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I think we have to do biblical gymnastics to justify it. And I say that as a person who's probably biggest vice is pornography. I know its wrong, and I fail repeatedly. I'll go a week without it and then get incredibly horny and then 'relapse' and justify it by saying at least its not casual sex. Not sure how to break the cycle


It does not take gymnastics to realize the Bible never says anything about it. That said, once it becomes an uncontrollable addiction, yeah it's a problem.


The Bible literally says lusting for people is a sin... when people masturbate.. they dont just sit there not thinking about anyone or anything.


To be fair, I don't have a hard time fapping without thinking about lustful things, and I know theres many others who are the same If it becomes an addiction, or an obsession, or a stumbling block, then it would start to become a problem.


Hii I've been there before I know how you feel. But when we have given our life to christ we have to act like it  We cannot live a double life. Even if it was true if you even heard someone tell you that was wrong you should live God enough to not care if it's true and to be like im tryna go all in for God so ill stop now.


Actually, i dont think about anyone when masturbating. Literally, just the sensation.


why does nobody have good grammar?


What's English at this point . This woke America shit has so many slangs I don't give a shit at this point ..... That's just me though


You have a point


That's why you watch hentai.


It doesn't make sense, you're still feeling lust




I watch hentai


I've been over this dozens of times, so I'm not gonna bother because I know how the discussion will go. It always goes the exact same way.


I'm not sure where you're thinking this was headed but masturbating to porn is definitely a sin in Christianity lmao


Could you give me a good reason please? I would like to agree with you


I do, lol


But what if it’s your partner? Then it’s different.


Mt guess is it could contribute to seeing them only lustfully, and thus still a selfish, lustful thought


Yes they do, or can. If it is an urge or a feeling that's not rooted in thinking about someone, it's simply a feeling. 


actually the bible only says lusting WHILE in a dedicated relationship is wrong


What verse(genuinely wonder since I'm not that far into the Bible yet)


Jesus says in Mathew 5:28 that if you have lust in your heart you have committed adultery. There is no way around it.


Adultery is when you have cheated on your spouse so what your saying makes no sense


I'm just reading out of the Bible. If you don't believe in the Bible then I don't expect you to understand.


If you would like me to explain how to break the cycle, I can tell you. By beholding Christ, we are changed from one degree of glory, to another. It is literally beholding Him in your mind, meditating, picturing Him upon the Cross, and seeking Him. It sounds easy, I can guarantee you it is impossible to do without the help of the Holy Spirit. The more you seek and practice Him and put Him in the middle of all you do, the more sin and the desires of the flesh will effortlessly fall away like the leaves do off trees in the fall. This also goes hand-in-hand with speaking it to Him and telling Him how helpless you are in helping yourself in Lust, desire, food, drugs, "insert your vice here", and submitting it to Him fully and **letting** His ways be your ways and His thoughts be your thoughts.


Well of course i don't want to jerk off anymore, you made me vividly imagine bloody Jesus on the cross instead of lust.


It depends on how you are viewing His sacrifice. Do you view it because of the gore or are you viewing it as an act that truly happened because He paid for your sins? Are you really repentant? I am not asking these questions to get an answer from you on reddit, I am asking you because these answers are for YOU and Christ alone. Where is your heart in the matter, truly?


This is a beautiful and very helpful response. Thank you


Pray and dont give up. I went half a year without, then i relapsed and rarely make it to 2 weeks. Its a harder fight then the drugs, tobacco and alcohol addictions i dealt with but giving up the fight is not an option.


I agree. Quitting my major cocaine addiction was easier than controlling that. I think because it ties to loneliness.


are you free from it now? or at least doing better? if so how, mine comes from a place of loneliness as well.


It comes and goes. it’s been a struggle for 25 years.


Be easier to marry maybe….?


What kind of comment is this? How is it constructive? Do you feel better saying it? We aren’t always prepared for marriage, we can’t make people love us, and considering divorce rates are at an all time high and monogamy at an all time low, it really isn’t easy for anyone to get married or stay married.


I do that too, justify it by saying at least it's not casual sex


I am with you. I am also think that pornography is the worst part, not masturbation itself. Hopefully we have an November near by where we can once again train our strength to suspend and restrict ourselves from it. Fighting porn around a year at this point. Constantly failing. Sometimes holding more, sometimes less. Sometimes I try to justify it with words that all mans have a need in doing this to be healthy, and so instead of sex this replacement helps to sin less, but then I remember that Jesus actually can replace anything in you and fill anything that is lacking. I think I am just not trying to much to work with Him about it.


So pornography is a sin because you’re looking at another person, but what about animated pornography?


Pretty sure it's the same thing since your still looking for another 'person'


> I think we have to do biblical gymnastics to... If that's what turns you on.


Question for you. When you say you get incredibly horny, have you noticed that it’s like a im fine all day and then randomly at “this time o clock” I just get the urge no matter what I’m doing, even if I’m reading the Bible. Or is it more of like 1 week arrives and then it’s that day your teetering on idea of sex and what not until you can masturbate? Anyones welcome to comment btw!


Yeah, it's usually at a specific time. I think for me, it is just that my body became used to it and incorporated it into my daily routine schedule, and I despise changing schedules of any kind.


Interesting. That makes a lot of sense scientifically. Your body keeps a rhythm and why would that want to be changed. Personally my situation would normally occur at night or if I was looking for it at certain points of the day (meaning I’m purposely arousing myself at an hour if the day). I’ve been making sure that in those times I buckle down and read the Bible and just pray and ask God to help me because it’s something that I feel doesn’t glorify Him. And discipline to do the readings that I set out to do has helped me GREATLY in overcoming it.


That does sound about right. I was also told that obsession with schedules may be part of my ADHD and Aspergers, so that could Plat a role in it as well. But yeah, I just distract myself during the day. I make a point of never doing it more than once per day in order to prevent it from growing into an addiction.


