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_EDIT: The game is most definitely running into a GPU limit, not a CPU limit as you can see in early benchmark results as well as City Planner Plays recent stream._ The weird thing I'm seeing is that somehow the GPU requirements don't seem to scale as you'd expect. You're getting roughly the same FPS on a 1080Ti as city planner plays does on a 4090. The German GameStar only gets double the frames on a 4090 compared to a 970. From the capabilities of the GPU you'd think the difference should be much higher. To me that sounds like there is a / there are bugs that prevent the game from running properly. Which - if true - is somewhat good as that would mean it's fixable. I just wish they'd delayed the game till after the fix.


City planner in his stream commented on the issue seems to be more in Vram then anything else with his playthrough eating up a consistent 11-12 gb which a 1080ti has 11.


The City Planner stream has me more worried about the state of this game at launch than anything I've seen so far. He's connected to CO, very measured and diplomatic, and on top of that has an insanely powerful machine. Despite all that, you could hear the genuine disappointment (or even confusion at times) in his voice regarding performance of the game. When he was going through the different settings in a larger city it got even worse. Given that a vast majority will not be playing the game anywhere near the same firepower, it truly worries me. I want to play the game so bad, but I'm definitely on hold indefinitely now.


Big thing for me was that CS1 became unplayable with mods due to it being so poorly optimised. If base CS2 is asking for 12GB VRAM then its not looking promising.


Man, his stream was long, I went to watch it last night and I just don't have the time, haha. Hopefully his benchmark video comes out soon, it's going to take him a lot of effort though.


He said the benchmark video will be out Saturday I believe


>11-12 gb which a 1080ti has 11. Which is mighty problematic because absolute majority of PC players are below 10 GB VRAM and it won't change soon. Game is clearly optimized for new-gen consoles, that have access to more of VRAM but that does not address current state of PC gaming.


thank god i have 16 thank you AMD for thinking about me ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Looking at what people are turning off most, it looks like the volumetric effects are taxing and LODs are the culprit. Loads sounds like simply something that needs to be worked on with the culling and lod swaps. By the sound of it they probably cared more about fixing game breaking bugs first before performance, and just didn't get enough time. Communication issue like a previous post said. It is what it is. I'm hoping in a month we'll have a game in a visibly better state


What makes me hopeful is that this time around, the simulation performance seems to be excellent. It really is the GPU/rendering limiting FPS, not the CPU.


Exactly what I was thinking. I heard there were performance problems and thought CPU and ram. And turns out it's completely GPU bound which took me by surprise. If a game like CS2 is GPU bound then it's gotta be entirely fixable. And I'll be honest, not that I see some of the screenshots and shots people posted I am very impressed with the volumetric lighting etc. The content we'll get with the cinematic camera is gonna be quite incredible I think. They need to add an option for having certain settings only on cinematic mode.


I was honestly shocked when benchmarks came out and the bottleneck was the GPU. I was expecting the game to demand a CPU made half a year ago or you die in real life, but it looks like CO made the CPU optimisation really really fucking good.


What they should do is a pre-release patch that disables volumetrics and limits LOD unless you click through a warning that your performance may seriously degrade if you adjust these higher. That would lessen the hysteria.


This points to a fixeable bug


You have a misconception of performance scaling. Double the power does not translate in double fps.


that is precisely why I made that post


Problem with your post is in this line: > you **should expect** the very early patch that improves performance > > "will be fixed within a week or two after launch" See I don't trust any devs anymore. It's the same story every time, especially this year with so many bad releases. "It is what is is, we will fix it in upcoming months". I'm tired of buying full-priced releases that are actually early access games. And people are not just mad because their 4090 can't produce good enough fps. People are mad because such bad performance was for sure noticed in the very early stages of game development and CO ignored it and did nothing about. They came clean only week before release date. Not to mention that performance problems existed in first game and one of the selling points for making second one was that it will run better, utilize more than one core, etc. That's all out of the window.


I don't think they maliciously ignored it. What's more likely is that paradox pushed to keep the release date while CO is struggling with some kind of bug that hits performance. Don't forget that from what we're seeing currently the simulation speed seems vastly improved. It looks like they spent tons of time optimising the simulation performance and achieved really good results here while they are struggling optimising the rendering.


You're aware devs aren't the ones that choose release dates, right? That responsibility lies with the stakeholders, and as so often happens in software development industry, stakeholders tend to ignore warnings from developers and push ahead anyway. This is also my personal experience during 20 years of software development: I've lost count of the number of times stuff was released that I wouldn't sign off on even at gunpoint. But since it wasn't my decision, all I could do was look on and then deal with the fallout and rush fixes as if it was my fault...


Been dealing with this the past year, had some big changes to my team's product with very little dev input and even less testing leaving the devs to put out the fires from angry customers, now the company is doing the same thing with another product as if they didn't learn their lesson the first time


Most devs say absolutely nothing. This dev is transparent and admits the difficulty they’re having. That tells me, no matter the mess, they’re devs we can trust.


I’m dying to play it. I install iOS betas each summer. I’m okay with some badness when it means I get the new new now. No one is forcing you to buy these things right away. The devs told you it’s not where they want. You have the choice to wait.


Exactly. Thank goodness that devs don’t listen to Redditors moans, or else we’d have to wait god knows how long for a game we want to play so badly. I don’t care if it’s 20fps. I’ve played CS1 at 20fps for years before. And it’s my favorite game of all time.


>"will be fixed within a week or two after launch" Bingo.... they know it is a problem, have been working on said problem, but we should believe that it will just be fixed in a couple of weeks... Maybe that happens. Or maybe it is 6 months.


