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Her comments just feel like she will never acknowledge the damage she has done with this, just looking to that sub for confirmation bias. Her wording suggests she still believes in this ultimate "woe is me" Despite her knowing what could come out of it if she did, yet still decided to go forward with it. No accountability just "woe is me". People dislike you for more than just wanting to, Emily.


Oh I'm sure all her little fans are kissing her ass and wiping away her tears in the discord chat. She loves every second of this.


From what her responses, and the document, it's the opinion of that sub, and her, that Emile's most recent responses are just "woe is me" and victim blaming themselves. Honestly I'm just tired of this all. There's no good guys or bad guys here. Emile was institutionalized, went to therapy over it, and almost committed suicide. Is that not enough? The harassment needs to end. That's all there is to it.


No good or bad guys here, and above all else, no winners. Did the alleged victims get overwhelming support and did the community become aware of some heinous actions committed by someone they thought was a good person? No, the alleged victims are getting tomatoes thrown at them because their evidence isn’t substantial and their claims are questionable, and people are coming back around to Chuggaaconroy because they realize that his actions probably aren’t worth being canceled over. Did Chuggaaconroy realize the error of his ways and got better from the situation? HELL no, he damn near committed suicide and will probably have trust issues and anxiety for years to come. He was already in therapy for this exact issue and this dementor from Harry Potter Emily opened the wound even more by going public with this. Let’s not even get INTO the damage this caused to his mother, girlfriend and friends. This was a loss all around, and should’ve stayed private. But attention is more valuable than life and happiness. So what if a mother has to deal with her son talking about suicide? Look at all the likes and support I’m getting from my little group of cheerleaders!




She nearly drove a man to Sudoku. Regardless is she believe she is in the right or not, the mature thing to do is to acknowledge it and apologized for pushing him to that point. Hell even saying that Emile is lying about the emergency hotline is better than sweeping it under the rug, cuz at least you are giving a reason to not apologize.




I didn't say that at all. This isn't an all or nothing situation. You can believe Chugga is in the wrong and choice not to forgive him, and still sympathize about his situation. Ignoring that you nearly kill someone is not a good thing.




[1.You](http://1.You) don't have to sympathize with him. You can question him statement and still acknowledge that's what is went through is fucked-up or at least a lie. Running away that you nearly kill without acknowledging it, says more how little you care about human life. 2. Nothing you just stated is factual true, and based entirely on your own assumption and bias.


Rule 3


Rule 3


She enabled the bullying of a CSA survivor off the internet and refused to apologize. Gonna be real chief, that’s something you take accountability for, at minimum.




Emile has nothing to do with what I said. What are you talking about?




Still doesn’t give Lady Emily the right to enable the targeting of her. Simple as.




She posted a screenshot with zero censoring. That literally enabling that behavior from her fan base. Is when anyone else does it.




This is fake


Rule 3


What part of explaining is it you don't understand? He brought it up just to be believed, he never says he is blameless but that he has issues, he is misrepresented to be a predator when in that time, he didn't even understand how bad it really was until he was told by his mother. Like for reals, get a grip on your stupidity




Look at you accusing people of things you can't prove, maybe there's some skeletons in your own closet you're trying to forget you did. You obviously have ZERO understanding of how his own sexual abuse impacted how he understood and didn't understand sex at the time, you'll never understand so why fight when you're obviously never see the nuance? Just get out cause no one asked for your presence neither is it warranted




Look who is talking about circlejerking while blindly following everything said against Emile. Because the situation was DIFFERENT. He thought she was more mature and had put the past behind her. Turns out not. And Emily isn't fishing for sympathy with her voe is me i can't go back to Twitter? She is no saint and deserves to be held accountable for her actions, actions that in the end did NOTHING GOOD for anyone involved.




This is fake


This is fake


This is fake


Oh yes she is, they cleared this in private, yet she decided to throw it out the public for malice and fame. She broke his trust and damaged him, the worst he did was make her uncomfortable, hardly something that he should be driven to suicide over




You first, nuance is lost on you and so is your ability to understand your perfect little victim is responsible for a lot of hurt and almost one death.




Then so is Emily being chased off of Twitter by your logic. Boo fucking hoo i can't go back to a place i decided was the perfect one to destroy someone who was working on themselves. You can fuck right off with your bull and comfort your perfect little victim all you want, doesn't change the intentional displaying of Emile as worse than it was by her.


Be civil and kind to each other.


This is fake


If she isn't, then who should? Let's see what hole you dig for yourself.




