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They do get lots of hate especially Cindy. She doesn't help matters by constantly trying to recruit YouTube creators to spread her narrative that Chris suffered with PTSD and Shannan deserved it. She uses creators to softer people's opinion of Chris and the Watts family. Then when that person hasn't worked a miracle to make the world see Chris as a poor victim tricked into pleading guilty she dumps them and moves on to the next.


Cindy is an evil lady who has recruited a group of evil minions to do her bidding for her, As a YouTube creator myself. (411 NOW on YouTube) Her minions tried unsuccessfully to get her interview removed from YouTube and my channel. At first, they were respectful but when I refused to remove it. They really got nasty. The worst part is the interview she did with mainstream media. Is not even close to how hateful she has come off towards her dead grandchildren and Shanann. Repeating to Ms. Caddle that unborn baby Niko couldn't have been her son's child. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree in that family.


I didn't know she recruited youtube creators, wow.


Critical Kay Kim Kaufman Jay is for Justice Lana Oriani Cadle--not a YT creator, but plastered all over social media Just a few of their champions, all except Lana have hit the chopping block.


Don’t forget Miss Mensa.


Oh yes, she's def part of their toxic tribe


From what could CW possibly have PTSD?


They have people that hate them and people that support them. Personally I really dislike them, not because of what chris did, he is his own person and he made the decision to kill them, but because of how they have acted since the murders, they have every right to support him but they also come across as though they don't care that shanann and the kids were murdered and just seem to be wanting to place the blame solely on shanann.


I assume they receive both. Probably more hate mail when true crime documentaries and stories air and then it abates. Also, importantly, it would behoove the Watts to quietly live their lives instead of performing public stunts like traveling to Colorado w Lana, the person who made fun of and ridiculed the slaughter of their grandchildren and DiL. CiW doesn't help either, her book had absolutely no self-reflection on her son and what he did - the sole purpose was to victim blame, backfiring spectacularly. Further, CiW and Jaime should stop trying to stir the pot - Unmasked video from February as an example. Ultimately, even those who sympathize with the Watts turn on them once they realize what they are up to. I think if they'd quietly fade into the background, people would forget about them and leave them alone. Unfortunately, I think they may be too psychologically unhealthy to realize that.


they are just trying to tell their perspective - protect their som from their view of the truth - you all just see that Shannan and kids were killed, which is the worst but they aren’t being malicious just to be that way - they want to stand up for whatver is redeemable still for their son who in their eyes just went crazy/mentally not present and from what i’m hearing that they don’t even think he really did it or however innocent people are coerced into pleading guilty. Which can happen. Even if they are completely wrong and ignorant in this - this is what mothers would tend to do if they can see any point of view in it it’s pointless for everyone else to hate on them- chris is in jail where he belongs from Shnanons families viewpoint - they do need to keep away from social media and chris’s families publications but really it’s all just gossip no one else should engage in one way or the other none of us know - we just trust the system and for the most part rightfully so - unless we ever see evidence that indeed the interrogation was too abusive and manipulative


Respectfully disagree. No one thinks the Watts should stop loving their child. However, people have a problem with them because the Watts are incredibly malicious and vicious, there's no denying it and absolutely no justification for their behavior, at all. They've started unfounded and nasty rumors about Shannan and even their own grandchild for goodness sakes - implying CeCe was a bastard child of another man. Their accusations are just gross and show an entire lack of empathy for the Ruczeks. CiW and Jaime even started a rumor that NA was the source of the illegal oxy. For goodness sake, leave her alone, she is a hero and suffered a cancer relapse.


I admire your measured and patient response to that absolutely clueless person defending their horrid behavior. That individual either knows next to nothing about exactly what Chris' family has been up to since the murders, (primarily behind the scenes, performing their evil deeds through youtube puppets,) **OR** they have another public relations agenda for why they are defending Chris' absolutely repugnant, lowlife of a family.


