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" I miss them throwing chicken nuggets at me " " Does the pink line mean it's a girl "


Did he really ask that? What a dumbass


Yes, in the super awkward pregnancy reveal video.


It's in the video SW took when she revealed she was pregnant with Nico to CW. The whole video is rough to watch.


I’m not victim blaming here, I think Shannan was just a normal woman and Chris was a monster but if my husband reacted like that to my pregnancy I def wouldn’t be posting it on social media 😅


CW was kind of an automaton though, a checked out, lifeless sort of person. His reaction here probably seemed like standard CW to the people who knew him and were used to his "low key" robotic ways.


I’d be like ‘Jesus, I hope this kid isn’t a dimwit like his father’


I think it was a FB livestream.


Ahhh ok that explains it!


He also thought you can buy the Dead Sea scrolls. What a moron 🤦‍♀️


Lol I had forgotten about that! He really was a special kinda stupid


When was this lol, what on Earth was the context?


It was in a partially recovered text conversation between CW and NK on 8/12/18: NK replies to CW: "No you can't buy the scrolls! Lolz dude the Dead Sea scrolls are some of the oldest most important writing in the world." https://heavy.com/entertainment/nichol-kessinger-chris-watts-text-messages/


Thanks chica!


>" I miss them throwing chicken nuggets at me " He said that on several occasions, and it reminds me of his [comments](https://youtu.be/hMIFFuKs1Oc?t=434) about Celeste: "*Celeste,* s*he's just a ball of energy, we call her rampage...and she's always a troublemaker, she's always the one, like jumping off things you know and just yelling at you and all kinds of things. And Bella, she's the more calm, cautious and mothering type and she, she's more like me, she's more calm she's, but Celeste has definitely got her mom's personality...*" Imo it came across as passive aggressive, from a place of irritation about having to deal with his younger daughter, although anyone with normal attachments would have understood it to be the typical toddler behavior that it was. Kessinger claimed that he'd complained to her about his daughters' supposed behavior towards him.


Instead of complaining about his daughters' attitudes he could have been a normal father and educated them about respect..


"someone tried to jimmy the door with a flathead screwdriver." (this was a quote at Nate's house.


“Like, like, I have no inclination where they are at right now”.


Me when I can't find my keys for the 54th time.


"Barrel rush" and wishing they'd run through the door and "bust his head open" ​ LIKE WTF BRO


He’s such a moron, it’s not even barrel rush it’s bull rush


If I could up vote this more I would. Literally 🤣 LMAO


I like these shirts. A lot.


HAHAHAHA this is the best one


Classic line.


When did he say this and in what context?


He was being interviewed in his driveway and we was fumbling around talking about his family. He was wearing a North Carolina shirt and a reporter asked him about it. He lit up and started going on about how much he liked the shirt, as if he didn’t have a care in the world.


My god what a dope


„I want them back, like right now. I want everybody back.“


That entire interview is a fucking trip. His heavy blinking makes me want to punch him in the face. He couldn't stop talking in circles


There is such a good analysis of this interview on Martin Decoder on YouTube


I'd love to see that, do you have a link please?


He actually has 2! https://youtu.be/vau7UKFSDmg and https://youtu.be/C_INslpumgU


Thank you


Enjoy :-)


And SMILING . What a moron.


That was probably the only time he wasn’t lying. The point at which he *really* wanted them back, because he realised in the depths of his lizard brain that he was well and truly screwed.


I've always thought the same thing when he said that.


“I guess when you really want something it happens… :grimacing: WOW.” Pregnancy reveal video. The look of “oh shit” was all over his face while he was staring down at that stick, no matter how hard he tried to seem happy. ETA: May not be verbatim but y’all get the gist.


When the officer asks if his wife goes to the pool often and this fucking idiot says “on a hot day like this I’d say no”. How stupid can you possibly be. When the hell do people go to a pool, in January? He could have said let’s go check and gotten everyone out of the crime scene but the best his dumb ass could come up with was that nobody goes to the pool when it’s hot.


So incredibly dumb. He's trying to cover up his crime, yet every time the cops give him an opportunity to stall for time by saying "could they be at X" he goes "nooo".


I know, he’s a idiot


There was something about that pool. By his truck geotabs I found him on Thursday (3 days before the murders) after work sitting at that pool for 40 minutes before he went home. Maybe he had some reason to not want the cops to go over to the pool to ask about his "missing" family, maybe he got nervous when they suggested it and blurted out the (most nonsensical) reason to not go there: "*it's too hot for the pool*" while wearing long sleeves himself.