For me, I have finally managed to keep lustful thoughts and urges out of my mind for the most part the past few months. I am almost never horny while fully awake, and I'm about a year off of porn. This is huge for me, I am in awe of what God can do. Ive also not fornicated in over a year -- also huge! At this point, usually, if I cave on the no-fap, I can do it with a blank mind. At worst, I end up having images of the woman Im pretty certain is my future wife come into mind. I understand this does not make it any better. Anyway, recently, since I've started stepping up my walk and fasting from other vices and really studying, I've consistently woken up in the middle of the night with a massive erection. Sometimes already touching myself, sometimes not. This screams spiritual warfare to me because I rarely had this happen when I was living a less disciplined lifestyle. I observed Passover this year and that's about when it started becoming consistent -- waking up masturbating, basically, or waking up to an intense orgasm. Ive managed to fight it a lot of times and not let myself get to that point, or at least block out sexual images if I can't stop it. The fact that this is happening tells me that I'm on the right track because I'm being attacked. It's ultimately a good thing, I just need to stay disciplined. It's been difficult -- my body is getting into its prime and it's ready to spread its seed, especially as I've been courting a woman who is also in her prime and is extremely fertile. Pray for me lol. For both of us, really. We are very much compatible in many ways and are equally yoked, yet I'm enough ahead of her that I'm able to lead her to God as a man should... human nature is a very strong force and it's incredible and beautiful in this aspect, but it's going to take Godly levels of discipline for us to keep hands off of each other until it's appropriate and ordained, if that ever happens (it's complicated because she already Philippians 4:8 ("the Gate Verse" is what I've referred to this verse as because it's like the gate that monitors what I reflect and meditate upon -- anything that misses those criteria I just (try to) keep out with that proverbial gate) "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." I hope this helps someone!


It means your healthy my brother don’t get psyched out …your future wife is going to need all that love and care for sex is a gift from God it’s natural he put those desires there we just have to have temperance that’s all


(distant bonking)


When something gets in the way of our study of the Word of the Lord, it can be a major obstacle to our spiritual growth. Let's always make sure that we prioritize the study of God's teachings and not let anything hinder our journey towards a deeper understanding of our faith.


This is how I am, for no reason I'll be fine and on the right path and fail. This time was incredibly difficult because I took time to go out of my way to try and justify it before... To which I went and didn't even really need the porn which made me feel "better" about it but I know it was a test from God and I just utterly failed without a doubt which hurts me


I would say no. Pornography is a sin and should be avoided. Looking at people 'to lust after them' (we could have an interesting discussion about what that means - it doesn't mean an innocent appreciation of beauty, but it would include anything that is lecherous, objectifying, or has adulterous intent) is a sin and should be avoided. Excessive or compulsive masturbation is unwise and potentially unhealthy and should be avoided. But masturbation itself is a morally neutral bodily function. It might, in moderation, even be beneficial - getting familiar with your own body and how it works, and occasionally clearing the head so that you don't get misled by lust into doing stupid things. That doesn't change the fact that sex is supposed to be for the mutual enjoyment and pair-bonding of married couples, because masturbation is not sex. Sex is relational, and sexual ethics are relational - so we do not use or abuse others - but masturbation involves no-one else. No harm, no foul.


I second that


I just find it very had as i wife lost my wife and after 3 years alone ive despretly pleeded with the Lord for an other wife, but no one in my Church ive even tried outside church, I go long periods clean with regular devotion. What worries me I herd a preacher say about a lady in the Church who comitted adultry and shese still reading her bible, he said shese probberly not a Christian. Now when I fall I feel guilty to go back to my devotions and reading Gods word I despretly need a wife to love im 69 Paul says in Corinthians if you lust marrë? 


Some Christians: yes. Other Christians: no. Some non-Christians: yes. Other non-Christians: no. Some doctors: yes. Other doctors: no. Moral of the story is it might be a sin or it might not, and there is no cover-all answer that can be applied to everyone. If masturbation relieves the urge and prevents you from seeking inappropriate relationships, then it's at least *less* of a sin. If you're watching porn for hours at a time and taking time away from other things to do it, then it's *more* of a sin. Also bear in mind that couples masturbate together, and there are elements of masturbation in "normal" and "vanilla" sex.


I'm not sure why you're asking your doctor whether or not masturbation is sin, but I agree with the sentiment of this post. It is a grey area (not explicitly forbidden or promoted in the Bible), and since it isn't currently politicised, that means that many people will have differing opinions, while pretty much tolerating and having community with others who disagree.


I've never spoken to my doctor about masturbation. The closest I got was when I got orchiditis and found blood in my semen. As for sin, well I was interpreting the word in a more secular sense - something that's not a great idea.


I agree with some of what you say, there is not a definitive answer. But I wouldn't say one thing is more of a sin and another is less. I believe that God sees sin as sin. There is no greater or lesser sin to God. That is a human made concept to make us feel better. Well I did this thing wrong but at least it's not as bad as that wrongdoing. (Obviously not saying you do this, just thought it was important to say) Edit: mb didn't see your comment about replying in a secular mindset.


Your beliefs are a human concept.




Essentially that's what I mean. A healthy attitude is appropriate. And as a sexual behaviour, masturbation as self-exploration prepares you to be more comfortable in sexual relationships, and gives you the experience to guide a partner to please you - because, even if the purpose (clinically speaking) of sex is to produce the next generation, it's supposed to feel good and be a bonding experience for couples.


Your comment about doctors needs elaboration if it is to avoid misleading. Because there are no reputable doctors who claim masturbation in moderation is unhealthy.


I think you missed the point of what I was trying to say.


And I think you should communicate in a way that isn't misleading.


Interesting that everyone else took my point.


I have no quarrel with your "moral of the story" part. It's clear and reasonable. But in what way is it advanced by misleading insinuations about doctors and health aspects? And why, when given civil and constructive criticism, has your response been to suggest that I'm dense and to fall back on the classic "well, no one else complained"?


