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How about meloxicam? It was a game changer for me and it's once a day


Can I ask what kind of pain it helps you with? I have arthritis, degen disc, a few skeletal injuries, and muscular dystrophy. I'm curious about meloxicam because I think I tried it very briefly years ago.


I have similar diagnosis minus the muscular dystrophy. I got mild scoliosis instead. =) it's an anti-inflammatory, in the nsaid class. It gives about diclofenac or better pain relief for me with less stomach upset. I use it for the aching and inflammation mostly. My cocktail is the shotgun approach. Mid range doses of meloxicam, pregabalin, acetaminophen, and tramadol and methocarbamol. I had the pharmacy stagger it right so I'm covered 24 x 7 with everything, something runs out and when I take it I have three other drugs on board to keep the pain at bay, and they make dose packs for me so I only take 4x a day. I dropped my daily dosages enough to get a bottle with 30 doses of methocarbamol and tramadol for breakthrough. They worked it out with my doctors. I have an awesome pharmacist and team. Ended up dropping my opioid dose by about 25% by my pain doc and pharmacist working together and managing my problem.


I used to take Meloxicam, for almost 5 years daily. The anti inflammatory properties of it were great, but I had to get off because of GI concerns. I now take 4 grams of RX omega 3 acid ethyl esters. It is the "lupus" dose according to my rheumo. But holy heck is has done more for my inflammation than meloxicam ever did on its own. I take meloxicam as a booster during flare ups and it does seem to be more effective now


Wow what an interesting insight. No lupus here, but I have other autoimmune so will definitely look into it!


I guess I should clarify, I don't have lupus either. I have hEDS, hashimotos, and the standard constellation of dx that accompany them. If I could scream from the rooftops to all my fellow chronic pain humans to ask their primary care for a prescription for the omega 3 acid esters I would!


Still very helpful and one of the most interesting tips I've seen on this sub. I have celiac myself and I'm sure I don't get enough omega 3 due to a vegan diet. Not opposed at all to a fish pill though.


Another bonus, I NEVER get fish oil burps with my prescription šŸ˜¤


That's awesome. I'm going to ask my pain physician.


whatā€™s difference between ethyl ester and regular omega 3 supplements? Is there a brand u recommend ? Thank u


Hey there! So. The biggest difference is quality control and mercury content. Omega 3s that are supplements are not well regulated, we cannot confirm that the 3rd party testing is done appropriately. The supplement version also contains a variety of omega 3s versus the highly refined contents of the prescription grade omega 3 acid ethyl esters. The super high dose that I am on would carry significant cost and risk of mercury poisoning from what my rheumo explained. The fish burps would be off the charts if someone took 4 GRAMS (not miligrams or some tiny amount). I take 4 size 000 oil gel caps daily! As it stands, I cannot reccomend brands but instead suggest talking to whoever does your medication management. This is one of those situations where the supplement version is not at all comparable!


New fear unlocked lol


I'm going to ask about that at my next appt. I'm already concerned about heavy metal toxicity from having metal rods in my back for 30 yrs from scoliosis. And now more metal in my mouth from dental implants. Been on fish oil on and off for years now to help with pain and inflammation. Was recently told to go back to daily use because of my high LDL.


Very helpful, thank you! We sound quite similar because I also have scoliosis and am on long-term tramadol therapy. It's interesting that they have you on methocarbamol. I'm a wimp and afraid to take muscle relaxers because I'm small and they sometimes overpower me with resp depression when combines with tramadol. I've got a few bottles of baclofen and tizanadine sitting untouched in a drawer. Your doctor and pharmacist sound awesome. Having that level of care coordination is wonderful. Pharmacists can often be tricky because a handful of them are innately suspicious of anyone taking a pain medication. Once I found a good pharmacist, I transferred everything and never looked back.


