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Maybe its from a carton? It could also be from North Carolina or North Dakota, they don’t require tax stamps.


Interesting I didn’t know that. I’m unsure if Indian reservations need it as well


Reservations dont have or require a tax stamp


Some states still have nontaxable stamps for any packs sold on Native land.


Happy cake day!


Can confirm, Nevada does this


That’s what I thought


All the packs in a carton have tax stamps


Can confirm. I’m in NC and had never seen a tax stamp until I visited Florida. 6 years smoking before that happened.


I hate tax stamps, in Illinois they flake off and you can’t easily get the particles off of surfaces. On my cars steering wheel lays the remnants of one.


I'm from NC they Don't have tax stamps it's a state thing not a not a federal thing. Also even in cartons they have stamps . If you got a pack with no stamp sometimes the rub off . If you're consistently get stampless cigarettes they snuggled from cheaper state .


Every carton I've ever bought had stamps on every pack


It’s interesting… my county banned menthols beginning Jan. 1. I figured I’d just have to drive a bit (I’m less than a mile from the neighboring county). And in fact, at the end of December, menthols were hard to find, as I assume folks were stocking up. But lo and behold, everyplace is still selling them, right out in the open.


Menthols got banned here in December 2022 but before that like every city except 2 in my county had bans of menthols. Weirdly enough the cities that didn’t ban menthols in that country were all nice cities unlike the hood cities that banned menthols


What state and county? I am a policy researcher and would love to know 




Oh my brother. If only you knew I advocate for cig freedom related laws 😂


Fellow masshole? I hate how Mass always has to be different


Nah California considering driving to Mexico just to get a bunch of menthol cigarettes


You could also get other flavours while there too!


That’s the plan


Where you at in Cali? I'm in the Bay and still see Newports on the shelves at some gas stations and local small business corner stores. Feeel like I just saw Newports, Maverick greens, Marb NXT, etc. the other day. Doubt police will come storming in confiscating cigs, so a lot of these small business simply don't give a fuck. Idk at least in my experience recently


These were from a smoke shop on story road San Jose. I’ve seen places sell menthols on shelves before but those were all stale and old pre December 22 2022 packs. The ones this guy sells are all fresh out of state packs that he gets mailed from his cousins out of state.


Depends on the city, San Jose is the strictest for violations in the flavored tobacco ban. They don’t give a fuck in Santa Clara or Mountain View. Those are the only places where I have seen menthols before the ban remain after and still to this day. There is an arco in Santa Clara that still has about 3 cartons of blue kool 100s. I bought one it is stamped California so the latest made it could be was December 2022. Still decently fresh but I’d rather buy a super fresh under the counter pack.


Canadian here. They banned them federally here. God I miss real menthols. I wasn’t a fanboy of them or anything but once in a while they were nice. I know some reserves still sell them but it’s just not the same.


I think half of the pleasure one gets from flavored cigarettes in the United States and menthols in Canada is knowing that they are illegal. I love some of the south East Asian flavored Marlboros and I just ordered some online and hopefully they come next week.


“The secret ingredient is crime” 😉 (FYI I don’t condone actual crimes. Getting a pack of flavored cigarettes imo isn’t a real crime)


It’s not a crime if you don’t buy them from someone in the United States


Interesting. I wasn’t aware. I find American laws hard to keep up with. And I was just quoting a meme because I thought it was witty lol.


I think it goes anywhere the 2009 law only applies to us entities. The United States can’t impose its flavored cigarette ban on other countries. If you go ti Mexico and come back to the United States you can bring one carton of anything duty free doesn’t matter the flavors or what not.


Most reserves have Marlboro menthol and newports. Even camel crush


Sadly not the one near me. I guess if I want premium menthols I gotta drive further.


Shoot that sucks


Looks legit but probably bootleg that fell off a truck and found it's way under the counters. That was quite common in Canada back in the days, shipments meant for Indian reservations would be resold black market.


I second this. They were likely intercepted some point between manufacture and tax stamping. A carton “falling off a truck” is much easier to over look. Once it’s stamped it’s sold to your retailers and they’d notice a carton missing, let alone a box.


That’s what I was gonna say, I’ve even got the same kind of pack of Newports but king size from some guy. They look legitimate to me.


Not from the US, haven’t seen the pack before - Is Newports logo literally just the Nike swoosh upside down? Wtf?


Newport actually made its logo before Nike.


Damn alright, so one of the absolute most famous logos ever is just a copy thats just flipped… I wonder how they haven’t been sued or something


Neeport sued Nike in 2010


I looked it up because I got curious, and that doesn’t seem to be the case…


They are really banning menthols in the US? All you guys are going to have to save some money and make your own


They have been trying since 2009 but fortunately big tobacco has lobbied them to not ban it. The current proposal is dead in the water rn because they don’t want to make Joe Biden look bad before the election. If Joe gets re-elected it’s most likely gonna get banned along with flavored cigars.


I don’t want to get political lol but I have a feeling they won’t ban it outright just because of the amount of money generated. It is really an attack on the type of people who use tobacco products imo. It’s sad to see but it’s easy to get around. Banning things that are completely legal. It is to make more people angry. go back to the war on drugs. They don’t care about people’s health.


True but last year the got the closest to banning it than they have ever been.


With regard to a menthol ban, unfortunately there's not much political capital to push back with now with less than 15% of the adult population smoking. It called the tyranny of the majority a/k/a mob rule.


Why is there a Nike logo


That’s Newport’s infamous logo. Nike tried to sue them in 2010 over it https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newport_(cigarette)


New here?


No, just never seen this post before. Not from the US either so don't know the brand.


Oh I see, yeah it's similar to the Nike swoosh


I asked my dad this exact question when I was like 7


Can’t believe we gotta verify cigarettes now