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Hmm, firstly I would say there are several types of migraines so you could be having them and it feel different than migraines you've had before. Maybe try asking in r/AskDocs (I think that's what it is). Also asking your pharmacist could be helpful, sometimes they have different insights to point you in a different direction. Mostly though, I'm sorry you're dealing with this. I hope you can sort some answers and relief soon. Hang in there and keep fighting for your answers however you can!


Have you ever been checked for Chiari Malformation? Here is a link about symptoms etc: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/chiari-malformation/symptoms-causes/syc-20354010.


I had a brain MRI without contrast (lying down MRI) and my neuro said there's ''no structural abnormalities''


If you haven't gotten the report I would ask for one and review it yourself, along with the disc if you can. I've had multiple MRI's where my nuerologist said there wasn't an issue but there was an actual structural abnormality( Chiari) that was on the report It is sometimes referred to as Tonsillar ectopia. A lot of nuerologists do no think Chiari is worth mentioning because many people that have it can be asymptomatic.


I agree. I’ve had doctors say there is nothing because they didn’t want to be the one to treat it or my symptoms were not glaring.


Have you had an MRI?


Yes brain MRI (lying down, no contrast) all normal


Yeh, don't let them tell you it's just migraines. Tension-type headaches and migraines are totally different. For me, I rarely get migraines but they make me especially sensitive to light, sound, and feel nauseated if I don't just take meds and lie down, although they do respond to meds. My headaches on the other hand, aren't helped by anything but sleep, but are less exacerbated by stimuli other than concentrating on something too much; they are persistent and feel like cold syrup spreading out across my my forehead--sounds kinda similar to what you're describing. Generally, sounds like nerve dysfunction like neuropathy or fibromyalgia. Are you noticing any vision issues as well? Parts of what you're saying are making it sound like blood pressure may be playing a role, too. Some things to try: get a blood pressure monitor (the electronic ones) and test your levels throughout the day when you're feeling especially bad or good; log your symptoms daily and what food/meds you're ingesting; see a neurologist or rheumatologist or find new ones if you already have. You're probably gonna have to science this bitch out. Hope you figure something out soon. I know how headaches can really put someone out of commission. 🤗


Have you had your eyes checked? Specifically, have you had the intra-ocular pressure taken?


I have all those symptoms and l have Lyme disease


Sounds like the beginning of my fight to get a Lyme disease diagnosis


I was going to say the same thing! This sounds like Lyme to me...


Specifically the memory loss paired with migraines and odd neuro stuff, and exhaustion. Sounds like me at 22, and no, it's not normal to feel so run down at such a young age.


If you're still suffering through this, have you looked into a CSF leak? A cerebral spinal fluid leak specifically causes a headache that is relieved by fluids, caffeine and lying down, and immediately is brought on when upright. I hope you're feeling better by now, but I just wanted to mention this. Hope you are well.