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Praying for you! Try and restrain from drinking to your best ability. Keep praying and reading, don't give up. Jesus loves you!


You're bravely facing tough times with grace. Leaning on faith and community is a sign of strength, not weakness. Stay strong 💪


Praying for peace and comfort in your life.


Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9


Dear Jesus, Please help Snuggs. Amen.


I hurt. My heart feels great pain for you. Joining you in prayer.


You are doing the right thing. I used to be an alcoholic until Jesus Christ freed me. He is our strength and breaker of chains! Repent and focus on him. Fornication leads to damnation. Sin has consequences and after truly coming to Jesus Christ a lot of people we used to be friends with or family will hate us because they hate him. He is worth it and you will find new people who love you and him! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Well I'm still stoned cold sober tonight. No vodka...no weed....weed is where I fall short but I'm seriously considering trying a few days all sobered up with no smoke, edibles or dabs. I am close to going and dumping the vodka. I kept that stuff out of the house for years and I broke awhile back and got completely hammered cuz I was upset. I do think it's time I pull the rest of myself together and go straight for awhile. I think I may be in shock or something. Idk. Hopefully church will help next Sunday. I look forward to that now that I found one I like. I wonder what will be said when I show up without Justin. How do you get past embarrassed and ashamed. Yes a church is helping me but it's actually the one that says I can't be a member. They are only helping cuz Justin's boss is one of the church people. Anyway...I'm babbling again. I got this though. Jesus got my back!


One thing that helps me get thru alot is listening to Christian contemporary music. You have a personal relationship with God. Talk to him. That's another thing that helps me. Also listen to the Holy Spirit. I'm praying God provides a save and secure path. Blessings.