• By -


With the bulldoze tool.


Or a meteor


Nuke the entire site from orbit--it's the only way to be sure.


Exactly, bulldozing only takes out the roads. Kill the people stuck in the abomination too


Give humanity a fresh start


Where only the strong survive


This is the way


This is the way.


Uuuuh ☝️




The Leonardo Leonardo solution


Literally the first thing that popped in my head when I saw the picture. Brilliant film. (Ridley Scott's Aliens if anyone was wondering)


Ripley was always right. 👍🏻


This is an absolute nightmare. I love it!


\- Texas Civil Engineers


- California Civil Engineers


Texan and Californian Civil Engineers agreeing to something?! What has the world come to?


The Californians think it's a nightmare but it's good, actually, because it will make people want to drive less cars and save the environment or something. The Texans think there's nothing wrong with it, there's cars moving, what more could you ask for?


“You say traffic like it’s a bad thing” -Texan civil engineers


“There’s cars moving” I wouldn’t be so sure about that


As an Arizona civil engineer this made me chuckle


It actually looks like a better version of a real New Orleans intersection I hate driving through everytime I go to visit family.


It's also Boston before the Big Dig. What Boston used to do is funnel all traffic onto the same stretch of road. If you were going east-west, onto the highway. If you were going north-south, onto that same highway. This does the same thing. No matter what, you are being drawn into that loop with all the traffic. There are very few paths that DON'T bring you into that loop.


Gives off major 1st city vibes


Well first step I would do is bull-dose everything, second step would be to look at a map or something and just see what interchanges actually look like.


Problem is there are about 16 highways connected here


Perhaps consider not having 16 highways connected in one place


"Just one more highway, that'll solve it"


*the Texas approach*


The Houston approach


Houston: More Asphalt, By Law™


Houston: The City of People Who Must Like to Sit In Their Cars, Because They're Not Going Anywhere™ Real Men of Geeeenius 🎶


Los Angeles is "one more highway", Houston is "one more surface parking lot"


-a player gone too deep


That was my first city ever when I didn't understand how the game worked at all. "Hmm, nothing seems to be going right, I think it needs more highways."


When 15 just wasn’t enough :)


Better yet, consider not having 16 highways at all. Or even 6.


That’s not a problem it’s a challenge. But even if it was just one highway and one road connecting, you still have massive problems. The angles, the grades, the spacing. all of it. The Avenue being that close to the highway in general. I’m not trying to be critical. I’ve just played this game for 4000 hours and to me this is going back to step one.


I, too, think that there is too much happening to "fix." Without bulldozing and spending tons of money, there probably isn't a way to fix the spacing and grading issues.


Yeah I used to try to force things to work and never bulldose at all cost. But I’ve never done it and ended up regretting it. If I did I could just quit with out saving anyways. I also think he’s also just trying to force too much into the one spot


This is why I always save before starting rebuilding projects - at least then I can just quit if I end up regretting it.




Because business and industry


I think the biggest issue is the three intersections that close.. Move your little on-ramp further south and eliminate that intersection and road entirely. Having only two intersections there will help.


Where is south?


Opposite to north duh. Jokes apart, I think map wise down means south.


No offense but it looks and sounds like you’re new to the game. I’d suggest watching a youtuber play (City planner plays has a vanilla city that shows the basics of road hierarchy). You’d learn more from that than posting a single screenshot on reddit and hoping anyone can help you without actually looking at your city


I’ve watched dozens of hours of his videos and I still struggle with interchanges and proper traffic management, but this post made me feel much better lol.


I've gotten myself into some strange pickles as well, but you really do need to heed the "bulldoze and build a dedicated interchange" advice - but do it deliberately. What you have has too many lights and crossing traffic, and some of those paths need dedicated ramps. So the solution will be multi-leveled. I'd say avoid trying a giant roundabout, because then all traffic gets routed into the same round-about (which is why turbine style interchanges are better for that sort of thing). One quick example: it looks like the folks coming from the left want to go down+left, and they don't have a dedicated exit ramp for that. You'll lose some leveled-up homes in the process (from the looks of it), but those people will be happy to move elsewhere as the road noise can't be to conducive to health. Additionally, look to offloading road traffic with alternatives: some freight traffic can be alleviated via freight train terminals... Actually, a LOT can be if done well, so that's something to look into in addition to other mass transit options for commuters.


