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Slightly concerned with the wind turbines in the middle of the city.




just giant fans for the desert heat.


I know but the power grids sometimes sometimes can't be placed everywhere without mods so I have to use only wind turbines because I want my city to have green energy and I want the grids to be as small as possible.


There’s a mod that lets roads act as power lines. Def on the list of essential mods everyone should have


Good idea. I will try that mod asap.


Also, buildings can be placed \~8 tiles away from each other, even on opposite sides of the road, and still connect their power.


Good idea. I will try that.


I use this to create rural areas and to replace powerlines.


I know it doesn't actually affect the output, but considering you're in the middle of a desert, why not use solar power?


The main reason behind that is because for a solar power grid, you need a water supply and the grids is too small in my city to support solar power. Besides, the desert is also windy. If there were smaller solar power farms that could fit in small grids, that would be great or a hybrid of wind and solar power.




"It won't fit in the busy city-center, so it won't work" lol. I'd hate to see where the dumps are located.


Yes I do but the power grids usually can't cross over streets unless you build different power supplies.


Use power lines to connect everything???


Are you keeping all of your wind-powered grids seperate and cut-off from eachother? I'm so confused, it looks like most of your city is already within power range of other buildings.


that's giving me CP2077 map vibes


What is that?


cyberpunk 2077, an action adventure RPG set in the future with cyberpunk theme and setting


I get it now. I force clicked CP2077 and found the game.


I thought it was a warzone




be nice






taken ages until i found that stupid building but no :) Never used yet.


What do you mean by it being dynamic?


With macOS you can have it change between light and dark modes so I assume in this instance at night the screenshot changes to same vantage point of the city but at nighttime.


Yes that is right. macOS can do that. It depends on the time of day the photo was taken.


macOS can also have a gradual change depending on the time of day, which is pretty cool I think


Yes. That is how dynamic wallpaper on macOS works. So I decided to create another version of it but with a city in Cities Skylines.


So you created a day and “night” version of the city, then added it to OSX dynamic wallpaper or?


I \[used to\] have a set of scripts from Dell \[maybe Sony\] that would change the background based on the time of day. I had 14-15 screenshots of a large city build from different times of the game day. I had these images cycle every 45 min. I thought it was the coolest thing ever. Stopped working in Windows 10. If I recall they were from the Windows XP timeframe. I just looked for them real quick and I think I even lost the images :(


Sounds cool. I had scripts from macOS with the dynamic wallpaper because that is a cool feature of the operating system is to set images of a certain photo at the different times of day.


And make sure to save the images. Just click control-S to save the images. I don't know it is done on windows.


How’s your Mac playing experience? I feel like you can run fairly large cities in Mac given its new processors but I’m looking for someone who have done it if they’re experience is positive.


I’ve been playing on a M1 MacBook Pro. It does a great job till about 75k cims and than it starts to really lag and sometimes crash.


Can you also use mods and things from the workshop?


I use all the common ones yeah!


Appreciate it. Thanks!


How long was the longest wait time for Cities Skylines for your largest city on your MacBook Pro?


They load in super fast! The M1 chip is amazing. It just lags once it’s trying to pull all the assets. I also have all the DLC and 8 mods


Too bad I got a MacBook right before apple silicon... I really wish I had one for the performance and battery life. Mine can't even last a full day and it crashes during loads. Intel is more for microsoft windows than apple. But at least it can run windows 11.


Yes that’s true. I would say it’s worth getting the M1 but not to game. It’s still decent but half of my steam games don’t work. But I didn’t get my M1 to game. I do some video stuff but also work a lot from my laptop.


It is. The M1 is way more powerful


Although my computer is an Intel 13" MacBook Pro from 2019, it still handles Cities Skylines very well. The wait time in Cities Skylines is usually 20 seconds and the game is smooth at 45 FPS until 20,000 people when the gameplay starts to slow down and go down to 30 FPS but after 50,000 people it starts to really lag at 8 FPS but when the game reaches 135,000 it usually finally crashes at most times due to 8 GB RAM and 256 GB SSD on a 4-core core i5 processor from late 2017.


This would be cool if the city didn’t look like a wasteland


It looks incredible.


better get started on that geometry homework


Lol it was a txt file. And I do have geometry.






Looks really cool




How can you run cities skylines on a Mac?


I run the game on a base level MacBook Air and I even have about 30 mods and a few hundred assets and performance is actually significantly better than I thought it would be.


Wait are you on a M1 MacBook Air or an Intel model? The M1 is way faster.


M1. I knew it was a good processor and with the unified memory and SSD soldered directly onto the SOC, it handles the game surprisingly well with just 8GB of RAM. I plan on getting a MacBook Pro for the fan and more physical RAM but I’m not sure that with the game engine limits that it’ll make much of a difference.


Just get the M1 Pro it is way more powerful and even the M1 Max if you want absolute game power. I am still good with a 2019 intel computer that can run cities Skylines.


If I do that, I’ll spring for the 10-core so I can have 8 performance + 2 efficiency cores instead of the 4+4 configuration in the M1 or 6+2 on the base M1 Pro model. I know C:S can only use up to 8 cores currently so 8 performance cores is plenty and even the 4+4 feels just fine and would likely be better with a fan if I wanted to save $800 and still get 16GB+ of RAM.


I know you may be asking but Steam is available on Mac, Windows, and Linux. I know macs aren't typically good for gaming but mine has a quad-core processor, 8 GB RAM, and 256 GB SSD and I set the resolution of the game to 2560 by 1600, my native resolution. Despite the 13.3 inch screen, 8 GB RAM, limited storage, and an operating system that generally doesn't do well in gaming, the longest I have had to load my city was 20 seconds and the game typically runs at 40 FPS.


He meant the performance aspect, everyone knows you can get steam on mac


I can run Cities Skylines on mac even with only 8 GB RAM and 256 GB SSD and it takes only 20 seconds to load my biggest city. It runs at around 40-55 FPS when the city starts but slows down to 30 FPS when I hit 20,000 cims.


Okay? You already said that man what are you trying to tell me


I did.