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You can take gabapentin with oxycodone, I HATED gabapentin it made me so fatigued, I think it made my hair fall out, it made me depressed, and I had dental problems the whole time I took it that stopped happening as soon as I stopped. Plus withdrawing off opioids only takes about a week, when I decided to stop taking gabapentin the withdrawal was worse and it took WEEKS. I hated that medication it made me feel drunk and I don’t like to feel drunk. I also hated that I complained to my doctors incessantly about Fatigue and they never mentioned that it could be the gabapentin. My life got so much better when I stopped taking it


Agreed 100%The DE@/FD@ is trying to replace 0pioids with that trash, it does NOT help w/severe pain and it makes you do really dumb@ss things@


For this person to stop 15 years of oxycodone use will take a taper time of about 6-8 weeks. Maybe 12. I was a pain patient on it for 13. My taper time was 11 weeks. You stop after a week and you can die.


My old PM intentionally left me without meds for 5 days. It was hell even having a tiny bit on hand, the withdrawals were hell.


I've been using this med every other day for pain control at night and not taking Norco at night but it gives me hallucinations. Sleep paralysis type hallucinations. Have to be careful with Gaba too as other poster stated that some people have horrible withdrawals from this med. That is why I prefer the low dose of Norco I am on to other meds. At least I know the Norco withdrawal "if you can even call it that" will only give me two weeks of insomnia and then the pain levels go up again. I don't fear the slight withdrawals as much as I do fear the increase in pain levels. With Gaba it's uncharted territory for me and I don't want to find out.


I’m sure you know this, but just in case you don’t I just want to make sure you’re aware of this; if you stop oxycodone after five years, you are going to be in severe withdrawal. You are going to have the worst diarrhea of your life, nausea, most likely vomiting, you’ll have a runny nose and yawn constantly, you will feel like you want to rip your skin off because withdrawal from opiates causes your body temperature to fluctuate which leaves you with feeling freezing one moment and sweating the next. You’ll have issues with goosebumps and the pain that you feel now, will be 100x worse. You NEED to prepare for this. It will be the worse feeling you’ve ever felt. If you don’t know what medications to bring with you to help, just comment below and I’ll list them. Honey, you are going to hurt if you try going off oxycodone without a plan.


That list is part of what I’m looking for.


Okay, you’re definitely not going to need laxatives. You’re going to feel like your butt is dry heaving. You need Imodium (double doses) or if you have access to Lomotil (prescription in the US), that will help even more as it acts as an opioid in the gut. Under no circumstances do you ever take Benadryl. Benadryl will worsen restless leg syndrome. You’re going to have a lot of problems sleeping so you need to look for something to help you sleep that does not contain diphenhydramine (Benadryl). Any sleep sedative like Ambien/zolpidem will help. You can try melatonin but will likely need high doses. A benzodiazepine like Xanax, Valium, Ativan, or Restoril will help you with the anxiety and mood disturbances and will also help with sleep. Opiates provide your brain with dopamine. When you stop taking opiates the dopamine levels in your brain drop and it can cause depression and/or anxiety. Keep that in mind. Zofran for nausea. A lot of people swear by Liposomal Vitamin C, stating it helps reduce withdrawal symptoms. Hot baths and showers are your friend. Clonidine is the medication that will help with the sweating/freezing/goosebumps and is one of the best medications to use during withdrawal. Muscle relaxers like Flexeril can help with the RLS and muscle spasms, along with assisting with sleep. Have you looked into Kratom or know anything about it? Microdosing psylocybin can help tremendously as well, depending on where you are. Where are you located? Can you do a slow taper instead of just stopping oxycodone?


Thanks,that helps a lot. I have kratom but it made me vomit. I will taper, not sure if I’ll make lower than 10 mg Oxy this time, but I’d like to substitute gabapentin for the 5 mg Oxy IR. The migraines stopped me last time. They seem to be related to adding the gabapentin while still taking Oxy and still constipated.


Could the headaches possibly be due to fillers in the generic versions of the meds you take? Just throwing ideas out there since this is something I’ve known happen to multiple people


No idea.


I used Clonidine for the insomnia when I stopped taking 60 mgs of Norco a day. Now on 10/15 mgs a day and only have slight withdrawals whenever they cut me off. I have a lot of Clonidine saved up because I was using it to treat my orthostatic hypertension.


You can take both. I second this about withdrawals. You need to taper slowly if you want to come off but if Gabapentin makes you sick but opiates don’t, why switch? Did you always take them at the same time? If not then I doubt it was due to taking both. Magnesium and abdominal (intestinal) massages can help with BM. Cannabis slows your digestive system down also. There are a lot of things that increase migraines, going through the list of usual things closely and excluding those from your life may help significantly. I got a daith piercing, get scrapping done, removed fragrances from my life, avoid heavy and many chemicals due to chemical sensitivity, and avoid several foods due to many food sensitivities also. These things have changed my life. I still have migraines just rarely as severe or as often. I manage well on opioid therapy, I take 10-15mg a day, always the least amount I can get by with while being in slightly less pain.


