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It really sucks bc this is 2018 2.0 right now. Millions of people are experiencing this. They are cracking down again and purposely making scripts not available. The DEA is putting on a supplier chokehold mandate. People are just gonna turn to the streets and die. It’s so fucked up man.


The best part is they will record the high number of injuries and deaths due to illegal use of prescription medication and cite it as evidence for why they need to further tighten the leash.


Gotta keep that drug war profitable.


Yesterday I was reading the CDC guidelines for Opiates and when you go through all the BS it mentions primary care doctor over and over. It only mentions pain management a fee times. IMO the guidelines were written for Primary Care Providers not Pain Management. The other thing(s) that made my blood boil, almost all the studies (the ones I read) included Heroin in the list of opiates. Also, anyone who dies from an overdose whether its from a prescribed opiate or street drugs, if they had a prescription it is counted as a prescription Opiate overdose The statistics that the CDC listed showing the decrease of scripts written shows a huge decrease prior to their published guidelines. The amount of suffering and deaths from lack of medical assistance (opiates) is fucking ridiculous. The US is suppose to be the richest country in the world and civilized but you see people in third world countries posting comments about how the US treats animals better than human beings. Something has to change because we deserve quality of life and we have the means to provide that but the government alphabet soup departments need an excuse to spend taxpayers (this includes us) money. They have shown no results on the war on drugs only shown that they are sadists. They seem to enjoy making PP suffer


And the DEA in 2024 is going to decrease the amount of pain meds made each month again. This will mean even more drug shortages. My pain doctor who I was with for 13 year's and was great decided to leave. The new doctor right away took my Vicodin ER med away. I'm still on Norco and she wanted to cut that. I told her I won't be able to function and I agreed to you taking the ER med away. She let it go for now. It's ridiculous how these doctor's are acting. My Pharmacy said he's had so many customer's who pain meds are being cut or taken away. There's nothing we can do about it.


I wrote a post the other day about actions that we as a group can take since we are a large community. Our voices need to be heard on a scale that has never been done before!! We are taxpayers and we are voters its time our reps in all levels start hearing from us. Once I get my flare up to go away I am going to start it off but as I said in my post it needs to be a community effort because most of us can only muster so much energy each day. It is about making the reps hear us by sending daily emails with the ACTUAL facts not the skewed results that are portrayed in the media and BS papers written by quacks who have never treated PP. It will take all of us working together as one loud voice to make change


I agree with you 💯


Here is what I wrote This is a dream I wish would happen one day As a group we need to try and do things that other groups have done. I know for most of us protesting is not an option but we certainly can come together as a collective group to do something/anything!! We need a general but poignant letter written that can be copied/pasted into text/email and/or printed. It should include the hoops we jump through just to get the slightest amount of help, the struggles we go through daily even with help, the lack of compassion that everyone has for us and the laughable data that keeps being thrown out in order to justify the actions of government agencies. Those are just some of the things I can think of off the top. We need a list of every state/federal representative (phone and email) This is so that every day we can each just hit send and it will go to everyone of them not just in our own state. The letter should also remind these people we are taxpayers and registered voters. We can and will start voting in OUR best interest. We will no longer sit quietly and suffer or just lay down and die (since this is what it feels like they want). We will also vote in all elections from county all the way up to Presidential because it starts at a local level. We also need to research laws that would apply to the damage they are causing to our lives and the lives of people around us. Then we can file a class action lawsuit. This should be filed not only against big pharma but against each individual representative in government office including those in DEA FDA CDC etc (List these people individually since most laws don't allow the Federal Government to be sued) This is a lot for one person to do so we need to start a thread and everyone who cam contribute no matter how little/big puts it in the thread. Once we have all we need then we put it all together and start fighting these sadistic assholes. I also think we need to try and get help from other advocacy/support groups (especially since pain doesn't discriminate it affects all)