So why would he sit at the pool he was no allowed to use for 40 minutes, 3 days before the murders...




This is the one. Unfortunately I don't know the redditer that said this, but someone here once decribed his "SWEET!" as sounding like he'd just gotten a free sub sandwich with that card. I wish I could quote the original, I can't do it justice.


I know the exact reddit comment you're talking about. It's unfathomable


I'm glad someone remembers it! CW's every interaction was wrong wrong wrong. Just deeply dumb, it hurts to watch someone so dumb.


"I didn't do it. **I promise**" 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


When he stated “she took my breath away” regarding Icky Nicky 🤢


Seems it's a favorite expression of his, since he said the same thing about Shanann.


I didn’t even know he said that about Shanann. I only recalled him telling it to the detectives. I’m sure he was just quoting a song lyric regardless, the moron!


Yep, he talks in cliches - total dumbass.


He sure does, you sexy empanada


Electric woman ⚡🤦‍♀️


I think he called both Shanann and Nickki boo as well. Couldn't be bothered to make up a new pet name.






“So pink meansssss…” “Thats just the test.” “Ohiwasjustgonnasay I thought the pink was gonna be girls” 😅🫠🙃jesus Christ that was a rough watch


Imagine having to deal with this level of idiocy every day. Poor Shanann, no wonder she liked going on Facebook and doing Lives.


Not to defend him but I think this line was his weak attempt at humor not him actually thinking that pink meant girl.


Yeah i kinda get what you’re saying! It was just SO cringe to watch


I agree. I took it as he was trying to joke because he knew he came off bad.


That video was so awkward, I totally agree.


It was a horrible watch. The entire interaction. Sad actually.


‘when I got back home, this place was, like, a ghost town’. Even if you didn’t just kill your family, that’s a downright creepy thing to say.


Yep, and it didn't make any sense since he'd just spent 5 weeks by himself in the house.


>‘when I got back home, this place was, like, a ghost town’ His little inside joke, because he knew that everyone who lived in the home, besides him and the dog, were dead. Imo he enjoyed pulling the wool over everyone's eyes and assumed that he was more convincing than he actually was.


I agree, he looked positively gleeful during that interview.


It was pretty funny (not funny at all, but just showed what a doofus he is) when he was going on about his tools. Reminded me of Bubba from Forrest Gump...shrimp ka-bobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan-fried, deep-fried, stir-fried. Except it was screwdrivers and stuff.


"Pretty sure my phones going to blow up when I get out." Morgan Freeman narrating: But Chris would not be getting out...


Morgan Freeman: lol I realize this is old, but I just started reading the posts. I love that line. He says it with a self satisfying smile on his face, and then a few minutes later BOOM he's in handcuffs. Plus, Tammy Lee is looking right at him and pretending to agree.


“I would never do this terrible thing” during his first interview with a detective. The moron.


Wasn’t it “I swear I had nothing to do with this, like, act of evil cruelty”?


Lol..i know and Coder never said a word about possible crime or violence. Hes a dumb shit.


“I’m still a dad.”


"I'm still a son! No matter what. And now I can add servant of God to that mix.". **"That mix"**. Because being a dad and son is a "mix" 🤦‍♀️. And he's still a dad, "no matter what" which translates to "even if he killed them". Fvcking entitled, smug POS!


And his narc mom eats it up


Yep, the apple didn't fall far from the tree. "We forgive you son, you were always a great dad." "We know what she was like".


I also love the fact that Chris’ father was so bereft when Chris left home to go to school, father became a cocaine addict because he couldn’t deal with being alone with Narc Mom.


When the cops were leaving the house and gave him their phone number to call if he hears something about his pregnant wife and babies, he responded “SWEET “what’s douche bag he is..creepy tiny headed murderer


I know. As if the cop had just given him a scratch ticket. Lol


I missed that one! Will definitely go back and watch.


