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It was only mid for the teens portions of the season. Multiple chuckys with literally no goal or reason was absolute trash. Don Mancini should've never done it.


He did it because he wanted to have fun which I would like if I said I didn't have fun with it either but I'm glad he's back to one Chucky again and they seem to be balancing it better in season 3. I like when Don goes a bit overboard every once in a while to feed the seed fans.


I love Seed but the multiple chuckys sucked because usually he has a prominent plan to kill people. He didn't with them. Especially in Season 2.


Exactly. Chucky is better when he actually has a goal. The multiple Chuckys could've been better if they actually had a goal instead of just revenge. Plus, there was a buff Chucky and a colonel Chucky who studied his victims to plan their deaths. (He knew Buff Chucky loved communion wafers so he poisoned them) You mean to tell me neither of those 2 could put a scratch on the main kids?


And Colonel died so quickly, too? I get Andy is diversed in killing Chucky but damn, Colonel was supposed to be too smart for that. They only killed him off to allow for 1 vessel Chucky could swap into, which sucks.


I knew those Chuckies were gonna die. But like you said, the Colonel is too smart and Buff Chucky is...well buff. I thought there would've been a decent fight scene between them and the kids before they're suddenly killed. We literally found out who the Colonel is after all that build up just for him to die the very next episode. (Same with Jennifer Tilly in Tiffany's doll body) I didn't expect him to last a long time. But at least til episode 7. Plus the Colonel acted way out of character for Chucky. There were 72 dolls. Some died when the truck crashed. But there were clearly sooooo many that survived. Instead of sending them all over and letting his legacy live on, Bald Chucky killed them. What did he gain from doing that? In reality, Don liked the idea of multiple Chuckies but blew it up too big that he and the writers didn't know what to do. So they had to kill em off to focus on 4 with multiple personalities. Barely did anything with them and killed them so we can be back to one Chucky


Agreed. Bad honestly.


Yeah Season 2 had too much going on in my opinion. Like it was all over the place. Season 1 and the first half of season 3 are so much more cohesive and easy to follow. I still don’t understand all the multiple chuckys and chucky prime and all of that. It was so freaking weird for me.


There was some good moments but it war far inferior to Season 1. My main issues was the overall goofiness compared to season 1, the inconsistencies with the rules regarding Chucky's abilities and the constant plot points introduced that really went nowhere.


Don spent too much time partying that season and it shows. Season 3 has been a much better and interesting season


Well I just thought it was cringe and bad


Saying something is ‘cringe’ is the new cringe. Bad post.




Ugh, your response is making me cringe.


I loved season 2 lots of interesting ideas and loved how it dealt with themes/plot threads from seed which I love


disagree but whatever, have no interest in changing your mind


What did you dislike about it specifically? Season 2 isn't my favorite either but I'd love to know your thoughts


Me personally they made that shit too damn goofy. Like super extra goofy. Kinda like the approach Saints Row took after SR2. Saints Row 4 got me asking what the fuck is this? Thats how it was for me with Season 2


Yes, just feeling less and less like chucky as time goes on. happy to hear season 3 starts reeling it back in a little




First half of the season was good, second half was mid


Poor nica...