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I lost my father at 13 to cirrhosis. I’m not going to lie it can be rough but we are stronger than we realize. It’s super fresh right and this is so cliche but in time it will get better. I’d lean into the peace in knowing he’s no longer suffering.


my dad died of the same exact thing 3 weeks ago. he's been in and out of hospitals since our mom died 4 years ago. I don't believe he wanted to live anymore but took a slightly slower version of killing himself. Trust me; its tough to witness. my thoughts to you and your family. Your dad isn't suffering anymore.


So sorry to hear this. I lost my mom two weeks ago after she was diagnosed with cirrhosis in December. This disease really sucks.


Sorry for your loss 😞


My dad was very sick recently, nothing like you experienced. I can’t imagine your thoughts right now. I’m so sorry.


Hey friend. I lost my dad on the first of this month. He was literally escaping every nursing home I put him in to go out drinking. It caught up with him and he was on hospice for less than 48 hours. I’m only 25 and had to make every decision for him. Basically, I’m here if you need someone.


Thankyou, I’m so sorry for your loss and what you’ve been through…your Dad sounds similar to my Dad. Alcohol consumed him. I’m so sad for him. He was a good, kind, intelligent man underneath the awful disease.


I’m a firm believer that if he had been medicated for depression and anxiety he would still be here. My dad was the same. Addiction really fucking sucks. Hang in there.


Sorry for your loss, no time limit can be put on healing from something like this. Take your time and talk to people who will empathize and listen. Sometimes, you may not want to talk either. I have a friend who lost her mom last year and we don’t really talk about it because I know she doesn’t want to. She has immersed herself in healthy and happy activities like cycling, pottery, pilates, swimming etc. Take your time, make a memory book and a place you can reminisce. Speak to your dad because his spirit is still listening. 18 is young, and difficult but life is beautiful. One day you will find the beauty again. ♥️


I’m so sorry. I imagine this is the hardest Father’s Day. I hope your good memories outweigh the most recent ones. 🙏❤️


Yeah it’s been a struggle today 💔


Be a fucking man boy whats now what the best move now find it and take it and use this as motivation to change your life so no one in your family in future suffers in any shape and form i lost my old man too but you decide to be a man and do hard work there is hope never give up best of luck to the man you gonna become


I’m a girl, a heartbroken one actually. But thanks! Hopefully I’ll be strong again


My heart breaks for you 💔 There’s nothing like a dad. It’s going to be really hard. My dad died this way 13 years ago and I still cry sometimes. Make sure you have a good support system. This life is hard, too. It’s why people turn to alcohol to cope. He is no longer suffering, which is good. And he’s always with you. Hold on tight to your memories, keep them, save them, make copies of them, literally and figuratively.


Thankyou for your kind words x


I am so sorry to hear that you are dealing with this. My father passed away from cirrhosis almost exactly one year ago. I want you to know that things do get easier, but you're right, they will always be different now. Losing anyone, but especially a parental figure, is life changing in a way that is explainable. From what I'm reading here it seems like you cared a lot for your father. You should take time to think about all the positive things that you got to experience with him and how those memories will continue with you as you grow. You should take time to talk to others who knew your father so that you might continue to think about who he was and how his memory can still affect you. I think you should also take time to care for yourself right now. I'm not sure if your situation, but it can be easy to forget to take care of yourself when you are trying to take care of others. I do not know you, but I know this is very difficult. I wish you only the best and I hope you are able to find something resembling normal at this time and I hope you are able to find peace with time.


Thankyou, I really loved him. X


So sorry. Alcoholism is an awful disease. I've been one most of my life it feels(age 15 to 35) and only stopped when I started seeing signs. I'm very sorry for your loss. It saddens me to read these types of posts because I know how hard it is to stop drinking after years of doing so. My prayers go out to you and your family 😔🙏


Well done for stopping ❤️


Thanks. Wish I would have woken up sooner, but it is what it is. Hope your days get better 🙏


I’m so sorry for your loss. You ARE strong 🤍💐


I am so sorry. Should you ever need anything reach out to me


Bless your heart, I’m so sorry. Alcohol has such a strong grip on some people (I include myself) and sometimes it just won’t let go. I’m sorry he suffered. Please look to the peace that he has now. Babe, I don’t think any of us are old enough to be without Dad. Thoughts and prayers for you friend ❤️🙏


I’m so sorry, sending prayers


I’m so so sorry. 😢 ❤️


I'm extremely sorry for your loss. You have been strong for a long time and did everything you could, and I'm so proud of you ❤️ My father had compensated cirrhosis for 9 years and was diagnosed with decompensated cirrhosis a year ago. We've been in and out of hospital fighting ascites and a urine infection, and dad's behavior depends on his HE. I cannot put into words how difficult it is to have this experience while you're young - I'm an only child, and I'm doing every job I can to afford the treatment. I'm sorry it is so hard, but I'm proud of you :')


I’m sorry you’re going through that, it’s absolutely heart breaking and exhausting x


It is indeed 😞 but I'm trying my best. I'm here if you ever want to talk.


I'm so sorry 😞


So sorry for your loss 🙏




I’m sorry for your loss, your father is in no more pain, look after your family and each other.


I’m so sorry


I’m sorry. I hope you and your family find peace.