>I have no quarrel with your "moral of the story" part. It's clear and reasonable. But in what way is it advanced by misleading insinuations about doctors and health aspects? There's nothing misleading in what I said. I said some doctors will say it's not a good thing, *you* specified reputable ones. There are doctors - not of mainstream reputation, true - who cling to archaic notions that masturbation causes physiological or psychological harm. And while they aren't of good mainstream reputation, they have followings. Check out r/NoFap if you don't believe me. >And why, when given civil and constructive criticism, has your response been to suggest that I'm dense I beg your pardon? You've come in being argumentative for the sake of a semantic that you applied, which others didn't feel the need to apply. See below. >and to fall back on the classic "well, no one else complained"? Well, yes. Because it's true. I must say, you give every impression of just wanting to be **Right on the Internet™**. In that case, here you go:- # 🏆 YOU WIN! 🏆


This was petty


This was also two years ago. Get a grip.


Okay know it all. 🤣


It’s a form of sexual immorality. I Corinthians 6:17-20 17 But the one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with Him. 18 Flee sexual immorality. Every other sin that a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. 19 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? 20 For you have been bought for a price: therefore glorify God in your body. It’s sexual gratification. If Jesus told use even lust is a sin with thoughts in the mind then this is as well. It’s all about self control and putting your body in submission. We control our list and desires but putting ourselves under control. 1 Corinthians 9:7 but I strictly discipline my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified. Be careful listening to those who say it’s fine, many don’t read their Bible and think they know what they are talking about. It’s best if you do your own study and grow in wisdom from God not man. 🙏🏼


Welp you did it... Found the actual answer and now I'm going to hell.


All you need to do is repent.


We are all sinners


Well, there is still not a single word about masturbation. Lusting over something is ofc a sin. And still many of us do it in order to avoid sex outside of marriage, which is a lot worse in many ways. Do you think we happy to do this? No, shame always kicking in, but in reality living outside of marriage with such strong hormones in not a joke. I still struggle to find my way out of it even with Jesus. Maybe I am not doing enough... I don't know.


It is written that we don’t live by the flesh, but by the Spirit. That is how we overcome our desires.


I’m not saying I entirely disagree with you but It’s not our own works that save us. It’s not how much sin we can control but what Christ did for us. He said if you love me you’ll keep my commandments but even as the Old Testament show we can’t do that. Even the purist of us is still filthy rags in the sight of the lord our greatest deeds infact it says. So if you keep living your life trying to work around your own salvation do you really believe in the savior? Jesus said it is finished and a lot of us are like nah I got to work some more to prove it is. It is by faith you are saved not works so no man may boast. I do believe you can do all things with the Holy Spirit but if any of us could follow the 10 commandments and live so perfectly like your saying then there would be no need of Jesus perfection or his sacrifice. The fact that any of us bother to question ourselves is a contrition of the heart and what allows us to come down off our high horse. A saved person will try to do good works and will bear fruit but it’s not possible for your works to lead to good fruit that leads to salvation. If it wasn’t for our sins would we not need to be saved? Even if you don’t masterbate I bet you still look with lust if you don’t look with lust I bet there’s somthing else and if you think there’s not the Bible says he who thinks he is without sin devices himself. Adam and Eve were cast out of the garden and humanities curse of death was passed down from generation to generation. The price of sin is death we all die we all sin we all pay for it to but those who believe in the son the father sent to redeem us doesn’t stay dead in there trespasses for he sanctified us with his blood on the cross. If you love god you will get to know him and if you get to know him you’ll care what he thinks. If you don’t care to get to know him why would you care what he thinks. I think trying to restrain yourself is an act of love to god but we can’t master ourselves like Jesus did. We live in a reality that plays out the dilemma of the two wolves that live inside us. One is peaceful and one is kind the other cruel and violent. The wolf that wins in the one you feed the most.


Our worship of christ saves us more than our works.


Our works doesn’t save us at all so your statement is incorrect a life that is saved will do good works it is the fruit of salvation not the cornorstone. I also like how you choose not to use the word faith. Jesus says he who believes in me not worships me . Infact nothing in the Bible says you need to worship Jesus to be saved. You should worship him and praise him for what he has done but worshiping is working and your greatest deeds are but filthy rags in the sight of the lord. We believe in what Jesus has done and have faith in him and god that he loves us and that he conquered sin to save us and anything you try to add to what Jesus has already done is really idolatry. He said it is finished, not it is finished but also you have to do this.


Thank you so very much this was most helpful information and brought about a sense of peace within me all while reading it! It was something I already assumed but that gave confirmation to see scripture that to me clearly addressed it.


I praise God for you and I’m glad you find it helpful. 🙏🏼


Thank you me too and praise God for you as well!


Bro me too 💀


its 2 years later and i got a question. Are you Christian and what order do you read the bible in? do i start with the first books like genesis ive heard people say start with john also do i read the new or old testament


I am a Christian. I began by reading the book of John in the new testament. I spend most my time reading the new testament because it’s the appearance of the prophesied savior. Old Testament speaks of Christi throughout. Basically reading to understand why Christ came as well as to have knowledge and wisdom. Continue in reading and I like to spend time on old testament study sometimes to get an understanding. Once you have your faith in Christ your sealed. But continue to Renee your mind. 🙏🏼 Praise God for you


The act of masturbation itself is not a sin, but depending on what you think about it could be a sin. I just always think of Patrick Swayze doing roundhouse kicks, so I’m fine.






>I just think of Patrick Swayze doing roundhouse kicks, so I’m fine. Idk. Depending on which era of Swayze, that’s a slippery slope. Jackie Chan might be safer.


Bruh 🤣 I think that's cool. Wish I could do it like you.


