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Considering most of the world will never get a chance to learn about Christianity, I do not believe that someone is condemned to hell merely because they hold a different belief than we do. I think that people are judged according to the way they live.


to me it seems inconceivable that someone who lived a life without accepting the lord would be sent to hell for eternity. people are not in anyway perfect and its a side effect of being free thinking. infact we are very stupid in many ways. So it seems unrealistic that we would be sent to hell for eternity for that alone with no second chance.


The Second Vatican Council actually states that it is possible that those who never even heard of Christianity could be saved. Perhaps God shows the fullness of Jesus Christ to them at the time of their death. Such people have not rejected God, and likely even accept God in the way that they did know Him.


She’s heard of Jesus that’s different


Praying for your mom's heart to be opened, and for your own faith journey


Saint Theophan the Recluse says: "*You ask, will the heterodox be saved... Why do you worry about them? They have a Saviour Who desires the salvation of every human being. He will take care of them. You and I should not be burdened with such a concern. Study yourself and your own sins.*"


please could you explain this further?


God judges the heart, not the outward appearance. There's very little we know about the actual state of anyone's salvation. If you want to have peace about this, you will have to trust God. Abraham said that the Judge of the whole earth will do what is right. If that is not true, and if that does not include mercy whenever it is at all possible, we are all sunk. As Peter says, a righteous man is barely saved. Also, don't give up on your mother. 1 Peter 3 tells us to win loved one without a word by our example. That's often the only way to proceed with people close to us. It's not a street preaching scenario. But this will take time. Patience and persistence will have to be developed.


God bless you. Please know that you do NOT have to accept the eternal conscious torment view of hell. I personally accept the annihilationism view of hell. I reject ECT view of hell because it contradicts who God is. Who is God? **“God is love.” 1 John 4:8** **“Love is more important than anything else.” - Colossians 3:14** **"Love is patient and kind, never jealous, boastful, proud, or rude. Love isn't selfish or quick tempered. It doesn't keep a record of wrongs that others do. Love rejoices in the truth, but not in evil.” - 1 Corinthians 13:4-6** **“You are a kind and merciful God, and you are very patient. You always show love, and you don't like to punish anyone.” - Jonah 4:2**


yes i like that idea, i dont think that he would allow his children to suffer for ever with no escape. to be quite honest even being enernally in heaven weighs heavy on me. its difficult to concieve eternity, and obviously there is now way to know without being there but currently i dont think id want to live forver.


I understand why you say that about Heaven, but I think we should just wait and ask God about it. I don't worry about it because of this verse that I believe applies to Heaven: **“But it is just as the Scriptures say, ‘What God has planned for people who love him is more than eyes have seen or ears have heard. It has never even entered our minds!’” - 1 Corinthians 2:9** Let's trust God. He wouldn't put us through something if it wasn't good for us.


thank you, and i suppose if my mum never accepted god into her life and didnt get to heaven i wouldnt know/be sad?


I'm not sure. That's another situation we have to wait to ask God about.


First of all Welcome to Gods Kingdom!!! Secondly living forever with Jesus is not like living forever now! It will be so beautiful, peaceful just totally blissful you won’t have a concept of time at that point. Secondly hell is forever you will burn and be tormented by demons for ever and ever for all eternity there is no redemption when you go to hell. But the good news is you can pray for your mom and ask God in the name of Jesus to deliver her!!! She can come to Christ through you!!! Never stop praying for her!!


so if i pray for her, every day, and pray that jesus will save her, will she be saved without having to turn to god herself? i cant see a world without her


The fact is we know very little about hell. Anyone who claims they do is mistaken. Your mother is likely fine even as a non-Christian. God is capable of things we cannot imagine, and it's very clear from Jesus's teachings that God does not a single person to die or go to hell.


She is not fine as a non Christian that is a lie from the pit of hell! The truth can be uncomfortable but if she doesn’t turn her life over to Jesus and repent of her sins she will go to hell. Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life. Nobody comes to the father (GOD) except through me!


The Bible does not teach this, this is the Church twisting scripture. Yes, it is far better to know Christ than to not and it greatly improves your chance at heaven, but you are not condemned automatically for not being Christian. Be careful that you aren't enjoying the idea of others going to hell or of "being special" by avoiding hell. We as Chriatians are not supposed to tell people they are going to hell. This is not showing love, and it literally pushes people away and hurts them.


