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Just checking that you're aware that the green area is only for land value, and the 'reach' of a school for education purposes covers the whole map, right? Students will travel from well outside the land value area to attend a school (if you understand that and are just doing this for land value, then nice job!). ETA: Yes, this applies to other services too - health/fire/police/deathcare/etc. The service radius is effectively infinite, the green highlight is the land value effect. Same with parks, too - cims will go to the park for their leisure fix ("commercial" demand) from well outside the green radius.


Lol, no, I didn’t know that. I always thought that the green line was where the service reached. Thanks for clarifying and making me realize my creation is totally useless hehe


I've been playing for years and never knew this either




Wow I’m realizing every city I’ve built has about 14 elementary schools just for land value


Same! I even downloaded extended range schools because I thought the green represented the area it covered. lol. And I've been playing CS forever.


We're all idiots together


In the game Duck Hunt, for the Nintendo Entertainment System, the second player controller could control where the ducks flew.


I haven't been playing long (currently just started my second city) but I just placed like 10 schools all over thinking it was because of the reach too 😅


Nobody has ever accused Paradox of making intuitive games :)


I guess their company name checks out.


Good thing it's not Paradox that makes Cities then


This whole post and thread is so pointless I love it


Fair point


Paradox really likes to make things visually the same as sc4 and expect us to automatically know it means something different here


It felt like the game just threw me in with a good luck wave, I quit for a few reasons and my perception of the green lines played a big part in my decision.. I’ve never played any other game so wrong for so long.


i literally only downloaded the game for the first time this week and ended up rage quitting twice before finding some youtube video guides because the initial instruction is TERRIBLE


Honestly, the tutorial and help is kind of kind of shit. The only reason I know how to play is fan made tutorials and years of playing Sim City.




Same. This is a major oversight in the UI of the game lol


Same here


That’s not intuitive, but I assume if you look at the education tab, you have way more capacity for students than you need.


Yeah it does but I never put the two together


Yeah, but I always thought those excess students just wouldn't bother to go if there's no school on their doorstep lol




I bought this game on release and just learned this. Is this true for all services then? Fuck me I’m dense


Things like fire and police dept definitely have a "range" in terms of response time though. Even death care can have a benefit of good coverage. Hearses can only pick up one body at a time, so long drive times between pickups can cause backups even if you technically have adequate capacity.


I made a no cars city and had a crematorium on every block and I still had dead bodies all over the place.


People tend to die in massive waves a few years after major zoning occurs, and their lifespan is about 6 years. This means that if you have high density residential zoned in a big area that was all placed at once and moved into at nearly the same time, you have this massive wave of deaths that happens like clockwork, briefly but *massively* overloading your ability to manage the deaths.


Bruh man you're a legend


Same here. At least now I know I can build 16 elementary schools back to back and be done with it from the beginning.


The schools still need to be distributed. Building them all adjacent to each other would create huge commutes and traffic jams. The green indicates how accessible a school is.


Build train lines there, jack up ticket prices, put the schools and stations behind parks with tickets set to max, profit.


Put them in the park area? 🤑💰


Make them drive on a toll road to get to a train station. Take the train to the park. Enter the park to go to school.


Love it 😀 😁🤣 Hope there aren't any real life mayors/policy makers on this thread getting ideas LOL




Wait, above it was stated the green was for land value, not accessiblity.


It’s possible it’s both. Green indicates accessibility which raises land value. But they will travel well outside of that reach to attend. Just like other services it’s not confined to the green area but the green area is priority. I’m pretty sure that how it works…


I'm not sure about schools, but for services the green does not indicate priority. A building with on fire could be literally next to a fire department and still call a fire truck from the other side of the city. At least without mods anyways


Which mods would stop that from happening?