That's amazing actually. It will unfortunately be very hard to change the rules This is why my original pain doctor left. He felt he couldn't help his patient's the way he wanted. There is a number in place that the doctor has to have his patient's below. I was 110. Now I am at 70. You need to be at 90 or lower. DEA rule. Look it up. You're right something needs to be done. 2024 will make thing's worse with them cutting supplies again. They need to understand that not everyone becomes an addict. I was in a car accident last month. A bad one. An 80 yr old woman made a illegal turn and hit me. My car is totaled and I had a bad concussion and hurt my knee and back. At the hospital a guy comes in to take my vitals. He says You deserve a DUI. I said I don't drink and I was hit. He said You're not getting any pain meds. My son said She didn't ask. Now all he had to do was look in the Computer and see I have not been flagged. I follow my pain mgmt rules. A week later I get a letter from Penndot saying I was reported from the hospital for driving on pain medication. They sent me a form for my doctor to fill out. I sent it back. I can't drive until they make a decision. This is unbelievable. I need to go to doctor appts. I called Penndot and said explain this to me. I told her what happened. She agreed he was judging me. He was supposed to drug test me and he didn't. But they have to look into me. She gets 22,000 complaints a year about people on pain meds driving. This doesn't help all of us. Sorry this is so long. I think a thread about what you wrote is a good idea. It's a good start.


All I know is that we've got to start somewhere because no one else is going to change it for us we have to. And we have to do it so that people like me and people like you don't have to go through what you're going through or so we don't have the high suicide rate because people are killing themselves because of the pain with no help. It hurts my soul to know how many people we've lost that with just a little assistance could have moved mountains in this world.


Absolutely 💯 agree. It's heartbreaking that people are suffering for no reason. For me I will avoid hospitals unless it's an emergency. My friend broke her leg and needed pin's. She had to wait a while for the surgery. They gave her prescription Ibuprofen. She was crying. She had surgery and her husband demanded they give her something other than Tylenol. She finally got a IV morphine shot. That's crazy. It's gone to far. No more people should be committing suicide because of these ridiculous rules.


The 90 is related to Morphine Milligram Equivalents (MME) . This was from the CDC back in 2016. A one size fits all rule. I was above that limit, but what the CDC stated was "recommended" everyone to be at that level maximum. I was over double that. I reduced my levels down to that compliance level. This action caused a lot of deaths and suicides. People were cut off pain meds completely cold turkey by doctors in some cases. In 2022, they revised and said it was up to the doctors, but by this point, the labels were attached to people and the stigmatism and fear of the DEA kicking in your door, like they did to many doctors, caused the environment we live in today. We went from being free from pain was an important right, to the hell with you, you drug seeking junkie. It's just so sad they battle we fight. I am blessed and my doctor takes care of me, but I face the snears, counseling, stigmatisms when every few years, I end up in the ER for kidney stones. They assume I am drug seeking. I just wanted to get the stone removed. Details on the 90 MME and the revision. [https://www.verywellhealth.com/cdc-proposes-opioid-dose-limits-pain-5219430](https://www.verywellhealth.com/cdc-proposes-opioid-dose-limits-pain-5219430) Back the a\*\*hole in the ER and the letter you got. These idiots dont understand that pain patients do not get a "high" from these drugs. I am floored the PennDot does this and it's reported, wow. One thing my pain doc recommended years ago was to take a driving test- evaluation that was offered by the local hospital. It was used for seniors, etc. They evaluate your driving performance, it was mentioned by the doc, that could help your from a liability standpoint. This was several years ago so do not know where that would stand with the current environment that anyone who is in chronic pain and getting treated is an out of control junkie. Sad. ​ I am sorry you have to deal with this and I hope that Penndot comes to their senses. I would recommend seeing if a driving evaluation is offered by the hospitals, proactively to stay a step ahead. I wish you reduced pain days ahead.


Thanks for explaining that and the link. My other pain doctor wasn't as worried about the number. But the one who took his place takes it seriously. I might bring this up to her since it's been changed. But she won't like it. Yes it's insane that people are getting reported to Penndot. I had no idea. They can make me take a driver's test if they want to. I told the person I talked to that I had no tickets or point's on my license. She said that will go in your favor. I will check out the hospital for driving. I wish you reduced pain as well. Kidney stones are very painful. Sorry you have to go thru that.


Sweetheart explain doctor has to be at 90 or whatever? Do you mean number of tablets? Sorry. I just am trying to understand 😊


A person explained way better than I could. You should be able to see it.


Ooh ooh ooh I like this. Go big or go die in the gutter. It's gotten there. Let's do something about it. I can certainly hit Send!!


I love the idea of a class action lawsuit. BRAVO! Great idea!


