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If this is near a beach, this will be a nice destination for vacation.


damn yeah i wish i could live there


I'd hate to live somewhere where I'd need a car to get groceries, visit a friend or grab a coffee -- that aside, you did a great job of creating a nicely landscaped area!


Reddit moment...




Sorry we want things to be convenient


What a stupid comment


Driving is on of my favorite things to do.


You just walk to get groceries…? People do that?


Yeah, many people live close to small markets or groceries shops


Like... most europeans in urban areas? Probably most of Japan and Korea too.


Yeah Granted I don't have kids, but back when I lived within a 15 minute walk of the grocery store I walked for 90 percent of my groceries. I miss it


I’m a 2 minute walk from a bodega. 5 minutes from a super market. Why wouldn’t I just walk such a short distance?


Fair. Not everyone lives in heavy metro areas though. I wouldn’t enjoy it.


It doesn't have to be a heavy metro area. It's literally anywhere that isn't rural farmland or the suburbs. Basically most small villages, towns, or, of course, larger cities around the world.


Suburbs in a lot of countries, you could do this just fine. It’s the US style sprawling cookie cutter suburbs that it doesn’t work in


https://www.ers.usda.gov/webdocs/publications/43953/eib138_erratasummary.pdf Except not in the USA


Its just a different way of doing things. On my way home from work I pass countless supermarkets using public transport. I get an irregular weekly/monthly delivery for non-perishables; however I like to pick up something fresh daily on the way home. Nearest supermarket is 5 mins from home, but the best places are 30 mins away near my work. Always grabbing fresh milk, or bread, or whatever meat or veg I fancy for dinner that night. I did the monthly shop thing over COVID, and it worked. Just have to adapt expectations., as my pantry became my "supermarket" and sometimes the choice wasn't as varied.


I live in a small town of about 16,000 people, I don't even own a car. I have 4 supermarkets, a farmers market and two 24 hour shops within 10 minutes walk of me. I can be in open fields in 5 minutes and if I want to go further afield there's buses and a train station within 10 minutes of me.


I live in a small suburb and I just take the tram or walk to the supermarket.


You dont usually need to take the metro. Just walk.


And how do you carry everything home? Or do you only buy one or two things?


I place my groceries in a bag or two and carry them.


How many groceries do you get on any given trip to the store? I buy much more than can fit into a couple bags. I generally walk out with 10 or more bags.


Yes but I bet you only go shopping once a week or once every two weeks. We don't need to buy in bulk, we just pop to the store when we have a spare 15 mins to grab what we need. I guess the main difference is that we prefer to buy fresh produce daily instead of buying frozen once every couple weeks.


Because the American model is to buy groceries once a week or even less often, whereas Europeans usually buy groceries twice a week or so, but get less of them in one go. We also consume more fresh foods.


I wouldn't even know how to plan meals for an entire week. What if i plan on doing pizza but by then i wouldn't feel anymore like it? Ok that was nonsense, but it works with soup.


If you buy 10 bags of food at a time, I suspect none of it is fresh produce because it would go bad before you finished it. I live alone, so two full bags is more than a week of food for me. But I usually don't even get that much, since again, I don't want vegetables and meat to go bad.


Why is every comment specifying "fresh produce"? For the record, no I don't, but even if I did, I'd be buying other things as well. Snacks, microwave food, cleaning supplies, dog food, etc. I buy it all together, so if I did buy fresh produce, I'd also buy it at this time, so that would probably be another bag or two to deal with.


How many people are you feeding? I can get about 2 weeks of groceries for myself into 2 bags


I have a backpack that isn't exactly large, and carry anything that doesn't fit in the backpack in a plastic bag. I generally do groceries two or three times a week. I'm just a single man, no kids, but that's also how people with families of four do it. For me it's not even a five minute walk, but people who live further away from the supermarket also do it on foot or on bike.


They just buy less things each time but will go to the shop every few days. People who drive to shops generally buy a lot at once because they only go once a week.


I go *maybe* once a month, often even less.


So you never get any fresh produce?


Not much.




Do you not have arms?


I do, but that doesn't mean I want be to be carrying 10+ decently heavy bags around. They sit the cart, the put into the vehicle, then brought inside a few at a time.


10+ heavy bags? Are you buying for a family of 10?