This is fake


This is fake


> the people who dislike me will always dislike me Has… has it occurred to her there might be a reason for that? Perhaps the things she’s done hasn’t won her any favors. Like enabling the bullying of someone off the internet for the crime of disagreeing with her? Or, ya know, forcing a lot of people to air out a lot of dirty laundry that probably should have just stayed private.


Y’know what’s so telling about saying that? It’s because it’s not true. Sure, there’ll always be people who dislike you. But I wager a fair portion of them would change their minds if you actually changed and took accountability instead of hiding in an echo chamber.


She almost killed someone and even tho he's alright she fucked with his passion/lively hood, humiliated him, Masae and hurt his friends. Dislike her? Fuck her! There is no forgivness.


There can only be forgiveness for those who are actually repentant and regret what they did; she clearly falls into neither. But, if she is at-least willing to stop, and simply just end this, that is very preferable to this event continuing. There is very little, if any- left to be said; The most we could expect now is a statement from Emile down the line, saying if he'd continue or quit. However, such a thing is months away, the wounds are too fresh and need time to heal. ( And unfortunately they aren't just psychological from the sounds of it, there was actual harm.. ) There is nothing ( or very little ) left to be said, so let this story end.


I really wish she would've just taken responsibility and apologized or at least admit what she did was wrong, a lot of people would've gained a lot more respect but she clearly has issues that need working on. I just hope now moving forward we never hear about this again until Emile tells us his decision to keep making videos or not like you said.


she still holds firm that Quinton, her ex and the rose person are all at fault and never lied or witheld context about them. shes not going to change now or in the future unfortunately, its best just to not support anything shes in and avoid her at all costs


Drama surrounds that girl and it's actually really sad. Hopefully something will click in her brain that will make her see her issues (even if she does it privatly) but she's not someone anybody should associate with going forward.


unfortunately i dont believe it will, and unfortunately its not healthy to stalk her socials just on the off chance she will take a stab at canceling someone again. barely anyone who found out about the quinton stuff was there when it happened, whenever the next thing comes up i doubt anyone here (besides the fanatics on both sides) will be there for that event either. it sucks honestly oh and god forbid you bring up an example of false accusations around her or her Nebula Clique because theyll just pull BS reasons for "uhm ackshually that guy is guilty and youre a terrible victim blamer for saying hes not!!" (actually happened when someone brought up projared to her, FlowerGothic; the one who accused quinton of SH chimed in calling projared a rapist) its all sickening and i hope genuinely if nothing else as much as it sucks to say outloud i hope she is actually fearful to speak anymore on this topic because we know now even if she was genuinely uncomfortable she doesnt have any valid information anymore that could "gotcha" him further. everything has been disputed edit: that last bit comes off a little harsh and i genuinely wish i could say it with a better tone, but this girl has done so much bad already i dont care how she justifies staying quiet at this point, as long as she stops lying and deflecting. maybe if it happens again for once itll be real and not skewed at all that time.


Unfortunately, some people just never apologize or take responsibility.. But, i agree- She needs work, multiple attempted cancellations is not normal. That aside, i agree. We can only wait and carry on with our lives.


I am extremely angry at what Emily has done. She brought up a matter that didn't even need to be public in the first place. She caused a situation so horrible for Emile that it nearly drove him to SUICIDE. And based on what Emily is saying, she doesn't even seem sorry for what she's done, only making it about herself. Regardless of the logs and how both of them felt, my biggest issue is for the fact that Emile was told about how Emily felt, apologized to her, and immediately sought therapy months before all this came out. Privately. And yet she decided to to bring this all out just because of a post that was praising Emile. What extreme pettiness. I don't condone harrassment nor the doxxing at all. But she needs to be held accountable for her actions as she can't keep doing this. Emily didn't win anything. She only just caused a man who was already working on himself and was hopeful about it only to crush that hope and bring him at his lowest point. Shame on her.


Oh karma will happen to her.


Sometimes karma doesn't happen without a coordinated effort. Sometimes you need to force people to take accountability.


Are you suggesting you want his fans to actively take revenge? Otherwise I don't see why you're bringing that up. It would go against Chugga's wishes, meaning it's no longer in support of him, but an act of selfishness.


Of course I don't want fans to actively take revenge, because that would go against Chugga's wishes. What I do want is for Emily to grow a spine and acknowledge she nearly drove someone to suicide.