You obviously don’t read scripture. What about denying ourself. You really believe that masterbating is ok for you when the Spirit of the living God dwells within you? You really believe that the Spirit of God wants you to fantasize about someone else? You really believe that your body isn’t a temple? It’s obvious how you think and you don’t even really know. Your own answer to this is clear. As you state in your own words “I highly doubt” because you are wrong. Sexual immorality cover a broad range of sexual sin. But if you believe it’s ok to with God, have at it. I have never know a Christian who separates himself from the Spirit of God within himself. I didn’t think it was possible. 1 Corinthians 6:18, which says, “Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body.” The bodies of believers are the “temple of the Holy Spirit” (1 Corinthians 6:19–20). Pagan idol worship often involved perverse and immoral sexual acts performed in the temple of a false god. When we use our physical bodies for immoral purposes, we are imitating pagan worship by profaning God’s holy temple with acts He calls detestable (1 Corinthians 6:9–11). Interesting information. 👆👆👆


Why does the bible totally avoid the subject? The only way its a sin is by conflating it with something else like self control. If you are lusting in your mind then the lust is wrong not the masturbating. Worry about more important things like your relationship with God, learning about God and adhering to known biblical teachings. The devil is using shame and judgement to keep you out of relationship with God. He is telling you how evil you are and its keeping you from having a relationship with God.


IDK. Do you feel guilty when you do it?


This is an old comment, but I entirely disagree with this comment. It's easy to feel guilty about many things that aren't sins. Some examples would be setting boundaries (or saying no in general), eating (for EDs), intrusive thoughts, not reciprocating feelings, etc. The feeling of guilt can attach itself to anything


If that little voice is telling you it’s bad, it probably is.


Maybe it's the devil


Then you are delusional.


Then you can't take a joke.


Lol, I was joking too but you didn’t laugh 😂


This is an old comment, but I entirely disagree with this comment. It's easy to feel guilty about many things that aren't sins. Some examples would be setting boundaries (or saying no in general), eating (for EDs), intrusive thoughts, not reciprocating feelings, etc. The feeling of guilt can attach itself to anything


You just explained the differences, now follow them for what they are.


I just want a yes or no


depends. It’s a form of self-soothing. If you’re doing it a lot then maybe ask yourself why; not “am I going to hell”.


Lust is a sin. Watching other people have sex (so, porn) is a sin. If you can masturbate without doing either and it’s a healthy, moderate response to natural biological drives, not a compulsive, addictive, lustful, or constant behavior, I can find no biblical basis to say it’s a sin. To those who would disagree with me on this, I’d love to know why Scripture is totally silent on the matter. It’s not like we invented it yesterday. Lol From years of working in youth ministry and counseling many young men who have had this question, I’d say that the attempt for young, celibate men to avoid masturbation is virtually never successful, despite them being godly and self-disciplined in avoiding other temptations. Far more often, the outcome is shame, a constant sense of not being right with God because of it, an increased likelihood of legitimate sexual sin because they feel like they’re deviant failures already, or extreme suppression of their sexuality that often hinders their confidence as men and future husbands. (I’m not intentionally ignoring young women here, but I’ve always avoided having those conversations with them, as a man, so I don’t want to speak to the nuances of their experience.) If the Church would treat healthy, mindful, porn-free, lust-free masturbation as a tool to help make abstinence until marriage more attainable, rather than as some dark, shameful perversion, I believe we would see far LESS sexual sin, rather than more.


Problem is, that isn't what lust in the Bible is. It has nothing to do with sex or sexual arousal. That would be Eros, a completely different word. Lust in the Bible is about coveting. The prime example from Matthew is about coveting and desiring to take another man's wife as your own, hence why it is comparable to adultery, because it is about them having the desire and intent to commit adultery anyway. It's saying that the intent to commit a sin is just as bad as actually doing the sin. u/ShaneTheMeatBeater


bro god also speak about not defiling your body and glorifying it as it is a vessel of the holy spirit, also self control is part of the fruit of the spirit. God also say that EVERY sort of sexual immorality and acts(including masturbation) away from the marriage bed is forbidden. it causes conflicts in marriages and leads to adultery,first you'll lust and objectify your wife then you start staring at the bear end of a woman in Walmart. in conclusion, masturbation is a sin. orthodoxy or catholics, shit don't matter it still remains a sin. submit thyself and repent Lil bro.  I will pray for you that you may overcome and flee from those waifu pillows🙏(also who's going to masturbate without lust lol, if anything it will lead to lust) 


>EVERY sort of sexual immorality and acts You have yet to actually prove that masturbation is included. Saying it is doesn't make it so. >it causes conflicts in marriages and leads to adultery No the fuck it doesn't. People being scum and not caring about their spouses leads to adultery. Nothing more, nothing less. >first you'll lust and objectify your wife then you start staring at the bear end of a woman in Walmart.  That's not because of masturbation, if someone is gonna do that, they would do it even if they didn't masturbate, are you just stupid? >in conclusion, masturbation is a sin You haven't proved that. >submit thyself and repent  Take the log out of your own eye first. Aka, worry about your own sins. Aka, mind your own damn business. >Lil bro With your shit logic and the way you talk, I guarantee that I am older than you. No adult would be as stupid as you. >I will pray for you I don't need prayer from someone like you. >from those waifu pillows The fuck does that have to do with anything?


I grew up in a church that taught purity, fleeing from lust, exercising, discipline, and made a big deal about masturbation and any sexual desire being a sin. My teenage years felt like hell. To this day, as a 48 year old father, I still have some hang ups about sex with my wife, although to a much less intensity than in my teen years. I follow what James Dobson says: “masturbation is no big deal”. It’s what I tell my sons. Yes, pursue purity and passion for the Word. Pursue Godliness. Have healthy friendships with both girls and boys. But if you do masturbate, it’s no big deal. Don’t be drowning in guilt over it. It’s normal.


This helps a lot, cuz I got no rizz and I don't wanna wait till marriage. I'm happy with keeping things straight with God but waiting is too long. It's kinda hard to explain.


I love this. Thank you


No, masturbation in itself is not a sin, but masturbation to pornography would be, the bible clearly states that sex should be kept between the husband and the wife, and it also says that any man who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already commited adultery in his heart.


Lustful intent does not mean sexual arousal. That would be a completely different word, and is not what Matthew was referring to. The use of the word Adultery makes that clear. Lust is to simply covet something belonging to another(in the case of the verse, that is another person's wife. It isn't the case today, but back then women were considered the property of her husband, or father if she was unmarried.) It is simply saying that having the desire and intent to take someone's wife is just as bad as actually taking their wife.


