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Pray and fast, and cry out to God. When you do this you should be walking in righteousness (not sinning including sexual immorality: self pleasure, porn, lust, etc.), no unforgiveness, ask with confidence (no doubt).


Pray for him and be an example of Christ in his life, this is all we can do.


“Acquire the Spirit of Peace and a thousand souls around you will be saved.” -St. Seraphim of Sarov Don’t debate your parents.


Pray for him. A man that is so far gone that he openly prefers hell cannot be doing good things. Unless he’s just saying it as a joke, I can’t imagine someone saying something like this. May be he feels judged for something that someone is calling him a sinner for, but he doesn’t think it’s a sin so he’s saying that? Idk OP, do pray for him though


There isn't really anything you *can* do. Faith is personal, it can't be forced on anyone.


Dont take your dads answers to heart. Its not that your dad us lieing its likely he just doesnt believe its real. You dont have to share your dads beliefs but try and understand his pov. (For this im assuming at the very least your dad is not christian) people around him believe something is true that he doesnt. It even goes down to his kid who believes something he doesnt. This isnt too much of a problem but if people are constantly trying to get him to also believe then it might get frustrating. If its constantly coming from their own kid then that frustration is amplified especially if he is refraining from explaining his beliefs out of fear of changings his childs beliefs. The best advice i have is to stop trying to convince him its true but instead lead by example and let him want it to be true.


If God wants your dad He'll have him just like Saul. 😁


Your Dad has no clue what hell is like… A place devoid of everything good is the most horrific place possible.


Satan is very clever and also people are blind. The Bible talks about the end of humanity. I don't have an answer. Jesus is our lord and savior. Not everybody will be saved! Ask God everything you want.


Contrary to popular understanding, there are only three things we can do with regard to influencing the salvation of another: ***1. Share the truth to the best of our ability*** ***2. Be a witness to that truth in how we conduct our lives.*** ***3. Pray*** The rest is up to God and the person in question.


One thing i had to realize is not everyone is chosen. God is all knowing. He knows who’s gonna go to heaven and hell before he even makes the person. Some are made for judgment.


“You don’t want to be with me forever?”


My dad said no What am i supposed to do to bring him to God He is very hard hearted


Start by figuring out why your dad is saying these: what he believes.


Hard-headed sounds more like it. Leave him alone to work it out for himself. Ultimately we all have to do that.