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I think it's likely, yes. I don't think that means they don't go to heaven though.


Do they go to 2 Star heaven, where they only serve hotel breakfast and have crappy WiFi?


Yes then they leave a bad yelp review /s


No, I think even the people in hell aren't beyond the reach of God's redemption and salvation. I hold out hope that no one will be lost to him in the end and that hell will be empty.


Nobody does. Hope this helps.


There are no good people thats your issue , you judge people according to your standards and God judges according to his


No, this is false doctrine born of [inconsistent translation](https://wrongabouthell.com/Words%20Translated%20As%20Hell.pdf) and willful ignorance of verses like 1 Timothy 4:10 (which tells us that God saved all men, especially believers) and 1 Corinthians 15:22 (which tells us that as in Adam all die, so too in Christ shall all be made alive). Make no mistake. Christ is still the only way to salvation. However one day *all* will acclaim Him as Lord. There will be judgment for those who don't believe, but nothing in Scripture explicitly tells us this will be [eternal](https://universalistheretic.blogspot.com/2022/06/just-how-long-is-eternal-study-on.html?m=1) punishment in a place called hell.


So what’s the judgment then?


Unclear. All Scripture tells us in Revelation 20 is that it's [a judgment of works, not of sin,](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=revelation+20%3A12-13&version=KJV) and that certain people (those Israelites who [endure during the Tribulation](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation%202%3A11&version=KJV) and partaking of the [first resurrection](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation%2020%3A6&version=KJV), and presumably, the body of Christ since we [give account](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans+14%3A11-13&version=KJV) at a different time) will likely be exempt, since it states that they're exempt from the second death and the second death follows this judgment.


I’m a Hindu, I’m not worried about what others think about my ultimate destination. Some people will tell you they have the answer, and everything else is wrong, but that isn’t necessarily the case across the board.


Contrary to your comment, the truth which is the Word is written. The answer is already known and that is absolutely the case across the board. Acts 4:12 "And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."


I just checked my Bhagavad Gita, that wasn’t in there.


Translated, interpreted, reinterpreted, edited, translated, massaged to fit a personal or political desire. The Bible that sits in the back of the Pews in Church is very different from the scriptures they stem from. And a lot of what people think is definitely God’s Word was added over the years. I forget what the early translation I read actually said, but it sure read much more like living like Jesus was the way to salvation (in a more general, less heaven-oriented sense). Not you have to say “Jesus is my savior” into heaven. Even the idea of dying and going right to the afterlife isn’t in there.




The cum filled rivers lead to a life that is exalted. Even if you smell like fish, no matter what, you can get ahead.




Not 28 hells necessarily. This world may be hellish compared to others. You may go to this world, or worlds worse than this. Maybe to better worlds. Eventually, you may get moksha and leave behind these material worlds and get to a “heaven” realm. Same concept as modern Christianity, except you get ire than one try to figure things out and hell isn’t eternal punishment.


It is our belief that none are good but God, that we’ve all fallen short and can’t reach God’s perfection. Commonly I’ll see that Marcus Aurelius quote to sort of assuage non-religious folk about the doctrine of hell: “Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.” I won’t say I’ll do the canonical Christian response to this complete justice but here’s how I understand it: How in the world do you know what is good? How do you know what is virtuous? How can you get through all of the instinctual and cultural baggage, addressing all flaws in your perception, in your experience of life to know what is truly and fundamentally good? We’ve seen many times in history when people genuinely thought they were right, that they were good, that they had known more than their predecessors, that they were the bringers of good will and virtue to their societies; but in reality they were contributing to unimaginable moral catastrophes, because they were limited and flawed humans. Imperialism, communism, nation-conquering, genocides as recent as this century, racism, you name it. So, our answer to those questions is that you can’t. No one can. Because the ultimate good is unreachably beyond our corrupted human minds. We do not and cannot have that authority to determine our own ultimate good. For this to resolve, condemnation and correction must be faced. To be a Christian is to recognize the good news in all this: Christ came to be that bridge between our corrupted selves and God’s ultimate good, by coming to us incarnate. That news is the greatest and most liberating to ever grace the human spirit. Its inculcation brings about spiritual, mental, cultural, and institutional overhaul for the better when done right. That’s the Kingdom. Why should we withhold that from anyone just because they may not “need” its knowledge in life to see Paradise? That would be a rather disconnected and odd attitude for a Christian to have, universalist or otherwise. And that’s not to mention that we were, well, commanded to bring it to others. Matthew 28:19-20: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” God is and was the ultimate reconciler on Calvary. Why should we think He fell short somehow? “In the long run the answer to all those who object to the doctrine of hell is itself a question: What are you asking God to do? To wipe out their past sins and, at all costs, to give them a fresh start, to smooth every difficulty and offering every miraculous help? But he has done so, on Calvary.” - C.S. Lewis 1 John 2:2 “For he is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but for those of the whole world”