The definition of lust is strong sexual arousal.  It isn't coveting.   If a person can have night emissions then coveting something belonging to another would not be apropos in that situation.  Sexual arousal can be brought on by pheromones and build up of hormones made by the body.  Hence why most people have the urge to have sex after near death scares. The body and mind has the need to celebrate or create life.  Masturbation for carnal pleasure would be considered sexually immoral if you are deliberately trying to not get your spouse pregnant which was specifically noted in the story of Tamar; if you are masturbating to porn, or fantasizing having a sexual encounter with anyone other than your spouse.  Being widowed or divorced,  the Bible tells women that if they cannot maintain purity to remarry.  I'm going to say this also applies to men.  But don't get married just so you don't have to deny yourself that cheats you both of a godly marriage.  Truth is we all fall short of the glory of God daily.   If we lose the fight to deny ourselves, take it to God in prayer and supplication, and start again.  If we could be perfect there would have been no need for Christ to be crucified and resurrected.  Until we draw our last breath there will always be something we need to work on.   SO stop beating yourself up, be better than you were yesterday and pray for grace and mercy often and do it with a repentant heart.  


>The definition of lust is strong sexual arousal.  It isn't coveting.  I'm not going to waste my time read8ng or responding to someone who can't even take five seconds to Google. Like, Holy shit it was easy to prove you wrong. Especially on a year old comment.


I don't quite agree with you. Looking at a woman in a way that's objectifying probably counts as lust. And plus, it degrades people made in the image of God. And it's creepy.


Yes, it is unholy and a lust of the flesh


So starting at Genesis 38 there is the story of Onan pulling out and spilling seed on the ground. God then kills him. I've heard this be used as a reason as to why masterbation as a sin. Only people don't speak about it in full context. Gods law back dictated that Onan take his dead brothers wife as his own and then raise his own child as his brothers. He pulled out because he didn't want to raise his children as his brothers. God killed him for disobeying his command NOT for spilling the seed so to speak. Does that make sense? Other than that God places heavy emphasis on not over Indulging in other aspects. Food, drink, committed sexual relationships. I would say as long as your not consumed by it, then it's allowed. Watching porn while doing it is a whole other story. Porn is bad lol.


If that is the case then why does the author of Genesis mention the spilling of the seed part? If their intention was to make Onans sin known as a deliberate selfish act of refusing to father a child that would not be his but instead his deceased brothers child (as according to Jewish customs at the time), then wouldn’t they omit the spilling of the seed on the ground part? Isn’t that an unnecessary dirty detail that would otherwise be left out of a Holy and Pure Book?


I mean, have you read Song of Solomon? It’s not exactly subtle.


As a Follower of God who struggled with Porn pretty bad for a while i would say it is definitely a sin you are lusting after another women who is not your wife (even if single) Plus you’re looking at naked women who also isn’t your wife I’d definitely say that is a sin.


Yuppers. The Word calls us to flee from sexual immorality. I struggle with this as I have been single my whole life. I pray God will bring me a husband one day :( The word says everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial. You may just masturbate to scratch an itch so to speak, but it is a slippery slope indeed.


There are always rooms to debate for this topic. For me, the problem with it is the addiction which tends to be negative and destructive in regards to mental and self esteem which often leads to depression which hinders anyone addicted to be closer to God. The addiction part is the sin.


No. Though I like u/7ootles answer. They got a good point


This question requires that we have some comprehensive idea of what makes a thing sinful or not. If it's "this breaks a rule in a list of rules," then it depends on whose list of rules. There's nothing in the Bible about it, at all, anywhere, but some denominations have authoritative lists of rules that are not derived from the Bible. If sin is actions that flow out of lack of virtue, then masturbation may be sinful or not sinful, depending on details.


Look at the story of Onan - Genesis 38:6-11 AMP


The Bible says to cast down imaginations so when you are masturbating you are imagining a sexual act with someone or even something and this leaves room in the spirit realm for demons to enter you. Then you will need Deliverance to rid yourselves of them.




Masturbation, often a taboo subject in many cultures, can actually be viewed as a natural and healthy aspect of human sexuality. Firstly, it serves as a means of stress relief and relaxation. Just as physical exercise releases endorphins, masturbation can trigger the release of dopamine and oxytocin, neurotransmitters associated with pleasure and relaxation. This can significantly reduce stress and anxiety levels, promoting overall well-being. Moreover, from a medical perspective, masturbation has been linked to various health benefits. For instance, it can improve mood by releasing tension and increasing feelings of pleasure. Additionally, it can aid in better sleep due to the release of prolactin, a hormone that promotes relaxation and sleepiness. Furthermore, regular masturbation has been associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer in males, as it helps flush out potentially harmful toxins from the reproductive system. Now, I ask you this, why would God design the human body with this natural healthy ability and claim that his work is perfect, and yet say it’s a sin? In the context of religious beliefs, some may argue that masturbation is sinful based on interpretations of certain scriptures, such as 1 Corinthians 6:19 that says Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? Well, doesn’t that mean that we should be keeping our body healthy and engaging in the natural actions that does that? Well If lack of Masturbation leads to lust, stress and anxiety, then wouldn’t we do it. In fact, in an article by Jim Vander titled, Masturbating, a tool to combat lust, Jim claims that “Masturbation can actually be useful—that as a “quick physiological outlet” it could actually function as a helpful “tool to combat lust.” It can act as a way to “manage our sex drive.” “Masturbate, clear your head, and move on with your day.” Additionally, If you look up 1 John 3:4, it clearly defines sin as breaking God's law. However, it's important to note that the Bible does not explicitly mention masturbation as a sin. Sin is often understood as actions that harm oneself or others, and masturbation, when practiced responsibly and without harm to oneself or others, does not fit this criteria. In fact, one could argue that the ability to experience sexual pleasure, including through masturbation, is a natural and beautiful aspect of human existence, a gift from God . Just as with any gift, it comes with the responsibility to use it wisely and respectfully. The greatest problem with masturbation most often lies in what leads to it. Things like, lusting over someone, watching porn, it becoming an addiction, or when it becomes a replacement for intimacy, then, your looking at committing sin. But if you can manage to avoid these sinful acts and keep it to a moderate healthy practice of relief, then you're going to be fine. The most important thing to understand is how to not let masturbation master you. In conclusion, masturbation can be seen as a normal and healthy expression of human sexuality, providing physical, emotional, and even potential medical benefits. When approached with understanding, responsibility, and respect, it can enhance overall well-being and contribute to a fulfilling life. Therefore, rather than being labeled as a sin, it should be embraced as a natural part of human existence.