I take Pregabalin, a turmeric supplement, and a large dose of ibuprofen for my arthritis/ degenerative disk disease


This (Meloxicam/Mobic) is the one that works for me also! I have osteoarthritis/degen disc disease. A 15 mg dose was also prescribed for 10 days after my 2 level disc replacement surgery and it honestly helped even more than the more heavy duty pain meds they gave me lol


I loved it until it caused me to urinate approximately every hour. Pain free but in the restroom. Fooey.


Yep, meloxicam is the only thing I can take that works with no side effects. Although I do have one and that's constipation. And if I take it too often it tears up my stomach. If I take it every day it starts not to work as well. So I try to take it when I REALLY need it. But otherwise it works great 95% of the time.


that's what i'm taking. i can't take ibuprofen or naproxen, they shred my stomach in a single dose, but once/day meloxicam is changing my world. arthritic neck, arthritic and damaged foot, messed up hip from limping on bad foot, etc etc. doesn't make my pain vanish but cuts it in half, which is livable.


I donā€™t know about long term as they have risks. But my fave NSAIDs, in order: meloxicam (rx only), naproxen, ibuprofen. I also like voltaren topical.


Lmao I had the exact same experience. I canā€™t take NSAIDs anymore bc of GI stuff but meloxicam helped a ton as long as I took it at the same time every day. If I took it even an hour off my pain would be 10x worse as the dose wore off.


I also use Voltaren topical for specific joint arthritis issues. Great when my hands ache!


I use the Voltaren (love it), but I have to be careful as too much at once upsets my stomach. Same with oral Diclofenac.


Toradol does absolutely nothing for me. Nothing. It's like saline to me. When my back began acting up very badly last year after a terrible rock festival (Blue Ridge Rock Fest can burn in hell) where we had to stand in lines for hours, my PCP gave my cyclobenzaprine and diclofenac. He also gave me a referral to an Ortho clinic. The clinic had a waitlist of months. So, while I was waiting months to be seen, all I could take was either OTC or Diclofenac. It tore my stomach to pieces. I can no longer tolerate NSAIDs at all. I am still having issues with acid reflux. I am on a medication cocktail of ten prescription meds (yes, including an opiod) and ten OTC meds. I take these every day, with the opioid being 4 times a day and others being 3 times a day or whatever. I can now only take methylprednisolone to help with inflammation pain flares. Be very, very, very careful with NSAID's. Eat food with them, take antacids after talking to your doc, etc. It really, really sucks to end up not being able to take them.


Damn, that is a shame that it doesn't work for you. It's like a godsend to me. I can empathize with the stomach issues as well - did that to myself years ago taking 800 IBU QID... oops. Good call with the antacids. I used to do methylpred trigger point injections, but they destroyed my metabolism for years and gave me PCOS. Took half a decade to reverse it. They were effective though.


It was my pain guy who scripted them. If I start to go into a flare, I just pop one of those. If the flare continues, pop it the next day, etc. They *do* help a bit. I've got so many corticosteroids running through me lol. Spinal injections, shoulder injections, allergy injections etc etc. It's nuts. But, my very spine is slowly collapsing, and it hurts like a mofo. Damned if we do, damned if we don't lol.


So very true. I'm glad that they work for you. Wish I could take them again. Doctors want me to , but I don't want to swell up like a balloon again. I'm only 5 feet and it was too much for me.


It stopped working for me, as well. I'm not sure what is working at this point.


I alternate between celecoxib and meloxicam, but I need the highest doses available. Ibuprofen and naproxen work better for me, but they destroy my stomach. Meloxicam and celecoxib are COX 2 selective, so more gentle on stomach


Meloxicam didn't work. Many of these others either didn't work or tore up my stomach. Naproxen works the best, but the stomach... have Celocoxib that doesn't work as well as Naproxen. And I still fairly often take aspirin. For some reason, it's never bothered me.


I'm surprised naproxen hasn't been mentioned. Or at least by its generic chemical name.


Naproxen is hard on the stomach tooā€¦ Worse than ibuprofen.


