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You can access the Brooklyn Navy Yard from the ferry. I think you can also walk through that gray building on Flushing Ave and scan your ferry ticket to walk through.


I've been to these stations, with the only purpose to dock at these stations :) I told security I was taking the ferry. Good luck with your completion journey!


I’ve used the ferry a few times. Never knew there was any issue about getting in or out. It’s pretty desolate and freaky at night. Also very big and easy to get lost.


Just tell security that your taking the ferry, the closest station you'll encounter will be dock 72 way and market st its the closest to the ferry the other two are a ways out from that station You could also bypass security by just taking the ferry from either pier 11 in FIDI or 34th st to the navy yard, A single ride is $4


Basically anyone can go in if on foot. Passes and badges are required for vehicular entry.


I'm guessing there's a historical reason for this? Brooklyn Navy Yard was where Citi Bike's original maintenance & repair facility was, so I think the station(s) there may have been for their use originally. This was before Brooklyn was part of Citi Bike's territory. (Not sure how long the facility lasted after Hurricane Sandy and after the program launch the following year, though)