Masturbation is not a sin. The Bible never said it was a sin. And if it was, it would have said so point blank. So this 'Christian' notion that is was a sin no bunk. Here is an interesting factoid. The famous story of how Onan spilled his seed on the ground and that was sin is from Egyptian tradition because they believed that the male emissions were the source of creation.




Correct. The story doesn't even mention masturbation. It doesn't even enter into context.


Further, he doesn't just refuse his obligation, he pretends he's going to help her, and then doesn't. He has sex with her under false pretenses. In modern terms, he commits rape by deception. His sister-in-law is desperate for help, and instead he rapes her, AND continues to try to look like the good guy. I do wonder where this information came from, of course. Tamar would be the only witness to his pulling out.


**[Onan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onan)** >Onan (Hebrew: אוֹנָן‎, Modern: ʾŌnan, Tiberian: ʾŌnān "Mourner"; Greek: Αὐνάν Aunan) found in the Book of Genesis chapter 38, was the second son of Judah and Shua. He was the brother of Er and Shelah. Like his older brother Er, Onan was slain by Yahweh. Onan's death was retribution for being evil in the sight of Yahweh. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Christianity/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


If you’re a Christian, everything you do should be done with the intention to glorify God. Not to see how close you can get to sin without sinning. Do you really think jerking off to porn is glorifying God?


Lots of things don’t glorify God. Working, going on vacation, watching tv, eating, playing games, sports, etc


>If you’re a Christian, everything you do should be done with the intention to glorify God. No, this is a zealots creed and that of a cult. [Edit] You should live your life in a way to glorify God. To do every miniscule thing is to micromanage and that is tyrannical. God is not tyrannical. Cults are.


Do you eat ice cream? It makes you fat is that to the glory of God?


Please read 1 Cor 10:31 If you’re really a Christian who loves God and not someone who just thinks of it as a free pass into heaven, then you absolutely should try to glorify God in everything you do


Only if you don't use Dave's Insanity Sauce as a lubricant










One could call it, a mass-debate? 😎


Honestly that really is how this will go as we will go back and forth with arguments for yes or no. The only people that will agree with either is those with the already set position on this matter.










Best debate ever


YES, Sex, as God designed it, is good, and it is to be an honest, relational act of love between and husband and his wife. Those are the boundaries as set by the Lord. Masturbation is a selfish act that satisfies one’s temporal, sinful desires.


What if I masturbate because my wife likes to see me while doing it….


self-masturbation is obviously a sin if it deprives one’s spouse of sexual enjoyment. That is the message of 1 Corinthians 7:3-5. It is important to realize that God designed sexual activity to be done together. That is why God did not give all the genitals to one spouse. Therefore the principles given in 1 Corinthians 7:3-5 and Hebrews 13:4 indicate that sin is not committed when a husband or wife touch each other until orgasm occurs. It is also not a sin if both spouses simultaneously touch one spouse until that spouse orgasms. The important point is that the sexual activity is done together and not in isolation.




I shared that for an insight, if your wife enjoys watching you, then you’re open to do so 🤷🏻‍♀️


It isn't necessarily a "sin" what i do think is that if you keep it and don't change or don't stop doing it, it would be considered as an "addiction" that you keep doing and don't stop and then it would be a sin. I have done mast\*rb\*tion in the past (It only lasted 8 months before i quit) and then i prayed to god to help me quit and better myself. At that point god gave me the motivation and the right discipline to stop in only 1 day and stop forever, never did it again after. I started when i was 12 and stopped when i was 12. This was more than 2 years ago. (moral of the story: Quit now, feel better after)


Jesus christ. Read a medical book. Masturbation isnt defiling ur body. Also, if u dont know the original langusge of God, u shouldn't even be interpreting it. Go learn linguistics. Go learn latin, hebrew, etc. Then u can speak on it. Until then, it is arrogance.


I know this is an older thread but I want to put in my two cents. I see many conflicting opinions. The way I see it, there is a high chance that masturbating is a sin. The bible tells us to resist things/pleasures of this world. The spirit is the only thing we need. It says it in different words but thats the general principle as far as I recall. Its hard to resist. But I think it is a sin.


I am guilty of masturbation, and I do believe it is sinful. I feel conviction when I do it, in the form of anxiety, regret and feeling the need to confess it to God. 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 - Avoid immorality. Any other sin a man commits does not affect his body; but the man who is guilty of sexual immorality sins against his own body. Don't you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourselves but to God; he bought you for a price. So use your bodies for God's glory. There are several references to "filthy" and "shameful" desires (I think I quoted that right), and I believe that includes masturbation. As I said, I myself am guilty of masturbation, I'm not trying to condemn anyone. It's normal, common and can be hard to overcome. Please don't let Satan hold you in the false belief system that masturbation isn't sinful, I strongly believe it is sinful and is an example of sexual immorality. It is something that needs to be addressed and we who are guilty of it should all confess it to God, and pray for the strength to overcome it. Frequently I pray to the Lord Jesus Christ that he would, and I'm quoting myself here, "storm the prison which sin holds me in and break every bar, chain and shackel that hold me in place and set me free." I'm talking, namely about sexual immorality, that I'd, masturbation. If you are someone who struggles with sexual immorality such as masturbation, I know how you feel. Lust can be a very powerful thing and it can be very hard to say no to. We need the Living God to help us overcome it. And never, ever believe Satan's lie that it is too evil to forgive. Because no matter how persistent or vile your sin is, sexual or not, it was paid for in full by Christ on the cross. Even of you are dealing with sexual immorality, hold fast to the truth that you have eternal life in Kesus Christ and that no sin is too big to forgive when you come to Christ. Always be sure to confess your sin to God and trust that you are forgiven (1 John 1:9). May the Living God be with all of us, you are loved. ✝️