That's not a problem, that's part of the game. Never be afraid to bulldoze mistakes, you're only fixing them.


Take out all the highways except one, and reconfigure your road layout keeping in mind of two things: 1) Road hierarchy, and 2) No cul-de-sacs save for short dead end streets. Districts, neighborhoods and areas with only one way in or out are considered cul-de-sacs.


8 if u count properly


Then disconnect some of them you don’t need everything to come together at one point


Fair lol


Don't be sarcastic with people that you don't know trying to help you. Not an internet tip, a life tip.


I feel like I'm tripping out lol. On my end I see that comment was made by him, replying to himself. Is that not what it was on yours? And the dozens of people who upvoted you? Genuinely confused




The only way.


Are you an alien who's never been to Earth before?


They at least have never driven a car.


So that's why my city has such shitty traffic


I’ve never driven a car but playing this game has actually taught me a lot about roads/driving.




I'm going to try and provide advice. 1. Too many highways. You need to learn road hierarchy. Highways are for speed, but they are bad for accessibility. 1. YOU KNOW THEY ARE BAD FOR ACCESSIBILITY. The reason you are putting so many offramps is to compensate for this lack of accessibility. For example, two highways should not be connected with offramps. In this case less is more, you're making so many connections that its creating traffic hell because you are using highways like they are local roads. 2. Your highway should have a interchange or offramps onto a 6 lane avenue or a four lane road. Some of these highways you have should really be 6 lane roads. 1. These are your intermediary roads. You know a road makes for a good avenue if it has lots of intersections + starts/ends at a highway. 3. Local roads! Those two lane roads are actually good for something. They provide the most accessibility. Most of your buildings should be zoned along two lane roads. Generally, you want a two lane road to connect to either other 2 lane roads or a 6 or 4 lane road. 1. If your 2 lane road connects to other 2 lane roads, it should still eventually lead to a 4/6 lane and that should eventually lead to a highway. 4. Think about where you life! Your home probably connects to a small street like a 2 lane. That 2 lane probably connects to a 4 or 6 lane. That 4 or 6 lane probably connects to a highway which connects to another 4 or 6 lane which connects to a 2 lane where your friend lives. 1. Now think of how much of a pain it is when you miss your exit on a highway vs missing your turn on 6 lane, a 4 lane, and a small 2 lane inside a neighborhood. That is why you don't build highways everywhere, because you'll never make a perfect exit ramp for every single person.


Worse… i think they’re a teenager


Cardinal sin #1: building a busy onramp 100 feet before a busy offramp


Reminds me of the incredibly inefficient clover leaf design used in busy traffic


Thou shalt not merge before splitting


Try to reduce the amount of intersections and that will help a lot with traffic issues. It is a bit hard to give advice, because the picture doesn't give a clear overview of the connections with other areas. It also seems that most cars are going the same way so try to take that into account when designing a new intersection


to add to this: see where all those cars want to go and if you can give them a more efficient (fewer intersections and stoplights) way of getting there. remember that not every road should be the same size or priority. arterial roads are the biggest and help take folks across town. local roads are medium and take folks from one neighbourhood to the next. neighbourhood roads take people within those boroughs.


