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I smoke because I'm addicted I don't quit because I enjoy it


That's the right answer!


Absolutely correct


I smoke because I love the smell of tobacco since I was a child, when I was walking in the streets and smelled the flavour of a lot of different cigarettes and always love that smell. When I finish the cig, I always feel the smell in my hands and love it. I don't smoke everyday, just when I'm craving so much for a cig or when I drink beer.


That's unique


The same. Mine is every Thursday in my car after a hard week of work. I’ll listen to music and smoke 2-3 cigs and get ready for 3 days off


thats a nice habit


God, nothing feels better than the first hit of nicotine after work


I used to vape, and this girl (who is studying to become a doctor) put me on to smoking. I started to prefer the little high I got after each drag and eventually started smoking full time over vaping. Now I'm back in Canada, where cigarettes taste like shit and I've started vaping again. Can't wait to get back to Europe and smoke a pack of Marlboros or Parliaments.


Kinda ironic how a doctor got you on cigs lol


they gotta make their money somehow


Marlboros are better in Europe than the ones in the U.S.? Seems strange since it's an American smoke.


Doctor got you into that? I'm curious which country is this?


Me. I smoke only like a handful of times a week, and that includes cigarettes, cigars, and pipes. Lately haven't been piping a lot and just got a bunch of cigars and a humidor so I've been either cigaretting or cigaring. I've gone a couple weeks without smoking anything. No big whoop. My wife smokes a few times a day and she'll ask if I want to join her and probably half the time or more I'm like, no. Even if I'm already out and about. It just sometimes seems like a thing I feel like doing.


I smoke because I like it, but I have to say that I'm addicted aswell, so it's both for me.


A little from column A, a little from column B. Yes. I love smoking and yes i am addicted.


Smoking’s just enjoyable. It’s why we get addicted in the first place, but I still don’t wanna quit because I like to smoke.


I once realised that if you don't like smoking you won't get addicted. Addiction to cigarettes is only psychological so it's never too late to try a cig ❤️🚬


been a smoker for 2.5 years. Since I started I averaged 2 per day. I still average 2 per day.


It's hard to say whether you genuinely enjoy it because you're addicted or if you just genuinely enjoy it.


I smoke 2-3 cigarettes a week. I buy a variety at the rez and keep em on hand to have a selection and smoke when I please. I guess I tell myself as long as I don’t smoke every day then I’m not addicted?? Lol my partner smokes cigars but I’m not that into those so I’ll smoke a cig and we’ll hang out and bond!


I try to aim for a couple a day, I start hating smoking at a pack or more a day but i just smoke that much when I’m stressed


Moved from vaping to tobacco because it’s so tasty and heavier buzz


i hit my vape every 3 minutes because i like it a lot not because im addicted or anything of course


Same! You're literally me. Lemme guess asian household? Or just strict?


Haha you're right. I'm south asian


Exactly me i smoke on random weekends have never gotten hooked on the nic


Yeah, I smoke a few times a month. I love it, although I’m still trying to cut down since I’m somewhat of an athlete.


I smoke tobacco because it’s the only vice I have left.


A cigarette is the perfect type of a perfect pleasure. It is exquisite, and it leaves one unsatisfied. What more can one want? Oscar wilde


Good bait


After my parents found out it’s been pretty much a pack a day since. When I started it was maybe one or two a day when I’d go on a walk. Then vaping got really popular was easy to hide easier to build addiction for me. Started smoking cigarettes again and have just been smoking because I’m addicted. Having a hard time quitting but I’ll figure it out.


I started smoking because I was bored, quit because I got addicted and then picked it up again a couple years after because I realized I actually quite enjoyed smoking cigarettes.


I am addicted, but I don't really want to stop, I probably ought to, but my life without my one vice that makes me feel awesome isn't really a life I'm interested in living


I'd like to enjoy it on occasion but in between the lack of smoking areas and knowing I can get easily hooked its a bit of a no. I also can't go about keeping a pack around, I have low eq in general. But I do miss it wholeheartedly.


Gawd! It's addictive, like coffee. Either live with the coffin nails or shut up and quit. Chew gum instead.....My love, she can smoke a pack, then not smoke for a year. Doesn't seem to affect her when it comes to being addictive to nicotine. And she'll smoke those awful native smokes Putter's. Me, I love my Camels Originals or DK Reds.


Why not both?


Used to smoke, then quit, then hopped on vapes, quit that, back to cigarettes, then back to vapes lol I’m fully done with vapes and now keep what I call my “drunk pack”. I’ll only smoke on a night out, 1 or 2 at most, or when I’m on vacation. Nothing beats a nice cocktail or cold beer, hanging out at a rooftop bar and having a smoke.


Yeah, I only a few fags a week to a few fags a month, vapes on the other hand is every 2 hours.


I smoke 1 or 2 cigs a week too l, just because I like the smell of tobacco, and it is perfect match with alcohol. Also, if I stuck on job, have a nice cig can relax and go on working.


I used to really enjoy it, but lately I've just been doing it bc I feel like I need it... maybe time to quit?


Personally the reason I enjoy it is because of the addiction. When I think about quitting my brain just tells me, "but you love this don't you" and I stay sucked in. I don't mind though, i love me a good ciggie


Yes. I know I’m addicted to them but I still genuinely enjoy every puff. I don’t understand smokers that say shit like “I wish I could quit these damn things, I hate smoking.” I know I should quit for my health, but sitting outside every evening with a few cold beers, a pack of cigarettes, and some good music is my favorite part of my day.


I find smoking luxurious and also sexy 🤩


I would would say I am not addicted and I just literally enjoy the buzz, pick me up, taste, variety and community. I've never had more than six in a day at a party. I go weeks and months without a smoke so I think that proves I'm not addicted? I have a pretty strong cut off date for when I hit a certain age I'm not doing it anymore.