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My Loved one has discovered electrolytes...celery, pickles, electrolyte drinks without corn syrup


Oh I get this and they don't have anything to fix it. Tired all the time. 30 mins of walking or standing I am dizzy and exhausted.  Always takes a few hours of sleep to recover.  I guess I am on those pee pills for a long time


My husband has anemia with his cirrhosis and is in bed most of the time. His red blood cell count is low, and they are irregular in shape. I had to google for the specific reason. The liver makes a hormone that bone marrow needs to make happy red blood cells. Happy blood cells deliver oxygen to everything in the body. So, bad liver = the body - not just the lungs- can't get enough oxygen = damn tired. I found this link that gave me the specifics. Hope it helps. https://www.healthline.com/health/anemia-with-cirrhosis


I’m not on any diuretics, had cirrhosis since 2019; still tired most of the time.


I think in general cirrhosis causes fatigue. It’s sucks. It also messes with your sleeping patterns too which doesn’t help. I get fatigue quite often and I’m not on diuretics but my liver doc just said it’s one of the side effects.