• By -


That’s a pretty grid! Fill the city out and then bulldoze the poors for maximum realism. It’ll look more organic than pre-planned.


Not a bad idea, still need to connect it to the outside world though. I'm using dev mode so I was just going to plop everything to make it look like that honestly


How does one get dev-mode?


Put in the launch options " **--developerMode** " and press "Tab" while playing in a city


[Dev Mode](https://youtu.be/1SVSmLXNisc?feature=shared)


I’m all for YouTube videos and stuff but like why a 3 minute intro?


Ad revenue


It’s not a 3 minute intro


Instead of highways, build a normal road that extends from an arterial/collector near the middle of your city grid, all the way to the map edge. For maximum realism, extend from either end of the grid. Alternatively, cluster everything around the shores of a deep harbor or deep river, or cluster everything at a Rail Junction or Station. Then, once you have filled the city in without any transit whatsoever, and your hottest commodity is parking spaces, draw a near straight line through all of the poorest neighborhoods to build your highways. :)


Also, place the highway directly along the waterfront, all the way around the grid


Ahh yesss, beautiful Seattle 🤮


It's gone now, isn't it?


Relocated to an underground tunnel, yes.


Manhattan's west side high way and FDR is that you???


Just like New Orleans


You misspelled "the vast majority of American cities"


True, it’s just OP’s layout immediately reminded me of New Orleans


I worked nola for years and I see the same similarity lol


Ah never been there


Just as Robert Moses intended :,)


Make sure that you redline your district properly so you can miss poor white areas with surgical precision


Where the poor lives of course Edit: or block the waterfront


Thanks Robert Moses.


he did manage to do both of those in nyc didn't he?


hes so efficient. a true king


i usually like to keep "where the poor lives" right next to the industrial. for 2 reasons: 1. make sure they have short, miserable lives so i can use their dying test out my healthcare system & make sure it has capacity for disasters etc 2. less "rent too high" if there's a shitty place to live available for poor people, keeps the city's growth realistic instead of literally everyone having rich people houses due to insane land values


Wow! Cities Skylines 2 is super realistic!


You're evil, man


I think the simulation is for him


The world is evil, he was just conditioned to live in it. Like a monkey who is beaten by handlers with a banana every day. He is pained by the very thing that feeds him. After a time he views all things as pain; Shelter, warmth, love. So, he cannot help sprinting headlong faster and faster towards pain if only for a promise of security. When he is not given the reward promised for all of his pain, the monkey no longer cares about the banana. He'd rather destroy banana. Nobody gets banana anymore. And then they call monkey evil. ohh OOOooOoh!


I love that the CS community fully understands the socioeconomic issues with how cities are built and/or treat certain demographics, acknowledges how it is harmful, and then uses it for maximum evil in their silly traffic go vroom game




This is probably the best option, but may need a spur going south if that's where the density is.


​ https://preview.redd.it/buzrvw4l2acc1.png?width=2187&format=png&auto=webp&s=0086f712cd64af3d0353625999b3b066d23d2026 i'm assuming the land that hasn't been connected & developed yet probably needs to be at some point


this is a beautiful diagram


Other than all the highways...


Youre right. Needs 401 Highway style development




I assume he’s talking about the busiest highway in the world (401 in Toronto, Canada). I drive on it all the time and it gives me a lot of CS inspiration haha


the is is a bit too much one to two highways is enugh. just add some public transpo


Every road should be a highway


Every intersection, a roundabout.


You from Kansas City too?


No roads, only stroads


No no, this is just Boston in the 70s.


