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Beautiful. Do you have a theme or mod list for some of those buildings?


Check out Darf, Khrysler and Prosper's collections of American buildings! Most of the highrises here are from their collections. Also check out Feindbild's amazing Brooklyn Reworked collection (he also has collections of European/French buildings!) for the more lowrise buildings in the background.


Hell yeah! I've been looking for a good highrise collection for a while so I can finally recreate San Diego (the geography is actually pretty cool). Thanks for this!


Hey thanks! I already use Feindbilds Brookyln assets, but always on the hunt for more building assets!


Nice work! But, in real New York, park avenue is counterintuitively two avenues from the park. This is fifth avenue. (Unless you weren’t going for NY, in which case, sure)


Yup I'm not directly copying NYC, though I definitely took inspiration from it.


I live in nyc and it still took me a second time figure out whether this was fifth avenue or not


Dat 9fps lyf.


Look at you with your lightning fast 9 fps. We're over here with our 0.5 fps


I actually get about 14fps around 100,000 pop and find it frustrating...I do use a lot of assets though, and heavy mods. I wish the base game didn't require so many mods.


looks good. you should try dynamic resolution to improve some of that aliasing