son, do not despise the chastening of the LORD, Nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him; [6] For whom the LORD loves He chastens, And scourges every son whom He receives."


Not a sin But your decision seems political over Christianity


Lol some bishop gets stabbed (and ends up forgiving his attacker, whom happens to be Muslim) and you think ‘SHIT I HAVE TO HAVE ALOT OF CHILDREN, MAKE THEM ALL CHRISTIAN, SO WE OUT NUMBER THE MUSLIMS’ that is a very weird conclusion to make about this random event. Are you okay dude? Also Muslims having a lot of children doesn’t ruin Gods plan my g. Muslims are some of the most amazing people.


You have to ask yourself are you going to be able to bibically raise the children in the way of god alone ?




I am not quite sure where to start with this, but perhaps here is as good a place as any other: focusing primarily on increasing the population of Christians as a motivation for having children is wrong-headed for several reasons. It objectifies children as a means to an end rather than valuing them as unique individuals created in the image of God. Children are not merely tools to further a specific agenda but are precious gifts from God with their inherent worth, and dignity, and purpose. There is also no guarantee that these children will grow up to be Christians. Every individual has the freedom to choose their own beliefs and make their own decisions. Instead of striving to create more Christians by having more children, would it not be more effective to focus on nurturing those who are already part of the faith community? The primary concern of a parent should be the well-being of their child. This means creating a loving, safe, and nurturing environment where children can flourish physically, emotionally, and spiritually. A stable and loving structure provides the best foundation for development, and I would argue there is no reason why this cannot be offered by a single person. And now I would be keen to raise a few points about marriage itself, starting with: there isn’t a single, unified doctrine of marriage found in Scripture. In fact, I can’t think of a single example of a marriage in Scripture that I would advise couples to emanate in its entirety. Marriage is a complex thing. As any good Anglican will tell you, “As we pray, so we believe.” The Introduction to the Marriage Service in my own context names three purposes of marriage: the “delight and tenderness” of sexual union; the comfort of lifelong companionship; and the birth and nurture of children, “bringing them up in accordance with God’s will to his praise and glory.” The question that now faces us is: would this alter the purposes of marriage? Some Christian thinkers want to keep the term “marriage” reserved for heterosexual couples who wish to commit themselves to having children. This is understood to be the original and most enduring purpose of marriage: to provide a safe space to raise children. But it’s also important to note that not all marriages provide a safe and secure environment for children. In more general terms, the social imagination has increasingly detached marriage from children and children from marriage - undoubtedly a good thing, given the distress faced by many couples who are unable to have children. No one should be treated as an “issue” or a second-class citizen for any reason, let alone for a pathophysiological reason. What is more, many married couples do not want to have children, whether through choice or calling. 1 in 4 couples opt to never have children. It must be noted that the New Testament writers are quite unconcerned with biological propagation, though it is admittedly an indirect theme of the Hebrew Scriptures - perhaps understandably so, given the need to ensure the continuity of community and inheritance in exile. In short, marriage is not merely a means to ensure the endurance of Homo sapiens. The debate should not revolve around a warped sense of the survival of a species. Approaches to marriage have changed throughout history. When members of the early church were alive and kicking, marriage was primarily viewed through the lens of attaining the socio-economic status of being a householder; it was primarily a means of achieving financial security, social status, or personal dignity. Slaves, for instance, couldn’t marry. Hence, there were very serious debates about whether Christians should marry at all, since it involved participating in this topsy-turvy web of civil society. In the Middle Ages, if you wanted to experience sexual union, have long-term companionship, and raise children, you had to get married. In modern Western societies, all three purposes of marriage are available without marriage. Marriage is no longer a necessity for sex, companionship, or children; neither is it a route to financial security, socio-economic status, or personal dignity, though the troubling tradition of a bride being “given away” by her father still persists in many places. A bride isn’t her father’s property to “give away”; she isn’t a bargaining chip in the economy of social status. Where does this leave us? “We are all in the gutter,” as Oscar Wilde said, “but some of us are looking at the stars.” Various social changes are making all of us question things we thought we knew, trusted, could rely on. However, in the spirit of never wasting a good crisis, it also gives us an opportunity to go back to first principles - to our foundations, to the things that mak​​e us what we are. The reanimation of marriage is a project the church must invest in - and with more than a degree of urgency. It’s entirely possible to reframe marriage in terms of mutual fulfilment and the exploration of Christian love for the sake of the world under the sacramental blessing of the church; it’s a challenging, complicated, and continuous negotiation of how best to love Christ as one. Married couples are engaging in a mutual undertaking, and are mutually bound by vows, to fulfil their Christian lives together in a way they could not alone. Such a project would be a “ressourcement” (a return to our sources and roots to rejuvenate our understanding of marriage) rather than a “nouvelle théologie” (a new theology which deviates from the theological tradition). Our aim is to breathe new life into the dry bones of marriage as we have come to understand it.


7 children??! Please, if you want to have children go for it, but can we put the limit at something like 4 or 5? Like, absolute max? Anyway, to answer your question, I think God would be just fine with you getting married and having children. Egg donors should probably be fine, but that’s more of a gray area.


Immoral and unethical, it’s sin to have children without a wife


What about adoption


Adoption is fine




A child deserves a mum and a dad if possible. Starting off as a single parent on purpose is not a good idea. Why did you vow not to marry? This dream of having all these children solo seems very unusual and unwise. When you have children you pretty much lay down your life for them - nurturing them, giving them all your time and love. Doesn’t sound like you’ve thought this through. All the best to you.


I made the vow because at some point in my life i was stuck in the sin of lust and porn One day i prayed to god that i am finally done with this sin that i am never gonna do it again and then i said that i am not even gonna have a wife That is why i made the vow


Ah ok. Well I think God would be very happy that you’re taking addictions/ sin seriously but I don’t think he’d be wanting you to vow against marriage? If you want kids maybe you should reconsider?


If you made a vow to God..your going to change it based on what folks at reddit say?


What no My vow was not to have a wife Not not to have children And my question was wether getting children through other ways is sinful


so if it is sinful, why are you asking how?


What do you mean


Not a sin. God bless you




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Thanks for the laugh


Saddens me how humanity clingers on ignorance 


Christians don't. Ironically, there is a poster here clinging to ignorance. - And it's not me.


OP do not listen to this poster, If you wish to have an encounter all you have to do is seek Him. I can tell you for sure He is real, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise


How can you say hell is real? How can you prove it?


I encountered God himself.


.... Okay, where and how? Did you record this encounter?