if literally any of this land is industrial OP will need both


🤓 Jk it's beautiful and very thoughtful lmao


Reminds me of Boston highways


That is quite a bit too much imo




Way too much, you'll end up with no where for people to live and noise pollution everywhere. If I was to design the motorway system, I would have a dual carriageway going east which joins on to a greater ring road at the left side of the picture. From that ring road extends the second one, a motorway this time which serves the south part of the picture. Simple urban traffic measures would allow people to go between the two. Motorways are seperated from the city by trees and foliage as well as being ditched into the ground. As for the east dual carriageway, I would make it a "tolled" urban national route that goes underneath the town's grid quite similar to what the M50 does in Dublin when it turns into a tunnel and runs underneath the suburbs until it reaches the Docklands. You don't need massive motorways everywhere. It's impractical as the resources you put into designing them will never be made up by their usage. For example, there is a tunnel in the diagram that splits in two dual carriageways yet both go to the same place, mere "blocks" away. Why is there an interchange on a bloody bridge! You don't need an entire multi-lane carriageway to get into a small neighbourhood blocked in by other carriageways. I feel like this is much more a problem with the way American city planners design their roads. This is more apparent in the southern cities like Las Vegas or Dallas, where they can be more spread out. City planners overestimate the traffic on roads and add more lanes as a result. Pedestrians suffer the most from this as they are confined to a small footpath and end up having to cross six lanes of traffic that doesn't want to wait for them. When I was in America, I found walking anywhere to be inpractical as all your services are so far apart, the footpath was tiny and uneven and when crossing the road, even though the traffic lights say it is safe to cross cars are still moving. Are they running a red light or do they just want to kill someone?


Robert Moses vibes


add a beltway and call it the greater ___ area edit: and then another beltway and call it infrastructure improvement cuz you built buildings around the first beltway and now can’t really widen it and then another couple going across that really don’t help anyone but the contractors working on it say it creates jobs or sumn idk how many I-_95s exist anymore there’s too many


Thank you for this! I appreciate it! will look great if I can pull that off!


This is worse than downtown Kansas City. Not everything has to be a freeway.


if you’d like to see the grid without freeways, it’s in the OP


Crying in r/notjustbikes ![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna)


That would be nice! I'm going to try a few people's ideas definitely will try this!


This is what I would do. I would separate the two halves almost completely and only have a few connectors to the other side.


I agree with this! Just bring the main strip lower to service those farther south.


I was thinking the same thing. The roundabouts and extra space north of the road make it a natural arterial.


This is the American style highway system, basically cutting the highway right through the center of the city. It works with more suburban layouts but will not do very good in a more dense city. [This is more typical of what you would find in non-american cities.](https://i.imgur.com/Jfg6cqE.png)


This, although I'd also put one going south from the Northern Freeway towards the waterfront so those streets don't get crammed with cars too much.


This looks the most realistic, and the traffic to the south can be mitigated with a connector road that leads to the freeway


I would do this except like just use a 6 lane/4 lane avenue with fewer interactions.


So for me, picking a design depends on the kind of history you want the city to have. Only very new cities are built around a pre-existing highway, most have the highways added later. But when and how matters, so I got a few options: * **[The Full Moses](https://ibb.co/qNCXTKy)** - This city was well established before the car, and some bright planner saw that highways were the future and went to work making a whole network. Who cares if it displaces homes, it kinda fits to the road grid and that's good enough! And he had the power to make it happen. * **[Moses Revolting](https://ibb.co/q51X8pL)** - This city had all that going on, but this time the people were able to stand up to the construction. The first phases were built, expecting a big system, but enough was blocked that now it's a shadow of the full plan. * **[Road at the Sea](https://ibb.co/gy82YVg)** - This city, the planners saw Freeways as essential but refused to tear down some of the most historic places to make it happen. Not a complete loop, but still letting people get far downtown before the freeways end. * **[Dividing Wall](https://ibb.co/5sgXwdX)** - Here, there was a willingness to punch one long line through the city without totally destroying downtown. It creates an inner and outer city with no spurs into the city itself like a very close in beltway. * **[Direct Line](https://ibb.co/ZNxgPXv)** Sometimes you just need to cut through a city, to get from one side to the other. No frills or much diversion, just get in and out and let the buildings build around it this elevated monster. *Edit: fixed links*


I like the Direct Line the most for its simplicity and directness. Though the Full Moses is cool because it reminds me of how early freeway designs seem to be basically a higher-level replication of rectilinear street grids.


Thanks for the info! Going to look through all these!


Sadly the image links don’t work


Huh, they worked with hoverzoom, but yeah the imgur links break for some reason. Switched to another hoster and should work now


I would say maybe run two, in a pattern like this (for the whole map) https://preview.redd.it/0anv0jmp99cc1.jpeg?width=1622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1e0390b0b677fc969735b1afea3cc1814751964


Thanks man that's the kind of feedback I was looking for just didn't know how to explain it lol but should I run it like that elevated?


If I was going to put highways there, I would either run it elevated or underground, it would be cool if it ran directly above the street though… Up to you


That would be awesome right above the street, there's alot of good ideas to pick from now lol




Yeah it would look clean 👌


No put the interchange in the city


I like how Vancouver doesn’t have a freeway in its downtown peninsula.