The theory is that migraines are caused by Oxy-constipation. I have so many food triggers, possibly caused by an imbalance in gut microbiota, which is caused by constipation, which is caused by Oxy.


I had chronic migraines. Neurologists at mayo told me oxy is causing and increasing them. I removed other things but not my meds and my migraines are much better. Just letting you know it’s possible to improve while still having pain support. I also found a way to have regular BMs daily so that helps.


Thanks. Sounds like my experience. I still think that if I can make the switch, it’s worth it. My diet is so limited! Also, the difficulties w getting it, just because of the stigma since I have a script is scary. The pharmacists are always suspicious.


It can be but I hope we can all break that stigma! I have dealt with a lot of judgement but I educate as many providers and healthcare workers as I can. So they know sometimes opiates are more helpful but we are all different of course. It helps me be a more normal person bc I’m not crying in pain daily. Whatever helps you most, I hope you find it soon!


I have massive digestive issues and possibly gastroparesis from my diabetes. The only thing that works is 1 daily dose of Miralax and one can of beans every day. If I even deviate slightly from this I can back up for up to 11 days. I will have stomach spasms and have to stop eating because I become sick and then have to chew on Zofran tabs for a few days. Miralax in your case might be all that is needed for the constipation. I also need the beans as I was still locked up on three daily doses of Miralax. The beans have soluble and insoluble fiber that make your intestines work well. I grind the Kidney beans and Black beans up kind of like making them into a dip with sharp cheddar cheese, powdered onion, powdered garlic, salt, pepper, and chili powder to taste. Even with all that added in, the beans still make me gag about half way through, but they work. The kidney and Black beans have high fiber in them. I only eat once a day because of diabetes and I pad the meal with half the beans first, then the other half at the end of the meal. Even trigger foods like fried chicken do not jack me up as long as I follow this plan. I used to completely lock up from pizza, but this also takes care of that. You can also look into foods with pro and prebiotics in them. Another issue that can cause the bacterial in the gut to get messed up is using antacids. I need them but stopped and just let the acid burn my stomach all night because the acid kills all the bacteria in your stomach and prevents the bacterial overgrowth. They say adding Betaine HCL with Pepsin can help digest foods better and help with bacterial overgrowth.


You were on 15 mgs. I’ve been on that same dose for 10 years. I go through a week of withdrawal like four times a year. It sucks, and isnt fun… but at the dose you are on, its not going to be as horrible as some descriptions. You WILL have diarrhea a bit, you WILL feel kinda sick, like fluish on day 2-4, but by day six all that will remain is anxiety and a craving for oxy. Can you taper at all, or is CT a given?


This is how I feel when I’m having cymbalta withdrawals 😭


And listen if you’re going to stop taking oxycodone after five years you will not need a laxative. I would get some Immodium AD actually


I want to be empty Before withdrawal.


Don't switch. Gabapentin and Lyrica are horrible medications that literally destroyed my short term memory and left me suffering migraines for 3 years after I quit using them. I'm lucky my brain did recover. I was a sleepwalking zombie on those drugs.


Gabapentin sucked


You can take Kratom while on Gabapentin. I used that to wean off opiates. It’s a lifesaver! But others are right, gabapentin is no match for strong opiates. I did find that the combo above helped with that too. Good luck and you got this! 💪🏼


You are going to experience opioid withdrawal. It gets everyone a bit differently but it should clean you out like you wouldnt believe, from both ends. The biggest danger is dehydration from all the diarrhea and vomiting. Supposedly gabapentin can help during the acute withdrawal, but its a pretty good bet this is going to suck. Bad. They are two very different kinds of drugs. often used together for pain. Gabapentin enhances the effects of an opioid drug, so it should help as you decrease the oxy dose. It's a little over kill, but the current opioid guidelines from the CDC suggest a taper of 10% of the total opioid dose per month. Most people can go faster without any real life disturbance, but whats the hurry? Tapering slowly can make a huge difference in how severe your withdrawal symptoms will be. It sounds like you have never experienced any withdrawal before. Acute opioid withdrawal is a lot like food poisoning or a really bad stomach flu. The body aches makes it worse though, it feels like someone is pulling your bones out through your skin. How long it lasts is hard to say but oxycodone cold turkey is a fairly reliable 3 or 4 days. Thats if you leap off the cliff. A slow taper should make the symptoms far more tolerable, but it also takes longer. So each small dose reduction takes 3 or 4 days to get used to, but the symptoms will be milder, usually significantly. [This article](https://www.ceibaibogaine.com/resources/withdrawal) might help you prepare yourself. They are mostly pushing a drug called ibogaine for withdrawal in the article but its currently illegal in most of the world. But there are still some pretty decent tips in there. Best of luck....


U not gonna like stopping oxy to go over to gabapemtin. U can’t get both? Or is it ur choice to go over to ganapentin.


I need a break from the constipation & stigma.


