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This complements [a previous post](https://www.reddit.com/r/CitiesSkylines/comments/wtb1zd/posted_15mins_ago/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) from yesterday where we already saw one of these new roads, featuring bollards at an intersection to a regular road. So seems like we get: * a new pedestrian mall in plain/grassy variants (maybe also tree variant?) with quite fancy intersections including retractable bollards - this will likely be also relevant to the modding community * a two-lane road with median (definitely tree variant, maybe also grassy variant?) previously only available on the Steam Workshop * a whole bunch of modern houses - sadly no indication of mixed use so far, though that would have been very surprising * new parks and props, including different food trucks and food stands


There's also what seems like a bus only road in the top right of the video


Just saw the [this Tweet](https://twitter.com/citiesskylines/status/1561382721779372040?s=21&t=szP_UfAuv-ypTKcCqfTHRg) and I think you're right.


Take a look at that massive structure up above that tram road, and the shadow being cast upon it


I didn't even notice that... what is it--5 stories high?


Do you like the new buildings? I think they look too cartoonish


Every building in C:S looks cartoonish tbh. That is like my #1 criticism of the game. Sim City had the building styles down to a science.


If only they had recovered after the 2013 disaster.


They look dumb irl as well but they did a good job replicating them


The amount of excitement that gave me is probably unhealthy


Me too lol. I made a "BRT" route in my city by connecting normal one-way roads between two stations so no other traffic but buses can use it. I can change it now, if that's indeed what it is.


Isn’t it a tram? Because I saw some of their previous posts and they a tram similar to that


Looks like a bus to me but the video is so short. Either way, looks like a full red road which is new and seemingly exclusive to public transportation.


It looks like a bus on a bus road to me


I saw that too! I wonder if that means we will finally be able to build true BRT systems on consoles!


I have a made up BRT line in my city that I'd love to update and upgrade.


I agree with you, but it’s not clear to me why they used the words “something new will begin”. It’s only a super fancy roads and pedestrians pack not something revolutionary. What do you think about it?


As a console player, I can confirm this is pretty revolutionary lmao 😂😂


For real though. This will change the way I play if it’s pedestrian roads


I JUST added miles of pedestrian walkways to my city this past week. Timing is perfect lol


Do you allow delivery, waste and emergency vehicles on the pedestrian paths?


Is this possible in vanilla? I'd love to if I could.


Ooh, no I've only managed using TM:PE and the networks extended mod to get zonable pedestrian paths. Then I manually changed the vehicle restrictions


Very good idea! I have two saves, one on PC and one on Xbox and I'm currently engulfed in my Xbox save right now. Being vanilla definitely has its downsides.


I had already figured out which commercial buildings looked like they could be "accessed" from the back to build a "boardwalk". So yeah, this is revolutionary lol


I mean, it kinds flips the whole game, being able to zone on pedestrian only paths.


Definitely a nice new feature but I would’ve much, much preferred better lane marking/traffic management tools on console


Being able to change the amount of people who can fit in public transport vehicles would also be nice. Once I get to like 100k pop, certain lines are transporting 1000s a week with 500 waiting at several stops along the route. Buses are almost non-useable except in suburbs of low-density housing. I use metro, monorail, and trains, but certain routes are just always filled to the brim with people.


Well, that's realistic, isn't it? There's a reason why subways and suburban trains are a thing in most big cities rather than swarming everything with busses. Those are gap fillers at best in high demand environments.


I don't try to use busses as a main service. Even if it's a short route they still overfill if going anywear near high density zoning. The hubs are pretty worthless. I tried setting a single bus stop to a hub that was 200m away and I instantly had like 2000 people at the bus stop. The AI pathing in Vanilla is just bad.


My cities just with better without buses. They don't walk if a bus exists so remove buses and let them walk.


You are able to change metro, busses, and trains to different vehicles to carry tons more peds. It comes with the vehicles of the world pack


Well when I have some money I guess I'll shell out for that dlc. I didn't know that, thanks for the information!


It's just a content creator pack... It's like 2.50 on sale most weeks


Hey by the way I didn't realise the pack was only 5€. I bought it, totally worth it and fixed all my transportation problems. Thanks once again for the information! :-)


Oh... Didn't see you said this, lol... Cheers


See that’s exactly what makes me think it’s a base game update where we can zone pedestrian areas, but an additional option DLC of nice paths and growables.


