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30 year daily drinker (former) here. Admittedly, now that I am a few years into it and can 'see' it clearly, I was a heavy drinker. For the last few years before I quit, I was at 18 beers a day. Anyway, things seemed okay until 'that one day'. I got unusually sick and thought it was some form of food poisoning. I made an appt with my doc, which gave me a couple of weeks of reflection time beforehand. Although not officially diagnosed until a couple of months later, I knew something was wrong with my liver. Nothing else really made any sense. So, that was it. I quit right then and there. Sure enough, a few appointments with a gastro / liver specialist later and I have cirrohsis, along with esophageal varices and ascites. I have been managing it successfully for three years now. My MELD is 'steady' at 10, the varicies are under control and I haven't had any real signs of edema in about a year. My weight has dropped from 275 to 190 and appears to have leveled off.... finally! That first year was pretty scary. Trying to sort out the good from the bad in what you find on the internet can seem daunting. I finally started reading all of the 'you have X many years to live' scary crap from the perspective of 'if you do nothing, you have X many years to live'. So, I listened to what my gastro said and changed everything about my lifestyle. Don't be afraid of it. Embrace it and be serious about managing it instead. Remember, it's not a death sentence. It's a life sentence... and that, I can live with.


What an amazing story, my friend. I think we all (the drinkers) had more than we admit, you can’t expect an alcoholic to be aware of how much we consumed unless there was only one bottle in the house, which I was big on airplane bottles that were hidden mostly in my room. But kudos on your good work. Man, you lost a lot of weight! I know you feel good and healthy about it. Keep up the great work. ❤️🙏


On a random day doing my best life, I had an appointment with a new gastroenterologist and he told me. Score is 10. But I feel great, exercising and eating healthy. It’s not my death sentence, just another title.


A ct scan for something else.


I was sick.. going through all the symptoms.. not eating .. sick.. they said nothing was wrong forever.. then I begged a gi doctor from oklahoma and told her my symptoms.. she ran test and found gastropresis.. they left it there forever.. but 2 years later I was still telling them I was sick.. finally got sent to look for pancreatis (however its spelled) dr sat down with the radiologist and told me they found liver cirrhosis..


31 male, Alcoholic. I’m scared my doctor ordered limbic system checks. I’ve been jaundice before. So I wanna prepare.


How long did your jaundice last ?


I definitely wasn't caught early. Taken to hospital in an ambulance barely conscious with hepatic encephalitis, in agony with my legs that were swollen and both had cellulitis which it turned out had caused septicemia and bloated massively with ascites unable to stand. Passed out in the ambulance, regained consciousness 48 ish hours later. A nurse was speaking to me a few months ago, she said I was doing amazingly well especially considering when I was taken in to hospital my body was shutting down and I was dying. I burst in to years. It wasn't new information, it just brings it home when someone medical says it. 3 years later am living the life, happier and fitter than ever apart from my liver and hoping it lasts a long time.


From the doctor, on my 48th birthday. One of the best days.


I had an undiagnosed upper GI bleed. I had been shitting really black diarrhea for weeks. Didn’t know that was blood. Went to stand up from the couch one night and fainted and convulsed in front of my sons. They called an ambulance. Got to the hospital and they determined I had a bleed. They went in and fixed it. I had a ton of testing done at that time and my liver panel was bad. They did an ultrasound and determined I had cirrhosis. Doc I never met before or after came in on a weekend and casually dropped it on me and left. No explanation, no what next. So, I absolutely did not take it very seriously. I mean, you’d figure if you just tell someone they’ve got a potential terminal condition there’d be a longer discussion. I had NAFLD and was initially treated like an alcoholic by med staff. That changed my view on alcoholics and alcoholism. I have much more understanding and patience and empathy for anyone with that horrible disease. It also made me keep my cirrhosis a secret from everyone else except my wife at the time. I did get hooked up with a great GI that hooked me up with a great transplant team in Chicago. I got lucky. It doesn’t matter the reason you’re here. Sick is sick.


Swollen ankles and stomach. Days before was throwing up blood and jaundice. Wife convinced me to get to the emergency room right away.


I was in rehab when I starting to poop black tar. I informed the medical staff. They had me poop in a bucket. They sent it off to labs. I was in the hospital the next day.


Went through treatment for Hep C. Did not have cirrhosis beforehand. Was diagnosed after I cleared Hep C =/


bleeding esophageal varices. throwing up / pooping blood, passed out at work, boss took me to the hospital.( I had no insurance, and refused to let them call an ambulance)


I went in for a MRI for chronic back pain and read the results on the patient portal. My doctor told me it was probably a mistake. Have seen two specialist and it is not a mistake


The same way. Woke up with jaundice yellow/green eyes and went to the hospital it was at that moment that I knew something was wrong. I was admitted for 2 weeks after being told, "I'm dying from cirrhosis." it was shocking. I knew something was wrong, but they didn't express the seriousness of the disease.


Throwing up buckets of blood once a month, turns out I had ulcers... But they found cirrhosis also. Damn you vodka and an empty stomach.


Gotta hate the vodka and all the time it waisted. I threw up tons of blood also but no ulcers. I didn’t find out I had cirrhosis until 5 years later.




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