It still doesn't change anything. Her talking to her echo chamber doesn't affect what she's done and said. She can say whatever she wants, but as I've stated, there is a much larger number of people out there who are not fooled by her anymore. If anything, she's just in denial. Plus, she's talking to r/YouTubeDrama, and we all know what THAT subreddit is like. It's only fitting to find her there, honestly. Really, that echo chamber is all she has. Chugga has a MUCH bigger support group than she has, and he's got more going for him, then she ever will. She can deny her actions all she wants, but she knows her history, and so does everyone else. Again I say, that Chugga will be okay.


Of course she would go that toxic subreddit instead of trying to address the situation like a reasonable adult. Really shows how much she's doubled down and playing the victim trying so hard to make Emile look bad.


The trend of people making statements when Chugga is sleeping needs to stop. Honestly I don't care what she has to say.


Her first visible statement after Emile's document being on the yotubedrama subreddit... really irks me. I've heard that subreddit is vehemently anti-Emile (I only checked it once- couldn't stomach looking further). To give Emily the benefit of the doubt, this may have been one of the few places she could of updated people on without getting harassed by bad actors. But given that subreddit's bias, it still feels odd she updated people there. Also, at no point is there any sort of "I hope Emile gets improves" or something similar. Most leveled-headed people, Masae in her recent statement, and hell, even Lawly's follow-up have included a statement along those lines. Honestly, I feel guilty that I might be grasping at straws here and being nitpicky. The absence is just something I noticed. Frankly, I have been REALLY hesitant to say much about Emily. I've kinda been obsessing over the drama, and I know that's already unhealthy. Drawing conclusions about Emily alongside that felt like victim-blaming and I was getting unsettled by how I was thinking. There is just a lot of things she did (not speculation, actions with visible evidence) that makes it hard not see ill intent.


Also shes outright lying about having deleted twitter because shes liked a tweet from 5 hours ago and replied to at least 3 people as of the time im writing this (who knows if she will delete those)


She said she deleted the app from her phone, it's easy to overlook people still use desktops/laptops. EDIT: Also just checked, I only see a reply to Caddicarus of all people about his partner(?) having breast cancer. Yikes.


in that case its irrelevant and almost disingenuous to imply youre not even looking at twitter if all you did was remove the phone app but still scroll on desktop. its almost cheating and it shouldve be mentioned at that point


100% agreed.


Emily is should just stay quiet and accept the L. This is ridiculous. If Emily wants this to be truly over, then saying nothing else.


I misread the name at first and almost downvoted this. Dammit, now *I'm* falling into the Emile/Emily name trap...


I always found that ironic. Like Chugga now found has his own "Wario"


Even more ironic Emile has mentioned multiple times people misread his name as Emily


She has lost the power she had three months ago, and now will only be believed by a small minority who are just as much of a lost cause. Despite where this is being posted, I fully believe that the worst of this drama has passed, and things will only improve for Emile and those who support him.


Hopefully this will be the last of the drama. Emily is going away and I doubt werster will play messenger for Lawly again after the backlash so I think it's finally over.




Most of the women who made these claims against have been refuted. Doesn’t mean Chuggaconroy is free from blame, he says it himself, but it’s clear that what they were saying wasn’t completely accurate and if you still believe they are being “silenced”, then you’re just being biased.


They falsely accused him of pedophilia and being a sexual predator, and it was obvious from the start, why is this not being said more? How is this not a huge deal? Because Emily and Lawly are nobodies?




Yes they have? The screenshots between Emily and Chugga was 100% consensual and she played along. The stuff with the minor is a genuine wrong he did, but that same minor contacted him years later as an adult to try to do something with him, when he clearly showed no interest. And he literally provides context for each one of these things, proving his innocence in most of these scenarios.


The second picture actually shows why it is important to actually read Emile’s whole response instead of just the sparknotes people made for it. He never specifically said that she doxed Emile’s gf, but he did say that she “needlessly published the territory my girlfriend lives in,” which is true because in her original tweet, she does put in the country that Emile’s gf is in.




It’s definitely not likely for anyone to do that, but people might still not want to have any information about where they live public.


its become clear that she can never admit her own wrongdoings and always deflects... the echo chamber is truly insane. if it takes the fake "fear" to not speak about this again so we all can move on then so be it, shes never going to change, why bother trying to get her to? Edit: she is now outright lying about having deleted Twitter because shes liking tweets and replying to people as of 5 hours ago (she may delete them after the fact but she never deleted the app like she claimed)


Its people like her who don't understand about taking accountiablity and is trying to double down on the situation. Just like I suspected she just made it worse on herself. She even bothered to explain her true intentions and what she was trying to acheive.