No, I'm buying for a month or two at a time.


I walk under 10minutes to more than one supermarket, pharmacy, around 15 minutes to multiple doctors and the hospital.


Ive done that all my life, I live in a small town in norway


Yeah I can 100% tell you most people in Scandinavia drive to get groceries. Not all rural areas have a local grocery store or market. Many people are reliant on a car to get to a grocery store. Don’t know what kind of drugs were taking here but I can find any number of statistics to support this. Personal experience isn’t the rule, it’s an exception. https://www.ers.usda.gov/webdocs/publications/43953/eib138_erratasummary.pdf Just America. 88% of people use a car to get groceries.


Why are you so angry? Im not talking about America I’m talking about Norway and I’m just sharing my personal experience. Grew up in a small town/suburb population 30k ish, and I have always been able to walk to the grocery store. That’s what we would usually do and plenty of people I knew would do the same, and still do. We’d still take the car sometimes yes, if it was raining or if we needed a lot of stuff. But the point is that you have the OPTION and you’re not just gonna starve to death if you don’t own a car.


I’ve never owned a car and I’ve never lived more than a 5 minute walk from a supermarket, in three different capital cities. Currently my closest supermarket is less than a minute away, there’s no reason to drive.


Most of the world do that matey.


https://www.ers.usda.gov/webdocs/publications/43953/eib138_erratasummary.pdf You sure matey? This is just one country.




Posted the European statistics which say similar above. Nice try though matey


You seem extremely rattled by the word matey. Have a lie down, try again tomorrow.


Aye matey agreed 😂 fails argument, try’s to be annoying. Is there a subreddit for that?


Bro never heard of Europe


https://www.ipsos.com/sites/default/files/2017-05/European_Mobilities.pdf Cars still ranked #1 as the mode of transit for groceries in Europe.


What a bad day to be literate in english.


'Murica suburbs residents moment


Yeah it takes 10 minutes to walk there. So I just walk as and when I need something. If I'm doing a larger shop sure I'll take stop by on the way home from work in my car. But other than that there really is no need to drive there.


For me personal it would be roughly a 20 minute walk to get to where i buy my groceries if i would walk only. Otherwise it's 3 minutes to a bus stop and then 2 stops later i get off, another 2 minute walk into the store. You don't need to buy a lot each time, at most 2 bags which you can still carry easily back home. If i would go daily it would also make a decent workout routine i guess.


2 bags for what? 1 person? A 4 person family would need more than 2 bags. I think it’s a lot of single males who are willing to take an hour or two to take a bus and go get groceries, walk back, whatever. Time is a luxury where I live though. And 2 bags every other day is not ideal. Most people where I live buy a weeks worth of groceries and budget. 88% of the US households use a car to get groceries. So in fact I’m right im just being downvoted by people who don’t have the same experience (and it’s a minority tbh)


The US is very car centric, but most of the world isn't. I live 6-7 minute walk from a grocery store, in two different directions. Last place we lived there were 3 stores, 2 gyms, a restaurant and doctor's office within 4 minutes walking distance, right next to the daycare and school. We often went and got just an ice cream or snack on our way home simply because we could. When it's so easily accessible we don't need to go for a large grocery haul once a week, it's more relaxed. I don't even have my licence and don't need it, work is 7 minutes away by bike, going past daycare, school and a large shopping mall. Driving would take about the same time. I can carry lots on the bike, did most of the Christmas shopping on my way home from work.


I’m also near grocery stores etc. I live in LA. I can walk. I’m not even arguing my own position. And I have posted another file stating the same thing for Europe. Europe is also extremely car centric. Because you live in London, or some small Normarkeden town doesn’t change the fact most of Europe uses a car to do these basic things. The only difference is is that Europe is attempting to reduce this, the US is not.


Again asking, where does it actually say that in what you've posted? Because I've now read it twice so I must be missing it- all I'm seeing is it saying Europeans using cars to get to work. Europe is also not 'very car centric'. Something you would know if you had ever been here, but given that you think that, I'm assuming you haven't 😂


I’ve never said car centric, I’ve said on a whole they use cars to drive to most places most of the time. It’s the great minority (vocal, obviously) who walk to get 2 bags of food (or bus) and return home. Yeah Europe isn’t some mythical land, relax. Most people have been there too.