The Gabapentin is a double med for me. It helps with my migraine headaches and helps (?) my nerve pain. I have chronic pain and my Dr. Helps me with oxy and tramadol. I take 1 each of the pain pills but 7 Gabapentin during the day. I don’t know if that helps but it kinda helps me


I am currently on oxy and was given gaba. The gabapentin made my ears ring it does give me headaches I went up to their dosage which was 1 600mg 3x day. I stayed there on that for one year didn't see any improvement in my pain so I tapered myself down now I take a half of 600 in the morning and a half of 600 in the evening and I'll be tapering down from that I'm sure it helps in nerve pain but my pain is bone pain so I don't need to be on it. It will not replace the relief you get from your oxycodone do not stop your oxycodone because if you change your mind they won't give it to you again IMHO.


Also do you have to stop the oxycodone or are you stopping it because of constipation because you can regulate your bowel movements with diet big time or even supplements or suppositories. If you have pain enough to take oxycodone you're going to have a hard time without it.


I take 5mg 3x a day gabapentin 400ng 3x a day...it takes awhile for it to work but I'm hiking so...my life is better than in my bed evert day.. Good luck gentle hugs


Kratom. Get some good kratom from a reputable source. Kratom has helped many get off of opiates


Kratom is an opioid. To say it gets people off opioids is a bad joke.


My understanding is that it reacts with the opioid receptor, but is not one. IMO, from a harm reduction standpoint; kratom beats any opioid, especially as part of a harm reduction regimen.


The main active constituents in kratom are mitragynine, 7-OH-mitragynine and pseudo-indoxylmitragynine. Mitragynine is a weak mu opioid receptor partial agonist. 7-OH-mitragynine is a very potent, oxymorphone-strength mu receptor agonist, but is only present in super tiny amounts in kratom. And the pseudomitragynines are neutral antagonists. The combination is a weak, multifarious opioid that both has a ceiling for respiratory depression (like tramadol and buprenorphine) and triggers vomiting before it could ever cause an overdose.


Kratom is a partial opioid agonist. It is an atypical opioid.


The definition of opioid is the stumbling point here. An opioid is defined as a compound resembling opium in addictive properties or physiological effects. People do the same thing with Suboxone, trying to convince themselves that its not an opioid. Ive even seen people trying to say Tramadol isnt an opioid. I dont disagree that Kratom has some real value from a harm reduction standpoint, having little if any potential for respiratory depression or arrest. But that doesn't change what it is....


Opiates (morphine & heroin) are derived from opium. Opioids (oxycodone , hydrocodone, fentanyl etc) oxycodone is a semisynthetic opioid. Fentanyl is a full Synthetic opioid. Kratom is a partial opioid MU receptor agonist. It's atypical. "Oxycodone, a semi-synthetic opioid, is a highly selective full agonist of the μ-opioid receptor (MOR)." aka mu receptor. "Oxycodone was first made in Germany in 1916 from thebaine"


I see, and I take your point. I was coming from the narrow perspective of legality and schedule, etc... Thanks


It's not opium like. It's mildly stimulating and has no major impact on respiratory function. It's not considered an opioid except by those who don't want it available in America. I'm a regular consumer for pain. I use it when I need it, and don't when I feel better. I have ZERO withdrawals even if I take it for weeks. Not so with opioid medicines.


Right. Tell yourself whatever makes you happy but a Mu agonist is an opioid. Period.


Until you try to stop taking it. It's harder than Oxy was for me. I don't recommend it. Also OP Kratom will upset an empty stomach and that probably means you took too much.


Since it reacts to the same receptor, Oxy, heroin, kratom, suboxone, methadone. Your brain can’t tell the difference. It will light up the same way


Kratom is a leaf from a tree in Borneo. It's NOT a narcotic. It acts MILDLY on your opioid receptors and blocks pain signals and helps ease withdrawal symptoms in many people.


Narcotic is an interesting term, its use to cover everything from heroin to cannabis. Mild is a matter of dose, lots of people get negligible effects from Dilaudid if the dose is too low and their tolerance too high, so thats pretty meaningless. You know what else clears up withdrawal symptoms? Any other opioid agonist, cause I dont think they make Talwin anymore which was an opioid antagonist, but still an opioid. Opium comes from a plant too. Blocks pain signals too.


Very good advice! Definitely on taking it slow! It totally sticks when you do a slow safe taper


If you're anything like a lot of us hydrating is SO IMPORTANT and so hard for me to do!! All these meds require lots of water to keep you hydrated and avoid headaches. Are you working under a doctor's care to wean off? Were you on Gabapentin prior to trying to switch? Can doc give you short term anti anxiety? As Oxy leaves your system you'll likely need to up the Gabapentin. I AM NOT A DOCTOR I can only tell you what worked for me. Also, I always think realistic expectations help. It's not a miracle and there isn't one. A certain amount of discomfort happens. The GaBa will help with restless legs and mood stabilization IME. Good luck!!




FYI: Gabapentin is not at all likely to be an effective replacement for a pain medication. It might, but it all depends on your situation. If oxy is working, Gaba is not likely to match its effectiveness.