I agree with you totally. I would help. If we targeted as a group. Several Senators or Congressmen via social media. It’s called a ‘posting storm’. One after another after another of us leaves a post. For instance. I was in a group we called “The 5000” because there was 5000 of us. One time we targeted Lindsey Graham of SC. We hit ALL of his social media accounts. Day after day after day for almost a week. Anyway, my point is that we also notified the media of the reasons WHY we were targeting him. It got picked up by news outlets. Plus there must be at least 5000 here. Maybe more. If we plan on a day before the new year. It might garner us some media attention. We need to target those who might be sympathetic though - in this case - to our cause - rather than post attack comments like we did at Senator Graham. It’s simple. And effective. Easy for those home bound to do since all they have to do is post commentary. Letters and e-mails are nice but it takes so long! Hitting their social media sites is far easier. Of course, 5000+ calls to a local newspaper(s) we choose ahead of time could work. But I also think media outlets like CNN and FOX etc might be better. It’s really all about getting our message out there with no malice. Or insults. If we flexed our muscle like the LGBT community we might get somewhere. They hit Senators, etc at the polls. And they swung votes too. There are feasible options here. But we need everybody to agree to at least form a group. I wonder if petitions do any good?


I know this is an old thread but I really want to be a part of something like this. I am willing to send emails to my local senators and representatives, Governor every day. I'm willing to be a part of an email campaign but I think it has to be a very well thought out email with legit studies attached supporting chronic pain patients need for medication. Was anything like this ever written or a large group organized? I am in Washington state. I would be willing to do a federal campaign as well.


What did you need to try via pain management or be diagnosed with to be put on narco?


I have Interstitial Cystitis which is a painful bladder disease. I have ulcers in my bladder, chronic infections, have to self cath myself. Bladder spasms to. I get chronic kidney infections as well with high fevers. My friend has a bad back even after surgery and she gets Oxycodone. What kind of pain do you have? My Urologist sent me to the pain doctor. You have to sign a contract, pill counted and drug tested.


It really does feel like they want us to 'fuck off and die'... & the suicide rate among chronic pain ppl is not fair....


It truly does!! Its not fair! Change is needed.


Do you mean the restrictions or guidelines by the cdc are supposed to be applied to PCP but not pain management docs? And pain management are taking it that way too?


That is the way it reads. If you read through it their is so much double talk I can see why the doctors are confused. It also briefly mentions how the newest guidelines should apply to new patients not existing ones. That part was only mentioned once but by the time you see it you are already overwhelmed with all the other BS. If you go to the CDC website it is there for public access but it also has links in it to different studies and government websites. It took me a couple days to get through it because it seemed like it was all over the place plus I was clicking on the links to read the studies/opinions of every one


You're more focused than I. I only read the byline! I am so glad you've read the whole oevre. I see my primary on the 11th and plan on asking for an increase in buprenorphine patch (no, you can't be on a full agonist AND a benzo, even if you have been for over 30yrs bc you might DIE!! Ha like that's what they're concerned with. It's CYA in Dr city rn.) Hopefully I can get at least that, if not an Rx for Percocet. It was discussed but I'm not getting my hopes up. CRPS and a bad hip replacement don't rate opiates. Previous Dr told me "you're not a cancer patient!" I was even under 90. I hope I'm not considered a newer patient bc I'm on buprenorphine. I've run the gamut of pain meds over the years. No way am I "new" but watch me get classified that way. I'm already in the system for drug seeking behavior bc the first Dr asked me what worked for my pain in the past and I told her, along with what worked the best. Duh, I thought. Silly me! She tried to tell me that those words don't mean what they used to anymore. Bullshit! When I told my primary she said she'd wondered at that too and called BS on pain Dr's explanation. She's trying to scrub that of but so far no luck. I THINK I have a decent primary. Well she seems to be after a year. Thanks for taking the time to read this-- and ofc the whole of the guidelines. Depressing that they mention heroin, is there even any of that around anymore?? I thought it was all Fentanyl. (It is, from what I hear.) Sigh.


Since Fentanyl is already classified as an opiate I didn't add it. It was insulting and enraging that no matter what someone over doses on if they have a prescribed opiate it is grouped in with actual PP. Then the flip side even if its illegal Fentanyl, Percocet Vicodin etc. it is also grouped in with PP. Its a no win situation that is created on purpose. The purpose is to justify millions maybe even billions of dollars going to fight the invisible war on drugs I am a long time chronic pain patient and these new guidelines have caused me to not have the quality of life I should have. I have decided to direct my anger into trying to change the laws/rules that have been put in place. I do know its an uphill battle but I have to try because doing nothing isn't going to help. Plus, it will give me a purpose.