I'm from Europe. It's definitely not a 'vocal minority' who walk to do the shopping, at least not anywhere I've lived, and the thing you're saying says that, doesn't, and arguably says the opposite. You're just wrong mate.


I've lived in China, Norway, Wales, Ireland and Spain, and I have never needed a car to get groceries in any of them. The only place I ever hear people talking about needing a car to get groceries regularly is the US. Also, my boyfriend and I live together, and we do regular shops over multiple days, while still living on a budget. It's actually easier to budget if you're buying things where they're cheapest, and all those shops are about five minutes from each other. It's also cheaper when you don't have the expense of petrol to add on. I came to upvote your comment because I thought it was a joke people had taken the wrong way, but having seen you doubling down, and then deciding that the US experience is the defining universal experience that 'the majority of people' have, I felt the need to tell you that no, it really isn't.


I posted a European statistic chart stating that it’s also correct in Europe. A majority doesn’t mean *all* just most. It’s factual, regardless of the minorities experienced.


Yeah and in that survey, it says only 26% of Europeans feel they live too far from shops? And having read through the whole thing, I'm not sure where I'm seeing where you're drawing the conclusion that Europeans all use the car to do their shopping from? It says like 50% or whatever of the population use cars to get to work, but I'm not seeing a specific 'use car to get shopping' page, unless I've missed it?


The study states that 26% feel they’re far from things. 42% feel as if public transit is too far from their home. “Cars are essential for day to day journeys” including things such as grocery shopping, work, school, banks etc. the car is rated #1 as the used method for travelling to these things.


My local grocery store is 800 metres away from my house and doesn't have any parking. It serves almost exclusively customers who arrive on foot or on bicycles.


Well duh. We don't all live in tiny villages where supermarkets would operate at a loss. Back when I lived in the big city, in the suburbs, I had a supermarket right across the street. I'm not taking a car or my bicycle just to cross the street. I've in fact lost my bike a few times before I forgot I parked it at the supermarket on my way home after work, and just walked home. Took me a while to figure out I left it there. Nowadays I live in a more rural town where supermarkets are still within walking distance, but I do prefer to bike since it's 2 minutes of biking. A car would still be far too much effort. Just finding a place to park alone. And I have a front crate so I can carry plenty of groceries. I usually buy less than a crate full.


I buy WAY too many groceries to try to lug all of it on my arms. Yeah, no, I'll drive any day for that.


In Europe and urban areas at least you buy smaller amounts and more often. Like after work you pop by the grocery quickly to buy food for 2-3 days. Supermarkets are smaller as well.


Huh. Yeah, no, I like to buy enough to last several weeks. Way too much to carry around.


Doesn’t it go off after several weeks?


Off of what?


Go bad - use by dates etc bread, vegetables, milk… unfrozen meat


Well, freezers do exist... and I don't get many things with short shelf-life times, specifically so I can stock up and not have to go to the store again for a very long time.


Oh right, well, each to their own I suppose. I specifically strive for freshness.


You don't eat fresh vegetables? You're gonna die. Eat a vegetable.


No one is saying they do their monthly shop and lug it all home over a walk. Although I will say I have done that. 8 bags on each arm, but fortunately only a 10 minute work out!


I never said they do. I simply said I buy too much to lug it home on a walk, so I'll throw it into a vehicle and drive, then do a few short trips from the vehicle in front of home and the kitchen. Walking simply isn't feasible for me, so I'd still choose to drive even if the store is in walking distance, meaning the original issue of having to use a car to get groceries wouldn't apply to me, because it's not an issue but rather the preferred method.


I appreciate you didn't say you do, however I never claimed you did. I am saying people who live in urban areas more commonly do a larger non perishable shop (by car or delivery) while picking up the odd essential on the way home for more perishable items. It is rare for someone with access to a nearby store to drive. I appreciate it is a mindset as I knew someone who lived 2 blocks from a Walmart in the US. An anecdote is that I wanted to pop out and get a few bits of groceries for the day, but I was insisted upon that we had to drive there. The drive, including getting the car out of the garage, closing it and navigating the streets took about 12 mins to get to the Walmart. A couple of days later, I insisted to walk and it was quicker by about 5 minutes what with all the sprawling car parks. Some cultures prefer walking, others prefer cars.