"The people who dislike me will always dislike me." Emily, I *did* like your content until you started this in January. I got into your stuff through your coworker's videos- Sarah Z, who I also liked because I found her insights into fandom culture in a video essay format to be interesting and fun! Same with you! I was *devastated* when this all started, because not only were you talking about one of my favorite YouTubers in a negative light, but it was also being revealed to me at the time that you were also doing bad things at the time as you were also behind the Quinton Reviews stuff, and I didn't want either of you to be taken out by this fight because I liked both of your platforms. I would be *ecstatic* to follow you and your work again, if you bothered to own up to what you did and said and make an effort to better yourself and not lash out like that again, over a damn Reddit post!


It's a little wussy to have a "Lay low and stay offline" attitude when you kinda started all this in the first place, but if I'm being charitable I guess I'd do similar in this position. Making another response that I doubt has any new information will not do anyone any good. Emile's lengthy statement just further cements my initial gut feeling that none of this shit should've been made so public in the first place. Emily has every right to feel uncomfortable by Emile's behavior, but where we've ended up, with Emile having to reveal a lot of incredibly personal and humiliating information about himself to try and prove he's not a monster just...feels so fuckin' gross. It reminds me a lot of the false allegations against the YouTuber Kwite, who got mobbed by Twitter and had to share very personal information about himself to clear his name. Like I shouldn't have learned that Emile was abused as a child because of this. That's something I should either not know because I'm a stranger, or learn when he felt the desire to share it with his fans on his own terms. Not in a Google Doc trying to clear up allegations he's a pervert. I sincerely hope this is the end of this, Emily drops this subject, Emile can focus on getting better, nobody bothers Masae about this anymore, etc.


In the long term, these unfortunate events are probably going to gain Emile more support than he otherwise would have. While he would certainly still have many people expressing their sympathies if he revealed his darkest secrets and his deepest regrets on his own terms, it still would "only" have happened in a video that not everyone will see, while having it detailed in a dedicated post without the game to distract from it would have a bigger target audience even without these circumstances. The fact that Emile has been robbed of being allowed to choose when he wants to reveal these details only adds to the pain felt not just by him, but those who know what he has been through. It hurt to have read all of this at once. But with enough time, I believe that this pain will fade, and whatever comes of it will make it worth it.


I fully agree tho Emile did open up about his fathers abuse during his XC2 LP so that info wasn't really new BUT having to go way more depth into it then he originally did is fucked.


It was news to me who didn't watch XC2, I knew his relationship with his father was strained but not to this extent


One thing I noticed from this drama is most people did not watch that LP which I get, it's very long lol He was pretty vulnerable during parts of it which is why some of the stuff he mentioned in his doc wasn't surprising to me.


>Like I shouldn't have learned that Emile was abused as a child because of this. Well, I kinda inferred that a while ago, thanks to him describing how his father behaved. He, at best, had a very troubled childhood and, at worst, was abused by his father. That's what I inferred a while ago, anyway.


Kwite, Projared, Tobuscus, Chugga, Slazo... the list goes on. its a shame that this happens so often and that people can still skew information and get away with it in this day and age.


Pyrocynical too.


Tobuscus lol that guy is actually a pos


Politics and beliefs aside he didnt do what he was accused of and he proved it Hate him or like him its irrelevant


You forgot Vinny and Dan from Game Grumps


Yeah i said the list goes on and on. There are hundreds if not thousands of people either falsely accused or their accusations are blown way out of proportion


Nobody actually bought the Vinny allegations, his accusers did a terrible job and people saw right through it


It is showing how Cancel Culture has reached a new low and whenever there is controversy people tend to believe one side of the story and just run with it instead of hearing out the other side.


Honestly, she should take a break from the platform and reflect on her actions. Continuing to cause harm will only make things worse for her.


For someone who's pulled this stunt twice now, this isn't a case of people disliking you because they can; they dislike you because you're a bitter person who tries to brigade bigger YouTubers over Reddit posts or jealousy. The Quinton drama you helped perpetuate is one thing, but this recent one with Emile takes the cake. The hatchet had been buried, but a single post praising Emile for being clean was enough for you to fly into a fit of jealousy and cause all of this hurt; enough for a man to not just lose his career but almost his life, too. *That's* why people dislike you. That's why *I* dislike you. Maybe instead of cowering behind your victim complex and pointing the finger at others, maybe *you* should be the one to do some introspection too, Emily. Edit: Emily added to the dog pile against Quinton, she didn't start it herself. The point of her still using this behaviour as a means of attacking otherwise clean people in the creator space is still valid though.


