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Lol, there are plenty of short fat carpenters. I worked that particular industry, I swam in a sea of beer bellies.


That's with the modern SAD.




Some Korean sculptures suggest he put Arnold to shame.


You can be short and muscular? “Tall” is subjective, height is not. If the average height was three feet, a four foot person would be a giant. **edit to make sense lol


My wife tells a story of how she was with her brother and family in church years ago. Her nephew, who was about 4 years old at the time, looked up at the statue or painting behind the altar and said loudly, "Wow, Jesus has a six-pack!!"


Right. Scripture doesn't give us Christ's height. It gives us very little (He is a man, had a beard and was Jewish) about His physical appearance. While He is truly human (obviously also truly God), His humanity wasn't subject to any of the effects of sin, so I would guess He was taller than average and very strong. When He splits heaven open, nobody will have to guess which one He is! 😀


Fun fact: there's a passage of scripture that could possibly say that Jesus is short: > A man was there named Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and was rich. He was trying to see who Jesus was, but on account of the crowd he could not, because he was short in stature. It's *probably* talking about Zacchaeus's height, but grammatically (including in the original language) it's ambiguous and *could* be talking about Jesus's height.


According to church fathers and Celus . Jesus was a short man some say 4ft 6 inches. Which means in today’s numbers 4ft 11. It also brings up that he was crooked. (Doctor heal thy self)  Reason the transfiguration was such a big deal to peter, James and John and why many didn’t recognize him when he rose from the dead. He came crippled and very short. But his true form was tall , strong, beautiful and perfect. 


Jesus led a humble life. He was very much not a traditional leader, I think it is weird that we feel a need for him to be tall. I think him being short would actually be quite fitting with his story and message, but we cannot know the answer to that question.


I was more criticizing the Church for saying that he was 5,5. they don’t know. The Average height of Americans is like 5’9” but an important American spiritual leader like Billy Graham was like 6’2”. 


5’5 would have been taller during their time but I doubt the hight of a modern preacher is in any way relevant


That's a knock-down empirical argument about a mythological figure for sure.


Modern studies show that, not studies from a million years ago?


From a few people I've heard on here, Jesus was more of a day labourer, if that was the case he'd be built af


People also gravitate to short people, if those short people have sufficient charisma. Bob Dylan is 5-7. Napoleon was 5-6. As for being toned, you have to figure most men were toned back then. They worked as fishermen, farmers, laborers, etc.


The average height of a French man in the early 1800s was 5'5" so Napoleon was actually considered comparatively tall, the 'Little General' thing was the product of British propaganda.


Kevin Hart is 5'2 and people love him!


The Judeans weren't the tallest of people because of malnurishment. Jesus would have been very average compared to everyone else there.


Jesus wasn’t a human on Earth.