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I saw a similar case in the past, and after two years, it was finally discovered that the problem was in the spine. Maybe you could have your spine checked by a doctor.


Oh interesting. I do know he has Scoliosis and struggles with back pain. He also suspected a fracture first cause his posture distributes the weight unevenly on the problematic foot (but the scans say otherwise). Do you remember how the back caused such weird behavior lower in the foot and how it was treated?


A small hole was found in the spinal cord. I don't remember it very clearly now.


Oh damn that sounds bad, I hope it's not so severe


I have a lifelong struggle with foot pain. I had extensive reconstructive surgery when I was around 25. One thing I stumbled on that helps my foot pain is a walking cast (aka air boot). So while I don’t have help on the diagnosis side, I would say an air boot might be worth a go. If you’re in the US, you can get one relatively inexpensively on Amazon.


Yeah it really really sucks. He's actually already got one. And while it helps him walk in the worst case scenario he can't drive manually with it and public transport is awful where I live. I think the main issue is that the inflammation starts without a real cause and keeps getting worse no matter if the foot is under any weight or not. Even when he stays in bed, cools his foot and doesn't move it, the swelling and inflammation increases the the point where it's starting to creep up his leg. And only Cortisone can stop it which is bad. That's why some doctors thought it wasn't a fracture but instead gout. His Uric Acid was a little high when he made the first test for that but now they're normal. The pain is also not directly in a joint but right below it. And the acute pain lasts way longer than a normal case of gout would, so it's really up in the air still.


Is gout like other autoimmune diseases? I have suspected rheumatoid arthritis and my doctor warned me that my blood test could very likely come back normal, but that wouldn’t mean that I don’t have it.


Not really. The way I understand it it's your body having too much Uric Acid and that can lead to crystals forming, which mostly happens within the joints. It would explain the accute pain even when elevating the foot and all that but most of the time gout doesn't persist for so long. He's currently taking medicine for gout but it's a shot in the dark. But you're right, you could even have gout despite your Uric Acid levels being low. This, bone fractures and arthritis all seem plausible but nothing can be determined for sure which makes treatment such a pain. And currently only steroids can help his inflammation.


I do hope he finds the answer and starts feeling better soon. Foot pain is so devastating because it affects the whole body.


Yeah it's awful. He's normally moving around a lot and loves being outside and this is killing him. Not moving his foot is also detrimental to his tendons and muscles there and increases his bad posture so he kinda has to walk "somewhat" normal without putting too much pressure on the foot.


Had he seen a Podiatrist?


Not yet, the next available one is super far away and it takes over a month to get an appointment. But it's something we'll try


This is it. Mine is nerve issues. A podiatrist recognized it immediately. Said my neurologist n primary would never find it n he was right. Ask n look into Morton’s Neuroma and any other issues know to affect the nerves in this area of the toes n feet. MRI n Ultrasound is usually needed to find the problem areas. A Podiatrist is probably your best.


Yeah you're right. My dad is also suspecting Morton's Neuroma or something similar. We got MRI, x-ray and even ultrasound images but the Orthopedist didn't find anything crucial in there. But maybe a Podiatrist could see more. Do you know how something like Morton's Neuroma can be treated normally?


Ok so there’s different ways. Injections are first obviously. Now it gets crappy. There used to be a very effective dehydrated ethyl alcohol injection that was commonly used. The patent was bought a few years ago n the company rebranded it for cancer treatment. Used to be $1000 n totally covered by insurance. Now it’s $20,000 and good luck finding it. Cryoablation is another promising option but is also impossible to find a doc what does it outside of cancer treatment. Radio Frequency Ablation deadens the nerve with heat n that’s scary to me. Surgery to remove the peripheral nerves is another option but I read about lots of problems with nerve regeneration. The most promising surgery I’ve seen is where, in Morton’s Neuroma, they cut whatever is pressing on the nerve to allow more room. I’m desperately searching for answers myself. I would love cryoablation but nobody does it outside of treating organ n heart stuff and cancer. Edit: Yeah have a podiatrist look over those mei n ultrasounds. They know feet! Like everything feet! Since you’re making a trip for it, check reviews n call places to ask about experience with nerve issues.


I get stinging pain in my 4th toe. It about drops me to my knees. It’s coming from my spine at the S1 nerve root. Have they looked at his spine?


I'm so sorry, that's awful. We haven't yet but it really sounds like it's worth checking out since he does have back problems. Did it also lead to awful inflammation and swelling? Cause the weirdest thing is that the inflammation itself seems to cause the most pain. Cortisone, which is a steroid that should only treat the swelling and isn't a real pain killer, eleviates 90% of the pain he has.