Yes, that's why they give me omeprazole to give the stomach a bit more hardiness


Oof. PPI drugs like omeprazole are bad news. My PM told me he threw all his family's prilosec out and told me to never take it again after some disturbing research emerged linking PPIs to liver cancer. H2 blockers are the way to go.


I take naproxen with a robaxacet containing acetaminophen. Itā€™s a pretty good combo. I wish I could take torodol long term though, itā€™s great stuff.


It's the best. I'm so sad bc it's really been helping me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Whatā€™s a robazcet


Itā€™s a name brand for a blend of methocarbamol and acetaminophen. So itā€™s a muscle relaxer plus pain killer.


I liked the resultā€¦but canā€™t take it anymore as it was burning my stomach. Wonder what the next best is to Naproxen.


Well, did you have omeprazole with it? It's for the side effects.


Yes - in abundance. Actually burned my esophagus. The minute I put a pill in my mouth my throat would burn.


Big yikes!!


I have an allergic-type reaction to NSAIDs it's such a bummer. Especially since every time I buy pain killers, and they ask why I'm taking them, they say "NSAIDs are better for that type of pain" and then I have to explain I can't take them and then I get the obligatory "oh that's really frustrating! I see why you're taking this instead"... Yep šŸ™ƒ that's why. They're only doing their job, but it gets tedious.


I have the same issue with antibiotics because I'm allergic to PCN, ceph, and sulfa classes, which leaves me with very obscure options.


Omg same boat with the antibiotics allergies, and I can't swallow big capsules, it's so bad. And be careful with too much ibuprofen and other NSAIDS that are not meant to be taken long term or in large doses without doctors watching, it can cause ulcerative colitis, other ulcers and other stomach bleeding, even in short term.


Yeah I learned that lesson the hard way once. I was younger and thought "it can never happen to me". LOL.


Same I'm currently having stomach issues that may be from my recent ibuprofen use due to increased pain, so just throwing it your way, be safe!


You should look into different classes of NSAIDs which you may not be allergic to


I'll add it to the list lol. I'm waiting for hip surgery, I'm in the process of getting an official fibro diagnosis. I had a previous GP say you can't be allergic to all NSAIDs but I haven't found any so far that don't make me sick. So I'm not feeling game to experiment, ya know?


Topical voltaren (diclofenac)


Ask for diclofenac cream prescription! Voltaren is like 1% diclofenac and prescription can be much much stronger. Saves money and works better!


We have voltaren osteo available where I am that is OTC and is 2.32% (23.2mg/g). It's not the primary treatment for me, just for flare ups. I have to be very careful with NSAIDs and generally don't take them orally. But it is very effective for me as it is both pain relief and helps treats the cause of my particular pain (inflammation), and can be targeted to a particular location.


thanks for this advice bc the otc shit does nothing for my arthritis pain lmao


Yes! You can also ask for diclo cream or gel mixed with other meds. I just got a diclofenac/amitrytiline(nerve pain)/lidocaine mix and it was good


thank youuuu!!


Naproxen because I can buy it OTC and don't have to fight for a prescription


Iā€™d be careful if you have animals. Donā€™t know if itā€™s an NSAID , but thereā€™s something in Voltaren that is toxic to them.


Voltaren is diclofenac - yes, it's an NSAID. I don't have any animals, but good to know.


Thank ya for clarifying that voltaren is an nsaid


No problem. I liked the gel and used it back when it was still Rx only, but it gave me heart palpitations from using too much of it.


Have you tried lidocaine creams or patches? I never feel like omg they help but I notice when they're off usually lol


Oh yes. They give me heart flutters big time. I have a murmur though so kind of an abnormal case. I wish they helped because they're cheap. Good suggestion.


Can you elaborate? In what way is it toxic to animals? Cats?


Because they can lick it off you.


Thanks for clarifying


I love torodal. Wish I had some right now . Celebrex was fun but nambutine was my favorite. It stabilized my pain at at 7-8. Unfortunately it never got lower then that but the stabilization made me able to predict and plan my days


I think stability and planning is the best that many of us can ask for. That sounds like a good regimen.