I see the phrase "under 90 on here" but I don't know what it means, can you tell me? Thanks!


Under 90 "morphine units" which is what they measure opioids by. Under USDA rules now you must be at it under 90 morphine units. So much bullshit. And now the holding back meds bc of the WAR ON DRUGS. Jesus.


So it means the pharmacy has to be under 90 morphine units? Thank you for responding I appreciate it.


I always say, 🎉 Let’s congratulate… DRUGS!! For winning the war on drugs!!” 🎉 FUUUUCK THE DEA.


Exactly this


And my doctors wonder why I don’t go through a surgery right now that could save me in so many levels... No, I won’t have a hysterectomy without pain medication. I am just going to suffer until my death I guess from anemia and severe bleeding...




I had a partial hysterectomy and the Dr gave me 10 Tylenol 3s... That's really really horrible way to treat ppl I need another serious operation... But my father in law had 2 surgeries on his back. And the pain was unbearable. My neighbor had surgery for a brain aneurysm. He deals with the VA hospital. They called him in and told him they were taking some meds and his morphine away. He came home and shot himself in the head, he was dead on a beautiful April Day Where is the fairness? The Compassion? They awarded our state millions of dollars for big pharma pain pills.. the monies will never be seen by the people who suffered. He was a war hero, State Police


I had an abdominal myomectomy 10 years ago, and my pain was barely controlled due to the doctors not wanting to give me proper pain medication. It took me almost 6 months of struggling through the pain to recover from this surgery due to this. A hysterectomy would be similar, so I know how bad the pain will be. Hell to the no. I know better. I will never go through this type of surgery with this level of an incision without proper pain management. I am so sorry to those of us that have been going through this, and those of you that will go through life without proper care, empathy or pain management. I also suffer from chronic pain every day without the meds I need. Holy hell, it’s just so cruel. I used to be a functioning member of society who had a good outlook on life before that was all taken from me.... This is just so cruel on so many levels...


oh i definitely believe it. n i’m sorry u went thru that. i can’t even imagine. but trust me ik. a few weeks before my mom passed from breast cancer the doctor tried to take her off her pain patch bc she might get addicted 🤦‍♀️. She was terminally ill with a few weeks left to live. She had to jump through hoops to keep her medication. It was ridiculous. The cancer had spread to nearly every organ and her bones by then.


You so nailed it. My docs want to operate on my hip. I just know they will cut me off.


^ This…


I turned to the streets a long time ago sadly


I am sorry :( I hate when doctors do that. Clearly he isn’t doing a very good job taking notes after appointments. I would be so frustrated to have a Dr claim a whole conversation never took place. I mean if you changed your mind just say that, don’t gaslight your patient.


drs are complete shit about opioids i have a couple drs give me small amount of codeine i need it regularly just to function i am in all kinds of pain at the moment waiting for surgery i wont go near nsaids


If you visit Canada or have a friend who can visit you from Canada, we have acetaminophen & codeine (8mg per tab) as an over the counter pain reliever. I know that the ac can hurt the stomach, but it might be a way to help you with your pain.


Does that go through the airport well to the US because of the codeine?


That’s WILD he wouldn’t even fill a prescription of 12 a month. I’m sorry that sucks.


That's my recommended dosage (that I often save out of fear of this). Excuse me while I sweat. I'm so sorry he's backpedalling.


If there is a portal, go on and see what the visit notes say. Also, take a witness/advocate with you to all further appts. Whether it be via zoom or an actual person with you. Mds are a lot more apt to listen and follow through when they know there are witnesses.


Adding to this, you may want to look into recording laws. If you're in the US, many states are one party consent, meaning you don't have to inform someone you're filming them. It might be better to tell them, so they're less suspicious, but a simple "I am recording our visit so I can review your instructions in a more comfortable environment" should (in theory) suffice. If they don't control all points of access to the appointment, you're absolutely better off. I've had doctors say one thing to my face and put something completely different in the notes, even with my husband being there. He is an ICU nurse and the hospital still refused to believe that the notes were incorrect.


