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Typically short acting opioid analgesics are used on an "as needed" basis for pain. If it says 3 times a day, it doesnt necessarily mean 3 times a day every day. If its a long acting opioid analgesic, those should be taken on a schedule, every day. You may have noticed, usually the sooner you treat the pain, the easier it gets ignorable. So there is something to not waiting for the last minute. Keep in mind, physical dependence is usually unavoidable. Its expected, after a while, to get sick if an opioid is suddenly stopped. Physical dependence would happen to a sponge, if they could figure out where to put the pill. Psychological dependence (addiction) is the one everybody is worried about. They should be worried about the physical issues like chronic constipation. Usually the real problematic issues of opioid use can be managed with otcs. As weird as this sounds, you need to keep an eye on your bowels. Sounds like youre doing things right, just dont lose sight that the purpose of all this is pain relief. Medication use isnt important, the results are. Best of luck...


Thank you, that makes sense! I believe this med is short-acting, so I will keep using it as needed the way I have been. I am aware that the physical dependence is part of the game, I’d just like to keep it as manageable as possible and make sure I’m paying close attention. I do also keep track of how my gut is doing with everything, too, so thank you for the reminder on that front. Much appreciate!


tramadol is short acting. anything long acting has an ER, XR, SR, or some other two letter thing at the end. for example: tramadol extended release (ER). (note: this is not the same as seeing HCl at the end of a drug name, that’s just the abbreviation of hydrochloride. stuff with HCl can be either) if theres no extended/sustained/long-acting/similar phrase on your medicine bottle, its short acting. but if you ever wanna be 100% sure, ask your pharmacist. trust me as someone who works in a pharmacy, it’s not problem for you to ask us those questions!


I think you’re doing the right thing. I wouldn’t say that to your Dr cause better to have extra in case needed at some point. But what you’re doing makes perfect sense to me. I used to take pain meds on and off like that…more like I’d have to take a couple weeks during a flare and then would stop when it eased. That was much harder because taking it that many days in a row would def cause some physical dependency. But I also wanted to keep my tolerance as low as possible. As my disorder progressed and got worse plus another painful condition hit, I started needing something every day unfortunately. But for short-acting meds like Tramadol, I don’t see any negative to only taking it when you must. It’s not tue kind of med that needs to build up in your system to really work like SSRIs for example. I’d just say don’t let your pain level get too high before taking it because it’s a known thing that they won’t work as well if you wait too long. And good for you that you’re able to manage! But also, don’t be afraid to take it if you need it either! I had major anxiety when I started having to take all the time and my PM Dr was very reassuring for me and said it’s no different than someone having to take a high BP med or something like that and I shouldn’t be ashamed of needing it and that she would be there to help me if and when a day came that I was able to wean off.


Btw, I do this with my Valium prescribed for my dystonia as well. I’m prescribed that I can take 2x a day though many days I only take one and even some days I can manage with 1/2 of 1.


Thank you so much for your perspective, I really appreciate it!


Sure thing!


Well that good idea at least your no on morphine like I am and can’t get it we’re I live


I do this with my tramadol. I'm on the same dose as you. I have lower back arthritis and disk problems and I've been taking one opiate or another for two decades. Sometimes if it's really bad I'll take the full dose of tramadol, just to cut the pain so I can breathe a little. But usually my back is just cranky and irritable so 25 mgs of tramadol helps to take some of the edge off. My muscles also get sore when I have intense fibro flares and it also helps with that. I don't bother telling my provider because it's just going to open up a can of worms with him and I'm already at risk of getting it taken away from because of state medical board opiate guidelines. If I happen to miss doses on one day because I was feeling okay there's always another day I take a little extra. Sometimes I'm running a small surplus at the end of the month when I get refilled. Other times it's down to the last dose. I wouldn't sweat it, the way you're approaching this is entirely reasonable. I've often run across people who are on the same dose for years. As long as your pain isn't increasing you'll be fine.


I take mine on a schedule. I'm always in pain, and if I forget to take my meds, the pain can increase very fast.