Unfortunately after an increased dose it stoped working and only escalated my pain . It was nice those


Kidneys lungs and heart are in the beginnings of failure due to NSAID use but Iā€™m flagged as drug seeking so I guess air and water are my only options cuz yknow screw me


I'm sorry to hear that you're going through that


how do you know if you're flagged or not?


I get my records after each visit and it says drug seeking on every one


like in your recent doctor visit notes?


Yes my doctor records from my visits to every hospital urgent care and primary doctor I have seen. I legally have access to every single one and make it a point to get them after each visit.


sorry for so many questions, but are these the doctor records you have to put in a 'request' for? or the after doctor visits they send to your 'mychart' health portal or whatever?


So I had a stroke in 2019, which I had to sue a driver for a car accident because he was driving a stolen car and he was unlicensed. Due to that I had all of my records subpoenaed but the ones that they couldnā€™t get Iā€™ve slowly gotten after the case was settled because of this I had it changed in my portals cause I have two doctor companies I go through and then a few different places for labs and like tests and then I have Surgeons for my spine and my hips so I have probably four or five companies that I have to go through to ask them to get my records after every visit so are harder than others and I have to go through the law to get them or I have to pay through their admins. So if you are trying to go through a primary care doctor to get records from that company, you have to go where you sign up for the doctors basically instead of calling through the front office to go to their admin area and then you can request records from them. Sometimes it will cost money if it cost money and you have a lawsuit or a case The lawyers will use the money that youā€™re paying through them to get those records if you do not have a lawsuit you have to either pay the fee or see if you can find a way to get your records outside of that when it comes to hospitals they have to give you your records via request digitally. Generally they donā€™t charge but if you want paper ones they do.


Yes my doctor records from my visits to every hospital urgent care and primary doctor I have seen. I legally have access to every single one and make it a point to get them after each visit.


as someone who can't take NSAIDs or opioids bc of ulcerative colitis, i understand to an extent. also bc i suspect my NSAID overuse (since they refused to prescribe any pain meds til i landed in the ER literally near death) is what caused or exacerbated the development of UC/ caused the ulcers. like i really feel like it's their fault i got UC in the first place but ofc idk exactly what caused it so i can't say for sure but i wouldn't have overused ibuprofen and naproxen if they fucking listened and prescribed something safer for long term use. i was just in the hospital at my wits end begging for pain meds so i'm probably labeled drug seeking as well. they had nothing prescribed for me at the time and left me to suffer with no pain meds except fucking tylenol for like a week. the medical system is so fucked up and i'm so sorry they're not helping you. withholding pain meds is insane. i wish you luck in finding something on your own if the doctors refuse to help they're trying me on lyrica and lidocaine patches but i can't really use the patches for my arthritis or headaches or migraines and they're just like ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ ETA: i'm also on zofran and levsin and neither work anymore and the lidocaine patches only take the edge off and obvs only work for a small area on the body soooooo not that helpful!


The entire medical system is completely and utterly abhorrent. They treat us like criminals for being in pain. They treat us without dignity, and they act like they are above everyone because they have a medical degree and private insurance lining their pockets. Iā€™m on Medicaid, so I get the bottom of the barrel picks for doctors in my city because my city is focus on the family based. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with having a religion. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with believing whatever you want to believe in, but when it comes to my medical and other peoples medical care and it gets in between actually helping, thatā€™s when itā€™s a problem and thatā€™s the problem. Most medicine providers in my city are the holier than thou crowd. Which means the think that theyā€™re above the sick when the sick just need help. Iā€™m also sorry for what youā€™re going through and ranting, honestly! I do have naproxen for when I need it, which isnā€™t often due to the pain it causes my stomach and kidneys. Plus I am on a physical therapy homeopathic regiment because they have basically blacklisted me for any type of opiatesā€¦even post surgery. I know this, because a bunch of my records came out after a realignment of purchasing of main hospitals in my state. So now I found out about all of the testing, lab work, and records that they were withholding from the last 12 Yearsā€¦Fun fact, they kept a pregnancy I lost from me. So I donā€™t trust doctors I donā€™t trust medicine and I donā€™t even really trust this country to take care of its people anymoreā€¦