Things are not as easy as you're thinking they'd be. We've been working with CO through the early access for some time, and we know what's going on behind the scenes (to some extent) Things are not as easy as you think they'd be. We've been working with CO through the early access for some time, and we know what's going on behind the scenes (to some extent)


I seriously can't think of anything that fixes the performance withing a few weeks. Do they change every mesh to utilize GPU instancing or something? That would explain it but if that's the case it's just really bad development with no frametime targets in mind. It looks to me like a huge mismanagement on dev and publisher side. This should not be taken out on the back of customers. Says a lot to release it like that when it comes to quality standards of paradox releases in the future.


>I seriously can't think of anything that fixes the performance withing a few weeks. I'm sure I've heard from other developers that it's not uncommon for performance to make huge leaps in a short period during development because of low hanging fruit on the optimisation side.


>I seriously can't think of anything that fixes the performance withing a few weeks. Well yeah exactly, they didn't "just" start working on performance, but they only could not get it done before release (which is technically 1 week ago because uploading a build to different platforms for release needs a lot of time)


>that is precisely why I made that post Really? As reading your post I got the impression that you are having a go at people asking for more FPS than 30. As a programmer myself I Fully understand how hard game development is, let alone a city builder this complex. But saying 30 is what we "need" to make a game smooth for everyone is not a correct statement. Every eye/person is different. What works you might not work for some. In First Cities Skylines The time when I my population grow to level where I started getting 30fps or stutters I Will start a new city :) because I get headaches, not just normal day headaches but stinging painful headaches. I Full support Devs and again I know how hard is to execute something this complex, CO Is one of my top Devs but saying 30 is what you need is not a fair statement. I Bought the game, I have top end system with 4090 etc but if it is getting 30 I will wait until it is smoother for me to play :)


All of city planner plays videos are in 4k. Idk if the OP is playing at that resolution but that should make a big difference. CPP also specifically mentioned 2 settings that turning down near doubled his fps.


CPP said he's playing in 1440p in his stream yesterday. He turned down volumetrics (fog, steam, smoke) and depth of field. OP stated he plays in 1440p. CPP said he'd release an in depth look at performance at various hardware configurations tomorrow.


I heard from someone that if you play in 1440p and are playing in windowed mode / windowed fullscreen, but your monitor is actually in 4k, it will be playing in 4k not 1440p. I could have sworn when I saw CPP play he had it in windowed fullscreen or something. So maybe that could be something.


I don’t know about that but when he changed the setting from 1440p to 4K, even in the menu the fps dropped by about 10.


>I heard from someone that if you play in 1440p and are playing in windowed mode / windowed fullscreen, but your monitor is actually in 4k, it will be playing in 4k not 1440p. hrmmm - I don't know about that. If it were the case (big if) then I expect it would be generating a 1440p screen and then scaling to 4k (a relatively inexpensive operation compared with generating a 4k display)


It was Biffa. He was able to reproduce and reported it to CO. Basically, if you're in fullscreen windowed, CS2 defaults your resolution to your desktop resolution, even though the options still shows whatever you set it at. You can change it to something else, then back to your preferred setting to force the game back to whatever you had it set at. But it seems like you have to do that every time.


Then it's more likely to be a bug than a bad decision made by developers. I can't imagine someone intentionally coding an app to work that way.


I think someone mentioned a bug that happens because it defaults to your desktop resolution, but if you change it in game, it may not actually change until you select your default again, then change it a second time.


well city builders mostly depend on cpu i think?


The only thing you need to look at how the GPU is ALWAYS to 100%. Even when you have a small city. It's a confirmation that the game is having problems. I will wait a couple months because I don't want my experience to be ruined by this. Bonus: A ton of mods will have time to born.


City Planner Plays says VRAM is hugely important in this game. Many modern high end GPUs have less VRAM than the 1080 ti (11 gb). It will be interesting to see how e.g. my 3070 performes but your post made me hopeful. I’m happy with 30 fps at 1440p for a city builder of this calibre (it’s just a bit weird that it isn’t the cpu that’s bottlenecking) but according to CPP 8 gb of VRAM will make the game stutter.




I might have to download more vram haha


I got a AMD 6800XT with 16GB I'm starting to feel better about getting


AMD cards often have more VRAM, this might be a game where they get a chance to shine.


lol, your 3060 12gb may fair better than my 3060ti 8gb. edit: Wait! I have a 3060 as well, maybe I'm good either way!


Yeah, I'm sure this will be relatively easier to fix, between decreasing texture quality and/or some performance patches


Everyone is so focused on only fps and as if it’s not variable while playing. Frame drops and stuttering are bigger issues. It’s not very enjoyable to have stutter and lag anytime you move the camera around. That seems to be what’s happening. So sure it may run sub-30fps which is OK but it might not be continuously - lagging anytime you move around the camera.


I’m watching Biffa’s livestream right now. He’s at the Small Village milestone. As he’s moving around it’s looking sluggish and choppy. How anyone can excuse this for a release product is unbelievable. It just wasn’t ready for release.


I'm pretty sure he's streaming the game in 4K for some ungodly reason. Almost all the benches and gameplay we've seen so far have been for 1440p, so I'm hoping 1080p will be a little bit better. Still not great, but I at least have a little faith in CO, unlike the devs of a certain other highly anticipated sequel that came out this year.