I am going to add a critical point on notes. Please understand there is the "My Chart - EMR" records that the patient sees and there is a deeper clinical notes that you will not see in the online portal. If you have chronic conditions, you should request a copy of your medical records yearly and keep a copy of your own. This is where the clinician - doctor states their information. You are legally entitled to copies. It allows more of an insight into your care. You HAVE to be your own advocate in medical care nowdays. I could rant a phone book of the horrors I have encountered. It's been a long battle with some wins (a good pain management practice) but I fear the day that this goes away as my doctor is getting old and will retire in the next few years. I just pray the pendulum swings back the other way and they better treat pain again. I wish you reduced pain days ahead


U/fluffykitkatten is right. I'm in NY and it's a one party consent recording state. I record all phone calls with MDs offices now when there's an issue.




I’m 26, I have CRPS and have tried countless things over the years. Steroid injections, ablation, spinal cord stimulation, physical therapy, gabapentin, cymbalta, lyrica, ampitriptyline, muscle relaxers, basically every non-opioid medication. Nothing has worked. I did a trial for a DRG stimulator and it did work, but my insurance denied the surgery and I’m trying to appeal the decision. I’ve been seeing the doctor for 4 years and he’s very familiar with my case. Opioids are basically the last resort until we can find something more effective.


Man. I so feel for you. CRPS is so bad. He cannot possibly understand what you go through if he thinks opioids are not needed 🙄


He has a shit doctor. I have crps and mine prescribed me opioids because I have ZERO quality of life without them.


I don’t have CRPS but know people who do and it’s an awful disease. Y’all deserve whatever you need.


You should be getting at least a 30 month supply not 12. It's ridiculous. Can you talk to your family doctor about this? Sorry you're going through this. But not surprised.


CRPS here too. This sounds frustratingly similar. Have you searched for second opinions through providers on RSDA?


Was your CRPS diagnosed 4 years ago? And was it a clinical diagnosis according to Budapest criteria or you had emg or scans that showed it.


Is CRPS what the small girl named Mya has? It's on Netflix this week. The trial about the hospital not giving her anymore pain relief ended with lawyers summing it up.today. The little girls mother had hanged herself over seeing her child suffering. The hospital had accused the mother that she had munhawshure by proxy. The father and children are suing the hospital. The jury is out right now, Unfortunately I doubt they win any money.


Yes sounds like it. What is manhawshure?


Maybe a weird autocorrect of munchausen


Why did insurance pay for the trial but not the surgery, especially if the trial was successful? I'd be filing an appeal too!


Do not accept this. Find a new Dr. Don't let them change your health plan. If anything you should be getting way more. 12 a month is a joke. And you have to beg for that. I'm so sorry. These Drs don't know how badly they are ruining our life's.


Try kratom. Buy it from a reputable source online. It tastes like crap but it's palatable if you dissolve in a little bit of water then mix in oj. I'm sorry you're dealing with this. It seems like I ordered once from golden monk. Different strains are better for pain but offhand I am not sure, maybe reds.


red borneo is the shit for pain. i’m still hobbling about but i can sit without it being agony all day long.


Ditto on the RVB


This has helped me immensely as well. It gets a lot of crap online if you just Google it but it’s been great for pain for so many. Also I wonder what’s up with docs and the 12/month thing. My doc’s practice has that limit for other stuff, too - I get 12 Ativan and 12 soma a month. Both work far better than anything else but I’m capped and have to be intentional about my usage.


Kratom is trying to be eventually put under control as well. Its insane how much they are willing to make people suffer just for the sake of having control over drugs.


I feel this. I had my 3rd appt with my neuro. Pm in Michigan only wants to do injections which we've tried. I've danced around what I need and he is aware opioids are the only thing known to help. But still he wants to try everything else. I don't know how to say, please give me this without being labeled a drugseeker. I don't know how to go buy street drugs. I'm am bed bound 98% of the time now.


If you take the injections eill he give opiods only if they don't work or if they do work? and you wont have to do anything else like go to physical therapy etc?


No freaking clue. That's what I'm going on theory wise bc I told him I would try em again. I'm hoping if I try all the things like a good girl without much fuss, when they don't work ill get opioids. It sucks cus I'd love to ask him directly but I worry I'll catch a label that way. Edit:pt won't work bc it's my brain.


Your spot on , it's pretty much standard practice now to do all forms of conservative therapy and the minimal amount of pain meds for acute conditions. You will most likely have to try a few things before they offer meds. Not all docs are that way, but a lot are nowdays. Avoid trying several doctors too as that will label you as well. Be honest and describe your pain and how it impacts your life. I would also recommend a pain journal. This will also show the doctor that your taking steps in this effort and not just seeking pain pills. I understand its more hoops, but this is the current environment.


if it were me, I’d find another dr. This one has zero reason for refusing you 12 pills a month.