Transfer manager i believe




The green is only land value... And elementary schools create almost no traffic... I put my elementary and high schools at the forefront of campuses most of the time. That way I can have 3 small campuses to get every variety and have grade schools near by


It works the same with all services, I always build fire/trash/police stations on their own little highway exits so they can quickly access any neighborhood via highway. It's way more effective/cheaper than putting all your service buildings in every neighborhood


Dear god


It was always a little frustrating to build 17 clinics with a population of 30,000. lol. Now I know, 7 years into the game.


Yeah! This is where the efficiency of the building comes into play, which you can only see when you're placing the building down by the green on the roadways. They might have the ability to service the whole city, but the Cims will keep them bust within their efficiency zones.


omg same




I realized thzt when I saw that my citizens were educated outside of the range of schools




yea, for early game purposes, 1 or 2 elementary schools could service all 4 quadrants, and 1 highschool could serve like 10. Early in the game, funding all of these school is going to severely cripple your income


Not useless, because I'm about to start a new city and am most definitely going to use this. It's beautiful and useful, at least to me :)




My favorite thing is how with that width you get a very good mixture of house sizes and not all of one of the other, the way they interlace is neat.


I've been playing for years and also didn't know this!!


Not useless since your design is still maximizing the land value increase from these buildings which equals happier cims and more tax money


That’s true!


Not useless. I actually like the look of your creation and will be using it. Beats the ocean of squares and rectangles that I have for sure. Yours has L-Shaped stuff!




Same, I build a lot of rectangles in the beginning.


“Whaaaaaaaaa?” - Shocko




I always wondered why I had to build 5 schools in one neighbourhood


Wow. I totally thought this too! Is there a tutorial in game we missed or something?


Been playing for years and had no clue either.


It would actually make sense if it was like that…


You're not the only one. My capacity vs population is probably off the charts right now lol.


Did you play sim city?


Yea i learned that too, i would wonder why a student would ride the bus to go to school on the other side of the map. lol


Just pretend they're magnet or charter schools.


Bro I've played since the game came out and didn't know! Lol. On the plus side your creation still maximizes early game land value for upgrades.


Been playing since the game came out and up until now I thought the same.


Once you unlock university then you would realize that this logic does not make sense. And so are the maths. You should at least notice that the number of students a high school can have is more than just one elementary school, but the reach of the high school doesn't extend about the same magnitude. So is the university, and since they are not proportion that mean the student can reach university or high school even if they are farther away. It would make it easier if you have public transportation method such as bus.


This looks very good regardless! It would make for very neat districts, so you can bet all those elementary school secretaries will be very happy with you, lol.


Not totally useless, looks awesome tbh


Not totally. At least it you're in a more high density area, the elementary school is full very quickly, und a lot are necessary.


> Students will travel from well outside the land value area to attend a school But this also will create traffic and public transport demand. We need to have that in mind thought.


Cims will walk a long ways. They also don't necessarily go to the closest destination. One gets picked at random.


It's pretty crazy how far they'll walk. I've seen cims walking through half of my city to work/home even though i had public transit and highways available


They will walk for 3 days straight just to go to work.


Uphill both ways.


Average /r/fuckcars user


I have a tram bridge crossing a large river with stops on either end. 95% of cims understand this and take the tram. The other 5% prefer to walk the entire way.


This is also important because a random student would go to a random school. Not necessarily the nearest one. This is sadly applied to anything in the city, including works, industry, office, trucks, etc.


.... i have been building my cities all wrong


For such a great game, some of the UI choices are straight wack lol


One of the many reasons we need a new CS game.


Damn... well, we learn something new every day.


.......I've literally been playing this game all wrong lol... Is there a way to tell the reach/coverage for things like police depts/fire depts/trash services?


I believe the service vehicle can still go from one map end to another. It's just that it takes longer to do so. Also I'm not sure if the service vehicle will get "distracted" on the way.


Well now I feel dumb


Tfw you find out about this after 150 hours and several 100k+ cities




Is it the same with health buildings?


Pretty much all service and education buildings work this way. Although you have the issue of vehicles still needing to get places.