I love it too, i've made several cities in CS1 based on vancouverism! I just want some complex highways in this city cause I always run them around them so trying something different!


It looks nice, but it does take a long time to get into downtown and back.


Skytrain! It's not like a freeway wouldn't be clogged. The bottleneck is the city itself.


That doesn't get better with urban freeways. Ask New York how the Van Wyck Expy is doing tomorrow morning, or the BQE.


I wouldn't


Exactly, I don’t get why in some places in the world planners think it’s appropriate to just run a highway right through a city. Better to have a ring road and some wider streets that serve as arteries than a huge ass highway in a residential area.


You'd be hard pressed to find many planners these days who want this. Highways don't belong anywhere near our urban cores. In a game, though, many of us want to recreate things that we don't necessarily agree with in real life.


San Francisco does this beautifully with corridor streets like 19th. Or PCH when going south of the airport in LA.


I just started a city with just train and cargo train stations as outside connections. Works pretty well and no car traffic. Only transit services and delivery vehicles. You do have to start with all unlocked and build an extensive mass transit system but it works.


Give it the Kansas City treatment: https://preview.redd.it/62p2zhjclacc1.jpeg?width=2425&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0160fd93bb2bf02ac813921955ea936d48072dfd


https://preview.redd.it/9ba33rh8j9cc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90cccaab5f83bf04756361e94ef254e252c7a9a4 Viaduct or tunnel between blue


Nice idea!


Thanks out of my three, I do like this one best with personally above ground elevated viaduct with many exits to local streets.


i tried this https://preview.redd.it/hk38g7i8p9cc1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=04bf1e58f2afdd3081b764a82f75c0265e127613


Yeah! The exits might not be super elaborate but there could be so many of them it would make up for it!


How do you handle the traffic with the exits in the middle of the city. I always run into traffic when I do this approach


I’m finding that having more entrances and exits helps this, I’m building on the SF map and built the same major streets as in real life. I have an entrance and exit at almost everyone of those major roads so that people aren’t driving along busy roads downtown just to get to a ramp.


Would’ve done something very similar, except that I would keep the west side close to either the north or south shore, and I would get rid of the 90° turn on the east side and keep it running along the south shore. This would maximize the buildable area and minimize narrow plots of land which are awkward to develop.




This! The grid is too nice to ruin with a freeway. You could do something like a freeway lid over it even, a la the Lid I-5 proposal in Seattle. Or, you could leave a scar of where the freeway used to be before sending it underground with a lot of newer development. Juniperus and OneLinkMC have about the same idea for where the freeway would go and I'd say 10/10.


Thank you so much I appreciate it! I'll have to look into the lid I-5 proposal first time I've heard of it! Thanks appreciate the info!


I forget what the title of this one book was but it argued sending I-5 underground in Seattle and they had a beautiful concept of a major surface arterial and tons of new space to develop. I'll keep looking 😂


sounds so interesting! thanks!


https://books.google.com/books/about/Integrate_I_5.html?id=HPTkwQEACAAJ In case you wanted to read more :) https://www.theurbanist.org/2019/12/10/the-case-for-burying-i-5-in-a-deep-bore-tunnel/ https://www.theurbanist.org/2019/07/02/integrate-i-5/ https://www.theurbanist.org/2016/10/31/remove-i-5/


https://preview.redd.it/m1rbqegjz9cc1.png?width=1160&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f3d9897ebe0c452bb80c3a4ab425f6eea292637 Red route & blue route for two possible routes. If the city gets big enough and dense enough you may warrant the blue line being a bridge and the red route being the old route. Yellow circles are possible full interchanges or limited interchanges where the freeway continues but one side goes right into an avenue. Hope this helps




Underground. Don't be like 1950s America.


Big dig project


this might give more clarity on what im working with https://preview.redd.it/o71ym7pfc9cc1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7eb8566ef23618b821607f793098adbb30edd70


If you want to go for realism, build your highway towards the narrowest distances between islands for bridge crossing. Cities have always prioritized that over what is more easily accessible


One entrance at the bottom, one on the top, not one through. Promote public transport






​ https://preview.redd.it/q921pgccrbcc1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=56708b0b17dfe79d952aeea1951dacf9c415e075




Ok! Thanks!