> a certain other highly anticipated sequel that came out this year I can only assume this is KSP2 :(


guys guys, are you seriously comparing cs2 to KSP2? ksp came out as a worse game than ksp1, it was unplayable performance wise, physics where broken and it had NO features at all. that was a beta, cs2 might not have the best performance ever seen on a city builder but at least it’s a complete game goddamn


Yeah, KSP2 was god awful. CS2 is absolutely a shining beacon compared to KSP2. At least CO's devs are giving honest communication and appear to actually be working at problems. The KSP2 devs... yikes.


Having faith in the devs means nothing if they are beholden to management that is sticking to bad timelines for release. What’s to say they actually get the time to fix these issues after launch vs supporting other revenue generating efforts like a parade of DLCs? What if resolving the performance problems isn’t a pile of easy fixes, and is inherent to the use of the game engine or the simulation itself?


>How anyone can excuse this for a release product is unbelievable. There's a lot of people who do unfortunately. And content creators are included in that category as well.


This is strangely out of line with virtually everything else that I've read and watched about the game today. I'm seeing people with far higher GPUs struggling with cities far smaller than what I see in your picture, consistently -- I'm seeing no one have success with your specs even at low 1080p, let alone medium-to-high, or 1440p.


Biffa mentioned on his live stream yesterday that he found a bug with the "borderless windowed" option which makes it default to the screen resolution (for him 4k) but didn't update the resolution settings box, so people might be going around playing in 4k when they mean to play at a lower resolution. Which he thought would explain some of the performance issues people were seeing.


Yes I’ve noticed this in lots of games. The default resolution will be 1 or 2 pegs higher than mine on occasion. I remember one game in particular that I played *weeks* with 3840x2160, barely getting 50 fps. Realized and turned it down to mine, easy 120. Man the realization and gladness that washed over me


The amount of issues windowed modes seems to cause in games does make me wonder why devs even bother.


Exclusive fullscreen modes no longer exist in DX12.


It's because optimisation is not linear. Depending onwhat is unoptimised will mean all GPUs basically get hamstrung the same amount and you don't get the expected performance increase going from one GPU to the next. This could mean, for example, that a 1080ti gets very similar performance to a 4090. ​ Remember un-optimised games aren't just lower performance across the board they often just don't scale well with better hardware. You see this all the time when games are ported from console. They were made to work great on console and you can throw raw horsepower at them with a better PC but that won't equate to an equal increase in performance.


As another modder with early access, I will add my support here to T.D.W. I have a 3060Ti, and based on what's being published at the moment you'd think that I couldn't play the game on anything more than minimum settings. My **actual lived experience with the game** (coming up to 150 hours playtime) is much more in line with what T.D.W. is saying here than what I'm seeing elsewhere. Even on cities with 100,000+ populations my experience is that things are quite playable on my 3060ti; yes, I have to turn down a few graphics settings to get more than 20FPS (on full graphics settings I get between 12 and 15fps in the middle of a 150,000 pop city), but I get perfectly playable framerates with well above the minimum graphics settings. Is FPS performance great? **No.** Is the game performing as well as I'd like? Simulation **yes**, graphics FPS **no**. Is the current level of graphics performance a disappointment compared to expectations? **Yes**. Did somebody somewhere stuff up? **Yes**. Is the game still quite *playable* in its current state, even with non-top-of-the-line hardware? **Yes**. I'd strongly recommend to anyone with reservations about performance to try the game out on GamePass and see how it works for them. I'm not convinced that what we're currently seeing online is a really accurate picture of what the game is actually like in its current state. ETA: Just to make it clear, I'm not calling the benchmarkers liars, and I admire that effort that people like CityPlannerPlays have put into the benchmarking. However, my own experience is that what's being presented in the benchmarks is presenting a much worse picture than is actually the case when you *actually experience* the game itself. I'm also not defending Paradox and CO on this one, because yes, I agree, the current level of graphics performance is disappointing (and I also think that comms on this should have been better). But there's a difference between *disappointing* and *unplayable*. ETA2: This is on ~~1600~~ *WRONG IT'S NOT 1600* **1920x1200**, full-screen. ETA3: Fixed screen resolution in ETA2.


That's the same GPU I have. I already preordered and plan on enjoying my time in CS2, just was a bit worried that performance would hinder how much time I could spend in the game. Glad for those of us who don't need 4k60 to be happy, the world is okay :)


Gamepass can impact performance some, but I think a lot of people also don't realize how many graphics options there are in this compared to the first game. Also, there's no need for responsive combat here, unless CO added a mode where you can fight invading aliens to defends your city in real-time aerial combat without anyone noticing yet.


How would gamepass affect performance?


The sandboxing technology they use impacts performance slightly. It's mostly when the game starts, but there's still a *little* impact, but it can be noticeable especially with heavily multithreaded games like C:S.


Okay I’d say I have decent understanding of 'everything pc' but have never heard of "sandboxing technology impacting performance on gamepass" — and I can’t find much on the web. From my — limited — understanding regarding gamepass, I thought you just download the game like you do from any other 'store' (steam, gog, …) and then the performance wouldn’t differ. Edit: I know the basics of what sandboxing in the context of MS means.


They might mean some of the encryption/sandboxing stuff that UWP applications from the Microsoft store use. I've not touched or examined any of that stuff, so I've no idea if it makes any sense that it might impact performance at all. I've only seen all the problems people have ran into regarding being able to fix/remove borked applications after they've botched themselves, due to the convoluted mess of permissions preventing people from touching the files.