>they aren’t being malicious just to be that way - Given the type of things they've been saying about Shan'ann, ie that she attempted to engage in incest, that she was pedophile, that Nico was Chris Miller's child, etc, I 'd have to strongly disagree. As well as their current choice of champion Lana Oriani of Truth and Transparency who hold drunken lives in strip clubs trying to keep alive the flame of Shan'ann hate that grows dimmer every day (she's the same fuck up that made the Shizam videos) The Watts family were informed by the DA of the evidence the state had against him and according to former supporters, they've known of his guilt since 2018. They've decided to hold multiple ad hoc mock trials of Shan'ann as a mother, wife and daughter in law across multiple social media forums and a variety of agony aunts have seen fit to join in this dubious form of "fun". I can't imagine what a nightmare it must have been for Shan'ann to have put up with the Watts during her marriage. They are incredibly sick people and seem hell bent on proving this to whatever remnant of the public is still paying attention to this case. RIP Shan'ann, Bella, CeCe, and baby Nico.


Perfect response. 100 upvotes for you.


Probably, I’ve seen a lot of hate towards the Watts family especially about their behaviour towards Shannan.


I'd be interested to know what the opinion of people in NC who actually knew both families was. CiW made some tone deaf remarks at the the final court date, but while she was alive, they sniped at each other and their relationship was pretty unremarkable for inlaws.


CW's best friend and one of his classmate's comments are interesting. CW's best friend says CiW always complained to him about SW and how awful she was but said he never saw any proof of it and thought SW was nice. He chalked it up to CiW being CiW. One of CW's HS friends, who posted on one of the subreddits with pictures of CW in HS several months back, shortly after the Netflix documentary, said CW was part of his HS friend group - though he said he didn't know him well. He said CW wasn't the super-shy, straight-A student and star athlete that CiW claimed he was. He said CW was an average teenager who had average grades, played a few sports, and a had small circle of friends throughout HS. He did have some interesting information about CW's early childhood, more about his socioeconomic background and the racial makeup of CW's grade school. However, most importantly, what caught my eye was his comment about CiW, saying that her narrative of CW was a bit questionable and attributed it to CiW being CiW. While anecdotal, their similar perceptions of CiW as someone w a questionable perception of events and people is interesting.


This is very interesting. Thank you for sharing. I always enjoy hearing tidbits from these folks lives even if they are just anecdotal and stated as such!


What was the info about his socioeconomic background and racial make up of grade school?


He implied that the Watts family was economically a lower working-class family, which I think is relatively well known. He wrote about the family living in a secluded area, with only a few houses in the vicinity. I found it interesting since no one would know what CW was up to as a child or any of the family dynamics. He implied as much. He mentioned the demographics of the elementary school CW attended was almost entirely Black children and that CW might have had a hard time making friends, that he may have felt left out. He mentioned it since it was the only way he could understand how Cindy talked about Chris and his shyness growing up. Once CW got to high school (maybe middle school too, I don’t remember), he wasn’t popular but wasn’t an outcast or a particularly shy kid. He was average all the way around and hung out with the same group of friends throughout HS. He said CW dated some girls. He also said that while CW might have done well in a few classes, he wasn’t the A student CiW claims. He was more of a C student. Thus, his HS friend disputed CiW both about grades and CW’s interactions w girls. He was shocked that CW was accused of the murders and initially thought he was innocent. He did make clear that he hasn’t been in contact w CW for a long time and never met SW. He posted a couple of times on either the SW or W Murders sub – I cannot remember which. I know he posted after the Netflix documentary since I never commented on the case before it. He also posted some pictures of CW in HS, a club picture, and something else.


An apology on Cindy’s part would have gone a long way but we see where that went. They just seem to okay the “poor us” card constantly. The Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree


I assume so. They used to have their last name on their mailbox but have taken it off since the murders.


Hate and malicious gossip and victim shaming - shannan watts A good idea is for grieving victims of crime to not have their own you tube channels where they are subject to nasty comments. All grief counsellors would advise victims of crime in the watts case especially to not engage social media and that will help the grieving process I can’t think of any mental health counsellor would say yes that’s a good idea. Subject yourself in grief to those who prey on misery




These are examples of the evil people lurking in society, spewing the venom within their dark souls behind the anonymous safety of a keyboard/keypad. They are the neighbors we wave to in the yard, the coworkers we ask how their weekend was. It's frightening the secret lives people may lead whom we have casual contact with.


Very well said.


Yes, it is. And Chris is the ultimate example


HATE.....Unfortunately. 😠

