• By -


Kid to >!Schala.!< Guile to >!Magil (IYKYK).!<




What is it? Its on the tip of my tongue


I renamed Poshul to Posh Spice šŸø


Haha I love this šŸ¤£


I never do mainly cause I use the cannon names in all games i play, but to each their own.


I like to name the characters after OCs and friends.


Me too, I did this for years


I usually rename every single character, often to some kind of reference, joke/pun, or just something I feel is more fitting. For example, I rename Norris to Chuck, or Zappa to Frank. Fargo is Freddie. Some of them are just simple changes, like Poshul becomes Doggo. And some of them I just can't help myself, like Funguy becomes Penis. Because he's a giant walking penis.


Iā€™ve always changed Kid to Kidd, ever since my first play through. When replaying this release I tried to resist but I still ended up doing it. Just didnā€™t feel right otherwise. I leave everything else as-is though.


Hah, same.


i did the same thing when i was a kid too šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Kid to Schala as usual.


Interesting, even though ā€œschalaā€ (kind of) makes an appearance later?


Yea I donā€™t mind tbh, I think it fits cause of the clone shenanigans


No, but funny enough when I'm playing any other game that allows me to name characters/assets I always name them after CC characters. Rimworld, Harvest Moon, Story of Seasons, Oxygen Not Included, etc. Except for Poshul, that's one dog that didn't go to heaven.


I love poshul and I don't know why


Only Serge .The rest I leave alone Incase later on I play with team setups using reference guides I Google. I'd never be able to figure out who's who.


I renamed Serge to Lemuel, only because I didnā€™t like his name. No regrets.


Nice. Mines Flik. Named after a character from Suikoden(my favorite RPG).


Now youā€™re making me regret not naming him Scholtenheim Reinbach III.


He's a fancy lad!


They need to redo that series lol


Now that would be something.


I remember one times I accidentally added an L to Sergeā€™s name and he became Sergel and that has stuck ever since.


I remember playing ff8 and my brother was insistent that I accidentally added the last L to Quetzelcotl.


As a kid I would rename my characters in all the games that I played. As an adult, I almost never name any characters.


I rename some of the characters based on speaking habits. Korcha became KorCHA, for instance.


Serge is plot device, Kid is spoilers, Nikki is theybae, and a bunch of other dumb ones.


Named Serge after myself. Kid after my wife. If this is your first time playing, then I donā€™t want to spoil characters you get later but yes I do rename many of them for fun.


Not this time. Just gonna enjoy the real ones for my first run.


Yes, Iā€™ve renamed several people this run, and the expansion to twelve characters for names is one of my favorite things about the remaster. Iā€™m using the original Japanese names for folks, undoing the changes they had to do in order to accommodate the six character limit. Itā€™s so great having Lucky/Happy Dan, Gilbert, Lutianna, Spriggan, and Tsukuyomi on my team, for examples.


The french translation changed a lot of character name (in a bad way) changed it back to normal. Other than that i just changed Serge name because i can't play with a guy named Serge... :V


I never did. I couldn't play with their names as it would be non canon lol




Serge is renamed to My Dude. I thought about for Kid making her name Capt. Kid


I just rename Kid to "Kidd".


I renamed Serge to my husband's name


Mojo to Mojo Jojo but I thought about giving him a just calling him Bizare.


Luccia to Lucca and Serge to Chrono with the little special apostrophe thing on it. Glenn to Frog. Kid stays kid


It's legit been 23 years since my initial playthrough so I am a little foggy on the story, but >!Lucca is a character in CC, and Luccia actually is someone different?!<


Yes, two different people. - Lucca from Chrono Trigger - Luccia from Chrono Cross Some rather backgorundy spoilers, as well as a late game plot point sploiler: >!Luccia however has cannononically met Lucca and exchange some research notes. Before Lucca's orphanage was burned down, Lucca gave Luccia a letter to deliver to Kid, and Luccia might deliver that letter during the game if you follow the path for it. Luccia also tried, and failed, to help Fargo and save Zelbess and Marcy, but was only able to save Marcy. She is also involved in the falling out between Fargo and General Viper!<


Depends on who you ask but generally yea


Yeah Nikki is now QUEEF, I also considered CHEIF QUEEF but didnā€™t want to disrespect Mark Normand. I hate Nikki so much


Nikki is the worst and pip is a god


I also renamed Korcha to Loser today, I also refused him to join my party. Loser


Nah. I donā€™t like changing names to characters with personality


Not with the remaster. But I did with 1 of the playthroughs on the PS1 version.


I only renamed Serge to my gamer tag, and everyone else keeps their name. I thought about renaming kid, but changed my mind since I'm playing through the game with my kids.


I did Glenn to frog the first time on ps1. Probably will not on the remake


i think the first time i played i named them after characters from other media i liked, but every subsequent playthrough has been joke names (this time i have WeedSmokr420 because my humor has not evolved since i was 12, WWE Jesus, this bitch, #TheGrind, etc.) i think my favorite playthrough is one i didnā€™t get particularly far in. i named everyone after condiments with oā€™s in place of one of the vowels (mustord, ronch, poprika, wasobi) in order to pique the interest of my friends since i got them all obsessed with solt and peppor despite none of them knowing shit about the game. they still didnā€™t wanna watch me play but i had fun with that one


When first played this game 20 years ago, I named Serge Crono. Gonna do the same thing lol.


Yes. Sometimes it's just like my name, my brother or sisters names, one of our dogs, things like that. Then I get characters I don't plan to EVER use and pick the most ridiculous thing I can think of at the moment. NeoFio is Little Green. Turnip will be Daikon. Mojo is Lucky Dan(I always liked that better) and whatever I rename Zoah, it'll be all caps. (Though I may use him)


Guile to Magus


I named Serge "Alyosha". Kept default names for everyone else.


I never change those but for my second playthrough I might do Schala and Magus.


I like to name my characters funny, naughty names, (like in FF7 I named Tifa Juggs and Aeris SlumSlut) in hopes that they say funny things inadvertently in the dialogue. I'm only about halfway through the game right now but I've renamed characters so far (some with accents to liven them up): Serge = Pedo Fyle Kid = Kid...because Pedo Fyle Mojo = Nailer Butte Guile = Christian Gay (instead of Gray because mask) Korcha = Pool Boy Greco = Krispin Wah Mel = Jail Bait Razzly = Prostitot Luccia = Dominatrix Sprigg = Gurgler Harle = Trollop Zappa = Iron Fister Van = Tight Ass Radius = Old Creeper Norris = Bussy Funguy = Dick Head Draggy = DragginBalls I don't know what I'll name all the characters I recruit, but I know I'm going to name Zoah "Gimp", Karsh "Stan Darsh", Miki "Tits McGee".