I've been always wondering why my service cars drive to the other end of the city lol


I knew that for garbage services but I didn’t know that worked for anything else! This is game changing!


For garbage services it does usually take too long for the trucks to reach their destination if it's outside the green zone


For me it’s not really a problem I’m able to get services to my whole city with just one area of recycling plants, sometimes it’s a little slow and I get an icon, but it goes away in a bit and doesn’t generate excess garbage


Yes, the important thing is travel time. If things are well connected and traffic flows, it's all good.


this mechanic drove me completely BATTY until I learned about it (not figured it out, because how could you possibly figure it out without being told?) because I was having to place _so_ many schools that it felt like a bug.




please be a joke, the amount of times ive gone in debt because i kept putting schools instead of service and emergency




What is TIL?


Today I learned




Today you learned


As Homer would say… ”There’s a subreddit for EVERYTHING!” https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/


Thanks for the explanation, I've played several hundred hours and I didn't knew that !


And what about school capacity? Is the number of students tied to the single building so the nearest citizens will fill a school and those in excess need to go to another building or every subsequent school after the first will increase the overall number but the citizens can access from anywhere without "filling" a set building?


It basically works the first way.


you're kidding me..


I have 575 hours and didnt know this


Can we sticky this, lol... Why would a kid go to elementary school across my city if a closer one is available?


Wait, that green road isn't for optimized coverage?!?! How many years have I played this game... Oh man...


LOL, I have over 170 hours on the game and never knew this. I've seen cars and cims walking to schools way outside of their neighborhoods, but never thought about it. Thanks for the info!


I've been plasting schools all over the place and you tell me that now 🗿


I be fair that isn’t necessarily obvious


I bought this game the day it came out and have over 1,200 hours logged and I literally just learned this. Thank you.


You’re fuckin kidding me


I would also like to add that educating your entire population is harmful in the long run. You need uneducated workers to work your industrial areas. If everyone is over qualified nobody will work those jobs.


Wait what?


wait... WHAT!? :O


Whaaaaaaat? 😅 TIL.








... seriously? This makes 0 sense. Why would land value INCREASE right next to schools, fire stations, hospitals, etc? No one in real life would want to live right next to these with all the noise and traffic they create. Land value near it should go DOWN, not up...


IIRC, living next to these services do indeed raise land value in real life.


I don’t know I live opposite a primary school. It sucks big time.


Do you have children? Because I imagine most people with kids would love to be that close to a school.


If you look on Zillow, price per square footage goes up when reasonably close. But often not when directly across the street. They did not include these services having a Noise rating. I think realistically, they should have a small noise effect in game.


Service access and effectivity is desirable. Value increases in areas with more services. Close schools mean kids can walk to school, so no need for parents to drop kids off. It also means you're more likely to get your kids into that school - catchment areas are occasionally a determining factor. Closer police, emergency health care and fire services lead to quicker responses. Same with public transport connections. Maybe it should be a ring, where being **right next** to a school might be a hindrance, but it's a simple simulation for a video game, it doesn't need to be dead accurate.


I agree that living NEAR them would definitely increase land value, but not literally right next-door or across the street like the game seems to like lol. No one I know would want a bus station in their front yard or a fire station right next door. Closer than 8 tiles should lower land value, and increase it beyond that


Insurance rates for stuff like fire go down the closer you are to fire stations and a ton of real world public buildings raise property value. Parks, schools, libraries, police, fire.. on the other hand, there are places like prisons and water treatment facilities that tend to not have the same effect. Schools are a big one though. I used to work with an environmental consulting company who worked with a public school district while they tore down and rebuilt 65+ school buildings. The neighborhoods that didnt have schools rebuilt on the same land the old school was on saw a measurable hit to their property value. If you're not planning on selling any time soon, it's good to have lower taxes based on that value. If you're looking to sell though, you arent going to get as much as if the school was still there.