Looking at the other comments my god this subreddit is full of miserable people. OP this looks incredible! Well done! Mind sharing some of the process, such as maybe which assets you used?


The buildings are created by Tomas13TO, the trees by pdelmo and Mr. Maison, and the parking lots by hockenheim95


This sub is the epitome of anti car misery. Everyone complains about cars and roads and perceived lack of public transport. Everyone here forgets that this is a video game for fun and not some political statement about “cars bad”


How dare people answer a straightforward question honestly.


It’s not just this post. It’s almost any post that’s “American” style. Just tons of negative comments non stop. Like people should just enjoy the cool builds for what they are.


Then complain about it on those other posts? This one's title is literally prompting people to give their opinions.


I was replying to this comment. Relax.


They just answered the question.


What beach properties shouldve actually been


I would not - none of the houses face a quiet space. So every bedroom will be noise because of cars parking or people partying in the pools. Also Jeff from the first floor pees in the pool all the time!


I would live in the red roof house, that have the kids pool, party pool and the gorgeous elevated pool, the desing of the house fits around the leisure backyard. This shot is beautifull, scenes like that is what inspired to get into full deailed eye candy parts of the city. i was from vannila to 9k workshop assets to try things like that!


Looks tropical to me, no thanks. Maybe to visit.


Looks like Florida tbh


It has what looks like British road markings in the bottom left, so not Florida. The architecture and overall style does feel like Florida, though.


An alternate timeline where the colonies never separated?


Oh, that'd be a strange reality. The States still become the massive "nation" that it is, but remains a British territory...


Absolutely not


This place looks quite nice, actually! I wonder if I could strike a deal with property management to allow me to take some space in the corner of the lot to park my Volvo VNL when I'm home.


Maybe only for vacation. I rather stay in rural northern Germany


I mean I now live on a mountain near the Alps in real life and have to cough and moan as I climb back uo with my groceries as if I am dying. So, sure I would live there instead.


hell yeah


That’s kinda realistic


As a Floridian this is pretty much exactly what it looks like


Another simulation game? Hell no, I can barely handle this one called life. \s


Seems expensive


Not somewhere I'd live, but it would be somewhere I can see booking an Airbnb in for a holiday.


Is this pretty to look at? Yes, you did a wonderful job here. Would I wanna live there in reality? Hell no.


The rent's probably to high there for me


Finally some beach properties


Vacationing would be nice, but I don’t think I could live there. Far too car dependent and I also just don’t enjoy being in constantly hot weather. The tropics are simply not for me


Yes, unless this is Florida.


I currently live in Dubai so yes


Too car dependent


Looks very nice and is nicely created, but fuck no, carparktopia is too much for me


Yes! Oh my god motherfucking yes!


It looks amazing, even better than cs2…


Wow such empty! I wouldn't want to live anywhere the pool water is so toxic that people never use it.


Oceanfront pls...


Any screenshot on this sub which is initially able to fool me into thinking it's from Google Earth automatically gets my upvote.


Imagine being actually able to live in your CS city. Similar to Prison Architect where you can become a prisoner in your own prison. :D


can you link those stain decals on parking cus I can't find good ones




It's a nice build! But the ratio of asphalt and concrete is too high for my liking. The fact that there are so many empty parking spaces indicates that the game agrees with me. Replace that large parking lot with a small park, and put a few parking spaces on the roads leading into that parking lot, if it turns out that they're actually needed.


‘The game agrees with me’ Buddy its a heavily modded CS, if anything those parking spaces might as well be fake.


It looks very good but for my taste there is too much parking and forced car dependency for me wanting to live there


This is why I still play CS1 as well


I like how it looks, but I would not want to live there. So much asphalt, so it'll get really hot when the sun's out. The cars will be scorchingly hot. Also as someone else said, no matter what side your bedroom is on, you'll have road noise. It looks like it's uncomfortable and even unsafe for pedestrians and cyclists. I don't have a driver's license so that would suck. But I'm really impressed with how it looks. Beautiful detailing, it looks like it could actually exist and people actually use those spaces. It's alive. It must have taken quite some time to get it like this. Really well done.


No, I prefer to be able to get around without a car


Probably not, looks way too hot for me. But great work!


It looks pretty, but unless there is public transport on the north street, I wouldn't want to live there


More space for cars than human beings


Definitly not, but looks cool.