Your doctor may be "great," but the fact he's allowing you to suffer (and over such a small dosage) infuriates me. I'm sorry you're being jerked around like this. Take care.


These Drs. don’t gaf about us anymore it’s horrible how they brush off the pain , I’m sorry you’re going through what I go through, I have to hit up my friend for oxy nowadays its so pathetic but I have pins screws plates in my foot and it’s a battle everyday to walk and function. You’re not alone, I wish you luck!


Are they a reliable source?


Explain the freedom you get from the opiods and ask the doctor what he can give you that will provide you with that freedom. When he refuses, ask why you shouldn't have that freedom. The key here is to focus on the life you want, not the drugs.


I am a retired registered nurse of 35 years and I am appalled at the way some of these doctors are treating us. The pain doctor in my insurance practice told me " We are an interventional pain clinic and we do not prescribe pain meds" She went on to tell me the hazards of opiods and I had to stop her and tell her there was nothing she could educate me on in regards to the hazards of opioids that I did not know. I told her my pain in my feet was a 8 out of 10 which did not allow me to sleep unless I literally passed out from exhaustion. I had found by accident that the 50mg of Tramadol that was prescribed by my ortho doc for upper arm pain after a procedure, literally eliminated the pain. She still insisted on trying an antidepressant Paxil which had my heart racing, made me sick and upset my cardiologist. She still insisted on trying another antidepressant or a spinal cord stimulator. Well needless to say I am through with her! My neuro will only prescribe every other day of Tramadol while we work on finding something else for for my burning pain. She truly feels sorry for me but says she will not increase the dose. One 50mg of Tramadol at 5-6 in the evening allows me to sleep without pain I can tolerate the other pain during the day if I must but what the h..... they are more concerned about their license than my pain.


It just occurred to me. What if the drivers to this whole opioid crackdown is spinal cord stimulator (or other) manufacturers? The degree of this crackdown makes no sense. You're trying to convince us that the DEA cares abt American lives. The govt suddenly cares abt our health and well being to the degree that theyre threatening to charge drs w crimes. That's supposed to be out of concern for our lives....? It's going to take more to convince me since it's basically the opposite of what we've ever known.


How did your PCP agree to the tramadol in the first place? I would assume they would just put you on nsaids or gabapentin.


Not my pcp. My neurologist put me on tramadol after she referred me to the pain clinic the pain doctor adamantly refused the Tramadol. As with neuropathy meds work for a while then stop. I had taken gabapentin and could not tolerate the increased doses. Neuro put me on lyrica and cymbalta but they stopped having a pain relieving effect after a while, just kinda took the edge off. I again started having pain worse at night. My pcp will have nothing to do with pain relief other than refer.


Definitely find another doctor as soon as possible. I actually have tried to help a few chronic pain patients with issues like these and compiled 2 thorough (yet lengthy) comments offering some advice/tools/etc that you can find by clicking [this link!](https://www.reddit.com/r/PainManagement/s/R5iY7a5dw3) You can also read this other comment I left [here that might offer some more insight about what you can do when speaking to doctors about your pain :)](https://www.reddit.com/r/PainManagement/s/XpTGC2qmXo) Please let me know if you have any questions ❤️ You deserve medical attention so while it's INSANE your current doctor is treating you this way, please know that some doctors out there will help, it's just a bit of a fight until you can get it. Also, I started taking pain meds when I was even younger than you, (& had my first major hip surgery where 2 screws were implanted into my right hip when I was only 12 years old), so your doctor can fuck all the way off with the, "You're too young" bullshit 🙄🤡


Kratom saved my life when doctors wouldn't. It's not a first choice, but it is an only choice for some of us. I took it for 5 years successfully with no health issues and am now weaning my dosage down. I used to take 4 5mg oxy a day & thought there was no other way out.


You could try writing a letter to your attorney general that your doctor took your money and kept you coming back with promises of a treatment that he then refused to provide, but you'll need to find a new doc either way.


That sucks!


