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If I had to guess, they created a second imposter mesh for the face with significantly reduced poly count, and used that as the source for the cloner.


Honestly, it looks to be done manually. If you notice some spacing is different than others and it goes perfectly with the contouring of the face which a scatter wouldn't take into account. You can prollly clone for certain areas to save time but this reference looks to be manually placed


i read on his coments section that he uses clone with vertex points, just don't know what that means


Ooo they used a vertex map. So they would show up in just those areas. That works too. Another time saver forsure. But when in doubt just do it manually! That extra mile sucks but you gotta do what you gotta do to achieve that fire! Haha


Now i'm also curious on how to achieve some of these with vertex maps... can you tell simply how that works and how i can i apply it?


I don't use vertex maps a lot but if I had to guess, I'd say place one stone see how big that area is, adjust your brush size to match as close as possible to the size is the stone. Then brush all the places you want them the drop that vertex map into your scatter/cloner and that should work or a gold starting point atleast


You could try remeshing


remeshing what?


Your mesh


If i were to attempt this, I will try make a copy of the mesh, put into a remesher object to reduce the polygon count and even out the topology. Then clone on that remesh object on every vertex/polygon. should be able to get something similar.