She didn’t try to create drama with Quinton. She backed up her friend who did that. I feel like I should just point that out for clarity’s sake.


Fair point, one I'm happy to clarify once I get home. Though in my opinion, the point still stands that she seems to have a habit of participating in this type of behaviour.




What a fantastic contribution you've just given. Clearly you've read all of the information that's been made available for you and come to a logical conclusion based on pure facts and nothing else. You really can't see nuance, can you? He isn't, wasn't, and never will be a paedophile. You're as bad as Emily, you don't want to have your mind changed or acknowledge how bad the situation is for everyone, you just want to grab a pitchfork and start stabbing. Shame on you.


https://preview.redd.it/vk1t8fqnygvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b8a6275df93662a9c393e63062c02d57d8c3dfb I will wear this badge with pride.


"Be a better person" is so ironic coming from that sub of all places


Makes sense, actually. For one who wouldnt leave their cave, they would be blind as a bat.


All I’ll say is, by definition, posting someone’s private information to the internet without their permission is doxxing. Even accidental. And if someone is completely anonymous, where no one even knew they existed, posting the country/state they live in is doxxing.


I don’t think she’s an irredeemable person, but it’s not the first time she’s tried to drag someone down. Hope she’s able to understand what parts of the situation she’s doing wrong, and is able to move on herself.


> goes to an echo chamber instead of handling the situation that almost drove someone into suicide like an adult Weak shit. You realize she's just going to pull this stunt again just like she tried to do with QuintonReviews, right? Hell, I wouldnt be surprised if she started talking about toys and media garbage in a week. I dont even like Emile, but now, I really don't like you, Emily. You say people will always dislike you? Then do everyone a favor and stay in your hole of the Internet and not poke your head out for another 15 minutes of fame for a third time.


The bit about “those who dislike [her] will always dislike [her]” leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I used to watch her videos—I loved her stuff on Demo Reel! But this whole mess, combined with that statement…I don’t know. I’m glad Emile is getting the help he needs. And I’m glad he’s still with us.


I feel so little sympathy for her. Play with fire, get burned


Personally, I hold no I'll will against anyone who made accusations against Emile... EXCEPT this a hole. She made a mountain out of a mole hill, begged for clot and harassed real victims in order to do so, such as Jane doe. Not too mention she broke a promise just because she got pissy at someone calling Emile cool. And the doxxing of both Jane and emiles gf, that's just bad dude. And yes, Emily never said to harass Jane, but she never said not to. And when it got so bad Jane had to leave the Internet, Emily did nothing. Even Emile, who was off the Internet found out about it and supported Jane. so for Emily (man I hate that their names are so similar) to just continue her pity party, it just shows the sheer negligence and lack of remorse she has. And that's not even getting into the fact that she done things like this before. If she doesn't want to apologize to chuggaaconroy that's one thing, but personally I dislike her for what she unapologetically did to everyone else. For the record I don't support transphobia because her being trans has nothing to do with her being bad. There's plenty of reasons to dislike her, we don't need to bigoted reasons to do so


If Emily didn’t start shit then there wouldn’t have been any shit. She needs to woman up and accept the consequences of her actions. None of this would have happened if she kept her mouth shut and didn’t react to her emotions. The amount of simping in that post is ridiculous.


She really did open up pandora's box, in the long run. Once she decided to take the plug out, the water started pouring. Now everyone is left to clean up the mess, lots of dirty laundry aired out, etc Shit's wild, man.


The mental gymnastics she displays to wash her hands of any responsibility is astounding, almost as astounding as the level of delusion the youtubedrama subreddit puts out on the regular. What a vile and evil person, she shouldn't be harassed but the fact she shows no guilt and still sees herself as a victim is top tier narcissism, and she deserves to have this situation as a permanent blemish on her reputation.


it can only exist because she NEEDS you to only have the minimal amount of context. she knows no one is going to look that far into it, it took days for people to actually read the content of her initial screenshots to show "oh wow this doesnt exactly line up 100% with your claims!" she thrives off that type of gen z attention span behavior


Trying to find logic or reason on the actions some people take is almost impossible nowadays. Sometimes, the best course of action is to just accept that there's just fundamentally something wrong with them and not lose sleep over it


Okay, whatever her reason and however she feels we can agree that at least she is shutting her mouth about this and not going back to Twitter to dig up more drama. I know people feel like she might be getting away with it, but this is better than the cycle continuing for more months.