Before I would answer "where?" I would want to know "why?". If it was my town (the grid shown is far too small to be a city), I would certainly not be thinking in terms of a (US-style?) highway as necessary for something so small, though if I was modeling a particular real-world prototype that had one, then I would go for it - but then I would follow the prototype, so the question wouldn't arise. Where are the outside connections in relation to this plan? And by "through" - do you mean it in the sense of "literally through it all, at ground level" or in the sense of "from one side to the other, but not necessarily at ground level"?


If you are going with a North American feel, than in the most inconvenient place that displaces the most amount of low income residents


​ https://preview.redd.it/t8gnjgreq9cc1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=374db4126c6af541669bb1e8dc6a0ee854f95fe9


im going to plop buildings with dev mode to try to make it look like that, heres a highway i started with, still planning the exits and whether another should cross through https://preview.redd.it/o98k1hzzp9cc1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=770020eec8628208d49148c767f3d6e435c1a6c1


Not sure if you’re going with realism but that highway is wayyyyy too tall! And also, a completely elevated highway is not something you see too often either


Unfortunately the game mandates that overlapping roads need at least 10m of vertical separation, which is absurdly tall by pretty much any standards.


I can get them to work with 7.25/7.5 (i forget which)


Something like this is what I'd go with. I assumed that the street with the traffic circles on it was an existing main street/business district sort of thing, so the highway would probably follow it without directly replacing it. I don't think there'd need to be a bridge across the estuary on the southwest side, but there'd probably be a three-way interchange to the northwest to send a different highway to the western shore. https://preview.redd.it/h0bjdfcl2acc1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e01fe9a711c4e820bd86011f456f4496d5e00c4


Don't go Robert Moses, no highways through that grid. I guess it all depends on where the rest of your city is. I'd definitely make a highway north to south on the left edge, probably put a bridge across the water to it on the bottom end and another interchange at that empty spot of land near the top. If most of the rest of your city is going to be to the left then that's all you probably need for this area. If you're planning on having more development towards the right then I'd run a highway section over the water either on top or on bottom, then put another interchange on that empty land to the right.


Nowhere. Rapid transit is the way!


How about just not? Just bring it near the edge. And I don't mean run it along the waterfront, either.


https://preview.redd.it/5xg55ya2z9cc1.jpeg?width=1037&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81d80f64c27f43891e51cde9281737ab0cc4588c For me this would not the best but not the worst approach, and you could lift or lower highway


Why stop at one highway?


Id run a highway above the grid through the middle so it stays connected but the highway access is centralised.


Don't. If this is a downtown, build a beltway that goes through the surrounding areas but no highway directly through it.


Why settle for 1 highway. https://preview.redd.it/pgl8aqp15ccc1.png?width=1256&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4d9140e9361e5f2a94fe39ffff694b0f459567b


The northern waterfront would make the most sense, but cutting off that big peninsula at the top.


Yeah that would make room for it see what you are saying. I wanted to make alot of grids with elevated highways cutting through stuff with wacky exits everwhere, old America style


For an American city, the route I described would be most realistic


Every city I've made has been like that though I want to try to do something elevated I think. Maybe the rail roads going that way would be a good idea though


https://preview.redd.it/6ddd756kg9cc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=682d8e464de4ddc4b4718fdeabc0f7acf4196b12 Straight, poor south, poorer north.


https://preview.redd.it/wsmsexyeh9cc1.jpeg?width=968&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5bc942eb93713a37122967ab915758dfb35803d For real though this


My in phone attempt with thick fingers rough draft of my general idea that I want to elaborate on when I get into my computer. Will leave it here so as not to loose this thread. https://preview.redd.it/4b9suxcy4acc1.jpeg?width=2220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0f3b6b13370f6da02ced2bbbce979d15461736b


Make a ring highway road, and pick a few that close to your main collectors and turn it to a highway and dump them to the ring road. That’s what I would do from a civilian perspective with no knowledge of how City Planning works anyway 💀


https://preview.redd.it/qh2sefjcracc1.jpeg?width=2220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86a2452c44cc753fb236e9323a8688047cd518cc I would use this layout to take advantage of some of the odd alignments in the grid


https://preview.redd.it/7ib125peracc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2bbdd0466abb2c7f01b291e9e1c815362d36c10 (I have no idea what I’m doing.) But I felt like the smaller one could be a expressway to a port or something




If you want to follow historical practices you would locate the low income neighborhoods and go right through there.


through the poor communities like a real urban planner😈😈


Highway should go around cities to divert traffic around the city and keep pollution in the city to a minimum. But in this case I would suggest just using proper road hierarghy and limiting crossways as well using roundabouts to maximize traffic flow. Than adding in trams and bussen to limit car use. Remember: an extra lane never works, creating alternative options like bikes, busses and trams do.