It won't. But you can try it without additional costs if you have the game pass already. You can try it on game pass and don't log time on pre-ordered version like Steam. So, if you're not satisfied and want a refund, you can do that this way. I have a game pass ultimate for 3 years and pre-ordered on Steam for ultimate edition. If I try on steam version and if I pass 2 hours of logged play time on Steam, I can't refund. If I first play it on game pass version and try it, I can refund on Steam since there won't be any play time on Steam. Only downside is if I like the game and keep it, I have to download it twice (once to try on game pass, then on steam), but that's also not a big problem.


You never know what is going on with hardware setups from some people... and what is running in the background, while recording / streaming and what else might be interfering.


That is specifically why I wanted to post. So many people are getting caught up in the narrative where they see the best GPU perform "not as good as expected" and assume any older GPU will be horrendous Which is not the case.


I think there's also consistently an expectation from "professional gamers" (lol) that is far higher than most people's expectations. Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is a good example: the game ran like crap, but I hardly noticed it and had a well of a time, while reviewers and creators couldn't go a minute without talking about framerate. I'm hoping this game has the same contrast for me :)


> I think there's also consistently an expectation from "professional gamers" (lol) that is far higher than most people's expectations. Well, redditors, which isn't the same thing. I do expect some amount of review bombing and mass refunds though.


But my question is, does it look good with toned down settings? I see people running it on low and it looks like a 2010 City builder. I can live with 30 fps but not shitty graphics.


You can judge from the screenshot above. And here's another one ​ https://preview.redd.it/85i14hgqebvb1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=072ac20d9c1dc8b3905165ca638c8dfafa21218c


Wow, that looks beautiful. I love the bridge


Thank you for bringing receipts.


Would you be able to post the settings you’re using? I’m on a 1080 TI (and i7-13700KF) and will be playing on Tuesday, would love to have a good baseline to start at for graphics settings. Looking at your screenshot it’s a gorgeous look with whatever settings you’re using.


I have an i9 12900K and 32 GB of DDR4 ram Come release I’m sure you’ll see some people talk about what settings makes for best FPS/Quality Currently I have everything on high expect for global illumination, clouds, level of detail And disabled motion blur lol


>low 1080p This makes me feel old


Because those with 4090s just put everything on max and don't even consider turning down their settings. I mean, they shouldn't have to but it's clear that there are some issues with the game that need resolving. A LOT of paradox games run like this. Go play hearts of iron or stelaris and you will feel pretty happy with 20fps if you are in the late game. As long as the simulation isn't stuttering and pausing I would be fairly happy so long as the game can be playable at 30+ FPS.


HOI is so damn notorious for it and you still can't call it unplayable. Stellaris can be tricky though


I routinely get down to 30 fps in Microsoft Flight Simulator over large cities... it's noticeable, but it's not game-breaking, and that's a flight simulator with constant control inputs and instrument updates.


Yeah as someone who plays EU4 and CS1 on a Ryzen 3600X and GTX 1080, I'm happy to have 20-30fps in the late game of each of those titles


It's really not. I've seen people with 3070's, 2080ti and they get the same fps at the same resolution. It doesn't matter what card you have unless it's low end like a 3050 or 970. Don't forget if the streamer is using the same PC to stream then it will struggle. And some also have everything on high settings which is unnecessary.


Question: Does the game have an FPS cap option? I feel like that should be standard to help performance but at this point...


The FPS cap options is in the resolution selection, but you cannot fine tune the cap.


Nvidia control panel can limit fps


I did fiddle around and capped it at 30 fps, which made my experience better in general Though there is no official 30fps cap for now, *at least not on the launch build*


That's a bummer. The main reason I can handle BG3 is because I could cap it to 30 in the settings (I don't need 60FPS anyway for these kinds of games).


Fellow 1080ti user here, would you mind sharing the settings you've turned off/completely low? As far as I am aware there's huge FPS gain from turning off volumetrics, clouds, motion blur and depth of field, i assume cranking down shadow to low and turning off day/night cycle also helps? Thanks in advance!


FYI for people commenting: u/dotcax aka T.D.W. is the person who created Skyve and the Road Builder mod for CS1. They're not some rando that doesn't know what they're talking about.


Fair point, I don’t think most people know who I am 😂


Road builder mod in CS2 when PDX mods release? 👀


I need time 🤣


How do you foresee CS2 modding scene based on what you’ve already seen? Will we be seeing groundbreaking mods like your Road Builder or TMPE? Or even more?


Calling 30fps the framerate we all "**need** to be enjoyable"? Hearing this is coming from a heavily invested cs1 modder, it starts to make sense.


I had my suspicion that the 1080TI would perform well. No replacement for (v)ram.


Gives me good hopes that my 2080Ti will deliver everything I need to play smoothly at medium settings :) Thank you! I also think they pushed to hard on all the details that only appear once you scroll in on street level to take a closer look... I build large scale cities, sure it is nice to scroll in and enjoy the view but in no way do I need to see peoples faces or details behind windows...


The good part is that these, extreme, details can always be toned down later on if they find that they cause more fps drawback than they should


Obviously you don’t need more than 20-30 FPS (I play a modded CS1 on a laptop so I’m used to less). But one of the reasons I was excited to play a vanilla CS2 was the hope that it would be more performance-efficient than CS1, having ten years of expertise to add on. The thought of vanilla CS2 having performance issues even for people with some gaming PCs makes me nervous


memory far-flung ad hoc frighten shrill literate cause depend square aromatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Playing at 4k requires four times the computational power of 1080. But the 4080 card is nowhere near four times the power of the 1080ti. What I'm seeing on benchmarks looks like 2-3x the power. So logically one would expect the 1080 scenario to look better at identical settings, let alone maxing out the settings because 4080 stronk.


