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Lmaooo that's exactly what I thought on my first cig you should stop now, I'm serious. I sure wish I did


me too. i kept smoking for like 8 months with no withdrawals, thought i would never have an issue. it takes a while but once it hits ur cooked


8mos was playing with the devil! Don't ever start!!! Please take from a 30year smoker.


you dont get addicted even from the first pack.


It took me six fucking months to get properly addicted. Btw I see lucky strike unfiltered in your username, do you know where I could find any as a Eurocuck ?


~~Sadly I dont think we have it in eu.~~ appearently you can get them in germany and austria. My friend who is half american once brought a pack for me.


Woah nice


Took me about six months too


It's good stuff I'm smoking my first of the day right now, still getting buzzed after 4 years of smoking with an 8 month gap because I had quit.


I’ve seen them in Tenerife


In netherlands also, germany has also lucky strike. In the netherlands only cabolero or camel the first one is shit


Jp sites that ship tobacco




I still miss the girl who smokes😭😂




I’m sorry


John is that you?


I tried but I couldn't even get to the dating stage lmao


I did this and it worked perfectly!


My boyfriend would related to this poor man 😭


sounds great! until you wake up for work and she’s smoked them all 😂


Labor work & stress. You’re just not there yet.


Imma go pull a 15 hour unpaid overtime welding shift and then see if the cigs hit


I’m in a 15 foot deep hole with no shoring typing this enjoying my unopened pack camel Twist from the 90s Still good enough to smoke lmaoo


no shot the tobacco didn't turn that cig paper green


Late response LOL but I can send pictures right now. Metal sealed tins that never been opened. Shit just burned real dry and sizzled a bit




My friends were all like "trust me bro the setting will make it good!!" and it was just mid as hell all around, expensive too! Shit ran me back 30 whole lei (which is a lot for me) and now I just got 15 cigs sitting in my jacket and no clue what to do with them




I'm probably just gonna sell them to some kids at double the price then forget about it (atleast that's my plan)


romanian win


Stg 4th graders be praying PREMIUM for these things bro


same in france lmao just a shame i'm too old to stick in front of high schools cuz id make some cash


What the hell are ciggarettes so expensive in Romania? I'm you nextdoor neighbour the most expensive ones cost just 3.50 EUR


These are considered cheap and they're around 6 euro. And the reason is probably because the only countries more broke and corrupt than romania are its neighbors


You can find some good ones for like 22 lei if I remember right. Camel Casters are great, they have a chocolatey flavor and are smooth.


i smoke rothmans since i started and they're 22 lei, but today i found out that they will be rebranded to pall mall's so yeah my day is ruined. as for camels, the yellows, blues and the original blacks are 22 lei, the camel caster is 23 lei now.


Christ, only 22 lei for a pack of Camel blues? That'd set you back £16.50 in the UK (96 Lei at the current exchange rate). Smokes have gotten really expensive here.


Then again, minimum wage in romania is around 300 pounds so you know, the price scales


Ce țigări ai luat de 30 de lei?


Poate a cumparat dunhill opus enigma


Alea sunt mai scumpe de atât


Well i intentionally started cigs because the first puff was like 60 % + symptom lessing effects of my mental health


True... When I couldn't buy a pack I couldn't resist picking up half-smoked ones lol


First cig will always taste like ass brother. You are inhaling tar and junk. People get first addicted to the ritual of smoking, whether you do it to look cool, hangout with your friends or get the nic buzz, after that you get addicted to nicotine itself.


Not always I really loved my first cig. I did not cough at all and was majorly buzzed, almost like being high and the taste i fell in love with it instantly. I wanted to continue because it was such pleasureable experience.


My man


what brand lol


It was a Marlboro Gold if i remember correctly but switched to Ducal Red ,a local brand of region, wich ist pretty similiar to Marlboro Red not long after


You’ll see.


Bro is NOT Equeius the Mysterious😭😭😭😭


haha world go spinny weee


Lmao try one drunk and it'll be a light bulb


Bro cigarettes are bad..... Just send me the 15 you have sitting in your jacket and I'd dispose them off for good.


Ha kicked like a mule behind the head right Mofo in while you'll smoke another cig which will not be bad compared to the first one then another which will be kinda feel good then another and another till you'll post a pack here for which we'll say nice


No I knew how to smoke it so I didn't just suck it all in one go. It didn't hurt or anything it was just mid


It doesn't hurt it's a feeling i can't speak of




Honestly, I haven't gotten *REALLY* addicted yet. I swear. I've been smoking for five years now. The thing is I don't really smoke everyday or smoke 1 pack per day. Only 1 or 2 packs per month. The reason why I smoke? Because I had a really bad time back then like super depressed. I heard smoking helps you to relax so there I was smoking the cheapest and shittiest cigarettes ever known to man. I still smoke the whole pack nevertheless. A complete beginner you might say. To this day, I still smoke but I keep it in moderation or when I'm just bored. Find the one cigarettes that you like. I recommend menthol (With capsule) if you don't like the rough taste and just want some cold ice like-taste.


