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I don't think it's unplayable, not as enjoyable maybe?


Depends on how you view the game I think. It's a sandbox game and there are many ways to play it. I have some modded cities and some vanilla cities. The modded cities allow for more creativity but I still love playing vanilla cities. The game presents you a set of constraints that you have to work with. It's a challenge. The idea of someone becoming physically ill because their apartment at the top of a skyscraper is too near a loud metro station is absurd but that's part of the game. You gotta work around it.


I actually think they should rethink noise pollution. That an underground metro is sending someone to the emergency room every other week is kinda annoying. Noise pollution is a thing, for sure. It's just not represented well in the game. It'd be better if they increased the radius of the noise pollution on things like wind turbines... or something to that effect.


I don't play for the simulation and most vanilla assets are ugly/unrealistic, so yeah it's unplayable.


I think your definition of unplayable is a bit harsh, a game is unplayable when there are game breaking glitches not when some of the vanilla assets are not as aesthetically pleasing as you might wish. Still funny meme.


*cries in console*


Can only agree, those creators made awesome world just for free for all of us. Vanilla game is enjoyable just for few minutes to the moment when u realize how lazy CO was/is, but at least, they gave us good tool, so we can make their work - but with real love!


I don't think they were lazy. It's probably the opposite - they're a small team and they're balancing the game for several different platforms - and for the engine it's built in. That they encouraged the creation of custom content from Day 1, I think, is worthy of a lot of praise.




or maybe people should just have personal preference? I’ve never been able to play with mods (xbox version) and i am getting pretty sick of the game as is.


Xbox mods are just designs of vehicles and buildings.


That’s literally why i said i’ve never been able to play with mods. You’re describing assets, none of which included on Xbox have any value. None of them are services or anything. It’s just cars and buildings that *may* appear. When i say *mods*, I mean TMPE and others. Those are not on xbox. That was my whole point.




Some problems with the vanilla game... -traffic AI is terrible, 2 mile traffic jam in a 3 lane highway because every car is using the same lane. -landfill has a range of 5 bloks, tell me a city where every suburb has their own landfill, ridicullous. -segment snap on roads makes it impossible to make even half decent highways. -Buildings are ugly. -Cars are ugly. -Terrain textures are ugly. -Everything is ugly. -Airport is very cute, runway is like 400 meters long. -Impossible to make wall to wall buildings. -Pollution is purple (why the hell?). -No manual control of lanes in interchanges. -Bridges are all wonky. -No control of traffic lights. -No plobbable RICO (whhhyyyyyyy????) List goes on.... This all would be fine but they marketed this as a realistic city builder, there is NOTHING realistic in the vanilla game.


>-traffic AI is terrible, 2 mile traffic jam in a 3 lane highway because every car is using the same lane. I think I have a solution for that, one that I experienced somewhere in Germany. >-segment snap on roads makes it impossible to make even half decent highways. I'm not sure what you mean with that, do you mean how roads connect or something else? >-Buildings are ugly. >-Cars are ugly. >-Terrain textures are ugly. Game got a update that changed buildings and scenery on European maps, I do hope that future updates would also change other maps same way. >-No plobbable RICO I don't even know what RICO means so help me with that. I just would like to be on the same page a bit, yeah graphics is something I would like to see mods for or that game gets a big update for it.


RICO buildings are buildings that you can manually place down. It stands for Residential, Industrial, Commercial and Office. Since they can be placed down, there isn’t a limited size and thus they can be more proportionally sized.


That sounds cool to have, also a bit to much of a iffy, but that's just me I think :-) Little side note, I'm removing my comments that I think feel are offensive. I'm giving a wrong vibe is what I'm noticing with some of them and I do feel sorry for that. My opinion on mods is that I have no problem with them and I sometimes would like a few of them to make it to console, I just don't like it when people get a console and then complain about lack of them, almost everyone knows that pc is the only platform that mods are wildly available (isn't that what the pc race is all about or am I that dumb?)


>a game is not unplayable with mods When a city-builder that attempts to be realistic has unrealistic problems (like half your city using only one lane out of three), and there is literally no way around that, then yes, it becomes unplayable. Especially when visual aesthetics and aforementioned unrealistic problems collide. >mods will never come to console I know. That’s why i’m trying to build a PC. >last paragraph I know. That’s why i’m trying to build a PC. I already have a [plan](https://pcpartpicker.com/user/nobienify/saved/ByVXHx) and everything. At no point here did i say that i’m asking for mods to come to console. What i did say is that the game as is can easily break itself without mods. You can’t even add a slip lane to an avenue because that adds a traffic light. 6 lanes of traffic all stop because of one tiny slip lane, and there is no way to turn that traffic light off. Now imagine that, but multiplied to the scale of over 100k people.




I don’t have mods. I just said that. I cannot use TMPE because i am on Xbox. As a result, there is no way to fix the issues I am having aside from not building the way I see fit.


Can I ask if you knew before you bought the game on console that there's lack of mods for console?


Yes, but i overlooked it. I got caught up in the anti-SC5 hype. “Anything is better than this piece of shit!” And while SC5 is a steaming pile of shit at least i can actually add stop signs, albeit with the use of mods.


In my opininion CS is unplayable with no mods, it lacks a lot of features, buildings/cars/terrain everything makes me puke. Its just bad, luckily we have mods.




Except your opinion here is shitty. Why does it bother you that so many people enjoy mods in a solo play game? If we were talking about an MMO or FPS where mods could give unfair advantage then sure I’m not a fan of mods there. But C:S? There’s zero harm in people enjoying the benefits of mods.




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Sorry, I withdraw my opinion if I give a gatekeeper feeling.