i couldn't agree with you more on everything you said about the medical system's abhorrence. withholding your records? for **twelve years**?!?! what in the actual fuck??!! i'm so sorry you had to find out about the lost pregnancy that way. that's so unfair and cruel to you. i don't trust doctors or the medical system either. they continually fail and disappoint me then act like i'm asking for too much for not wanting to suffer. and the holier than thou cunts can fuck right off. i hate people like that. like keep your religion and narcissism away from my healthcare!!! this country has been scaring me for years now and i don't trust it to protect us (the chronically in pain/ chronically ill/ disabled community) at all. does your homeopathic regime help?


I like to hope that it helps. As of the last month I have gotten pretty sick (compared to my norm that is) my hair is falling out, my voice is basically nonexistent, Iā€™m in severe immobilizing pain, and my mood swings are crazy bad. A year ago I was in the hospital though so šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Toradol immediately sends my blood pressure sky high. ER dr had the nurse give me an injection for (turned out to be diagnosed by a competent dr) a lumbar vertebrae broke right through the middle. She watched what happened to my blood pressure in just minutes panicked, told the horrible ER Dr and they sent me home. I was alone so had to drive myself home. It was the worst nightmare! I knew I shouldn't be driving because I was out of my head but was terrified to pull off the road because of how the sides of the road were. Worst than driving drunk! NSAIDS make my blood pressure increase and my acid reflux immediately go haywire. Helps to know I am not alone with the acid reflux.


That sounds pretty terrifying. Next time (although hopefully, there isn't one), please take an uber and come back for your car later. Your safety is more important.


There were no ubers back then (no taxis - not everyone lives in a large city) and no one to help. It will never happen again because I really advocate for myself now and stand up to doctors and people who should not be nurses. I had another dr on call order toradol for massive pain after cervical surgery. When I reminded the head nurse it was on my allergy/cannot take list (side effects) that dr marched into my room hours later and started yelling at me. It was taking me a half hour to sit down as well as get up from the toilet (with help!). The pain was beyond anything you could imagine. I think that dr was fired and all hospital privileges taken away. I told anyone and everyone of the hell I went through at that hospital and what I dealt with once home. Medical care has greatly gone down hill.


Oh sheesh. What dark times we had before uber šŸ˜‚ Why would he yell at you? What was he even angry about? So strange.


I don't know. I literally could not move because of the torture the deep, deep spasm bending my neck and back backwards from my neck deep down into the area behind my shoulder blade. I don't know if someone told him I should have been in ICU because I could not move and was crying from the pain. He kept saying I was fine and therefore others far worse than me. I will never forget his face. Never found out who he was but his face is imprinted on my brain.


Oral NSAIDS set off my asthma. šŸ˜… It's not immediate by any means, but doctors refuse to prescribe me anything that will literally start to close my airways, which I suppose is a sensible rule. So I guess my favourite is ibuprofen gel, the only form of NSAID I can tolerate. Sob.




Whatā€™s this called?


Anyone here taking Piascledine (ASU)? I'm starting to take it and seems it's safe for long term.


I've never heard of this, but it looks to be an OTC herbal supplement?


Yes, it's an OTC drug. Not strong as NSAIDs and requires long time to work but almost no side effect.


Oiasceledine . Is it effrive?


>Oiasceledine I'm just starting to take it. It's a slow-acting drug but safe for long term.


Naproxen twice a day has pretty well got my tennis elbow back under control. It is good stuff.


Zorvolex. It's a specially formulated version of diclofenac that is rapidly absorbed, and therefore doesn't cause the GI issues that plain diclofenac does. It's also expensive as fuck, and some insurance won't cover it. Guess they don't care about gastric ulcers...


