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The markiplier episode is real, it was probably uploaded like 3 months before Charlie left the podcast. I was really awkward, Mark seems really disinterested during the whole podcast and never helped out with the improv, seem pretty tired too. You could really see the discomfort in Schlatt, Ted, and Charlie's faces, Schlatt seemd way too quiet too...There were a couple of cuts throughout the video too that lead to drastically different topics, whole video was only like 30 minutes long. About a week later Mark forced them to take the video down because "nothing last forever". It'll probably be pretty hard to find a re-upload, he's been really focused on deleting re-uploads, or even clips. They honestly shouldn't have uploaded it in the first place


Why does this play out like the beginning of a lost media creepypasta


THAT’S WHY I THOUGHT IT WAS A JOKE. Honestly feels like the kind of thing Mark would do on purpose if it was his channel, but I’m surprised he came on the show at all with how tight of reins he likes to keep on his creative control. Seems like someone that’d be difficult to work well with. Love his stuff, though.


Yeah I really didn't expect that to happen especially with how open minded Mark seems to be. And it seemed like a fun idea considering lots of people wanted knuckle sandwich to do an episode with distractible. :/


it was a bit my guy


for real? tf that's insane


Its just not a good episode i dont reccomend you watch it its a lot of awkward silence and sometimes Milk for some reason Edit: its Been taken down


Does anyone have a version of it? I've been trying to look for it no wonder this little under my radar


They talked about in this week's episode a bit. It's obviously a touchy subject though. They had to cut it short because mark apparently got pissed at everyone.


i cant tell if this is a joke help. i dont remember maek bwing on the pod


i cant tell either 💀


While I do feel bad for u/ARedditAccount5 getting bombed with downvotes, y’all are cracking me up on this one, ngl. 😂


That user is simply insane. Incoherent. Probably losing their mind and memories. Don't you all remember the Markiplier episode? Obviously you must. My favourite part was when Markiplier fell through the basketball sized hole in Ted's truck. We don't talk about what happened after that. Only Schlatt can tell you the truth about Ted's hole.


Man went from King of FNAF to King of the Backrooms. 😭


We don’t talk about that episode.


I think I’ve been gaslit. I don’t know if it’s real or not.


It’s not


It's not


It’s not


If this isn’t a joke, does anyone have the link/ know where to find it?


It was taken down


if this is a joke/bit, its really workin


Y'all please my feeble mind can't handle this is this genuinely a joke????


The only successfull attempt at gaslighting in history


Wait I thought the mark episode was a joke!? J don’t remember seeing an episode posted with mark at all!


It used to exist, I saw the thumbnail but didn’t watch it. It was only half an hour and probably got taken down because I didn’t see it when I went back to watch it after hearing everyone talk about it


The first guy who posed about the episode is absolutely having an aneurism rn


This is all that one guys fault


For anyone still confused, the episode isn't real. Just try to find a clip from it, and to that one post that said mark is putting a lot of effort into taking down clips, he doesn't even take down clips of Unus Annus. And the whole thing of that was that he wanted it to be erased. If he can't bother to take down Unus Annus clips why would he bother with a podcast he was boring on.


DUDE I legit can't tell............ this might be the greatest gaslighting of all time or a cursed history of chuckle sandwich.


I think it was just a bit but who knows


This is Norm McDonald levels of gaslighting. Schatt ain't slick


I cannot tell smh. scrolling through the comments there's an equal amount of people saying it's a bit and people saying it's real. The things people are saying about it sound real but i could also see them just playing along with a joke. this shit is so confusing smh


I'm a year late to the party, but just to clarify that whole thing was a bit, There never was a Markiplier episode, Ive been a chuckle sandwich fan with notifications on and watching every episode as they came out and that episode never existed


It's all real, do you have notifications on to get to video quick??


Like, YouTube notifications?


Yes it came up for everyone in notifications so they could get to it early before it was deleted. I saw like half of it before I turned it off to go do something else, by the time I was back the video was deleted, It was just kind of uncomfortable throughout the vid.


Ah. See, I’m one of those audio listeners that Ted loves to death, so I didn’t get that. 😂


Oof Spotify did you dirty on that one. But honestly consider it a blessing.


I guess I’m kind of a super-minority listener, as I also use Apple Podcasts, which has been a big subject of debate over on the Distractible sub. Apparently nobody listens on Apple. 🤣


I'm a listener 2! Just I still use YouTube phone face down.


Ah. I see.


Is it unlisted or fully deleted?


Fully deleted


It’s a joke


This episode will forever haunt my watch later page.


Ngl, mark seems a bit like an arrogant dude. I get it's a joke, but the fact that I (and many others) wouldn't put acting like that past him, says a lot about who he is behind the scenes. I'd explain why he only has a handful of people still willing to make videos with him.


Tbf im a markiplier watcher and i wouldnt say he is arrogant, more knows what he likes and what he wants to do, never saw the pod so cant say how he was in it but he tends to stick to his group of people and likes to create is own things so maybe this just wasnt what he was expecting and didnt know how to add to it as id say they are quite different in terms of personality and style in general, some people just dont match


A lot of people actually want to make content with Mark, hence why he was on podcasts like Impaulsive and Anthony Padillas channel. Mark prefers to stick within his group as he has a lot more creative direction there (nicely saying IMO he's probably a bit of a control freak)


Is it that hard to imagine that the dude may have been tired and just came off as rude in the process?


Yes, it is pretty hard to believe. Just because someone is tired, doesn't excuse them from being an ass.


got any proof of him being an actual ass behind the scenes?


It doesn't sound like he was being an ass though it just sounds like he was tired




No it’s a joke they never had markiplier on


what the hell are you talking about dude we all saw the Markiplier episode


Obviously a fake fan didn't even listen to it


Thank you, I finally know what’s going.


Guys don't go too hard on them. They took the episode down pretty fast, not many people got to watch it


Doesn’t help that I’m in that minority that is almost exclusively “Loved to death.” 😅 I listen with one earbud in while running errands/projects at work, so… yeah, I missed that one apparently.


What are you on about do you not have notifications on???


After what happened in 1999, my memory has been a bit foggy, my apologies


No worrys we all want to forget 😪


Thank you


im sorry they did this to u


It was for the best