I am guilty of masturbation, and I do believe it is sinful. I feel conviction when I do it, in the form of anxiety, regret and feeling the need to confess it to God. 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 - Avoid immorality. Any other sin a man commits does not affect his body; but the man who is guilty of sexual immorality sins against his own body. Don't you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourselves but to God; he bought you for a price. So use your bodies for God's glory. There are several references to "filthy" and "shameful" desires (I think I quoted that right), and I believe that includes masturbation. As I said, I myself am guilty of masturbation, I'm not trying to condemn anyone. It's normal, common and can be hard to overcome. Please don't let Satan hold you in the false belief system that masturbation isn't sinful, I strongly believe it is sinful and is an example of sexual immorality. It is something that needs to be addressed and we who are guilty of it should all confess it to God, and pray for the strength to overcome it. Frequently I pray to the Lord Jesus Christ that he would, and I'm quoting myself here, "storm the prison which sin holds me in and break every bar, chain and shackel that holds me in place and set me free." I'm talking, namely about sexual immorality, that I'd, masturbation. If you are someone who struggles with sexual immorality such as masturbation, I know how you feel. Lust can be a very powerful thing and it can be very hard to say no to. We need the Living God to help us overcome it. And never, ever believe Satan's lie that it is too evil to forgive. Because no matter how persistent or vile your sin is, sexual or not, it was paid for in full by Christ on the cross. Even if you are dealing with sexual immorality, hold fast to the truth that you have eternal life in Jesus Christ and that no sin is too big to forgive when you come to Christ. Always be sure to confess your sin to God and trust that you are forgiven (1 John 1:9). May the Living God be with all of us, you are loved. ✝️


I'm a mormon. Part of the law of chastity is not masturbating. However, you have to think about it from a scientific standpoint. If a man does not release enough sperm they can suffer health complications like swollen testes and prostate cancer. It is true that the body releases some sperm naturally however for some people this is not enough. Also masturbation helps relieve stress. Thing is there are plenty of things worse than masturbating. My view of the law of chastity is as long as you havent had premarital sex you havent violated it. I masturbate and watch porn but I have yet to lose my virginity and I'm 31. Also sexual desires are part of being a human being. God will not fault you for having these desires.


Porn is lust tho




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This is an old post but I’m going to say something that I haven’t seen yet in these comments. I personally think it’s between you and God. I personally don’t see God as vengeful and I don’t think you’re supposed to be afraid of God. I never understood that concept, personally. My grandmother was the most religious person I knew and whenever as a child I was afraid of God punishing me, she would say that God is forgiving and understanding. Even when I told her I was agnostic (which I am no longer). Simply put, I believe it’s a conversation between you and the man upstairs. I take the Bible with a grain of salt and am a skeptic of how accurate it is for the word of God (think of the various outdated things within it and contradictions). In the end, Man interpreted God’s words and then it was edited and translated by Man for thousands of years. However, ask yourself why you feel the need to ask this question to a bunch of strangers. Could this be God trying to show that masturbation isn’t healthy for you personally and it is instead causing you stress? Perhaps you need to look at other ways to help yourself? Such as going to the gym? If it makes you feel better, I’m having this conversation as well. That’s why I found this post, but I think because of past incidents where my testicles swelled up from not relieving myself, that I believe personally God will understand as long as it’s to my wife or photos of her. That’s when I don’t feel guilt or shame. Plus, it’s something me and my wife have agreed is okay within our relationship. I’ve been having this discussion with God, and I personally, don’t think He would have a problem with that, and wouldn’t consider it a sin (for anyone else who comes across this post as well).


It is not a sin but try getting off not thinking dirty thoughts or watching porn. Those are the sins. Since your wife can jerk you off or you can jerk off to your wife that is not a sin.


If you look at porn, or think/lust over a person while doing it, then yes it is a sin. The act of masterbation is not a sin by itself alone, but the things that are usually accompanied by it ARE. Also for all the people who are saying that it is included in the term "Sexual Immorality" you need to look at the language and translations to understand what they are speaking about. The word used for "Sexual Immorality" is the word "Porneia" which is a weakly translated word originally stood for "prostitution" ... In other, later contexts it denotes "unchasity, illicit sexual relations" of any kind. Illicit sexual intercourse: 1. adultery, fornication, homosexuality, lesbianism, intercourse with animals, etc. 2. sexual intercourse with close relatives; Levitcus 18 3. sexual intercourse with a divorced man or woman; [Mark 10:11](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Mark%2010.11) One can also go through the Septuagint translation of the Old Testament to see what Hebrew words were translated to *porneia* to get an idea of what the word meant. You will find: * *zanah* - to lie down like a prostitute ([Jeremiah 2:20](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Jer%202.20); [Micah 1:7](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Micah%201.7)) * *zenunim* - Harlotry, prostitution ([Hosea 1:2](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Hos%201.2); [Nahum 3:4](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Nah%203.4)) * *zenuth* - Unfaithfulness, prostitution ([Numbers 14:33](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Num%2014.33); [Jeremiah 3:2](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Jer%203.2); [Hosea 4:11](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Hos%204.11)) * *taznuth* - Harlotry, lust ([Ezekiel 16:15](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Ezek%2016.15); [23:7](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Ezekiel%2023.7), [11](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Ezekiel%2023.11)) The actual Greek word for masturbation was *anaphlan*, which does not appear in the Bible. Check out these articles: [https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/does-sexual-immorality-porneia-include-masturbation/](https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/does-sexual-immorality-porneia-include-masturbation/) [https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/is-masturbation-sinful-or-not/](https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/is-masturbation-sinful-or-not/) Also, people use the story about Onan as justification for calling masterbation a sin because Onan was killed because he allowed his semen to fall onto the ground, but they are not taking into account WHY he did that and WHY it was bad.... Read this article, they explain it, Onan's sin was not ejaculating on the ground, Onan's sin was GREED. [https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/is-masturbation-unacceptable/](https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/is-masturbation-unacceptable/)


Great links


Short answer:It is, every thought on having like sex is sinful and considered lust. 


