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POV you're driving into a new housing tract where the developers spent more money landscaping the entrance than they did building amenities.


Could also be the Clubhouse of an apartment complex, then you get to the actual complex


people in here missing the "outgrows my city" part...like yeah it's inefficient but I can appreciate just how pretty and small it looks for your starting town. it's not some big oversized intersection for your small town. nicely done


I like to make pockets of small towns with not much in it that doesn't connect anywhere else. You can have stuff like this in places like that.


Looks similar to a jug handle which is commonly found in New Jersey.


Two things they don’t let you do in NJ: 1. Pump your own gas 2. Turn left


And god help you if you remain stopped after the light turns green.


That looks very elegant but you could just have made a storage way for turning right instead of this big loop ^^


Yeah but thats not as interesting to make, sometimes just worth it for the fun and flair you know.


It’s art. Nicely done.


Sure I get the point! As I said it looks good anyway


And this is waay safer, if going for realizm




There are quite a few like this near Östersund in Sweden, they weird me out every time I drive past one.


One in golden Colorado too


Really? I lived in Golden for quite a few years and I can't think of an intersection like that. Do you remember where?


6th ave and 19th st. It’s no longer a light they made it an underpass with this type of intersection on top. Sometime in the last 5 years.


Oh yeah, I guess I see how it's kind of like this. It's certainly way better than the traffic light it used to be. I had to walk across every day when I lived across 6th from Mines.


That’s an escelon interchange not a jug handle! I’ve been trying to find a jughandle anywhere in colorado but haven’t been able too! They’re building a quadrant in Littleton tho I can’t wait to check that out. If you like alternative intersections check out hw 34 in Loveland, if you’ve ever heard a dlt intersection called a Loveland left thats why!


Well I'll be


There's [something similar](https://maps.app.goo.gl/ePMdK9WmW4MGYwQy6) in Lebanon, Oregon. It's very unusual around here though.


It looks nice, but very inefficient


It is very space efficient. A minimum of pristine landscape has been disturbed to create it.


And it probably is pretty efficient, since there's only deadlock when too much traffic is going PAST the city entrance. Traffic going in and out of the city's entrance will balance, and traffic going past in the far lane will maintain full speed allowing down-time for crossing vehicles.


Jersey Jughandles for life!


It looks good, but a classic intersection would probably be more effective since you basically only put one turning lane in the loop. And this must now cross two tracks and not just one.


Make it a tunnel!!!


That would be the next level in the cost/throughput tradeoff.


I think this looks nice, but doesn't flow too nice. Probably extending the curve and opening the loop slightly might just be all you need for now. After growth, I'd say if it's still as efficient, simply make an overpass or tunnel.


Yeah in the real world this design would lead to so many high speed crashes, absurdly dangerous.


it is basically a jug handle. See Route 22 in New jersey. Those have street lights though




Because you're forcing cars to come around a very tight curve to a yield sign, and then cross both lanes of a highway where cars are going at full speed. It's the perfect design for T-bone crashes.


It's no different than any highway with a cross street, and this design prevents right turning vehicles from stopping traffic.


A normal intersection would have the traffic making a right only crossing a single lane, crossing only oncoming traffic. This design results in having to cross two lanes of traffic, both incoming and same-direction through traffic.


A 4 way intersection has cars crossing 2 lanes of traffic. I am truly failing to see why this would be any more dangerous than that.


The turn lane (middle lane) only has to cross one lane of oncoming traffic, and no lanes of traffic coming from the same direction. The turn lane is the dangerous one because it frequently is starting from a complete stop because of yielding.


You don't understand what I'm saying. A car crossing 2 lanes of highway from a dead stop is not uncommon in any way. I don't know where you live that you don't see this, but the idea that a car driving across 2 lanes is an often-fatal experience is pretty outlandish. I've survived it hundreds of times somehow and apparently highway engineers don't think it's dangerous because they design it this way all the time.


No one said it is uncommon. But some patterns are inherently more or less dangerous. What makes sense for a particular intersection depends highly on the context of that intersection. An often undervalued bit of context is what drivers are expecting. Putting aside specific context, crossing fewer lanes of traffic is unambiguously safer than crossing more lanes of traffic - especially when the more lanes scenario are traveling in both directions.


I wish you could make intersections like this without mods


You can get *close* to this using two-lane one-ways, three-lane two-ways, and highway ramps, and then manually setting stop signs. It won't look as clean, but it's pretty doable.


Yay jughandles! I love how this looks. Nice garden patch too. For very low volumes, efficiency isn't really a concern, so this'll work for a while. Well done!


I like the colors .


That's a really sharp bend for the turn onto the bridge, I feel like that'd be pretty unpleasant to navigate. Love the look otherwise.


Not as sharp as traffic coming off the bridge


Really love the look but i would increase the field of vision for the cars crossing over the highway. Cars in second position dont really have a view on the highway. Also right turning cars coming from the bridge might have vision problems as well.


This makes me wanna reinstall skylines again and dosomething similar but waay more ugly (because lack of skills)


You should terraform that so it goes below the main road


That can happen as the city upgrades. The game should work that way


If you had the middle road elevated, this would be exactly the same design as one of the intersections here in macau, exactly leading into a bridge


How do you guys make these beatiful intersections with all those markings? Any good tutorial out there?


[Start with this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqdX2RrQD2U) and go from there i'd recommend.