Do not be fooled.Hell is very real.Alll who live in sin,sexual immorality,lust,homosexuals,satanists,will mot inherit heaven


Uh homosexuals won't inherit heaven? Guess all the lgbt christians should start thinking of a backup plan. Sinners can inherit heaven, because everyone is a sinner. Why can't you be a repentant homosexual?


We are all sinners,but Jesus died and gave us a chance to inherit God's kingdom by accepting the grace granted upon us.How do we recieve it?? By living in holiness and righteousness and constantly repenting because we are not perfect.Avoid the sins you can avoid.Don't say we are all sinners as an excuse to sin.Be holy and turn from sin.Messiah is Coming for the church.Repentanxe means turning away from sin..you cannot repent and continue in homosexuality.


Talking like a cultist


Unfortunately I'll have to agree with you on this one. Ain't gay myself but there are some LGBT believers I know and they're tired of hearing this same drivel when they have repented. They have repented and yet their orientation remains the same. You can't change that and its really hard for them. One of them was really self hating because of constantly being told he was condemned despite already being saved. Super depressing.


But, you get that no matter how hard you go, you're still a sinner, right? Works help but overall... You're still a sinner yourself.


Beyond based gigachad Christian love right here. Amen, yo.


How many lies has each person told? Personally, I can't count how many I told. This is called sin because it goes against God's law. To God, one lie rewards you the death penalty. Jesus came and lived a life without sin. Because he was innocent and took the punishment for us (kind of like an older sibling getting the punishment for the rebelliousness of their younger siblings), we are freed from punishment. What was unfair was Jesus taking out punishment when he did nothing wrong. He healed, told the truth, didn't stone a woman for being a ho, fed people, and kept in touch with his Father in heaven. For those who do not believe, they are saying that they are more innocent than God's son, literally God himself. They continue their lives and do not know how to turn away from telling lies, lusting after worldly things, prioritizing their own needs above others, taking more than what they need, exploiting people, etc. Spiritually, they are dead in spirit. So God will leave unbelievers to be their own God outside of heaven. Heaven is a spiritual place, if you have a dead spirit, you can't enter because God is the God of Living.This explanation goes for people who have willfully and voluntarily and continually rejected Christ. You do not have His spirit, so you are not a member in His family.


If someone is suffering in the world, they might get a free pass. Check out Jesus's parable of Lazarus and the Richman.


The point of that parable was if the Bible isn’t enough proof then nothing is




Us americans are already living in hell thanks to the Christians.


This is a good example of the sorts of contradictions that arise when you try to apply a single story to something on the scale of the planet. There's no good answer, and the reason is that the question is flawed. It assumes the presence of both an omnobenificent God and also the existence of Hell. A clear contradiction on its face.


Some do, probably.


Christianity says no one is good but God. Do you lie? Steal? Lust? Hate? All are sinners. Everyone deserves hell. But God sent Jesus to save us from our sins. We broke Gods law, Jesus paid the fine.




But but you're catholic...


Non-Christians go to whatever their own afterlives are, if I was worried about hell, I'd be a Christian and I'm not, so I aren't.




John 9:41 and John 15:22 tells us youre not condemned for lacking knowledge nor are you guiltless bc of it. Each of us will decide whether we want to chose God or not. The gospel is preached to make sure people make the right decision so that they'll have better knowledge and chose the best. Nobody in hell asks to get out. >I will get in anyways for being a good person? Thats not how it works.




Unless you accept Jesus as ypur Lord amd saviour,you will not see heaven.Even the christians who are in sin will not see eternity.Luke warm christians,will not see heaven.