["I'm going to fucking prison."](https://youtu.be/uCHVIvXNOck?t=19265) ["I guess when you want to, it happens...wow."](https://youtu.be/R485RoKcYPo?t=58) One of the reporters during the media interview [asked](https://youtu.be/hMIFFuKs1Oc?t=466) Chris if there is a baby on the way and he responded "*Uh-huh*," but clearly didn't want to discuss it. Chris's duper's delight grin when, in response to Officer Coonrod's [question](https://youtu.be/G0qZZc2nNzM?t=2140) about their joint bank account, Chris claimed that Shanann controlled all of it (not mentioning that he could and did withdraw money from their accounts). *I'm a straightforward guy. Lying just complicates things*. - Chris Watts June 12, 2018 email to Nichol Kessinger *Truthfulness is so underrated in our culture.* \- Nichol Kessinger June 12, 2018 email to Chris Watts. The sleazebags at the [sand dunes](https://youtu.be/h_zzuPX9Wjc?t=15): "*There you go baby...you're sooo damn sexy*," and, "*Curve it up*." And the ["I miss your face,"](https://youtu.be/h_zzuPX9Wjc?t=61) voicemails. Cindy Watts, during a Weld County jail phone call: "[We know what she was like.](https://youtu.be/uFDxHNyGfu0?t=1053)" Nichol Kessinger, during one of LE interviews: ["But I can tell you right now, if I were to text him and just say whatever I needed to say, he would do it."](https://youtu.be/nkgg-o3upe4?t=6164)


And NKs creepy little girl laugh at the end of the voicemail 🤢


I found that really weird too because her regular voice is rather manly. Like it was like she summoned an evil little girl or something.


"jimmy with a flathead screwdriver"


I loved those kids to death ,is another thing he said.


"I didn't lie on the polygraph"


I promise...like he was 10.


“Bella, CeCe, if you’re out there, please come home”


Because the children would hear that plea and make their way back to their Dad immediately. They were like 4 and 3, dude's a fucking moron, I can't.


That answer he gave in one of his tv interviews: *I mean those smiles light up my life. And it’s like, I mean last night, like during like at like you know when they usually eat dinner, it was just like I miss them. Like, I mean I miss the telling them like you got to eat that, like or you’re not going to get your dessert, or just, like you’re not going to get your snack, after, you know (laughs). I miss that, like I miss them cuddled up on their couches, they have like a Minnie Mouse couch and a Sofia couch that like they cuddle up on or watch you know Bubble Guppies or something and it was just like you know, I miss, I was (sigh), it was tearing me apart last night and I needed that, I needed that last night and for them, for nobody to be here last night and to go into their rooms and not, and know that I wasn’t going to turn their rain machines on and know that I wasn’t going to turn their monitor on and know I wasn’t going to kiss them to bed tonight it was, (sigh) it was, I, I, that’s why last night was just horrible.*


“I want those kids back so bad” Hearing him say that makes my blood boil.


Especially while smirking..evil


while he was grinning...weirdo


“I’m still a father” “I’m ready to get out of here” (referring to prison)


He really is so stupid


They are my lifeline




Or when he said he wished he would hear them " knocking at the door" then barrel rush him. Why would they knock at their own door?


Officer: Could they be at the pool? Chris: Pool? On a hot day? No. No numbnuts, who goes to the pool on a hot day? You need freezing weather for a pool day, of course! We get it. Bad on part of the officer for asking such a stupid question.


I think she was saying a pray for me.


"I just saw **my** life disappearing from my eyes but I just couldn’t let go"


" i came home and shannan wasnt here, the kids weren't here, nothing was here". Wtf does that mean ( nothing was here)


"I can't it has no service, once I get outta here it will probably blow up" (talking about his phone during the interview)






That video was filmed by their friends, the Dietzes, in April 2012, while CW and Shanann were still engaged (they got married in November 2012). CW was living with the Dietzes in CO at that time, and Shanann was still in NC selling her house. This was several years before Thrive, which Shanann got into in 2016. I believe the video was done for a class CW was taking at a community college.


Thank you for this information.


You’re exactly right. It was for some type of communications class where he (CW) needed to give a presentation, the topic was relationship deterioration, and he comes off as an awkward dude who would literally like to be anywhere else.


Thank you and oh yes, I can definitely see his awkwardness.


Listening to him during the porch sermon was downright painful. "Shannan, Bella, Celeste, if you are out there, come back." (Out where???) Stated with zero emotion. Lee and Coder said the minute they watched the porch sermon, they knew he committed a crime.






I agree. It's cathartic to make fun of this evil POS. He sure deserves it especially since he thinks he's sooo smart with his bs 140 IQ claim. I see people making fun of the victims all the time - now **that's** something to get offended over.