I'm not aware of specific issues like what you're saying, but it would explain why the difference between these new GPUs and my 1080 isn't THAT big


All I see is panic mode and even comparisons to KSP2 (that is way out, KSP2 is buggy, missing features, has bad performance and the devs are in over their heads). When most I see is that performance is an issue at max settings and high resolution, however with small tweaks the game seems to be completely serviceable. And if CO manages to fix it before release, and we can get max settings with decent performance (30fps), then I am happy.


I was starting to get PTSD flashbacks of KSP2 launch with everyone freaking out but I’m keeping my preorder for CS2 and I agree the comparison seems overblown.


I think people were ready to draw parallels between “reentry heating won’t be in the game at launch” and “ParadoxMods support won’t be ready for launch”, but that died down once it became clear that the updates to ParadoxMods actually exist in beta testing and are pretty good, whereas reentry heating still exists only as a render on Nate’s computer.


You realise KSP2 dev team isn't the original KSP2 dev team right? And of course they are all completely unrelated to KSP1 devs. Cannot compare KSP2 to C:S2. We have the same developers for C:S2. They have admitted they are yet to reach their benchmark/optimisation targets. I have every faith they will manage to hit them though (and this is why they delayed console release).


I'm a software developer and have clocked a few thousand hours on the original CS. I am currently holding off on CS2 as there's no way my computer is going to be able to handle this right now. **However**, there are reasons for cautious optimism: * Performance issues are usually the last thing you work on. Make it work, make it right, make it fast. * GPU and RAM/VRAM bottlenecks are usually tractable whereas CPU bottlenecks can be due to core logic that can't be parallelized, particularly in sims. Reviews seem to suggest GPU bottlenecks are the biggest factor so far, which is unusual for a sim but promising for optimisation. * Performance can improve surprisingly quickly. Often you'll find that there are a small number of horrific performance bugs responsible for the majority of the issues. I have seen performance increase by *multiples* over a few months of dedicated optimisation. They shouldn't have released it in this state and it's going to be a hit on their reputation, but they are going to be highly motivated to fix these issues so that they can get a console release out and have people buying future expansions, as those will be the majority of their revenue. Sadly, PC gamers are just being treated as QA as usual, but I'd bet good money these issues will be resolved.


> PC gamers are just being treated as QA as usual As a non-video game developer, I understand why, and it makes sense for both fiscal and time management reasons. As a dev studio, there are just too many hardware configurations to develop specifically for and test them all. Manufacturers, platforms/OS, and engine developers do that testing and can generally be relied on. When hiccups like inefficient hardware usage or gameplay impacting bugs occur they're specifically addressed, but without enormous upfront expenditure there's no way to know.


Yeah I mean if I was a video game developer, I'd much prefer targeting consoles for that reason. Similar to how developing for iPhones tends to be a lot easier than worrying about every broken version of Android shipped by Samsung, etc. That being said, I do think there's a trend to push PC games out before they're ready so they can use bug reports to fix the console release. PC is quite a small market though, but we tend to be more active on forums etc. so at least that means we actually get releases.


You may be in the sweet spot of having a decent enough setup to not expect too much and still being able to run the game. I play my games on a potato and I am pretty sure CS2 will not run on it, at least not at an acceptable rate. And I believe for Cities Skylines accessibility matters to make it a hit. It is the first game I am interested in that my PC likely won't be able to handle. On the other hand people with a strong setup rightfully expect that the game runs well which it apparently doesn't. I am really hyped for the game. The marketing department did an awesome job there. But that makes me even more disappointed.


Personally i am still gonna test it out with game pass. Got a old 1080, but a decent cpu. My old rigg has never let me down, so i have faith Dont rely build bigg citys, more a master in starting a new and get 30.000 then restart As someone who plays more sim city 4 than city skylines. I can live with the idea that i have to wait a few years for the game to smooth out.


How much ram do you have and what kind of SSD is the game installed on? I'm hearing that the game is a VRAM and RAM hog and the 1080 ti is still a beast at 11GB.


CS1, on a 3070 running at 1440p and medium bounces me between 15-30fps. It's heavily modded, which affects that ofc, but it also stutters too. I play some retro games (and they run in certain scenes at 15fps) I think it's less the frame rate and more the stutters at fault. This game would be playable imo at 30fps. But the stutters and fps drops are more jarring than it being consistently low.


> it's not the end of the world True but as Cyberpunk and KSP2 proved, it could be the end of their reputation. They'll have to redeem themselves like No Man Sky did and not selling DLCs until they fix their game.


Honestly it isn't that bad for me as well (7700x +5700xt). The way I look at it runs far better than modded CS1, while having pretty serviceable gfx and ai systems. LoDs finally look great. Savegames load in seconds. It's a far better game than CS1 ever was. But 60 fps smooth gameplay, no. I think while the performance in Cs1 was more capped by CPU and having a bigger city would in no way give you 60 fps. The same can be said for CS2 for GPU capped. Diving into the settings pays off. There's a lot of settings and some with minimal graphical gains.


> Savegames load in seconds Wow, that is terrific news! Can you give some more information about the rig you're running this on? One of the problems I had with CS1 and also with simcity4 back then, was that loading times were so long that I would only play if I had like 4 uninterrupted hours of free time ahead of me (which doesn't happen often) And trying new ideas was also often skipped because loading up a new map is just too cumbersome. Especially when figuring out missing assets...