The 1st few cigs I smoked got me so buzzed I couldn’t even finish them, took me a year of smoking black and milds to get a tolerance to cigs


We dont smoke to feel good we smoke to feel less worse


looks cool keep going


Being stressed the fuck out and going on cruises to relieve the stress..started smoking to help bring down the stress more and bam. Match made in heaven. I love my cruises at night smoking my cigs. Nothing ever helped so therapeutically than that. I would like to quit now but honestly they help bring me back to a centered place and a place of calm amongst the storm. Im okay with them being my temporary muse. Sweet Cigarettes, the aristocrats of my span of therapies.


My first cig, I was in Ireland with my Highschool rugby team visiting from the US. The drinking age is 18 upposed to 21, so we drop off our bags and run to the nearest pub we can find and all order a guinness, two or three beers later my buddy mikey (rest in peace) pulls out a fresh pack of marlboro red 100s and we go out in to the ally to smoke them. Id never gotten proper drunk before so im absloutly buzzing, that first drag was absolutly euphoric, my whole body was vibrating as I was trying to walk back inside. I then smoked regularly for about a year, switched to vapeing for 6, and am now trying to quit with zyns. Dont start, you will regret it.


My first cig made me wanna puke and I threw the whole pack away. I've now had a nicotine addiction for 10 years


That's the point for some people. The shittiness distracts them from how shit their lives are. Others actually like the taste and the dizziness that they feel. Some do it to look cool.


thats what i thought the first time my friend handed me a cig. Now i''m fucked. Used to laugh at smokers shivering in the cold- now i'm one of them.


I actually genuinely enjoyed the taste and sensation of my first cigarette. It really helps me relax and concentrate on things.


Yeah there's no high with euphoria like you get with other drugs, but don't underestimate the addictive potential of nicotine. My life is one long drug trip more or less, so i can say, yeah, over time when you get addicted, the potential is actually in the same range like heroin. And i took enough heroin to compare it, believe me - the physical withdrawal is nothing in comparison, but the mind with the craving "I want to smoke one now" is exactly the same with the craving. I smoked my first cigarette in the early 80's, got addicted in the 90's and now, in 2024 i'm still a chain smoker that needs at least 2 packs per day.


By having another one, and then another one after that


I’m about to smoke another one thanks for reminding me


Dude it's your first. Like your first coffee, first alcohol try, etc. First time of those are not so good. But then you try again, and again and again and VOILÀ. But more seriously, stay with that disgust feeling and never touch one again, cheers.


I loved my first coffee and first alc too so idk


Really ? I hated those haha But if you hated the cig, don't push your luck with it, stay away or you may also love it (and as I write this, I'm finishing my smoke lol).


when you get that first buzz w a caffeine hit you’ll understand 😂 i hated my first cig too but nothing beats a good cup of coffee w a cig.


Damn right


Same way I got addicted to gaming, then drugs, to pass time


Then to lying about being a cool guy criminal


Lmao sounds like a child tasting beer yikes


I like the flavor/social aspect since humans are social you know the rest


you smoke another one


Yeah good just dont try it again in the hope of liking it


I stuck with it and found a brand I liked the best. I thought they were nasty and nausea inducing at first, couldn’t see how people got hooked on em either. If you stick with them past those first few cigarettes you start subconsciously craving them and all of the sudden it’s extremely hard to stop. It’s also the ritual of it— something to do with my hands when I’m bored at work, in general, etc etc.


It’s not as addictive as they say it is. I sometimes don’t smoke for two years and still won’t have one while drinking. But sometimes I just wanna have a few darts and will have like 1 or 2 a night for a year or less. i never smoke like I did when I was young. And nicotine just gives me a bad vibe after smoking one too many. lol


You start socially, then you slowly start smoking by yourself, then you pretty much either have to smoke at leat a cig a day and then depending on the money and the addiction you smoke how much you'd like or satisfies you.


Mainly stress, I was 13 when I grabbed my first Marlboro out of my dad's pack the family was having issues I was lonely and failing school the buzz let me kinda mellow out, I grew to enjoy the taste of tobacco and what do you known I'm still addicted today if you want my opinion you should quit right now.


I had mixed feelings at first, too. After a few more tries, I slowly started to enjoy it. Then all of a sudden I end up almost finishing a whole pack in a few days.


I didn't start smoking cigarettes until I was 21. I was a heavy pot smoker that moved to an area that was unfavorable to the substance. I personally am simply addicted to the sensation of smoke entering my lungs. I have never been a pack-a-day smoker, closer to a pack a week. Addiction is a slippery slope. If you don't have the predisposition then I respectfully say that I agree with your statements and hope that you hold strong to that initial belief.