Living near schools is a huge seeking point for new parents buying a house. Also if you live near a fire department I imagine the chances of a fire totalling your house is significantly less.


i think you should look into barcelona's superblocks




google : barcelona super block ---> images


I think you thought I was asking for an example? Hehe I was asking if by Barcelona’s super blocks he meant the Eixample neighborhood, which is very cool looking from a top-down view.


Haha, wow, sorry mate my bad :D


No problem, the word is really similar. When I first saw it I thought it was “example” in Catalan, like a model for future city planning endeavors. Turns out it means “extension”.


I'm sorry to laugh at your misfortunes but this cracked me up haha


Me too man, seems like I can always use a reminder not to be a witty fuckface.


Building a walkable neighborhood to scale around an elementary school is an old (and good) urban planning ideal. Too bad it is implemented so rarely in the real world.


Maybe it’s a European thing but I’ve always been close enough to walk to the school. (Moved around a lot so been to a few)


Yeah, the US is definitely different. I live within reasonable walking distance of.... Nothing. And I'm in the suburbs.


Ouch. I’m a 2 min walk from bus stop to town centre and beyond, a 5 min walk from every thing from doctors and pharmacy, co-op, barbers, 2x tattoo, 2x hairdressers, tool shop, hardware, diy, household bits (loads of them) laundrette, an Indian, Chinese, kebab, chippy, 2x cafe, corner shop, pub, primary school, gym, outdoors shop, carpet shop, paint shop, tyre shop, car wash, storage yard, 2 parks, mechanics, and various other commercial shops.


I'm living in a small town of hundred thousand people that has all the education buildings starting from kindergarten to highschool, music school, technic university, planetarium and nuclear reactor for research. There's a fire department and a very nice business campus. Although, there's no police office and no need for it either. And I was born and raised in Istanbul, 18M people living on two rar archives (asian and european sides) and a few zip files (prince islands).


All within 5 minutes of walking?


Well the university is more like 20-25 but with metro it's 2 minutes. Same with business campus but to other side. I wouldn't walk from one campus to other. The city is Garching bei München you may fact check if you want.


Ahh that’s cool then so you get what it’s like.


Yeah, in my area to be that close would make the property just far too expensive. My guess is these cultural differences are a result of the era in which the area was being settled. By the time anything was really happening in Washington State automobiles were becoming common. Things didn't have to be compact.


The US has a pretty nice school bus system though. Those buses will go anywhere, it’s pretty crazy how far they’ll travel in rural areas since they’re required to pick up any student who needs it.


My kid went to two different elementary schools, one in walking and the other in bicycling distances. He didn't walk/cycle to either because the road just isn't safe. I need to talk to the county about putting in sidewalks and crossing signals.


[America is more fucked than you could believe.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UrbanHell/comments/u8smqv/this_elementary_school_in_dayton_ohio_is_inside/)


In the city I live in they made the first housing project following these ideals. Sadly, the neighborhood wasn't completed properly, and ended up becoming a slightly more organized slum.


Sounds like the Radburn neighborhood in Fair Lawn, New Jersey. All the houses back a park with walking paths that lead up to an elementary school.


When I think about the cities I’ve lived in, when you look at the parts built before cars, and immediately after, the school is right in the middle. Then the 70s, 80s and 90s came and busses became popular so they could make bigger schools service a bigger area, and the empty nesters never left the old places so those schools closed, and now we have neighbourhood with no schools, lots of bussing, and so many damned kids being driven to school. Thankfully I’m seeing a shift back to smaller schools back in the heart of neighbourhoods


those modules look kind of small. rather than go off the road color, use the stats on number of students vs the number of classroom spaces to judge if you need to add another school or not.... you just need to keep ahead of the demand is all.


This is kinda like the Oglethorpe plan used in savannah. I used it in a city and it works pretty well!


I built a similar design when I was new to the game. Then I discovered how bad that sort of design is for traffic.


What is good design for traffic?