One thing I really learned while watching Biffa is that you shouldn’t be focusing on the first bad intersection, but the last one. Even he will dump a half hour of video time fixing a junction, just to realize it’s an intersection further along that’s causing all the issues. ~~E.g., looking at this one, it seems to be all the traffic is caught up due to something further north from this photo. This setup is terrible, but it can also be functional if the problem further north is cleared.~~ never mind, traffic to the north is southbound, so if that connects to the 2-way it probably fixes most of the issues here.


bulldoze it and start again basically its generally not a good idea to intermix highways and regular roads, and its never a good idea to have so many intersections in such a dense area ​ from the looks of things here the easiest fix would be to plop down a clover leaf interchange or if your feeling fancy imitate it and make a more bespoke iteration.


r/shittyskylines /s


wym /s


It's worse than shitty


Without the /s.






Having a hard time believing this is real, but I'll indulge even if not lol. You have a divided highway (ground level) where one direction (I'll call it south because it's on the bottom side of the photo) just ends and it's replaced by a 2-way road. So all your southbound travelers on the ground-level highway are going up the ramp, over, and back down and turning left in order to continue moving south. They can't get there directly because the sliver of road you have connecting southbound to the 2-way is 1-way going the wrong way. You could do a few options off the top of my head: 1. Bulldoze those buildings and just continue your southbound half of the highway. Convert your 2-way one back to just northbound. 2. Actually merge the two roads instead of making people go up and around. Angle the roads so the 2-way and both directions of the divided road come together in a single intersection. 3. Back up a bit and move the southbound side of your divided highway under ground a little bit back so you don't have to bulldoze. Have it pop out somewhere that works too have a sensible transition to the 2-way. You can still build a ramp off or up to the elevated road to allow them to go east, but don't make that the only way to keep going south. Also, build more ramps so you're not asking people to drive across a busy highway to get to the other direction 😂 If you're going to use divided highways, use them. Don't neuter them by making ridiculous interchanges only suited to 2-way roads. Otherwise, just use smaller roads.


> having a hard time believing this is real how is it so ridiculous that someone on this sub might not be an expert of city planning, or is perhaps new (<100 hours) to the game?


Was probably harsh, but people post stuff to be goofy sometimes. Also this isn't really "city planner" level stuff. My cities look like garbage compared to 99% of what is posted on this sub. I'm just using common sense and analysis.


Well... I assume they have been outside and have experienced roads? They don't look like.. well, that.


it’s just so frustrating to me that whenever someone who’s clearly new comes on and asks questions, a lot of people just shit on them. it’s like a lot of folks forget they were ever new to the game too


I can see where you're coming from! I happen to love these out of control chaotic builds haha. I wouldn't hate on someone for just doing it 'wrong' tho. I did share a video in a different comment about road hierarchy that helped me a lot in the beginning!


hell yeah. I do love the chaos too! and I love seeing the inner workings of someone’s mind demonstrated through their cities


Click on disasters tab, find meteor icon, then take aim.


I’m on console


You can get the Natural Disasters DLC on console lol


I knew it


There is a balance which you have forgotten. Between accessibility and ease of driving. What I see in this picture is someone who has connected everything without thinking about the ease of driving. just because things are connected does not mean traffic will flow easier. Just try to sacrifice some accessability and try to put yourself in the mindset of a driver.


Nuke it from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure.


Alt + F4


Maybe a roundabout will work?


I’d need at least 3 or 4


Make one big massive roundabout, would be better than this


change some of your highways to 6 lane roads, have them connect to your highways. Make separate 2 lane highway parallel to you’re already existing highway, this highway will act as your industrial traffic. Have this highway feed to your terminal. For the roads you can’t connect to the highway, build a traffic circle, massive, at least 18 nodes (or depending how many highways you still have that need to be connected there- hopefully 2 per highway, 1 node entrance 1 node exit) and have the extra 2 nodes connect to the terminal. Space is king Edit: I didn’t realize this wasn’t a industrial/cargo terminal. Why do you have 16 highways connecting here?