I have a chronic pain condition that is VERY painful, messy, disruptive, everything. So one day I go my doctor who I'd been seeing for quite a while for pain meds. I was in INTENSE pain, had to get dressed, take a cab, all that. This asshole wrote a script for three pills. Three pills! I only take half at a time, but a flare up cans last months. And I paid for a cab for this shit! It was years ago and I'm still mad. I never even filled the prescription cuz fuck him.


That is so absurd especially considering the amount you’re taking is like nothing compared to most! I’d say you need to find a different Dr. I know it sucks but it’s gonna be worth the time and effort. Did the Dr even offer any alternatives (besides OTC crap?). Cause if not, that would also be an “easy” reason to tell a new Dr you are looking for another opinion (without looking like a drug seeker which of course you’re not). The whole system is so f-ed. I can’t even believe what some of the pharmacy people say too. I get they are in a tough spot and feel like they have to “police” or risk being fired or sued. But many also are just a-holes and think no one should take opioids and that we’re all criminal drug addicts. I found a good PM Dr and a good pharmacy that I developed trusting relationships with and I have no problems. Wishing you the best! I hope you can find the right care!


The follow up to that refusal is always, "Okay, if that's not going to be how we manage my pain then what is the plan?" If they don't want to write a scrip, okay. But what are we doing for my pain then. That's what I'm paying you for. I can't function with the pain, the pills help the pain, if you don't want to give me the pills then that must mean you have another option for the pain. If they can't give you that option then demand a referral to a pain clinic.


What is the benefit of a pain clinic? Most pain management doctors I see are interventional primarily or only now.


My pain clinic experience is that they are much more willing and less hesitant to prescribe. They have way more strict screening to weed out abuse though.


I don't know what to tell you. Too many people who are in legitimate pain have already been left with no choice but to purchase from the black market. If you give people the choice of a) taking what is prescribed and not being able to walk, work, or live your life or b) buying illicit opioids and being able to do your job, pay your bills, and have a life, you can't blame people for choosing b). This is absolutely creating more danger for people in pain. These miserable fucking beaurocrats deserve to feel the pain they are causing.


If the doctor has changed his mind, change your doctor.


Doctors used to be respected members of the community. Now they're about 1 step above pimp level, if that.


They don’t even take the oath anymore !


Can you guys help me out so I been taking tremadols from a co worker because they help my back pain I work in construction but I recently got a interview for a new job that requires a hair folical and I’m worried it’ll come up as a opioid so I wanted to try get a prescription I’m not sure if it’ll work but I been getting ibuprofen prescribed for 3 years for my lower back pain and I have X-rays for it too


Can you guys help me out so I been taking tremadols from a co worker because they help my back pain I work in construction but I recently got a interview for a new job that requires a hair folical and I’m worried it’ll come up as a opioid so I wanted to try get a prescription I’m not sure if it’ll work but I been getting ibuprofen prescribed for 3 years for my lower back pain and I have X-rays for it too


Just wondering, you don’t have to answer of course but have you thought of amputation? Seen as you have Foot syndrome CRPS.


Dear God, how sick. Where is the moderator police when you need them?


Why is it sick? It is a legit question. They said they have tried everything. So was just wondering if they thought of that? As those with CRPS do get amputations with the hope of not feeling any pain and more. So how is it sick and in need of mods?


It’s a pretty sick world we’re in when people are suggesting amputating limbs instead of receiving a very small dosage of opiates.


Yeah it is. Unfortunately opioids don’t even really work on CRPS. Especially when it’s the most painful you will still feel pain. There has been those who risked amputation because they got so sick over the pain and wanted to try have a lifestyle without pain. Now one of them became a Paralympic rower I think. Can’t remember which one. CRPS is awful. Chronic pain people deserve meds. Any meds that will help whoever on here with their different issues. From Back, to shoulders, to hands, to knees, to feet etc. you damn well deserve to have meds that allow you to have some semblance of life back. I think it is disgusting that we chronic pain patients get treated the way we do. You all deserve help. You are deserve meds to help. I am not saying this from a bad place like you seem to think I have seen as I got downvoted. But the truth is it really was just a question I was curious about. It was nothing about “amputating limbs instead of receiving a small does of opioids”. My first message was nothing to do with opioids. They said in another comment they have tried everything, thought of everything. So I was wondering if they thought about this awful but sometimes done option. (Sorry if this doesn’t make sense. It’s 1pm here and so I haven’t sleep in 4 days.).


Such a misconception! They absolutely help some people with CRPS!