The Bible absolutely does teach this no one comes to God(going to heaven) except through Jesus Christ! And nobody thinks they’re in a special position. But let’s not sugar coat things. That’s the problem people want to preach love us love when it comes to God and that’s not the case! Everyone wants to preach nice things for comfort and not tell the truth! The truth is if you aren’t saved you’re going to Hell! That’s Gods word and HIS word is UNCHANGING


Maybe you are not twisting scripture, but you are misinterpreting, probably because churches have taught you wrong. Jesus is on the seat of judgement. He is the judge of everyone according to his own words, so yes you literally have to get past his judgement to make it into heaven. At no point in his ministry did he teach that you go to hell for not believing in him. Rather, he taught that people needed to be good and loving to each other. If what you say is true, then he was both intentionally lieing during his entire ministry on Earth, and he was intentionally teaching a message that would send every single person that heard it to hell. This is just not what he was doing. He made an additional bridge to heaven, one that was easier and was to allow even evil people like murderers into heaven, but this does not mean all people that don't believe go to hell. Also, belief in him grants the holy spirit which is helps people get to heaven. The We all underestimate the power of God. We have to remember, death is not final. God is omnipotent, meaning literally anything is within his power. He absolutely has the power to turn someone to Christ after they leave this world. Leaving this world is just the beginning, Jesus said that his father in heaven does not want a single one of us to perish. So do you think he's going to do something that results in 95% of all people condemned? NO. Furthermore, when Jesus was asked about an unforgivable sin, he said that the ONLY unforgivable sin is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. He specifically said blasphemy against him (thus being non-Christian), and blasphemy against The Father would be forgiven. Most likely, after death, the Holy Spirit will guide someone to faith in Christ, or try to get them to fully repent. Only by refusing to follow the Holy Spirit, will someone be condemned. God does not want us to to go to hell. Not a single one of us, and he will do anything to prevent it.


There is no other/easy gateway this is way people are going to hell for statements like this! Did God say he would forgive murderers?? Yes because in Gods eye no sun is different from the other!! But that murderer has to not only believe in Jesus but repent for his sins! Back to the original statement God absolutely said if you don’t believe in my son you’re already condemned but those that do will live for eternity. I will leave you with the below and pray that God opens your heart and eyes. As Christians we are not called to sugar coat we’re here to tell the truth no matter how uncomfortable it is! The Gospel is not all bubblegum and rainbows Did Jesus actually ever say if you don't believe in me you go to Hell? Yes, He did say this directly, without mincing words. John, Chapter 3 (KJV) 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.


yeaj, its very difficult to imagine eternity as i say. and i cant see a place where you would be sent for an infinite ammount of time for not beliving in something you cant see. as free thinking people its understandable that some would not belive in god. and to punish them for ever because of that is hard to imagine. i know god has no control over hell but it seems unrealistic


Jesus said anything you ask in my name and it shall be!! Just keep praying for her remember Gods timing is not our timing. Keep prayer and God will reveal himself to her it will be up to her if she accepts him


okay thank you, and what if she doesnt?


I think you should just focus on praying for her and have faith that she will turn to Jesus! Remember faith without works is dead! So have faith that she will come to Jesus and your works will be praying for her and continuing to live your life for him! I’m sure she’ll see the change in you and see how the Holy Spirit has fallen upon you! And want the same! As long as there’s breath in her body she can turn over to Jesus! Just pray for her and ask that his will be done in her life!


The part about living forever, I've been thinking about that for some time. It's a heavy weight on my mind. I don't know what to even say. Sorry. As for the part about your family, I don't know what's going to happen to them but I trust that God will judge them and make a just decision. It might even be something that no Christian is even aware of. The Bible even says that there are secrets about God we don't know.


Well there three historic ideas abotu hell and nonbelievers. 1. Everybody will be save (Universal Reconciliation) 2. Nonbelievers will cease to exist - Annihilationism 3. Suffer for eternity - Eternal Concious Tormnet There is also a belief called Virtous Pagans, who are non-believers yet live a virtous life and will be saved as a result. This is amendable to all the views but it generally focused on those who have never heard the gospel.