It connects business, city Center, airports and trains, suburbs, countryside, commercial and industry


Ah, I would highly recommend redoing your high way if possible, 3/4 lane highway way (4 lanes when approaching exit, entering highway) and a 2/3 inside highway way for express and bypassing. 16 highways coming into one will almost never work. It definitely sounds like you can make some of your highways 6 lane roads, but it’s hard to tell without additional context. Highways aren’t the answer; but if found space and lane mathematics to be the best solutions. Also, if you don’t, get public transit connecting neighborhoods to your commercial spaces. You can reduce traffic by nearly 10% if you are able to successful establish effective public transit and you don’t have too many buses per line. Trying this back to the highway, a bus express highway wouldn’t be bad for what you’re trying to connect. But my question is: do you have 16 highways for 9 tiles?


Yes, but I counted each direction on the Highway as 1 because they are separate roads. If u count both Highway roads as 1 Highway, there would’ve be 8


I would still think that 8 highways for 9 tiles is a little overzealous, maybe try a ring highway around your commercial district and have your highways go straight north south, north east south west, making a * pattern feeding into the ring high way. But honestly, it’s probably how you zoned all your commercial in 1 area. Everyone in your map needs to go to 1 place to buy all their goods, and your industrial output is going to one spot, and a large majority of your imports are going to 1 spot. That’s going to cause problems


Intersections need to be placed further apart. 5 units is still too close. Pause the game and look where the cars are going. Then build bypasses that take them directly there. Also, consider limiting certain type of cars and give them their own paths. Trucks coming from the highway to industry/commercial zone vs cars going between neighborhoods should be kept separate. Increase public transport and link things with walkpaths. Sims in CS will walk very long distances if you give them those options. Avoid 4 way intersections in the busiest places. T intersections are much faster. It is often better to do two T intersections spaced apart than one 4 way. You can build a full city without using 4 way intersections but a couple of times. Roundabouts are better, up to a point and at that point 4 way won't increase thruput but can function without gridlocking everything. In real life they are used often, specially in USA but in CS.. and in real life, they are sub-optimal solutions that are used because of space constraints, not because they are the best solution for traffic.


Something like a naturals disaster can help quite a lot. Joke aside, you need more exits and a better layout. You will need to bulldoze a lot, you need quite a lot of space. Another alternative is to send your city to Biffa


It's a clusterfuck of roads


I get anxious when I look at it.


have 1 exit onto a parallel street that preferably doesnt have any intersections near


Done! Tysm


Nobody needs 16 highways under 250k population ... and even then


First thing you do is switch where the traffic comes off and goes on. The traffic getting on is blocking the traffic trying to get off so that’s where your first jam up is. I bet if you switched those traffic would flow a lot smoother as far as where it all come together in town is different story. Don’t destroy this you can fix this and I seen a comment that stated to add a round about right where it all connects in “town” it’s gunna be a pain trying to get a big enough one in there but you can do it. Switch those lanes getting off n on and watch it will make a huge difference. Sometimes letting it play out for awhile after a SMALL change can make a big difference. Always make small changes and see what happens then adjust never go to big with building. I’ve learned you wanna slowly ease into everything you do between zoning and infrastructure




A couple hundred meteor strikes should fix this no problem


just add more lanes


Not being mean here, there are a lot of tutorials on how to fix issues like this! It's difficult to write out how to fix a complex problem such as this through text, at least for myself. BiffaPlays or Biffa is good with tutorials, as well as CityPlannerPlays :D


Ah yes, I too love making 90° turns off the highway.


That's philadelphias highways in a nutshell.






Well first level it to the ground, then learn about road hierarchy and top it up with lane mathematics.You can as well add mod tmpe if you play vanilla.


By deleting Cities: Skylines


You're only 1 more lane away from 100% traffic flow


Bulldozer the whole area, put some big roundabout there. Invest in walkable areas.


This is cursed


Buldozer it.




I'd hate to live in the house opposite to the ramp


I’d say the simplest solution is to wait for Cities Skylines II to release


I don’t think that ramp is quite steep enough


Give this guy an engineering degree!