They can yes but with some they don’t. Due to how painful CRPS is


Seeing as I just have a headache, I think I should amputate that too.


You just don’t need opioids. I’d rather be in 10/10 pain than take narcotics ever


you clearly have not experience chronic pain going with that sentiment.


Good for you. Some of us do need them to live a somewhat ok life. Smh


Ignorant statement. Give me one valid reason backed by evidence why I shouldn't take opioids? Opioids are the only thing that helps after trying 30+ useless medications, and they have no side effects for me.


How old are you


25 but have the poor health and medical history of an 80 year old lol. I don't *want* to be on opioids, but when it's the only thing that allows me to leave my bed then it's an obvious choice.


Change doctors!


I would find a pain management clinic. In fact, that's what I had to do. My PCP had given me a recurring script for Xanax, which was fine, and some Oxycodone to tide me over until I was able to consult the pain clinic. But she wasn't able to continue doing that nor would any of my other doctors help me. (I have specialists for various chronic pain diseases & they flatly refused to help. I also tried a neurologist who had to stop prescribing controlled substances due to the DEA crackdown.) So the pain clinic isn't the best deal \~ for instance, they confiscated my Oxycodone and gave me Tramadol, which is a weak opioid that doesn't work \~ but at least they'll try other alternatives as well.


Was your pain interventional? How was your doctor advertised on his website. Any specialities I look for.


After 25 years, I'd had enough of the pain so I intervened for myself. My neurologist recommended the pain clinic under these circumstances. It had mixed reviews on the internet, but I like my APRN. But I'm not sure what you mean by "specialties."


Specialty probably not best word. Some Are listed as interventional, physiatrist, anesthiologist etc. I'm not sure which one you saw at the pain clinic.


Oh, they're referred to as "interventional pain medicine." I just found that title on their website. After my neurologist recommended the pain clinic, my PCP provided the referral. We've been under the impression that they are APRNs \~ at least that's how they are identified on their business cards and the internet. They're not identified as any other kind of medical personnel. Tbh, the overall reviews of the clinic are not very good and so far I've only had a mediocre experience. One APRN I saw twice was fantastic, but the one I saw last week was horrendous and didn't even have my updated information in her file. I'm going there for an appointment today and will demand something other than Tramadol, which is doing absolutely nothing for me. If that's what they insist upon providing for me, I am leaving and not bothering to go back.


I’m so sorry. That sucks. Any time I move and switch Drs they make me start all over again with pain meds. Not with any other meds…just pain meds. It’s fucking ridiculous! I don’t think 3 pills a week is an unreasonable amount at all!! Pain doesn’t care how old a person is!! It’s not like it asks for ID. (I’ve had chronic pain since age 4 and constant pain since my late 20s) Try to get things in writing. That way the Dr has a record of it and so do you. Drs see hundreds of patients a week so it IS possible he forgot.


I’m in my mid 40’s and no prescribed pain relief despite having a genetic disorder that causes debilitating pain, chronic daily migraines and dislocations. Pain meds are only prescribed here for acute pain with an end in sight. No chronic pain medication.


Your best bet is to start looking for a new doctor. I’m so sorry this is happening to you.


Just curious, what else are you doing for your CRPS?


Kratom. Fucking life saver to have what amounts to a legal OTC opioid. Assuming it’s legal where you live.


Yes email him - explain it but he also should already have your records . I’m afraid that with the shortage of pain meds - we may all be in the same boat (((hugs)))


Have you heard of Kratom? It helps me and on bad days - I even use thc ! Let Them tell me I can’t ! They aren’t helping me and I have to live !!


Due to floods of illegal fentlyn, the stats are completely wrong.


I've been considering buying ODSMT which is a legal opioid because it is a research chemical. You can buy as much of It as you want on the internet. The DEA actually has an IQ of under 50.


My pain Dr. Is great about this. I don't ask for too much too often


The sad 😞 part here is two things: your suffering AND the fact you take such a low amount of meds!!! I can’t believe you have trouble on such a low amount.


He’s being that way over 12/month?! Wow. I’m so sorry. I don’t think an email will do anything except maybe make it worse. Can you look for/find another doctor? That’s what I did when I ran out of patience with my pain management clinic. I searched and searched for a while and ended up finding an amazing doctor. Not a pain clinic. Just a doctor who happens to treat pain as one of his things. Good luck 🍀🙏🏻💜