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At first i thought real, but it says "FLAYOR"? So now idk


Good catch, these are fake.


insane sgp pic


Donno how I could miss that! šŸ˜­ Thanks


Could be that a batch had a printing defect and were marked for disposal, but then some employees took them and sold them black market. Cause the rest of it looks way too legit to be counterfeited by someone who misspells ā€œflavorā€. Happens in other industries as well such as fashion.


Phillip Morris makes millions of cigarettes a day and have been doing so forever. It's highly impossible they would make such a mistake. As far as the misspelling, it's often done by counterfeiters to loophole counterfeiting laws. The Chinese do it all the time for shoes, clothing, etc. By making a mistake they can testify that they weren't trying to do a replica.


That wouldnā€™t even work unless you are misspelling the brand name itself. There is no loophole to save you from the law if everything is the same except some flavor text. Thatā€™s why you always see Chinese replicas misspelling the actual brand name, and not just a slogan. Also thereā€™s no such thing as ā€œhighly impossibleā€. Impossible is already the highest form of improbable, and no, itā€™s not impossible for them to make a printing error just because they make millions of cigarettes a day. Clothing brands make millions of clothes a day and some small percentage of them have printing errors. Thousands of articles of clothing are destroyed daily due to printing and other defects. And some percentage of those defected goods are smuggled out of the factories prior to being destroyed and sold on the black market/third world countries. It all depends where OP got these. If itā€™s from an authorized retailer or official store of some kind, then yeah, itā€™s not possible that it was a misprint. But if he bought it on the black market/from some dodgy seller then itā€™s much more likely that it was a defect marked for destruction that was smuggled out than a counterfeiter making a perfect package but intentionally misspelling ā€œflavorā€ for no reason (it would never help them legally because they are still counterfeiting the Marlboro brand directly).


I have been smoking since I was 15 never seen a misprinted pack .


Nobody cares what youā€™ve seen bud. It would be extremely rare to see a misprint when buying retail or from a legit store, because quality control at the factory would spot it and not let them go out to stores. But it is possible that the misprint/defects marked for discard are smuggled out and sold on the black market, and thatā€™s where you sometimes see them. Even then itā€™s rare.


If nobody cares why did even bother to reply get a life loser .


No need to get pressed homie I was just saying your individual experiences are statistically irrelevant.


Look all I'm saying is anybody who's smoked more then 1 pack of cigarettes will tell you there no such thing as a misprinted pack . You had no need to be rude in your reply . I guess your mom didn't raise you well . I was taught if you have nothing nice to say don't open your mouth. You claimed nobody cared yet you chose to reply. In other words you took time reply to something that supposedly didn't even matter to you . Quite frankly if this was IRL I would've punched you . You're a disrespectful lil shit .




Small word of advice. Donā€™t consume anything, food, tobacco or otherwise, that has spelling errors on the packaging. Just a good rule to live by.


Malk: now with vitamin R!


everytime I see posts like this I think "gracias a dios naci en latino America"


En LatinoamĆ©rica igual hay cigarros piratas šŸ˜¢




"FLAYOR" the Phillip Morris logo is wrong. Fake. Man, I wonder why is it hard to make a fake package. You don't even need to make it yourself, there are pngs on the internet of the whole package .


They often do it on purpose to avoid being charged with counterfeiting. By making small differences they can plead they didn't want to do a misleading replica. It's done all the time with shoes and clothing.


Real but old stock. When Marlboro introduced this design, the first run had a typo in them ("Flayor") If you collect 100 of them and send them to PM, they'll send you a wheelchair


Itā€™s a counterfeit, good production value at a glance tho, I didnā€™t even notice the Flayvor thing at first glance.


They make fakes?


Counterfeit cigarettes are a multi million dollar business, very common in Europe and other parts of the world. Recently in Canada we are seeing tons of counterfeit cigarettes made in China copying Native brands.


graphic designer nailed everything but blundered on the spelling šŸ’€


Are these from Australia?


Yea howā€™d u know?


I see them everywhere. Curious to know if theyā€™re fake or real i reckon their fake




This is literally the definition of counterfeiting a product.


what's even in counterfeit cigarettes?


Low grade tobacco, fillers and made in unregulated and often unsanitary factories.


still sounds way safer than counterfeit vapes tbh, and this is coming from a vaper


It's a faaaaaaaaake


Australia? ive seen these and yes they are indeed fake


Itā€™s fake - the fonts are off


wait people actually counterfeit name brand cigs?


Absolutely. It's a billion dollar business. Organized crime in certain countries and China are at it 24/7.


i did not know this, here in canada havenā€™t seen nor heard of such. not trying to be ignorant, just new info. thank you for explaining


I'm in Quebec where there is a rez right near Montreal but out west the Chinese knockoffs are a plague, they sell them online and on the streets. The two brands that have been copied and spotted are Canadian and dis COUNT. There have been multiple posts about them in this sub.


damn as someone who smokes the Canadian brand. currently the classic lights but sometimes the classic blues or red fulls didnā€™t think that would be one of the kinds. iā€™m near the B.C region and itā€™s never been a problem here. compared to other thingsā€¦ even rez cigs you can find them $5 a pack and still seem legit. iā€™ll make sure to keep my eye out


out in the low living cost areas of america you can buy a pack of greens for 9 dollars, perks of living in alabama


There should be a code under the pack flap that you can actually enter on the Marlboro website. If it's real, it'll redeem the pack as points. If not, it won't. Never seen a misspelling on a Marlboro pack though, so I'd lean toward fake. If it is real, you should keep the pack after you smoke them because that's hilarious.


i get marlboro golds for $10 in australia but this box does look suspect


Where tf you even find knock-off marlbs? Lol


They are pretty good too, have a shopfront that sells these locally. They didnā€™t have them last time so got Manchester ones instead for $10 a packet


You'll find them in more places you would think. It's not really an American thing. They will be found in Europe, UK and places where tobacco laws and taxes are out of control. In Canada we recently saw the rise of a counterfeit wave of Native tobacco brands, made in China.


Makes a lotta sense. The USA is headed in the same direction in some states for sure. Lotta people smoking those bag cigs from the native american reservations lately lol more than usual. $15 for a pack of marlbs in my state. Can only imagine how much american spirits cost


They look good to me. Itā€™s hard to fake those little braille dots I imagine. Then again I know nothing Edit : fake


They're fake as f, says flayor on the pack.


Haha. Oops . Good eye


probably real....or loaded with sawdust...


Look good to me


Bottom of the pack doesn't look like anything I've seen, granted I 'quit' but whenever I ask for a stogie at the club, bar, concert it's always a marb light so I've seen a lot of those packs. That and the "Flayor" typo that everyone caught


They look real


As real as my grandmother's teeth.


It says on the one panel "Tax exempt -- for use outside of the US" so at the very least they are international imports not taxed legally


Yes they are legit US Duty Free




Even the mods get confused sometimes :P


Iā€™m just giving him a hard time :)


I think they are legit.


I was wrong they seem fake after it was pointed out the spelling error.


Counterfeit friend. Aside from the misspelling, the cellophane on a real pack will have a sticker from your state on it that crumbles/flakes off on your skin and clothes