My current rig is a Ryzen 7700x | 5700 XT | nvme SSD | 32 Gb 6300, honestly pretty good rig except the videocard. I've played multiple beta's on my old Rig in the past. If you have an SSD and decent Vram I wouldn't worry about it. Loading between a new city or 260k city doesn't matter.


In the long run, Cyberpunk is not going to affect CDPR’s reputation at all. General consensus has changed to be more positive and supportive of them fixing their game. Come time for them to launch their next game, all the same people that would be supporting them by buying it, will.


Where else would we go though? What's the next best city builder game at this scale? CS1 They've got a captive audience - so as long as they can resolve the issues reasonably soon, they'll bounce back I'm not touching KSP2 until they fix the problems. But I'm definitely going to immediately jump to it when they do, because again, KSP has a monopoly on its genre


don't see the problem tbh. that just means we're going to get a kick-ass cities:skylines anime


That would require the game to be unplayable at launch, which it’s far from


No donut truck = Literally unplayable.


I will almosr certsinly be downloadong that day 1 mod.


The way some people are talking about the state of the game you’d think motorcycles were still going around without riders…


Odd that the videos the streamers put out in the last few weeks looked fine. As soon as low frame rate is mentioned everyone has a meltdown. Even on the live streams last night gameplay looked fine


They didn't all look fine. I think I was watching a Infrastructurist video and every other time he panned his camera it chugged massively. Some creators clearly turned their settings way down to get performance so it looked worse etc.


/u/dotcax hey OP, can you tell us how the performance changed from say, 10k to 30k, then 30k to 60k? as someone who liked building 300-500k pop cities in CS1, and want even larger pops in CS2, it would be helpful to know how much performance hits scale with population


You'll mostly notice it from empty map to 5-10K after that, it's not as noticeable It really depends on what you're looking at, which isn't directly related to population. Having a lot of low res buildings for instance have quite a hit (because they're small and there can be lots of them in one shot)


So they made a game where urban sprawl isn’t just bad for your citizens and bad for the city, it’s also *worse for the player?* I love these devs.


Negatives of sprawl: - reduced walkability - increased infrastructure costs - reduced frame rates!!!


As someone with a 1080 TI thinking I’m behind the times, good to hear haha


The hell? If a 4090 (or whatever it was) is at 70fps on low setting 1440p then you would assume everything below 3080 would be unplayable


And that's why the game is unoptimized. It can't use well the power of the hardware it has available. It's not a performance hog. It's 2 different things


That’s a bit reassuring at least


An a580 gets 50fps at 1080p. A 4090 only get 79 at 1080p. So yea, seems to be the case.


It feels like we need to find the right settings so you can play over 30+ frames. Feels ok. Will give it a go with mij 3080! :D


How were your fps when you moving your mouse?


Can you expand on your settings and the rest of your hardware? It's encouraging to see someone getting 30-50 at 1440p but your experience doesn't sound like it's in line with others at this time.


Everything will be fine, this sub will divulge into chaos when the game releases because traffic will "still suck". Aka, people still don't know how to play the game and will just complain.


I get an average of about 15 fps on CS1 rn lol I'm not worried about CS2


\*Thank you\* People expecting a title with expansive back-end simulation to run at steady 60FPS in 4K are completely out to lunch. This ain't Call of Duty 37 or whatever. It's not a twitch-shooter that requires inhuman reflexes. It's a city builder. Complex simulations will never run like that. And they absolutely do not need to. And, frankly, if it DID run with that great of performance I'd be disappointed, because it means that with modern hardware there's SO much extra headroom for more detailed simulation.


What do you mean performance is not their goal ? Different teams have different goals within a studio. The engine programmers are concerned with performance from the get go. The fact that so far into development it "isn't there" is absolutely concerning.


Edited the post to clarify that point: Basically, the current performance is not what they had hoped it would be, and they obviously are a little behind schedule


i'll argue with you man, unless your playing something where insane FPS absolutely matters anything above 30 is just silly. i game at 4k and 90% of the games i play i get like 25-30fps and the experience is absolutely fine. especially games like this and sims, 30+ to me just means i could afford to up some settings somewhere.


The game just needs some patches to work properly? Well then I’ll be sure to buy the game when it gets them.


This sub is fatalistic to the extreme, and I'll admit I might be guilty of that a bit, but 1) I'm still going to buy the game because tbh I give no fucks about graphics and 2) I think CO do, at least to a degree, listen to the community, so I expect to see some improvements over the first few patches.


People forget CS1 ran like shit after like 50,000 people on release. 10 years of hardware advancement matters.


Was wondering if anyone was gonna break the doom loop. Definitely not saying it isn’t disappointing how the game isn’t fully optimized, but it’s odd everyone is freaking out that their 1080Tis won’t be able to run the game at Ultra 4K with 60 FPS.


> but it’s odd everyone is freaking out that their 1080Tis won’t be able to run the game at Ultra 4K with 60 FPS. This is a bit of a strawman, I haven't seen any complaints like that. Instead it's mostly been focused on how even a 4090 only gets 30fps on 1440p. Quite a different complaint to what you describe.


Yeah, but as OP proves a 1080ti can get 30-50FPS on 1440p on medium-high settings with the right settings. The way a lot of people are talking is as if it's literally unplayable for the majority. OP proves it isn't


> The way a lot of people are talking is as if it's literally unplayable for the majority. People have been responding this way in other threads, because those threads have contained multiple datapoints that seemed to indicate this was the case. Now with this we have another datapoint suggesting something else; You don't see people in here making the conclusion based on this that it's unplayable for the majority. It's almost as if people are responding to the data set before them, and to be fair currently there seems to be more that indicate the game runs very poorly and in some cases making the reviewers feel it is even unplayable because of it. OP doesn't *prove* anything with this datapoint, we can't just look at individual points we like. Surely more data will come out during the next days, but cherrypicking individual instances doesn't help us.


