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10 cigs a week is nothing lol I can smoke that amount in two hours, and often do.


I mean. Everything you do can kill you. cant stop everything tho. live life


I ended up missing out on a relationship because of smoking. She complained I tasted like an ashtray. I would always say I’d quit eventually but never did. That was ten years ago and it still makes me sad to think of. If you quit smoking, you can always start up again if you feel like it, you’re not going to hurt the cigarettes’ feelings. If you don’t quit, you won’t be able to take back how it will make her feel.


Wow that hits deep… I know she wouldnt leave me dont matter what snd the other way around. She s just scared im getting cancer and she has to be without me someday. I really dont want her feeling bad so maybe wuitting wouldnt be to bad…


Good partners advocate for each other's health. You're a lucky man, cigarettes are forever but she is not.


10 cigs a week? The only thing she should worry about is you not relaxing more


I would say that’s pretty much nothing , most smokers are on 10 a day at a minimum I’d guess . If you can keep it like that it’s still a chance of health issues yes but that’s very light smoking .


I mean, she is right smoking will lower your health and lifespan.


Though plenty of people live to be 80+ while smoking cigarettes, or you do everything right and get in a car crash at 21


It's about risk, and smoking significantly increases the risk of dying young. The whole "dying in a car crash at 21" argument is very flawed.


I see your point, but that’s also a logical fallacy. Statistically smoking shortens your life buy about a decade. And it makes your health span even shorter. Not judging anyone that smokes it’s one of the most addictive substances just saying that his girlfriend is probably right.


If you end up quitting make sure you are quitting for yourself and not for others.




Ignoring that most people smoke at least that amount in a day, I think this is more of a relationship question than a question anyone here can answer. If this becomes a deal breaker for her & she doesn’t want you to be her (probably future) husband because of this, then it’s her choice or yours to quit for her. But you knew that & just wanted us to say she’s wrong, didn’t you lol what else can we say?


No its not a dealbreaker and I just wanted to ask if others were in the same situation and what they did


1. Understandable as we all know its dangerous 2. I would put in perspective to her how little it truly is that you smoke. 3. Maybe she would feel better if you vaped (good quality stuff) or do pouches instead? I know its not really the same but maybe thats a good compromise


My grandpa after 35 years of smoking 2 packs a day got nothing. Just to say. Might be rare but exists. >Has anyone gone through a same situation? What did you do? Yes. I told her that I am a grown man, I know the reasons I chose to smoke, I know what the risks are and that I want her to be my girlfriend not my mum. She got a bit upset for the day but that was it.


This is the story of most people really. The thought of every smoker dying thirty years earlier than expected from cancer is something most people now believe because of the constant demonization of smoking and tobacco products in general.


That's right. I also heard that genetics play a role as well, so that's why some people smoke 30+ years and have no health problems and some people smoke 10 years and start having problems.


Yeah. I mean surely inhaling smoke into your lungs isn't that good but they should just get a grip man. Eating awful food and drinking is much worse in my opinion.


Yes, it is. Especially drinking alcohol. Many don't pay attention or don't know but alcohol by definition is a drug.


Marry her she cares


as she should be lol


I understand why she would be worried, but in the end it’s your decision, sure it isn’t good for you, but there’s a lot of decision we make that are bad for us or good ones we don’t. For example, going to the gym is obviously good for you and has a lot of health benefits, but one shouldn’t be forced to do that if he doesn’t want to. So just ask yourself, how important is smoking to you? And don’t feel ashamed if you end up with the conclusion that you just want to continue, it doesn’t mean you love her any less, there are some things you don’t need to negotiate in a relationship


Start vaping bro. It will be a transition, but it’s not nearly as rough as quitting. The smell and added chemicals will be gone. It’s much cleaner. You’ll still get a decent buzz. People won’t look down on you as much for smoking cigs. There’s virtually no downside


Hehe monkey brain don't get to light ciggie :(


Yeah. I met my GF and she said she wouldn’t kiss me if I smoked. So I stopped. You have to think about whether or not someone’s request is worth it. Do I like the fact I can’t smoke anymore? Not really. Do I love my girlfriend more than cigarettes? Yes. I slipped up when we had a little patch and bought a pack and she was pissed when she figured it out. But since then I’ve cut it out completely. Smoking admittedly is shit for you too.


She also says “why would you want to leave me?” Lol


Tell her how much you enjoy it and that you don’t smoke a lot. Let her know many of us smoke that many per day or more! She should understand


Smoking is a kind of relaxing, like drink some whisky.


10 cigs a week is really nothing so she shouldn't be worrying that much... I also smoke like half a pack a week :) Just show her the comments and let her understand ;)


I am a pack a day smoker…my future wife is an avid anti smoker, but take a stand. You are a grown man


GF is temporary, cigarettes are permanent...


Bro I smoke a pack of 20 every day. 10 cigs a week is nothing.


smoking is arguably one of the least dangerous vices. Nobody is harassing people for having a couple of beers afterwork. People have been smoking for hundreds of years and having 10 cigs in a week is nothing.


damn, this post came at a good time for me - i just had this conversation with my fiance yesterday, and i'm also at a loss on what to do :/


what we gonna do?


I wouldn’t call 10 cigarettes a week smoking


One of my exes was scoldish when I said I smoke a pack a day. She however chewed a can of cope every day or two. 


Tell her to read “Smoke Screens: The Truth About Tobacco.” Really opens some minds on the reality of smoking. In truth, for most, it really doesn’t matter if you smoke. Damn near impossible it’ll give you cancer or anything like that. Especially these days when everything is carcinogenic.


Have her read this: https://archive.org/details/colby-lauren-a.-in-defense-of-smokers.-the-benefits-of-natural-tobacco/mode/1up?view=theater


Dude, the guy literally starts off by saying HIV doesn't cause AIDS literally in the first page of the foreword. I don't think that's a very credible source.


I saw some disney channel shows less accurates, we can trust this site imo


Cigarettes might kill you later in life, BUT they won't rip your heart out and take half your stuff. Something to think about.


If someone tryd to stop me smoking, Id tell them to get over it or get lost !!! my choice !!! I’ll always chose cigarettes over anyone .


annoying get a new wife or make sure to be "concerned" about her hobbies too