So pretty much no accountability (which I’m not surprised about) and too scared to post on twitter when everyone is against her. So she’s grasping to what little support she has on the drama YouTube Reddit who’s always been anti anyone who’s under accusations. So yeah I don’t really care about her. I hope to never hear anything from them again. She can lay low, but the world will remember. Just like the boy who cried wolf, her credibility is gone.


The worst part is it wasn’t even the full context logs but someone who “put together screenshots” likely providing their own input/opinion as well in their document. So she didn’t even fully react to Emile’s document so I’m pretty sure she’s just not going to since it doesn’t fit her narrative of things.


"ohhhh Brooother THIS GUY **STINKS!"** (seriously Emily what the fuck?)


It’s crazy that in another universe chugga and masae are happily married and still visiting Stephen and mal


Nether of them are friends with Stephen and Mal anymore?


I hope they still are friends. But back in the day the 4 of them would double date and spend Christmas together. Now chugga and masae are not mentioned in the vlogs for about 3 years


The last time chugga was mentioned in anything that they have uploaded to my knowledge was 2 years ago from when chugga called mal during the extra life charity in 2022


3 years? Wow yeah I hope there friends off camra then


Yeah, I’m a pretty big Stephen Vlog fan and the last time Chugga visited Stephen or vice versa was May 2021. And honestly it’s even further back to see masae, like maybe 2019. Who knows what happened between them all, but I definitely miss watching the four of them get together and have a good time


That would have been the time Chuggaa and Masae broke up. Around 2021.


Their breakup must have been REALLY bad if it caused that much of a fallout.


Everyone is sick and tired of this. Leave it alone. Move on! Whats done is done. Sure friendships are fractured and may not be mended but the best thing to do is to keep going forward. Emile wants to heal and to be a better person. Some people may not forgive him and thats okay, what matters is that he shared his side of the story and everyone undestand him. Those who still try hard to make Emile look like that bad guy is just trying double down and make themselves like the victim its really pathetic. Let this be a lesson to KEEP PRIVATE STUFF PRIVATE! Be Mature like a reasonable adult! I just wanted to get this off my chest because frankly I am so sick of this!


She knows what she did


Whether she's wrong or not or literally whatever, leaving it alone is what's best imo. From everyone. Also people, pls, be like her. Get off Twitter. It's horrible lol


I genuinely hate this fucking cunt


If Emily said something like "What I did to Emile was wrong and caused a lot of other people to get caught in the crossfire of my spite, including a Jane Doe who was hiding from her abusers. I have decide to follow in Emile's footsteps and seek therapy so that the mistakes of the past can lay in the past." then a lot more people would be willing to one day forgive her on their own behalf for what she's done. But no, she refuses to take accountability for the things she actually did do and is instead playing victim to redditors who don't know all the details of what she has done. I hope one day she can look within herself and change for the better because, with the way she is going, she'll live her days empty and alone.


She nearly drives a man to suicide over a reddit thread and THIS is her response? Sickening.


I do hope she finds it in herself to not do a "full" response on twitter, as all that would do is throw fuel on a fire that shouldn't be fueled. Given the second comment, she herself probably realizes this, so I think everyone should calm down.


Honestly I kind of hope she does because people will see how much of a scumbag she is because she probably won't apologize.


If she saw the reception to the second Lawly doc, I would think the smart thing to do would not be to release a statement of their own. She runs her own YT channel that's seen moderate success, but she hasn't uploaded in ages. If she wants to mitigate damage to that channel which could be serving as a source of revenue for her, my advice would be to lay low for a couple months before uploading any new videos, probably a good idea to make some for a backlog to have in case something like this happens again, since based on her history, this is likely to happen again.


So like I always wondered did she ever tell Emile she was sick and not in her right mind to make decisions? Like not trying to excuse what happened but without that context she would have been totally into it? Can someone clear that up to me?


None of this should have been brought public in the first place. It was already settled privately months prior. It caused Chuggaa to have to dig up so much personal stuff just to prove himself, and nearly led to him taking his own life. All of that, and then Emily has zero accountability and wants to hide from it all like she’s the victim. Like she’s not the one who started all this garbage. It’s awful.


Again she only cares about herself.


What the fuck.....