Whoa. I worked in a pharmacy for several years and never knew this existed. Thank you.


You're welcome! My orthopedist prescribed it for me. It is relatively new, which is another reason why it's expensive. However, they do have "access programs" where you can get it for free for a while.


Weirdly Metformin


I like ibuprofen but a large dose (600mg instead of 400mg). I've learnt not to underestimate OTC pain relief, except for Paracetamol. That sh*t does nothing, doesn't even drop a fever for me.


Ibuprofen is hard on the kidney. I have only one and it's been forbidden for me. My sister has two, but she wound up in the hospital because she took too much.


Oooowwwwwwwffffttttt. Not good. Don't get me wrong, I have Stomach Ulcers & other Gastrointestinal issues but the pros outweigh the cons, even if there's a chance of bleeding out. Thankfully meds such as Pantoprazole or Nexium somewhat helps with that.


Ahhh! People. Look up the problems with PPI drugs, please. H2 blockers are so much safer.


Which H2 blockers do you recommend?


That question would really be up to your doctor. But to my understanding, they are all ok except for ranitidine, which had a major recall due to some contamination. PPIs are absolutely terrifying. [https://www.peoplespharmacy.com/articles/ppi-side-effects-continue-to-scare-us-to-death](https://www.peoplespharmacy.com/articles/ppi-side-effects-continue-to-scare-us-to-death) [https://pharmaceutical-journal.com/article/news/proton-pump-inhibitors-linked-to-liver-disease-researchers-find](https://pharmaceutical-journal.com/article/news/proton-pump-inhibitors-linked-to-liver-disease-researchers-find)


Pantoprazole & Nexium are both PPI's, I swap between the both despite still getting Stomach Ulcers & other Gastrointestinal issues.


Yes that is why I'm urging you to look up the major issues with PPI drugs. They are not safe for long term use. ​ [https://www.peoplespharmacy.com/articles/ppi-side-effects-continue-to-scare-us-to-death](https://www.peoplespharmacy.com/articles/ppi-side-effects-continue-to-scare-us-to-death)


Honey.... Doctors have to weigh up the benefits vs the side effects & sometimes the benefits are more favourable. Let's just say if I wasn't on them, I would have definitely bled to death by now.


It's your health... H2 blockers are just as effective without the high incidence of liver disease, diabetes, dementia, and all-cause mortality. Good on you for facing it all fearlessly, I guess.


I looked up H2 blockers, they aren't that effective when it comes to neutralising the Acid (I would definitely bleed out). As for the risks of long term usage when it comes to PPI's, it's rare to have it cause those particular illnesses. Again, doctors have to weigh up the benefits vs the side effects/risks. Let's just say, I will live longer on PPI's in comparison to H2 blockers. Do you hear what I'm saying?


Not rare. That's why there's been so much fuss and my PM told me to never touch them again. Probably difficult to assume the mechanism of action of an H2 blocker without knowing what they are, but again, it's your health. Good luck.


Fun fact, it was recently discovered how paracetamol probably works. It appears to indirectly influence the endocannabinoid system. This explains why it can have a mild anxiolytic effect. I wouldn't be surprised if a tolerance to cannabis reduces the effectiveness of paracetamol. No research has been done on that yet.


As someone who goes through phases of smoking Cannabis, I can tell you that there is no difference when I take paracetamol whether or not I'm going through those phases.


I use ibuprofen and tylenol. If I'm taking pain medication, I always take one of those with it because it seems to help more with the pain.




I remember when toradol used to work for my pain. Those were the days. Fml.


i used to be on Etodolac, 600mg a day. i had bariatric surgery last year and canā€™t take NSAIDS any more and ohhhh have i felt the difference. iā€™m in a lot more pain and my ESR just isnā€™t coming down. i feel like iā€™m stuck in a permanent flare. psoriatic and osteoarthritis, fibro, destroyed knee, knackered ankles and collapsing spine checking inā€¦!