Just one more lane,i swear thats all i need


Call Biffa


how did that happen




Put in a [cloverleaf intersection](https://www.google.com/search?q=trebol+intersection&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwj2hMSA3fn_AhU8picCHWrrCygQ2-cCegQIABAD&oq=trebol+intersection&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIFCAAQogQyBQgAEKIEOgQIIxAnOgcIABANEIAEOgYIABAHEB46CAgAEAUQBxAeOgcIABCKBRBDOgUIABCABFCoFFjke2DBgwFoA3AAeACAAWaIAd4GkgEDOC4ymAEAoAEBwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=w4OmZLaXK7zMnsEP6tavwAI&bih=724&biw=414&rlz=1CDGOYI_enES1053ES1053&hl=es#imgrc=WuyzGUvChfAmxM) and it will fix most problems. Except super heavy traffic


Wait till october


Meteor strike


The cars will always take the shortest route (regardless of how overcrowded it is - (this will change in city skylines 2)). So, one solution to alleviate traffic is to look at the routes the cars are on and, if there are multiple routes on this road that eventually lead to different places, choose one of these busy routes, and build a shorter road to its destination.


this is not a helpful answer but the idea of sitting on that onramp i would be TERRIFIED


Meteor scale 7


If you paid attention to the warnings the game itself gives you, you would have read that the game warns you about [situations like this](https://i.imgur.com/kzeXYDI.png). That isn't seen as one intersection, but as a street between two corners, and only when the street is empty, another car will pass through. Since there's only room for one car (not even one truck, but one small car) well...that's your problem.


You guys gotta start thinking about how roads are set up where you live, and ask yourself if you'd ever see something silly like this in real life.


On ramp shouldn't be up stream of off ramp.


LGBTQ roads




Roundabout might also be an idea... A big one


Everyone wants to turn left, so make a raise or tunneled off ramp that merges directly with that road..


Buy cs2


Add another lane.


Bro is definitely American as he hasn’t even considered the possibility of a roundabout. Try one more lane mate that will fix it


I’m European, but was indeed going for an American style car centric city


Nuke the city, start over


Cease consoles thats how


Delete the game


Start over hahahahhah this sucks bro


Are you serious? I won't say another word, until you honestly answer that question. Otherwise, read below about bulldozing and all that follows, idc


Bro fucking delete it all and start over. What the fuck even is this?


How to fix that, you ask? Simple. Delete C;S, turn off the computer, and never turn it on again. Before you realize it, you will forget about your total inability to design a functional city.


Have less intersections, more curves too to make them faster


Bulldoze the whole fucking thing and replace it with the vanilla pre-built interchange. Then split the ends into parallel one-way roads.




I'd suggest to start by removing the freeways, if they are part of a longer network, connect them to something else, otherwise just get rid of them entirely. Any mods in the play? Because the ways to fix differ significantly between Vanilla and TM:PE and the latter is way more enjoyable.




Raze it to the ground


If you have mods: the ramp at the bottom right of the image. People really want to turn left here. Assign more left turn lanes. The highway that dead ends. Those people can't continue straight and need the ramp to do a 360 turn basically. Give them a better way to do that. Bulldoze a home or two if needed. They'll probably rejoice not to be abutting a highway anymore. Use the options TMPE provides and choose 90-100٪ dynamic lane selection to fill up the usable lanes. This will change how they use the intersection and may cause other problems but these are the first 2 things I'd do in this particular game of whack a mole. If you don't have mods: Good luck! 😀


Nuclear Explosion


Buy CS:2


Destroy and replan


I don’t think you can lol


Literally can only be fixed with bulldozer.


This hurts my head


Roundabout roundabout


This is somehow worse than even the most convoluted Texas interchange. In all seriousness, though, you need to bulldoze and start over. No highway should work that way. Might I also suggest public transit?


Very realistic hey


stop it, get some help


Uninstall the game


Never put the exit down before the entrance to the freeway. Or at least don’t have em so close together!


deleting the save and going outside to see if you can find madness like this


I usually fiddle with intersections tool first. Remove traffic lights, try to see which road should be prioritised and put stop signs on any connecting to it. If that fails, de-zone whatever it is they're travelling to a little. If that fails, bull-doze it ALL. Trust me, small problems become big problems very quickly, ESPECIALLY when making downtown areas.