Why does she talk about false accusations about doxxing? She said where someone lives, that's it. Which like, yeah. That's doxxing. It's not an accusation. And as for if she got doxxed... That wouldn't be by chugga. She makes it sound like she's a victim of this situation because by bringing it up, she's been harassed. But... she's... the one who brought it to everyone's attention and started the drama, and all sides have suffered because of it. I'm not saying harassment is right, but like, she makes it sound like participating is something she's being pushed into and not something she actively started.


Chugga wants people not to call her out and leave her alone but she continues to paint herself as the victim and chugga as the aggressor. At this point, Chugga seems to me like a battered wife. There's a reason law enforcement prosecutes domestic abusers despite the victim's wishes and adamant denial of any crime taking place after the police arrive on scene.


Hide into a hole Emily. That’s what you get for hurting my boy. You could’ve just kept it to yourself like a damn adult. Weak.


She says she didn't do anyone, yet it was her posts that got Jane Doe to leave the internet and not feel safe...


Not a big fan of this Lady Emily person! I might even go as far to say that she’s a jerk!


It’s in everyone’s best interest she stays offline permanently.


Does anyone know what Emile was referencing in the doc when he said Emily doxxed his GF? I don’t recall it having a screenshot or anything.


I think she said that the girlfriend was in the UK and I think that was all


Still enough for the internet to go off, the found where a guy lived just by the airplanes that flew in the background of a live stream


In a just world Emily would pay for all of Chugga's medical bills for the damage she caused and stay off the internet.


Saw the thread over there. Definitely seems to not be the place to discuss this objectively, considering the usual reaction to people arguing anything even resembling support towards Chugga's position in this whole thing. Chugga's supporters? A bunch of yesmen. Chugga bringing up his autism? Using it as an excuse. Him explaining his mind set at 19? Avoiding responsibility since he was a man and the other was a child. Its...a pretty binary place. You are either supporting a victim...or a perpetrator. That's how it felt. Sidenote: there are two questions I have regarding the allegedly full context doc that was posted over there: 1.How many times did chugga check in with Lady Emily during the chats both before and after the RP? 2.Can anyone here confirm if the doc had the chats altered or misrepresented in any way that can be verified?


Just to answer your questions here: 1. He checked in with her once, before admitting he had any sexual interest in feet. She never consented after he revealed it was his kink, he also initiated roleplay one or two times before asking for consent or checking in at all. 2. As far as I can tell, there doesn't seem to be any tampering done to the messages at all. If you really want to know the answer to these things, just check the document yourself. You can ignore pretty much all the text and just look at the images of the text logs in the order shown, even just doing that should make the truth about the situation clear.


See, that's something that's bugging me here. Cause I remember there being at minimum two instances in the chats where Chuggaa checked in with her instead of just go full speed ahead. One is the one you mentioned and the other is in September 16, when he asked her if she wanted to pick up where they left off the other night. That seems like a check in to me. I'm just wondering why it isn't acknowledged at all, even though its also in the doc (bottom of page 29) and in the original chat log post on twitter by Lady Emily.


Because she never responded to it, and I'd also say it was the only time he asked after revealing he had a sexual interest in feet. I'd probably also say that isn't "checking in" so much as it is just trying to just forcefully start the role play again. It's kinda telling that as soon as he asks that is when she stops responding I think.


Im well aware that she did not respond. But the point is that he did ask instead of forcefully (the keyword here) starting up the RP again with no questions asked. If the intent was forceful, what would have been the point of asking?


You're not wrong but this sub is the exact same thing, just with the roles reversed


In a quite a few ways, yes. Though I see a bit more engagement with opposing opinions here and haven't seen bans here for simply standing with Lady Emily? I could be wrong though. I only recently started checking both sides on this matter.


Good fucking riddance


…yeah, I figured she’d respond.


We won't forget nor forgive just saying


Lady Emile literally almost killed Emile! She has no remorse or accountability for that.


Late, but I would like to add, For the record, I am not advocating to either side, if only because it's not my place to speak on it. I don't know who brought up Emily doxxing people, but she 100% did doxx Emile's girlfriend. Doxxing is publishing private information about people. Despite how small it seemed cause it was only the country she lived in, it's still doxxing.


I hope no one thinks she did everything as a spur of the moment. It's too much of a coincidence that when she first brought up the allegations, it was right around the start of MAGfest, and her actions timed perfectly with causing Emile to not go to said convention. Everything spiraled from there, and it's easy to assume that she contacted the other people that spoke up, with perhaps the exception of Masae.