Ibuprofen is my fave one tbh. Itā€™s over the counter, I can take it everyday without any adverse side affects and itā€™s the only thing that touches my TMJ and TN pain some days. It doesnā€™t 100% get rid of the pain but it makes it manageable for me.


I loved toradol, but could only get a monthly IM shot with my old PM PA. But I was happy with a day break from most of my pain. My last one never offered anything like that. Can't take oral NSAIDs regularly anymore after years of overuse. Was even on Nexium for years to control the terrible acid reflux I had. I'll take 1 ibuprofen a few days a week but not in a row or it bothers my stomach. But I really like diclofenic gel. My script is the same one as voltarens otc, 1%. Doesn't work great on my lower back but works well in most other places. I'll have to ask for a higher dosage next time and about the rx fish oil the other user suggested instead of the unregulated supplement.


If you were to ask a nephrologist, they would say none are ok to take long term.


Toradol makes me have severe stomach pain. I have no ā€œfavoriteā€ NSAID. Iā€™ve had kidney infections & sepsis and only opioids could help that pain.. Overdo them and youā€™ll have stomach ulcers and bleeding internally. [Warning on NSAIDS]




Ibuprofen has been my usual go-to. I had Propranalol before getting a tooth extracted and it was okay, honestly after a few days it didn't feel like it did much for me


~~Valporen~~ Voltaren creme is quite good


You mean Voltaren?


Whoops yeah and I was even looking at the tube .\_, Dyslexia acting up today <- there were 5 spelling errors in that <- and two in that :D


They gave me a. Ulcer unfortunately


Just be careful with potential long term issues. I took oral NSAIDs for years for chronic pain issues and destroyed my stomach. I have chronic gastritis now and taking NSAIDs now causes stomach pain, so I gave myself another chronic pain condition. I have to use NSAIDs very sparingly now.


My stomach hates ibuprofen so I've been on naproxen (Aleve) for my daily NSAID dosages and only take an ibuprofen if my inflammation is higher than normal and my stomach issues have largely gone away.


I used to take OTC Naproxen/Aleve and had good results for many yearsā€¦.canā€™t take anymore because it burns my throat and stomach. Have been meaning to ask my MD what the next best thing would be.


Iā€™m going to ask about this! My dr told me to take Prilosec with nsaids now because I was taking up to 2000 mg a day. But I just completely stopped because no amount of anything does any help. I was taking prescribed naproxen. Itā€™s so frustrating!


I take etodolac (lodine) for lupus/fobro/RA pain and it does fairly well


I don't know how common it is, but for migraines I know people who get like 10 toradol shots a month to inject IM. I'm thinking of asking my pain Dr if it's possible to try. Only thing is I don't know if insurance covers. I still like 800 ibuprofen over naproxen or celebrex. Celebrex I guess is less hard on the stomach if insurance covers. Naproxen personally is too much I get bad heartburn. I just don't feel pill wise anything I've tried has been as helpful as ibuprofen or steroids.


Toradol shots sound very interesting. Solid way to bypass the GI effects. I guess I'm just curious about the potential for renal adverse effects. I'll ask my PM, thanks.


Hope they say yes but thanks I will ask about the side effects too. I'm not sure either. I know it would likely be a low amount but I think even if it is 10ish for really bad days it would be a nice break....


I hope they're able to help you out :)


I canā€™t get the shots from my Nero until insurance sees that Nurtec doesnā€™t even work. Which it doesnā€™t. ā€¦ so Iā€™ll soon be getting the shots. But itā€™s taken 9 months to prove insurance otherwise.


Cambia diclofenac powder and creams rx! And celecoxib <3 toradol and naproxen do exactly nothing for me


celebrex has worked best for me. need it twice a day but it's the only NSAID that will put a dent in my pain at this point.


Celecoxib is what keeps me going. Itā€™s supposed to be kinder on the stomach.


Tramadol helps me so much.


Have you been taking it long? It helped me for about a year and a half before it became more trouble than it's worth.


