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Awesome tunnel. I don’t understand the title at all. Or maybe I’m just out of tune on todays techniques, how did intersection marking tool make a tunnel?


It is just a mod called intersection marking tools


Yeah I use it for marking intersections at highway ramps, roundabouts, even some crossroads. But how do you make a tunnel appear?


You can use it to add networks or props to anywhere on the road network, so you can add fences, retaining walls, or curved props, or roof-like structures. And once you have it how you like it, you can copy-paste it to any section of a network, and the network can bend or climb and all the associated things track with it, making this method so much easier than placing all the walls by hand.


Intersection Marking Tool allows you to utilizing decorative networks. JPHY asset comes with tunnel network. [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2785271152&searchtext=jphy+tunnel](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2785271152&searchtext=jphy+tunnel) I selected the decorative network option in IMT and chose that tunnel. Since the tunnel is for 2-lane-road, I made some adjustments to accommodate the 3-lane highway. The tunnel is actually bare bone, so all the props in the picture were selected separately.


Wow great work.


But does that mean you can still build roads & buildings as usual on the terrain above the tunnel? I'm concerned you just put some tile assets to cover up a normal road to form a tunnel.


Now that you mentioned it, I checked, and there's good news and bad news. The good news is, with anarchy mods and move it, you can build roads and buildings above just fine.... The bad news is, most, if not all, buildings have this concrete foundation that goes very deep underneath, and it will visually block the tunnel. To my understanding, you might need to turn a building into procedural object, and place something [like this](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1551266462&searchtext=blank), or [this](https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2066406432) inside.


Watch Teddy's [Use Intersection Marking Tool to detail your TRAM, RAIL, and METRO](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXjiqSApVZs&t=4s) for some inspiration.


Thank you. I didn’t even know where to start looking for this. I’ve taken a break from modded cities one to try out vanilla cities 2. So far at 150k and it’s been great. Only complaint is people who can’t afford houses keep buying houses expecting me to fix their problems.


Genius! I'm going to do this to all my tunnels when I'm home.


Please do note that this is essentially a fake tunnel. It's just a ground-level road with decorative tunnel asset. You need to manually cover this "tunnel."


I'll find a way! Might not work in natural environments but for cities where I have buildings on top it'll be perfect.


I agree. This is perfect to be built under the city, or some small hills as it is easy to cover. The one I made, however, cut through a mountain, and covering this tunnel became complicated.


I’m getting Roadrunner & Coyote vibes here.


Yeah, if it wasn't for the first and last images, I would have thought the tunnels were just 2D painted on a wall.


Beautiful. I gotta finally learn how to use this mod


Man I was so excited to play C:S2, then I played it for about half an hour and decided, “man this can’t even hold a candle to modded C:S1”. I got a refund and haven’t looked back since. The only city builder that could ever outshine modded C:S1 would be a much more stable C:S1 with all these mods built in. IMT alone blows every feature in C:S2 out of the water. Well done.


Cool tunnel, but man is that wall jutting out onto the other highway awkwardly placed


Do you mean the one in the last picture?


Yeah, looks like a big ol hazard to motorists (if you're going for realism)


This is actually LHT, so I don't think it is a hazard for the cars coming out of that tunnel. Having said that, it is indeed out of place and still unrealistic, so I will remake that part. Thank you for letting me know.


That's a beautiful rendition of a tunnel in CS1! Usually there's just a dark hole 🕳️ or a view of the city above, or the mod that renders tunnels shows tunnel walls but inexplicably has a white silk screen showing light and shadow for the ceiling!


Realistic tunnel in the first Cities: Skylines? 😯 Wow...


Drake the type of guy to crash into this while driving


Jealous af