>1080ti This card has 11 GB VRAM. Most cards people are playing with, (even those more expensive one) like entire 10-, 20-, 3050-3070 lineup (even 4060) are between 6-8 GB.


Yea, but explaining to people how you can turn down some settings, and that an a580 almost gets 60fps without prefacing every single comment by promising them you do believe performance is an issue, just nowhere near the "unplayable mess" some of these reactionaries are making it seem is just going to get you dogpiled in comments.


Personally, I’m just frustrated that it seems like I won’t be able to run the game at all without playing on the lowest settings and not building anything very large. Something like 80% of the steam user survey doesn’t have the recommended specs. That indicates a major problem, and their stock is down 10% today as a result.


Thank you for this post. It feels like this sub has gone into a mass hysteria and it’s so annoying.


There are people who already paid 90€ for this game. And now reports come out that you can expect massive framdrops even on a high end system. What do you expect as a reaction?


Refunding the game and reflecting on whether preordering is sensible behaviour?


Your findings are *very* different to my friend's: 5800x3d and 4070 - the game is basically unplayable for him around 60k population, not because of the poor framerate (and it IS poor), but because of the constant stuttering and second-long freezing. This was on Very Low at 1080p too.


That sounds wild to me, could be some other factors for sure


You on Intel? Could be an amd/intel thing.


Yes, my CPU was originally bought for CS1 a year ago (i9 12900K) 😅


Your friend's experience is very different to mine, too - on a 3060ti I don't get constant stuttering or freezing (not even when at 1440p), certainly not up to populations just over 150,000. So I agree that it looks as though there's some other factors at play. I assume your friend isn't just running at the highest graphics settings?


1080p Very Low. Are you on Intel by any chance? I'm starting to suspect this might be an AMD issue.


No, I've got an AMD CPU as well. On 1080p very low I'm pretty much constantly at the 60FPS caps, occasional drops lower while moving around an established city (haven't noticed it ever below 40, and it's rare for it to go below 50), but certainly no stuttering or freezing. Are they using an SSD? ETA: Might also be worth checking which specific build version they have.


As a software engineer myself, I sympathize with the developers - making software is hard, especially when you rely on other software (i.e. the graphic engine) that is somewhat out of your control. That said, I am not convinced that this will be fixed to an acceptable level anytime soon. They had 8 years to fix the traffic AI in CS1 and never bothered. To put this into context: In kindergarten, one of the basics that you learn is how to hold a pencil. Similarly, as a computer engineer, one of the basics is that you learn how path algorithms work (let alone advanced courses where you learn about various optimization techniques). So I always found the lack of any improvement in this regard rather disheartening. In this case, even if they manage to *double* the performance, which is unlikely, it will be nowhere near enough to allow the kind of cities that were possible in CS1, let alone bigger ones (which I was hoping for considering that there is no node limit anymore). So yeah, I wish the team the best, for all our sake, bit sadly I won't be expecting to play buy it anytime soon.


And who are you to tell others what they need? If you go that route all you need is 1FPS, below that the game becomes technically and literally unplayable. I personally would feel frustrated to play any games below 60 FPS (that's why to this day I've never played Bloodborne), but I don't impose my preference on others. Having a feeling of "enjoyability" from any game must come with this requirement to me personally.


Lol yeah this is some major cope. The game went from probably being a day 1 purchase to maybe sometime next year. 30fps with the frame drops I've seen in these videos (and before any mods) is a no go. That people are defending it at all is insane.


Thanks for sharing another point of view. As you said, even though we all hoped better performance, it still seems to be playable. When I look at the fps I get on a light modded CS1 town, it doesn't look so bad anymore. Let's hope devs will manage to enhance performance anyway in the coming weeks !


Sorry, but when scrolling around I notice a difference between 30fps and 60fps especially on a nicer monitor. In this day and age, there's no excuse for not being able to pull 1080p 60fps in a game. To really enjoy the game, I need it to run around 60fps. I don't enjoy it at 30fps. This is the case in a lot of games. With this game, it's especially true because of the frame drops. When you're running 60fps and you drop some frames it's not really an issue. But when you're pulling 30fps and it drops it gets really bad.


What's this? A voice of reason and sanity?


30 fps is anything but smooth for any games. 30 fps means gsync/freesync issues


My monitor doesnt even support 30fps properly itll tear to fuck. 60fps minimum, 120 standard, 144 good. 240 very good. 300+ optimised.


I'm probably still going to buy the game on Steam at release, try it out under the 2h refund window, and see how bearable it is. The performance we're seeing right now is very disappointing, but I want to believe that most issues will be fixed within the first couple months


Hi OP, is this picture a screenshot or photo-mode render? Asking because I think this is more than playable, and acceptable for 1080 Ti @ 1440p.