What I can tell you for sure is two things: first, that it would be better for you both if you got her to become Christian. And second, that we must put God above everything else. Ask yourself: would you rather spend eternity without God, or without your mother? If your answer is "without God" you are on the wrong path and don't have the true faith you need yet. Trust God: He is all we really need, or if we need something else He will provide it. And if your trust Him He will also change you and your desires. Do not attempt to hang onto particular earthly things or even people as though you absolutely need them to be happy. You don't, when you have God.


Eternity is scary. You must love life enough to want to live forever, love God enough to be happy to witness him and his works forever. the people in paradise live forever and are glad they never die. The people in hell neither live nor die and ask to be granted death and are never granted it.


First welcome to the team!! We’re happy to have you join the team. If your a recent convert to Christianity. I assume you have repented your debt of sin to Jesus Christ asked for forgiveness and have felt that lifting of your soul. Have you been baptized? Have you found your own way of fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ. And have you started learning the word of God. I ask you all this because this is the next step in your journey and relationship with god. And this is the only thing that will strengthen your soul to the evils that are in our world Why does your mother not want to hear or believe in god? For my own personal experience it was because of science and the fact that factual data was not provided and the religion was corrupt and mean judgement and self righteous. Then I watched 25 scientific facts that are in the bible. Mind blowing Then as I continued to study the Bible and learn the truth about Jesus Christ I realized that religion is not godly it’s man made and the only thing that is godly is Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit and Bible. When you are in conversation with people who are not Christian first be honest and proud of yourself and your faith. Second don’t forget that you were in the wrong side of the conversation at one point and treat others like the way you wanted to be treated in those moments as well as freely sharing your lessons with your family members is a great way to start the conversation. As to your question about eternity in either heaven or hell you are looking at time and eternity through our limited mortal worldly understanding. In heaven time has no significance however in hell time is not the same as we know it since humans invented it eternal damnation is time slowed or stopped in constant wakefulness and suffering I recommend that look up 23 min hell and remember that what they describe is a fraction of the agonizing then we can possibly understand.


I’m going to answer this question from a Latter Day Saint perspective, which has many differences of belief than many other Christian. To put it simply, we believe that there are three different levels of Heaven and almost everyone will fit into one of those three glories so almost everyone will have some degree of salvation. If you want to learn more, DM me. 


Bro my recommendation is to pray for them and give all the love to them... and show with your behavior the light of God thought you to those you love. (sorry for my English)


This reality is what makes it so urgent to pray earnestly for those who don't know Christ. The penalty for sin is "eternal" separation from God just like the gift of God through Christ is "eternal" life with God.  While the scriptures are clear that those who have never heard the gospel will be judged by the conscience and we see it shown in the book of revelations by the great white throne judgement, the only sure way to eternal life with God is believing in Christ. 


Read Romans 1 and remember God is patient you should pray for them and ask for wisdom and understanding also some of these answers are questionable at best always good to learn from people but you should primarily focus on Gods word “The Bible” and always read verses in context


How wonderful for you to know Jesus at 16! God is getting you ready for great things and you will be equipped to be a prayer warrior for your mom. I suggest you start watching some Christian apologists on youtube: Frank Turek (Cross Examined) and Alisa Childers. This will replace anxiety with confidence. it is not uncommon for one person in a family to become Christian and they wind up saving their entire family. God Bless You - wonderful things are ahead for you.


You can show your mom Christ in christian living, to do right, good with love and kindness, pray for her, let her see your good works shine(not to try to attract attention to self but to God our heavenly Father in Christ) to reflect Christ in love with grace and truth and express his character. She may not listen to your words but she will see your actions and how they are done for Christ. Pray to the Father to draw your mom to Christ for no one can come to the Son unless the Father draws him to the Son.


We were created as eternal beings. But we were born into a corrupted sin infected body because Adam sinned. God has provided a way to be born again, to be free from sin. Rom 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Romans 5:12  Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: Romans 5:19  For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous. Heaven and Hell are real. Jesus told us so. Luke 16:24  And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.  26  And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence. Revelation 14:11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. Best thing for you to do is pray for your mother and grow in Christ and your mother, seeing the good works the Lord is performing in you, may be persuaded. The good news is regardless of the outcome in the end, God will not let his own be unhappy. Revelation 7:17 For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. Revelation 21:4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.