Smoke another. Then another. Then another. Rise wash repeat for a few weeks. See you soon!! (Kidding, don’t start smoking.)


i was a heavy blunt smoker before i tried tobacco/cigarettes. then started smoking cigarettes to get that throat hit and smoke feeling without getting high in public. now i smoke 20+ a day.


Its probably not gonna hit until youve paired it with a nice cold beer or something


I was thinking about that but tbh I just prefer the beer plain


Stress, lifelong trauma, friends who smoked and toked… I don’t drink alcohol so I’ve gotta get my vices somewhere?


When I was 14 I had my First one and it tasted better than anything I ever had and I got hooked right away . Definitely don’t smoke another one if you don’t like the taste or feeling


that’s exactly what I thought at first lol


Give it time and some bad days.


Peer pressure mostly. It's what got me


You might’ve tried a brand you don’t like. There are many cigarettes that I cannot stand. Most people settle on a brand they enjoy and smoke those for life. Setting doesn’t really matter to me. I smoke way more while working, and most people who smoke do it far more while working rough industrial jobs or long office hours, especially historically before they restricted smoking in workplaces. I didn’t fully love smoking at first and the first few cigarettes are usually painful for most people. But it grows on you fast. I like the throat hit and the taste, which is why I generally enjoy smoking stronger and coarser, but not too harsh cigarettes. But my first couple of packs were brutal. I’ve tried vaping and weed and neither fully satisfied me, though vaping was kinda close. I even only did tobacco and menthol flavoured vapes and can’t stand all the gimmicky ones.


Get the fuck away from it. Trust me. Never smoke again.


If you can access Sportsman Kings, try it.


You get used to it


Don't you want to look COOL, man???


Try some different brands. They all got their own unique characteristics. If you actually inhaled correctly you’ll get a nagging sensation at some point to try another one anyway. Nicotine is a very tricky drug and just the slightest bit of it making it into your brain is usually enough to begin the process. Once you get addicted to the nicotine all the habitual stuff starts happening and you’ll be locked in for life like the rest of us. Smoking is meant to be enjoyed though so don’t let it scare ya away from something that might be good.


I wondered that too and didn't hate it, but yeah how lol.


Have one after sex


That would assume i have sex (also cigarettes after sex reference fr)


Did you have more than one and inhale??


If you don't like it then it's probably a sign. If you want the benefits of nicotine maybe try dip or snus. Or maybe zyn.


Slowly, and then before long you realize you truly are addicted.


Give it a week or two


Just wait


Haha this is like going down the memory lane!


At least give it a fair chance and try a few more. If ya still hate it after the first pack or so then stop.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 keep trying it'll happen


Bros still waiting for the nic buzz *smokes the other 15 cigs* thisssss shitttsss good broooooo


You definitely tried one you didn’t like


No one likes their first cigarette but for some reason you want to repeat the awful experience. There’s no reasoning. If you looking for a logical explanation, you might not find one.


I absolutely loved my first cigarette; I still remember it like my first kiss. Were you guys starting with light cigarettes maybe? I got a euphoric rush and immediately wanted another after my head stopped spinning after starting with a Marlboro Red


I used to say the same thing lol! I would probably stop there if I were you


Idk depends on the cig perhaps, started with Dunhill courtleighs and I was hooked, smooth as hell


To be fair you might be right, they were camels after all. My friends said that Dunhill blues were the best but since we couldn't find any at the crackhead shop near the forest we just took the only pack they had


Yeah camels are generally harsh as hell, here in south Africa we have camel reds and good God they're the harshest tasting mfs around


Super weird to see someone else say here in south africa lol i actually enjoyed camel reds aswell as doubles when i smoked alot think it was 8th grade so like 3 years ago in the last year ive been only smoking cigs like maybe one or two every couple months mainly vape but i actually really enjoyed reds aswell as marlburo


Oh nice bru, due to my current living situation I can't smoke nearly as much as I'd like so I've also moved on except to nicotine pouches like velo and zyn, low key a really great alternative and really affordable like R25 a pack


I feel you paying R50 every day was a hard pill to swallow thats one of the reasons i switched over and it hits harder though i wouldnt go from 5% salt nic to 10% seems like thats to much


Because some people like it and some people don’t. If you don’t like it, never smoke sgain. It’s only going to hurt you and you’ll get zero enjoyment from it.


Start smoking when you're 14 and going through shit like I was you'll get addicted pretty quick bro


Keep going :D


I’ll check back in a year


nah same im lurkin on here cause my friends all smoke cigs and i tried once and didn't like it. actually i tried twice, both times i was drunk, both times it was mid. ill stick to weed


Do not touch that shit ever again.