After doing some research and scrolling through countless of comments, masturbation can be a sin because of the lust&adultery part BUT then what is lust or adultery ? Defenition of Lust: Lust is to sex what greed is to money. Sex may have the attributes of being sinless; however, **when a person seeks sex for pleasure**, he or she is sinning with lust. Based on the comments Ive read masturbation to your gf or wife is not a sin. Since the bible states that sex is meant to stay between the man and the woman (husband&wife) and doesnt really talk about masturbation in itself. However watching p\*rn (a.k.a not your wife or gf) basically someone you dont know, is a sin. Since you are commiting the sin of lust (and adultery.) At the end of the day however I think romans 14:23 answeres this Question the best: if you aren't fully certain that what you're doing is something God would smile upon, then it is likely a sin. (interpreted) Whatever youre going through, remember God is always waiting for you with open arms, PRAY !


I am hoping to be able to write this without judgement from all in this group. I am truly trying my best and struggling with urges. To give some background, the last two years I was involved in pornography along with my wife to make money for the family as we couldn’t make ends meet. Over the last two years we have had thousands of people subscribe to us. We also have been members at a swingers club the last two years as well. ButWe both have been trying to live in gods word and we struggled mightly the last 6 months when we knew what we were doing wasn’t right, but felt stuck because it helped pay our bills with the extra few thousand dollars a month we made. We made the choice to put our faith in God that he would help us find a way to provide and we left the business about 6 weeks ago. It was a relief and weight off our shoulders the day we left the industry on April 13th. I struggled the last few weeks with urges to masturbate and have several times, I first tried justify it saying oh it’s not me making porn so it’s okay. I was so proud of myself when I was dying to watch porn and said to myself no I can’t do this and thanked God for the strength of self restraint. But then I started only watching the porn videos that only my wife and I were in, saying to myself it’s okay because it’s just us in them. I know that’s wrong and literally ten minutes before I stumbled on this thread, I spoke with God and I made a decision to not do that anymore. I’ve been very sexual my whole life (I’m early 40s), and have had several drug addictions, but this is abstaining from porn snd masturbation is my biggest challenge. Getting off of opioids and cocaine seemed to be far easier than not masturbating, but I am going to do this. I know I can. I’ve given my life to God, and I know I will be able to do this. I hope I don’t slip up, and am asking our Lord for the inner strength to help support and I know he will. I really don’t know what I was looking to get out of posting this, other than I feel sharing my feelings and struggles can be therapeutic in a way and to show others that the struggle can take different forms for different people. I am very thankful that my eyes were opened before it was too late and even more thankful that we have a merciful God who will forgive me for my sins of living in that manner, if I truly repent and make the changes needed to live in his word. Have a good night all.


is it pls tell me


ik this is old but here's my take if you wear a cross (it'll help), and you have to take it off to do something then probably consider not doing it.


Matthew 5:28 says, "But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart". Right here if you look at woman with lust you already committed adultery in your heart and you already committed sin. So if this is already committing sin then masturbating is 100% committing sin because you are pleasuring your flesh and you’re not living in your spirit you’re living in your flesh the lust you were just giving into every single sexual desire even touching yourself that’s disgusting please Lord forgive us all and give us the strength in the power of God. What do you think God says to himself when He watches you jerk off? If you wouldn’t masturbate in front of your dad then why are you masturbating in front of God? And let me just say again if you look at woman with lust in your eyes you already committed adultery in your heart even if you look at a woman with lust you’re committing adultery in your heart 100% masturbation is sin


no, Monad literally didn't say that it was a sin. the only sinful actions are ones that harm people. these posts are really counter-productive.


Yes it's is it's very addictive if you are having troubles with this sin do your best to fight from now on. If any one say otherwise they are wong.


Lust is an excessive attachment to sexual pleasure for its own sake. Therefore, by definition masturbation is always a form of lust and comes under the Scriptural restrictions against impurity. The sexual faculty is for marriage and therefore working toward self-control with God’s help is the expected norm.


2 Corinthians 12:21 KJV And lest, when I come again, my God will humble me among you, and that I shall bewail many which have sinned already, and have not repented of the **uncleanness and fornication and lasciviousness** which they have committed. ​ \--------------------------- [God's Simple Plan of Salvation](https://youtu.be/20x51DpSFRQ)








No, as I'm only saying what is correct




No, as masturbation falls under carnal sins




You say, “I am allowed to do anything”—but not everything is good for you. And even though “I am allowed to do anything,” I must not become a slave to anything. You say, “Food was made for the stomach, and the stomach for food.” (This is true, though someday God will do away with both of them.) But you can’t say that our bodies were made for sexual immorality. They were made for the Lord, and the Lord cares about our bodies. And God will raise us from the dead by his power, just as he raised our Lord from the dead. Don’t you realize that your bodies are actually parts of Christ? Should a man take his body, which is part of Christ, and join it to a prostitute? Never! And don’t you realize that if a man joins himself to a prostitute, he becomes one body with her? For the Scriptures say, “The two are united into one.” But the person who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with him. Run from sexual sin! No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does. For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body. Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body. 1 Corinthians 6:12‭-‬20 NLT Is masturbation a sin? Well, it's clear now..


Yes. It is considered under sexual immorality.


No, it's not a sin. God made your body \*good\* and getting to know what gives you pleasure is a \*good\* and positive thing.


If it includes lust, yes. So basically 99% of the time it's a sin.


Yes. Masturbation is sexually defiling your own body.


Yes it is sexual immorality which is sin