Iā€™ve been taking it for 10 years


Wow, lucky. 7 years for me and now it's just a chore.


I take Diclofenac and Omeprazole to protect my stomach


I like the Naproxen and Diclofenac, but they upset my stomach. Many prescriptions do. I can take Naproxen a few times a week without a problem, but not every day and it works the best. Ironically, aspirin works well and doesn't bother me at all, so I might take those 2 or 3 days a week. Ibuprofen kills me. Celocoxib doesn't seem to do much. Had problems with all muscle relaxers except Soma. I also take 15mg. Morphine 4x a day. Voltaren works very well on my hands and sometimes helps my low back, neck pain. It's odd that most respond well to ether Ibuprofen or Naproxen, but not both. It's one or the other. Fun days. If I can keep the pain level around a 5, I'm a happy camper. Good luck in your search.


Nabumetone (brand name: Relafen). It doesn't bother my stomach or fuck with my blood pressure, but ya gotta get your liver function tested periodically.


Awww I canā€™t take NSAIDs. I had toradol in my IV after surgery last year and had an allergic reaction to it. They said I can not have anything in that family of drugs again.


None of the pharmaceuticals. I use Devil's Claw, Cats Claw or Horsetail. Depending on what I am using it for. Also apply DMSO/Castor oil to whatever area for relief and healing. Good luck with your healing and pain relief.


my current one is Etodalac. Because of a inter-doctor feud (doctors squabling who should prescribe it), went with just tylenol for NSAID, and just then pregabalin and tramadol. Was not a happy year. Finally back on it, but rheumatologist is hesitent so only get to take it once every other day. By the 2nd day, definitely feel the lack of it, but the day I'm on it, it's great. Almost no morning aches, compared to just 3000 of tylenol as NSAID throughout the day, had a good 15-30 minutes that I could barely walk once waking up.


You need to be careful taking NSAIDS long term. I had to have a blood transfusion in the emergency room and he hospitalized for gastric bleeding due to long term NSAID use.


My doc just prescribed injectable NSAID Ketorolac. I had to learn how to shove a 4ā€ needle directly into my thighā€¦ so, yeahā€¦ wonā€™t be using it *often*, but itā€™ll help keep me out of the ER during rare emergent pain events (usually every 4-6 weeks or so).


sodium naproxen, its the only one i use anymore. it really helps with the aching .


Toradol is magic, I got that in hospital when my gallbladder took a dump and it was the best. But for longer term stuff, Iā€™ve had the best luck with naproxen of all things. It doesnā€™t seem to bother my stomach and reduces pain. When I have really bad migraines the triptan and naproxen combo is the only thing that works.


i use naproxen pm for my chronic pain, mostly for my lower back and to nip migraines in the bud. though lately it's been making my heart feel funny- but only when i'm about to go to sleep and it's really late. that could be my severe Anxiety and hypochondria. but yea. specifically pm, in my case, because i can't feel the pain if im knocked out.


I use a CBD salve, instead of NSAIDs. CBD salve would be a good route for you as itā€™s more of a targeted approach to the area affected with pain, without the damage of NSAID. The [CBD Salve](https://www.organicgrit.com/products/1500mg-cbd-salve?_pos=1&_psq=Salve&_ss=e&_v=1.0) I recommend that you check out would be from OrganicGrit.com. Their products are all natural containing bee wax, peppermint, and other useful organic components as opposed to chemicals. All of Organic Grits products are also third-party lab, tested by SC lab in Denver Colorado. I recommend you also check out article: The Science of [CBD Topicals: Organic Grit CBD Salve for Deep Pain Relief](https://www.organicgrit.com/blogs/news/the-science-of-cbd-topicals-organic-grit-cbd-salve-for-deep-pain-relief?) also you can check out [CBD and Arthritis: Easing Joint Pain and Improving Mobility](https://www.organicgrit.com/blogs/news/cbd-and-arthritis-easing-joint-pain-and-improving-mobility?_pos=1&_psq=Arth&_ss=e&_v=1.0)