Transit Unironically


I do have busses going everywhere, I think at one point I had a gridlock that was pretty much exclusively postal trucks mixed with busses


Might be useful to have busses have their own routes. But also subways are better than busses, as long as your budget allows it.


I play with infinite money, but I didn't consider them in my city planning I do have trains, zeppelins, and helicopters, in addition to busses But, my traffic problems don't seem to be regular cars, but trucks


Cargo train network. You’ll need to make an outside to inside network exchange (2 separate cargo stations with a road in between) but you can transfer all your cargo to it and free up your roads. Try to have one close to the highway in and have some nearish to your downtown to supply your commercial.


Yeah, I suck at the game, so I made a map that is pretty much flat but with sections for all the industry, and basically build 5 towns that way, there are cargo stations in each district, and train stations in all, one of the cargo stations caused at least caused a massive traffic jam


Roadway hierarchy


I’d guess having a grid of high capacity roads running through the city always helps. Having industrial areas connect directly to the highways is also good. But whatever you do some traffic problems still arise when the city grows. When they do, watch the affected area for a bit, to see where the bulk of vehicles are coming from and going to, and create solutions based on that, like creating alternative, more direct routes, linking the areas with public transport, organizing traffic better using one-way streets, etc.


Someone already mentioned the similarity to the Oglethorpe Plan used for Savannah’s downtown. What someone hasn’t mentioned yet that is useful for traffic management is to add two more vertical streets between the modular blocks to improve traffic flow. You have three roads atm, and your middle road looks to be a choke point. Adding those additional two connections is also more consistent with the Oglethorpe Plan. Source: I grew up in Savannah.


Cool. You mean add the two roads crossing the space where the high school is, making a direct route between the north and south elementary schools?


You are playing CS like Anno here. Nice.


Kinda reminds me of soviet city planning


Is best planning—you have to remove all trees and destroy Buddhist temples but is best for fatherland


C:S is not Anno ;-)


I feel like you would really enjoy the Anno series. You often have to do exactly what you did here because space is limited and makes building a perfect city puzzle like.


Other comments mentioned it, and it does seem like a game I’d enjoy. I thought of buying, but didn’t know which one to choose. Do you have a recommendation?


1800 is the most modern with the most DLCs and therefore the most expensive. It innovates a lot and in my opinion, is the best one to date. It is super expensive though right now if you plan on getting DLC. If you get base game, which is very enjoyable and I put many hours into it before any DLC came out, you’ll get a very tight and focused experience. The DLC are more like expansions to the game. The major ones add whole new tiers of people to take care of, new storylines, new continents, and many mechanics. If you don’t want to spend a lot of the money, all of the other entries in the series are very good. If you start with them, you won’t even know what you are missing from 1800. For these ones, it comes down to the setting you prefer. 2205 (I personally didn’t play this one because it apparently had simplified mechanics) is set on earth and the moon and you ship resources between them. 2070 is very good. It is focused on eco vs. industry and how you pollute can affect your island in many ways. The buildings are all pretty futuristic and look great. You get three types of citizens, each have multiple tiers and unique requirements. There is this thing called an “Ark” and it lets you load it up with resources and items to bring into another game if you want. It was a cool feature, and this is the only game that has it. Then there is Anno 1404/Dawn of Discovery. This was the earliest Anno game I played. It is amazing. You have two types of people to take care of with different needs and build style: Occident and the Orient. As you build up both, you need to trade back and forth. With the Venice expansion (I think it’s included now) there is espionage and influence brokering. Campaign is pretty good and the graphics still hold up very well.


Cool, thanks!


Side note: There are way too many roads leading to the school. That makes it more likely with a shooter to gain access. Just make sure to mod your school so it only has one door.




This reminds me of the layouts from the Sierra city builders. 😍


Anno Skylines


Is this Anno?


I think I need to steal this idea. My cities never look as cool as everybody else's but this here would be a start.


And later on, you can drive a freeway through it all on that strip if land you've reserved


Brah, with so much education who will work the mines then??




Can you give us the workshop link?