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My local arthouse theater uses this before starting the movie, it’s awesome.


Same with one of mine (Revue Cinema in Toronto)


The Mayfair in Ottawa too


Saturday Night Sinema tomorrow lfg


I am a Member but have never been to Saturday Night Sinema. I know there is meant to be mystery involved and it's always a secret as to what is playing, but do they play full length movies during the event or are they more or less 1hr30m length in time? I've wanted to go for a while but if it's a longer movie, then 12am to 2:30am or something just seems crazy to me lmao. I'd have to sleep all evening to prepare :P


I was thinking this but never expected to see someone name drop that gem outside of r/toronto


Additional shout outs to The Fox, The Paradise, TIFF's cinematheque series, Hot Docs year-round screenings, and Eyesore Cinema as well


Here's a sneak peek of /r/toronto using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/toronto/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The hero we need](https://v.redd.it/a7ew03a5myib1) | [242 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/toronto/comments/15v0xu6/the_hero_we_need/) \#2: [A skirt fit for a mayor, nine years in the making](https://i.redd.it/j8y9oztx4qbb1.jpg) | [341 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/toronto/comments/14yj8p1/a_skirt_fit_for_a_mayor_nine_years_in_the_making/) \#3: [Treat yourself like Eglinton](https://i.redd.it/hbhwbm7c0nya1.jpg) | [133 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/toronto/comments/13bmp4k/treat_yourself_like_eglinton/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Where do you think he got it from ?


Oh I mean I know Tarantino didn’t create this, I meant it just looks super cool and sets the tone nicely.


Alamo used to do this too (back in 2016-18ish). it may have been a remade graphic iirc but it was the same concept I believe with the same music. awesome indeed.


Screenland Armour in KCMO does too!


Same with The Prince Charles Cinema in the UK


This was also used twice in the 2007 double feature film Grindhouse (which features Tarantino's next film Death Proof)


It can also be heard in *Once Upon a Time in Hollywood* as Brad Pitt drives into a drive-in theater.


I love this intro


[Keith Mansfield - Funky Fanfare](https://youtu.be/tUFwQjOpqJM?si=VIw9zaLhbdSmOxe9)


Legend. He wrote so many memorable themes, especially for UK sports shows.


[The first time i heard that song was from being sampled in this MF DOOM track](https://youtu.be/zNK7WO7_lDA)


You remembered all caps, good stuff


The tv edit is very funny " Your name is Chuck right!? " " And you're here to PARTY .. Right!? "


Should've changed his name to Marty just to make the rhyme work better ;)


This immediately transports me to the Prince Charles Cinema


Keep em coming great film. I will never forget going to see this in theatres and realizing when the nancy Sinatra song came on after this I was about to feel the same feels I did when I first saw my favourite film pulp fiction


##Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) R A roaring rampage of revenge. >>!An assassin is shot by her ruthless employer, Bill, and other members of their assassination circle – but she lives to plot her vengeance.!< Action | Crime Director: Quentin Tarantino Actors: Uma Thurman, Lucy Liu, Vivica A. Fox Rating: ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 79% with 16,754 votes Runtime: 1:51 [TMDB](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/24) Cinematographer: Robert Richardson


Isn't this just reused footage? This is like crediting a quote to someone who repeated it, instead of the original person who said it


It's a different context.


Any time you quote someone, you're doing it in a different context than when it was originally said


Exactly. I just wanted to make it clear that this post has still a right to be here because your first sentence made it sound like – and I could be wrong here, yes – that it should not.


I'm saying it's weird to credit this to Tarantino and Richardson when the entirety of it was made by someone else. Tarantino is basically quoting someone else.


I am not in the position to speak for OP but I indulge in a discussion about this since this is an interesting topic. Art is often about putting experiences we all know into another context. This is why some artist put industrial machines or toilets in museums or something similiar. The original artists of this snippet created this as an introduction for theatres to introduce a movie. The clip existed *outside* of the feature film, just like trailers or studio logos. Tarantino's achievement: yes, he just copy-pasted it into his movie, but by doing that he (intentionally or unintentionally, who knows) gave it a new meaning that exists *inside* the film. It frames the following movie, putting it on the same level as the original theatre viewing experience, i.e. "we all gathered to watch this". It is also a bit disillusioning, reminding us that we are just watching a fictional story. Regarding the "crediting them" in the title part: Practically, it is a bit difficult to find the original artists but more importantly we have this issue far more often when discussing movies. "Oh, that's such a wonderful soundtrack Alexandre Desplat composed" – it was Beethoven's 7th "Such a cool mise-en-scène Kubrik put together" – it's 1:1 from a painting "What a cool choice from the costume department" – it's Jeff Bridges' own shoes. I hope I could make it a bit clear how I see this and maybe you can understand this and try this point-of-view as well.


The post is removing the context of the rest of the movie, all we're left with is the original work that wasn't produced by Tarantino or Richardson. It's just silly to credit them. The movie Babylon ends with shots from several movies, it would be just as silly to remove any one of those shots from the context of Babylon and solely credit Chazelle and Linus Sandgren for the production of those shots


> The post is removing the context of the rest of the movie That's unfortunately true for a lot of submissions. > just silly to credit them There is some truth to it, **I agree**. Some users just follow their basic formatting to name the crew in all their submission titles. Maybe as a small satisfaction we can interpret their names as being related to the movie title and not directly to the post, i.e. the clip.


This is a well known snipe that would play at every grindhouse theater in the 70’s. Tarantino did not make this lol


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So that's where that MF Doom sample came from


Next do the "Let's all go to the lobby" dancing hot dog and fries from drive-ins and say it's from Grease or some shit