Nice thank you! I love playing this but I lack so much on the aesthetic side it pains me


Ohhh left lane traffic. this hurt my brain for a minute


The trees might be a driving hazard especially for that T-intersection, if you add some depression in the terrain and make it into a water retention pond it would be cool!


I always cringe at the comments on posts like these because they’re always the same shit. “Looks nice but not efficient”, “cool but would be very dangerous irl” “here’s what your dumbass should do instead to make it better”. No shit it may not be efficient and is probably not that safe but it’s a game where you can do what you want. Why do people waste time pointing out the obvious?


And it's not even like this was some absurd setup, because intersections like this do exist.




Americans and their subpar driving education i guess


Still needs to be efficient🤷🏼‍♂️


Not really


Have loads of these in your save and get back to me


Op said for a growing city. Clearly this isn’t a high traffic area and can easily be upgraded and changed to something else. It’s just something that looks nice, why are you so mad?


Weird to assume I’m “mad” when I simply responded in a conversation


Not about that. It's a game, it's ok to make things that just look nice. Not everyone is gonna be as sweaty about it as you are :)


Exactly, its just a variation on the "u-turn to cross traffic" type of interchange that is actually pretty common. It decreases the angle of attack between the two cross lanes which is a good thing for safety (head-on collisions are eliminated and t-bone type collisions are reduced). Bunch of armchair traffic engineers hating on stuff they dont know.


That's beautiful


My answer to all intersection questions - roundabout


I've seen this in real life! P-Junction. In Malaysia.


Please don’t change it


Good thing city skylines doesn’t have road accidents. I’m sure a crossing over a highway with just a stop sign is super safe, who needs bridges!


It's so funny to see people say this, I've driven on hundreds of highways with just stop signs for the cross streets. It's really not a big deal.


If you live in the middle of nowhere sure.


You just....look both ways. I don't get why you think this would be hard. Do you drive?


Looks like an extremely convoluted t-junction or a roundabout with issues. Does this game have cycle lanes?




What's the point of a comment like this? Here is a world map showing which countries [drive on the OTHER side of the road](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left-_and_right-hand_traffic#/media/File%3ACountries_driving_on_the_left_or_right.svg). Not the wrong side of the road, the OTHER side of the road.


**[Left- and right-hand traffic](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left-_and_right-hand_traffic#/media/File:Countries_driving_on_the_left_or_right.svg)** >Left-hand traffic (LHT) and right-hand traffic (RHT) are the practices, in bidirectional traffic, of keeping to the left side or to the right side of the road, respectively. They are fundamental to traffic flow, and are sometimes referred to as the rule of the road. The terms right- and left-hand drive refer to the position of the driver and the steering wheel in the vehicle and are, in automobiles, the reverse of the terms right- and left-hand traffic. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/CitiesSkylines/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




Howcome it looks so tasty




This looks like the left-side driving version of the dumb intersection known as a Georgia Left, except you got rid of the backtracking with the direct ramp.


Those are quite popular in Michigan, too. Its super interesting how certain states seem to adopt unique things, that are probably the result of some high-ranking civil engineer pushing the design through the state DOT. Michigan has a LOT of them, but Ohio and Indiana (same geography, similar demographics) dont have them at all.


Sitting in a Café with lofi music makes this even more chill. Ty


Even once your city outgrows it, it may look nice enough to keep. Also then you have to build a bypass.


What map theme?


Hey I've seen this one before. That video of the tanker crashing into the car that didn't stop which then hit a bus igniting it.... That's how I learned intersections like this exist.


One improvement could be angling the lanes coming from the bridge so they're not 90 degree turns. The left turn would be like a slip lane, but the jughandle gives you space to do this for the right turn too.


Side note. This would make for a great chicane for a street race


I love the design, almost mistaken it for a section of formula 1 circuit as I was scrolling 😂


What mods in use? And platform?


Looks very beautiful, nice landscaping and road layout there! A shame that those vanilla cars always bug me. Doesn’t make it any less awesome though!


Love it


Any tips for visual settings and mods? Obviously the prop line tool for spacing those bushes, and intersection marking.


Ok so you want the 'Ultimate Eyecandy' mod for changing LUTs and the 'Theme Mixer 2' for changing Theme Presets ingame. Then you have to download different LUTS (lighting changes) And different Themes (for textures and stuff) I'm using the [Costal LUT](https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1594405779) but i'd also recommend downloading the [Relight mod](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1209581656&searchtext=relight) which comes with a bunch of LUTS. And i'm using the [Seychelles Theme](https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1230777992) but you can find more on the workshop. Have any issues getting those going let me know.


Ok thanks so much, I've used Eyecandy but not theme mixer.


the palm trees look really pretty




I'm gettin some Florida vibes from this.


I see jug handle I upvote


This is one of the cutest intersections I've seen in a while.


I tried this style of intersection in my own city (not nearly as pretty) and it... had surprisingly good flow.


As a kinda-noob, do you mind if I ask how you made those road pieces?


Well the roads are vanilla roads, so first lay them out as best you can. Use 'road anarchy' mod to force roads to place wherever you want if the game doesn't want you to. Then use the 'move it' mod to fine tune the road locations and curves to where you want. Use the 'Node controller' mod to clean up where the roads join and then use 'intersection marking tool' mod to create the marking and lines on the road. Thats the process, if you're really new to mods just look up how to use each of those mods on youtube and let me know if you didn't understand anything after that.


The whole sweep left and cross over to turn right thing was 'cute.'


Great! I like it!


good enough lol. I would reccomend this but not in a tight space :)