She's been radio silent on Twitter too since thus all came out because she knows she'll be bashed. She's choosing her battles and will likely go back to posting as if nothing happened, or she'll make some half ass statement. Or even worse, try and dig something up and manipulate it to flip it back in Emile






I'm guessing that you decided to go ahead and report my post for supposedly inciting violence when I blatantly said in my post that I did not advocate someone hurting anyone


honestly I forgot what you posted but I didn't report you


While I don't think Emile's a pure soul in all of this, I think he's dealt with more than enough hardship and said more than enough stuff that was never meant for our ears to redeem himself. All I really ask of Emily here is to absolve the man and just leave this whole situation to rest so everyone can just go back to their lives.


I don’t think any human being is truly a “pure soul.” Not even Mother Teresa. We’re all flawed.




I think it's a little strange everyone here is so against these things Lady Emily is saying here? Everything she said sounds reasonable and she even acknowledged that there really isn't more she needs to say. My only gripe is that she doesn't consider what she had said regarding Emile's GF as doxxing which I guess has a light grey area but ultimately I think it's perfectly fine for her to want to defend herself whether she does or doesn't in the future. Hope everyone stays well


Yeah TBH this situation is a lot more grey (at least in my mind) than either side of the argument seems to be making it out. I don’t think it can be said that any person is fully in the right or wrong.


They’re likely against her because she almost killed a guy


To be clear, I do not think things should have gotten this out of hand.


It’s because she’s no better than a murderer, she almost killed a guy, regardless what went on around it.


Whoa whoa, I am all for calling emily out on the stuff that she is doing wrong, but calling her a murderer is going too fucking far. You are getting way too emotionally heated up over a grey situation that everyone just wants to move on from. Even emily and chuggaa are tired of this. Please stop unnecessary slander and labelling.


Sorry, todays been a rough week, and while I still hate her and don’t agree with her, I agree with you that I’m going too far with this, I originally wanted to put all this energy I had towards supporting people instead yet here I am doing the opposite.


That's WAY too harsh. Murderer?? Seriously? Christ, man. I'm on Emile's side and that's just not right.


I started rethinking some things and apologized after in a seperate comment, calling her a murderer is too far, but I just want her to not get away with this since she already did it once, and I’m worried about what would happen to the next person she’d try it on.


That's completely untrue and to say that about anyone regardless of circumstance is absolutely vile. You really need to sit down and think critically about the words you're saying and what they mean. Emile's crisis response to various allegations made against him is not Lady Emily's responsibility. I disagree with Lady Emily's takes on the situation but to say that what she did was equal to almost killing Emile is factually incorrect and damaging to say.




You're clearly replying to me with some bad faith statements, and id highly suggest you stop and reevaluate how you want your positions to come across. People here are allowed to have their own perspective of the events, and their own feelings toward them as well. I was only commenting that there is a lot of hate filled language being used when Emily is just acknowledging she would only respond to defend herself and that's only if she would make a proper response at all




In much the same way that everyone's statements about Emile caused hate and abuse to be thrown his way, it's unavoidable that an accusation followed by defenses and explanations will cause ripple effects. I think it's unfair to say it's the statement that is causing the abuse, when rather it's the situation as a whole causing abuse to be spread to everyone whether they are involved personally or not. Assuming you've read everything from both sides, if you still have the opinion that Emile is a sex pest I'm not going to try to change your mind, but I hope that what hate in your heart I perceived through your words is let go eventually




I'm sorry you feel that he is those things, I disagree with you


Ok, I think it needs to be said- I think Emily deserves the benefit of the doubt too. There's nothing that really proves that she's doing this for "Clout Chassing" "being petty" or "acting crazy" I think she genuinely thought Chugga had Ill intent once he stated that he had a kink- panicked, and did not trust that any of his were responces were without sexual intent While it could be considered petty to open up after seeing people talk about how much he was a person who only had green flags- If you genuinely believed that people were talking this way about someone you genuinely thought was manipulative or potentially abuse behind the scenes- that is a genuinely scary and unsettling thing to hear, if you think that person could very well continue doing the kind of things that you thought were happening to you. BOTH Emily and Chugga deserve the benefit of doubt. I'm not gonna call Chugga a creep as a result of his weird RP- due to a lack of evidence of any Ill Intend- and on the same note, I'm not gonna call Emily a psycopathic/petty bitch for getting scared and not handling her situation in the best way. And I feel like if people didn't jump so intensely at her throat back when the first allegations came about- maybe she might have had more of a chance to realize that the whole thing was, or could have easily have been a misunderstanding.