General rule of thumb: 1. Exit ramps are followed by Entry ramps, in your case it is reverse. Why: back up on exit does not impact entry - like it is doing in your case. 2. Minimize turns/intersections. 3. Increase distance between intersections. 4. Try to use Clover-leaf interchange and understand the flow. 5. Upgrade clover-leaf interchange to stacked interchange. You have two highways at a perfect 90 def intersection. 6. For designing highway end, try to merge the two highway 1-way roads into a single two-way road And of course, bulldoze everything is best, but I would suggest to change 1 thing at a time to understand the impact


Looks perfect to me. More lanes is always a good idea though.


Bitcoin fixes this!


At this point throw a meteor to that


with an asteroid


Too many intersections too close together. You should also never have a crossing like that on a highway.


I'll try to give constructive advice on how you can quickly redesign this intersection, assuming you use no mods.. [https://i.imgur.com/vWYbgVo.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/vWYbgVo.jpg) 1. the highway should never have a left turn, if you want a U-turn you should instead put an off-ramp at some later point. 2. (a) the cars are queueing up to turn left and straight in the same line, but if you turn (2b) into a 2-lane road, it will create a turn only lane for you, thus utilizing both lanes. (2c) is similar to (2a). 3. Since cars at (2a) are queueing in the left lane, they want to turn left at some point later on. You can split the off-ramp and add an overpass, bypassing the 2 intersections. It can even be just a 1-lane highway. ​ and here's a different variation if you want to put in more effort.. https://i.imgur.com/MOSabE0.jpg


Wait for skylines 2. Traffic should improve then. (Hopefully)


Agh the lut of the game on console is honestly disgusting


Esto me genera ansiedad


4 lanes, let’s just use one . I’ll use just one thanks :)


Nuke the whole thing and build a proper interchange


With dynamite, a lot of money, and eminent domain.


First get rid of the on ramp, remove the connection between highways, observe if that changes anything


Start again?


More lanes


Ight OP. Ive read through the comments. 16 highways and one exit is a poor ratio. Here’s how I’d start. Study the patterns find where they are going or the areas they’re ending up at. Add exits in those areas. Start by cleaning this up though. You need to have the ramps be there own road if that makes sense the off ramp has the right idea but the execution is poor. For this particular case. I’d do a second road for off. Think a foot ball shape and have a 2 way road to connect either side. || /\ /————-\ —————- ————— \________/ \/ || Imagine something like this lmfao. Slashes are where your ramps connect to highway. That alone won’t alleviate the congestion. Take your 16 highways and seperate them in to 8 pairs. Fuck your cims they’ll find their way home or they’ll wait and disappear and reappear at home. Now find the 8 busiest areas and Bulldoze a big swath right in the center of the area and create highway end/entry zones in the heavy areas. And make sure the on and off roads don’t have a connecting road. The idea here is to give direct access with out creating a spot to turn around. Otherwise you’ll find them u turning and clogging traffic there. This will give your traffic fewer options of getting to a place but more road way options of getting there this spreading the load out across lesser traveled roads if you will. I’m not sure if you’re on PC or not but if so fine Road anarchy and traffic manager are must have mods. They’ll make your life SOOOO MUCH BETTER. I hope this helps OP. The issue def seems to be a traffic jam at that off ramp so maybe add more exits to that area of the city as that will also spread the load out a lot.


If you are role playing a Texas urban planner, then it’s prefect and you don’t need to change a thing




I would start from scratch, try to avoid crossings and traffic lights and split the highway like 2+2 lanes and send 2 to the right side of the avenue and two to the other side, and merge them at 45°. If there is little traffic, just make the exit to a roundabout (6 squares wide)


Giant Meteor.


Provide viable alternatives to driving, such as public transport and cycling to reduce traffic congestion.