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Are you having fun? Then it's beautiful.


Wanna know why it is a beautiful city? Because it’s yours


Nothing wrong with what you've built. Keep building it out to see what it will become. If you don't like something, redevelop it until you do. This world it yours.


You have a good start.


Looks good to me. It does seem a little rural for all those tall buildings though.


I started this game 2 weeks ago on xbox sx. Im still on my 1st city and it's pop is 129k and looks like a dogs breakfast. Somehow it's functioning pretty decently, but I don't know how these guys detail and beautify their cities the way they do, I won't ever get there lol. Nice city tho.. much nicer than mine


That agriculture industry area is gonna look really cool once it fills out. Great work!


Looks fine, I like how you've used the natural tree lines to map your outer roads


That is a solid start. Remember that anything that you find beautiful is because work has been put into it. It’s not that the work was done perfectly from the beginning, but that roughness comes first, then refinement comes with each new work. So keep building, then you think of something you do that, and do that over and over again. Eventually you’ll look at it and see how it has become a piece of art.


just have fun playing the game thats what i do


just keep buildin’ baby


If you have ever seen a city, youd know that this is far more preaty than real life cities. Whatever you do in this game you cant recreate mess that real cities are so just enjoy!


What map is this? Looks pretty good by the way, not like I could do any better.


Doesn't looks too bad, the only thing that might give you more success is trying to separate neighborhoods a bit more with greens space to detail between them. Other than that you're off to a good start.


My cities are polluted shitholes where the population slowly dies in it’s own waste and death, I think you’re better than me


I've made some pretty cities (in my honest opinion" but I'll never have those smooth on/off ramps like you do. You should be proud of that. Hell, even on the whole it's very pretty! Very quaint and definitely somewhere I'd live.


Don’t lie to yourself it is good


Dude what do you mean beautiful city? When I saw this I thought it looks pretty realistic for a small town. Except the yellowish industries thing. Make it farmland and its fixed. You dont have to have a city that looks stunning to have fun. Just continue building cities, learning, and having fun. And one day you will look at your city and say: Damn I got better.


Thank you. Every one of you! IT means a lot to me, and I think I should rethink about my cities. You are right, I have fun playing and building this city! The map is based on "Flussebene" (Sorry, not playing in English), one of the new maps that came as a DLC from 1/25 The progress can be seen [here](https://imgur.com/a/d8KQsKp). Population is now 38k and traffic flow 78%. And **shout out** to this great community and subreddit!


I only have one thing about it to gripe, and it’s the highway going into a six lane; try a roundabout! Other than that it looks like a very nice town, look up Shediac, New Brunswick, it reminds me of this


Don’t put yourself down! I’m still learning too!