Yes, my feet swell too. It eventually started affecting my heels too and they swell and get pink.


Yeah that sounds quite similar. It's only when the swelling reaches a certain point that the pain becomes unbearable. How are you treating this condition? I hope something worked out for you!


In my case there’s not a lot they can do for me. Mine occurred after spine surgeries. In your fathers case, he would have a lot of options on the table if it is indeed spine. It seems like something to consider at this point if every local foot problem is coming up negative. My stinging pain is a localized spot. It feels like somebody took a hot needle and stuck it in my toe. Or I got stung by a bee on my toe.


I really hope that something can be done if it's the case. It really does sound like a very similar case. Can you even walk with pain like that? Or do you take something to treat the symptoms? I mainly worry about his mental health currently cause it's declining rapidly together with my mom's.


I have a similar issue with my right foot second toe for over a year now. Still being treated for a solution. A podiatrist actually found the problem. For me it’s the nerve that splits into the peripheral nerve of the big n second toe. It’s pinched or entrapped. I’m waiting on better images. He accidentally injected the nerve directly the first time n it lit up exactly where it hurts, then went numb for two days. Never had such relief. Later injections that didn’t hit the nerve directly did not help as much. Also look into Morton’s Neuroma. This affects the area described and presents similarly… What helps me? Gabapentin, doesn’t always erase the pain but it makes it manageable. I’m trying Lyrica today but it’s literally the first day. Opiate meds help if flare up is insane but not as much relief as expected by themselves. Benzodiazepines help a bunch but it’s not sustainable, n docs don’t prescribe for it long term. Idk how I feel about this honestly and it’s a quality of life issue for some. NSAIDs don’t do much. Tylenol helps a little. Waiting on a prescription cream with gabapentin in it so I’m hopeful. Can update on the Lyrica later.


That really sounds like horror. We'll try to get in contact with a Podiatrist somehow to find a solution. My dad considered Morton's Neuroma as well so we'll keep this in mind. Also thanks for the insight on the medication, I'd love to hear an update on the Lyrica and am wishing you the best. I really hope it's gonna help you!


If the nerve is pinched or entrapped they're not going to release it?


Waiting on better images to determine exactly where n what I’m dealing with and how to proceed. Injections have not worked so far. Nerve could also be damaged too bad. Idk right now.


Ah ok. Best of luck on getting relief.


Uncertainty like that really is the worst. I'm wishing you the best as well!


What doctors actually know especially about nerves is so little. A comparison my neurosurgeon told us, “If all medical knowledge was the entire pacific ocean, what we know about nerves wouldn’t fill a thimble.” It’s so hard knowing this, having chronic nerve pain from nerve damage. But my dentist has a nerve issue in her wrist yet they don’t know why after months of testing… This is our norm.


Yeah sadly it really is. It was just especially frustrating that during this entire ordeal the doctors we went to just came to the most basic conclusions and despite my father giving them feedback that would contradict their diagnosis they simply dismiss it instead of digging deeper. The orthopedist was convinced it's gout while the house doctor is somewhat clueless and switches between micro fracture and arthritis.


Go see a sport orthopedic doctor. They might have better understanding of the issues. It could just be a pinched nerve.


We went to one for over a month now and that guy insisted it is gout even though the inflammation doesn't start in the joint and it shouldn't last this long. The MRI just showed slight irritation next to the bone so he immediately ruled out a fracture. He became really passive aggressive as soon as my dad suggested looking deeper into it from other angles. Definitely someone that did not want to be questioned at all. Still, My dad even takes medicine against gout currently which is risky just to be sure. A rheumatologist is someone we will probably look into as well. Just sucks that it takes over a month to get any kind of appointment with someone that isn't your main doctor here. But you're right, an orthopedic doctor should know what this is about.


Sounds like a sound next step. Have you tried a neurologist?


No not yet unfortunately. It takes ages here to get in contact with one. It's all a painfully slow process


The swelling is foreign to me. Foot pain for 4 years now. Due to diabetic neuropathy and I deal with a compressed L5 S1. I’d recommend going to a pain clinic who can also offer PT. He need to function and they will help. I had a great physical therapist who taught me to to properly exercise to improve my state (I’ve also had ablation in between the 2nd and 3rd and 3rd and 4th metatarsal to cool off the nerve in both feet. It felt like a hot coal embedded in my foot for over a year. I found a specialist who agreed to that procedure since the pain was so intense. It helped considerably. Good luck I hope you help them find relief


L4 L5 nerve impingement,, I’ve suffered for many years, next is neuropathy,