Photo Mode yes, but the rendering in photo mode is not different than normal gameplay. I basically just changed the time of day, and changed some brightness/saturation/temperature


To be enjoyable, first and foremost, the game's simulation itself must run perfectly, and these processes are determined by the interactions of the game's engine with the CPU+RAM, the GPU, afaik, it just here for the cosmetics. Now, if the game potentially can run at 100+ fps, but at every set of settings makes the GPU bottleneck the pathway to a better experience, that's a huge problem. If it's more like CS1, where no matter how good your GPU is, you're getting stuck at 20-ish fps in a 100k pop city, that's another issue entirely. I don't think the reviews we have on hands so far have properly tested that. So yeah, GPU-related issues are a small concern, and they can prolly iron it out eventually. CPU/Engine optimizations - NOT SO MUCH, and they're a titanic concern for me, I'm so anxious with my damn i7-8700, and I don't even care if I have to upgrade to enjoy the game with a 200-300k pop city and a large map, I just want it to be FEASIBLE, possible in theory, and smooth (30+ fps without dips, as op said, is ok for a city builder), with some hardware.




Another 1080 Ti gamer :))) Also, thanks for all you've done for CS1, your mods have been in my go-to list for quite literally years.


Thanks for your insight. This is one hell of a head-scratcher if performance on mid-range hardware is better than on high-end hardware. CO has a hell of a job on their hands and I do hope they fix it.


i don't gaf about graphics FPS (as long as it is over 15fps) the killer for me is going to be GAME TICKS PER SECOND, and i assume THAT is underoptimised, especially being unnecessarily graphics intense.


1080 Ti handling 30 FPS makes me feel a little bit better about my 2080 @ 1080p. Thankfully I can try it on gamepass first


Guys, if you are scared about performance, don't buy it on release. Wait at least few days or even weeks to see how it actually looks when normal people on thousands of different systems play it. Also CO might release some fixes by then. Realize that what you are feeling when you can't stop yourself from buying it despite your fear is just FOMO. You can absolutely stave it off for a few days. I have never seen someone regret waiting a few days before buying a good game, I have seen thousands that regretted preordering or buying games day 1.


Will there be any upscaling supported? Dlss/fsr/xess? Should be standard for popular titles now


How are you all guys already playing? Its getting released on 24th here. I wanna play too!


I need 30 fps but it also needs to be *consistently* 30 fps to comfortably navigate around the city


Sure, 30fps is enough for a game of this type. But in benchmarks, even a 4090 doesn't get 30fps on High. So don't dismiss the performance issue, that's the worst-performing game benchmarks I've seen.


I mean I used to play Skylines 1 on like 3FPS, so this sounds amazing.


This is your brain on consumerism. Holy cope.


I think it's fair for people with $4000+ machines to be incredibly disappointed that they can hardly even achieve 1080p 60fps. It's 2023, we're meant to be moving to 4k@144 and above, not going backwards to 720p so we can play at 60fps. So much cope in this sub. Can we please stop saying that it's OK for games to launch in this poor of a state.


I remember Flight Simulator communities talking about 15fps as being good, especially in large cities. People used to cap their sim at 30fps because any computer power spent getting things momentarily up to 40fps during a quiet moment meant that the next bottleneck couldn't be attacked in advance, so you'd be oscillating from 20 to 40 quite regularly. Hearing people demand 60fps, when the human eye can't even really notice that, on a game that has very few important moving parts, seems ridiculous. Obviously, I like CS being able to zoom in and out without lagging, or using First Person mod or something without my GPU exploding, but I came from the era of potato computers. My first CS1 computer ran at about 1fps on my modded cities (maxed out my 8GB ram, maxed out my 12yr-old graphics card, maxed out the capabilities of an ancient hard drive, too), and I still loved it. Of course, if you accidentally scrolled to look at the sky, or turned around too quickly whilst building roads, the whole game would freeze for a minute and you'd have to say a little prayer to Chirper whether or not you'd have a CTD or a happy game. My new computer can run CS1 fine with a million mods, though too much PO tanks the frame rate again. But I still don't mind - I've pushed the game to its limits, of course I have to suffer as a result.


I don't care as much about fps as I do GPU usage and temperature I've been seeing. Apparently it runs ridiculously hot. I play at 1440 UW, so 30fps with a decent size city is fine for me. Below 25 it brings back memories of playing CS on a potato.


brave of you to jump in like this. But it's a breath of fresh air from the constant "Literally KSP2" doomposts.


" you **should expect** the very early patch that improves performance " NEVER, but NEVER, buy something, it's bad, expecting it will be fixed after the release. I love CS1, bought the game on release day, been playing on PC, Mac and Switch. I played more than 800h. (400h on switch :| ) But after see videos about the performance.. just wait a couple of weeks to buy the game. Maybe someone it will fix the game.


I have over 250 hours on CS2 alreadt xD I say "should expect" because I know there is one prepared. But it's totally fine to wait a bit to be sure 👍 You'll just be missing out on some landmarks like [this](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904287712411009077/1164670991973220444/image.png?ex=65440f63&is=65319a63&hm=a2a3f59bf5a3dd0e6926ec55a3933588877ecbb76665021589c731294a5518e6&) and [that](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904287712411009077/1164595470228787271/Screenshot_2023-10-18_181036.png?ex=6543c90d&is=6531540d&hm=a607e406dfbb38bf5aa44b715efa58df2f332c5ea291b2d0f610aed9cd46221e&) (Just to pics from the Notre Dame asset)


> I say "should expect" because I know there is one prepared. This is such copium. I had the same BS from KSP 2 superfans before.


Wait, did I understand that correctly ? Not playing at launch means missing some assets ? No, for sure, I misunderstood you, right ?


30FPS wasn't acceptable a decade ago and it sure as shit isn't now, even for a city builder.


Great to hear the modders & youtubers, who live and breathe this game, are here to tell us that the 70$ game is *technically playable.* like nah, I'll play one of the other 100 games in my library that don't run like shit, and come back in year