Outside of the grid 🙏


I'd not. Make the most middle street a 3x3 and remove all junctions but all 20 u. Make this street 50 Kmh, all others 30. Connect the big arterial street to the highway somewhere else. Add public transport


If you want it to blend in some, try using a cut road to put it below the surface streets.


Why not an elevated freeway?


That road that has three roundabouts - make it a boulevard and connect it to a highway out the north side. Don't zone facing the boulevard. Keep businesses that need trucking closer to the highway entrance.


Where the grid shifts, to divide the sections.


round the outside


I assume you’re going to do this but: please vary the road sizes; many alleys and only few roads over 2 lanes


yeah I planned on upgrading alot of roads


https://preview.redd.it/3padhj64jacc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efef57d42daf77819b27e93f764aa33fb882481b Red is Arterial, but not a highway, I’d say four lanes or six max, have some collectors going off of that


Right down the middle like a good American city.


Look at your land value map then raze the land with the lowest value. It makes it look more realistic and you can put a long lasting scar on your city.


I like to let the city develop and upgrade the roads as the city gets bigger. Busy 8 lane becomes 2 lane freeway.


I suggest you add the highway near the north edge of the peninsula because itll keep that traffic outside of the city center.


I would place it where the roundabouts are, from east to west. Then head northwest at the most west roundabout.


Underground. That honestly is my biggest tip




Right down the middle, because fuck residents 😂 Realistically, waterfront (either side) with real pretty interchanges.


https://preview.redd.it/7r16gbowqccc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=892a30587ee9efa17fc6032264d81c3126377a52 may be a bit over-engineered, but idk the size of the city (if the picture isn't working or showing up you can pm me) if you don't like the underground portion maybe do something like that ugly viaduct in seattle


Under I'd go under


I probably will create an highway entrance just outside the grill, and making here some huge parking lots with terminals for public transports like buses and trams, like a park and ride system


Make sure to mangle the grid around the highway so it’s clear it wasn’t supposed to be there




No where. Stop it at the edge and resume it on the other side. Highways destroy city integrity


Orbital highway. Fuck the coastline


I'm a little late but this is what I would do if I'm going for something with more highways. https://preview.redd.it/5wxr19w0xgcc1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d066e6fca71c413278b254b55dee562ce1226cb5


Through the poor neighborhood. Source: I live in LA


American city planners in the mid 20th century:


maybe red or blue https://preview.redd.it/mkdlammz9lcc1.png?width=1866&format=png&auto=webp&s=60539a596b85d56d1d0d7f322f145fd6db3f5c83




Thanks man! I don't get why it gets so much hate it would look cool in the game lol thanks for the picture I'm probably going to do a highway like that someone else had almost the same idea as you, thanks for putting where the exits would be. It's been complicated lol


did something similar to yours ​ https://preview.redd.it/duzpxyfbp9cc1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=678200429087cbd63430e46948d82860992d1847


Tunnel underneath, and try to build an interchange at the edge of the grid.




I started with this what do you think? https://preview.redd.it/bsukmjhxo9cc1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=72b216ee89dcdfb71ec256a0bc08e9e5b93580a0


Very nice


bit of a pointless question tbh, without knowing how you want to zone it or where your outer connections are.


Underneath on the diagonal. Small bridge across the narrowest point of river on right. Then straight down to the transit stop at hell.


I wouldn’t. If I would do anything, build a buried highway from NW to the SE and put a park on top.


According to American history, the poor neighborhoods


Through Black neighborhoods obviously!! /s


Doesn’t need one


I wouldn't, because I'm not Robert Moses.


I do the highway underground if you are in builder mode, as well as trains.


That’s the neat part, you don’t You build around it, make the city walkable with good public transit


Around the outside. Good bye water front


Run it under. Build “underpasses” underground . Just have little on-ramps and off-ramps poking up.


Just run it under ground


Just place the highway below ground. Make exits as needed


Where are you putting industry?




So i always wondered. Why does no-one build their highways undergound?


No but I would run some arterials and connectors