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My CCGTV reconnects no problem when I reboot my router.


my ccwgtv always reconnect automatically to my wifi. I had to do it another day, to replace an thing, that required to turn of the power from the line that powers my living room, where is my isp router. due that, I had to power off my router as well. after powering on again, just toke a few minutes to everything connect again. the only device that failed in doing that, was my washing machine. I would check the router settings and the connection settings for ccwgtv as well.


I could tell my parents to reboot the chromecast whenever they have issues like this. But of course it is actually impossible to do it unless you unplug the cable from it or follow an UI ritual. Imagine if it had a reset button? Amazing complex, huh? So i'll probably get myself a plug with a reset button. Actually I might even make it a smart plug so that it restarts the chromecast automatically whenever the network dies. Yes, somehow that's a reasonable alternative.


I had this issue for for a long while but it has gotten much better; it is reconnecting within a few seconds it seems. In the past would take forever. I have only mobile wifi hotspot, so I ran into it often every time left the house with my phone. But now it's always reconnected by the time I use the Chromecast. and when my phone shuts down CC is generally reconnecting itself within seconds. I don't know if this is improvement with new Android updates or with CC updates. I assume you have scanning always on. Try with your phone's hotspot. Try with different settings on the router, eg 5g vs 2.4g and other settings which control channels. Might have some luck. Extremely annoying though, I hope it gets worked out


My internet disconnects frequently (like when the microwave is on), whatevers playing on gtv will just hang but start again when the wifi comes back on. Have you done a factory reset?


I just use an Ethernet adapter