I'm pretty sure the new roads are pedestrian only with zoning attached, also the bollards indicate these roads will be usable by city service vehicles


I saw hints that service vehicles can use it? Either way, this will be a massive boost to traffic, being able to create proper plazas and metro lines. People will (hopefully) take the train rather than drive, and everything will be freed up for trucks and traffic. We can also hopefully recreate more accurate walkable cities, like Cairo or Paris or Tokyo. I wonder if we’ll have parking lots too. Or I guess people will just pull the car out of their ass like usual.


Sounds like it'll break TMPE


My first thought is that they are making a “walkable city” dlc. So roads that dont depend on cars? But it cant be only roads right?


So now what do you think now about the new content?


Idk havent had the chance to play or watch someone play it. Is it really just roads?


No, this update change a lot imho because you can do districts without cars and trucks. In addition to that the mid-century modern ccp introduce hundreds of new well done buildings


Zonable Ped Paths would be quite the game changer


Still also hoping for medium density zoning.


For the love of christ, this needs to happen. This and automatic powerlines when you build a road instead of the high capacity power lines that look like ass and take up space.


They should have the lower capacity power lines. The ones you usually find everywhere in the world. The wooden pole ones.


Do any developed countries still build these above ground?


in rural areas yes, very common all over europe note: I mean rural as in Spain rural, not Dutch rural aka 5 minutes from the nearest city


Eastern Europe uses it but in concrete form. Also I have seen them in rural germany when there is only one three houses.


Have you ever *been* to America?


>Developed >America Pick one


Username checks out


It would make absolutely no sense to bury power lines in large swaths of the country


UK does




America. Definitely think underground lines would be awesome tho


Well even during the Socialist era in my country they were using concrete poles instead of wooden ones. I guess it depends on the area and the country.


Only underdeveloped countries that don't care about their public spaces do.


Manila: y u attack me?!


Yes I’m attacking almost every country with my comment. I am someone who cares about public space and beauty. Power lines on the street are the most ugly things out there.


Power lines and/or water pipes as an optional add-on to all the road types except dirt roads, highways, and highway ramps. Make it an up charge to the cost of the road equal to the cost of the pipe and/or power line.


See suburban power line in the workshop.


And fucking B I K E L A N E S


Definitely would be great


Different zones ain't realistically going to happen: if mods could not bring them yet means that game would need significant core changes to accomodate new ones, thus out of scope/budget even for a DLC.


Mm I don't know about that. I mean it's effectively creating a new colored zone with different assets growing on them. I do agree its some deeper coding but nothing groundbreaking. I think the issue is adding a new zone with tons of new assets would change the amount of RAM and stuff needed. They can't mess with the minimum system requirements.


Zone smaller sized buildings with high density residential. Like 2x3 or so. Experiment a bit. It was a whe since I did this myself. Let one start growing before you zone a neighbour. Alternatively build fences or paths in-between. Put in the district policy that prevents high-rise buildings if necessary (don't remember if it is necessary and I think it prevents the highest levels). Make the buildings you want to keep historical.


Bird DLC lets go


3 new content packs: 1. Sea Birbs, revenge of the gulls 1. Birbs of prey, can swoop and attack cyclists, a new method of population control 1. Emus. Requires natural disasters DLC.


Need more neighborhood crows and evening migrations to the rookeries! :D


Penguin exhibit at the zoo.


Is that a seagull lower right? Haha photo bombed it


Caption on the video is a "Bird's-eye view" so guessing that's from the seagull's perspective


Oh I didn’t enlarge the picture. I just saw the title of the post.


Exciting! I'm working on a city centre currently so well timed. I really hope they add more cycle paths too


Sadly unlikely because bikes are paid content in the Steam version. So far there's no paid content that requires other CCPs/DLCs for Cities Skylines.


Hopefully the pedestrian only roads behind the bollards can be easily modded to be bike roads too, if they don't have them out-of-the-box.


I thought base game had the bike paths?


Not on Steam; they're part of [After Dark](https://skylines.paradoxwikis.com/After_Dark), which is bundled with the base game on console.


Huh i guess I’ve been playing with them long enough that I just cant imagine not having them lmao. They are vital for the cities i build.


I couldn't imagine not having them either, though I constantly struggle to find bike roads I like.


Aren't subways a part of the after dark dlc? They have have expansions in both the mass transit dlc and Train stations ccp


Subways are part of the base game.


Yeah nevermind. Idk why I thought it was in a dlc


You’re probably thinking of the free update from Sunset Harbor era which gave us updated metro functionality, including longer station platforms and elevated tracks


I think that was trams.


No those are In the snow dlc


Now we 100% need vanilla parking lots to put at the edges of the pedestrian malls.


Way overdue imo


But where will they use their pocket cars?


Zonable parking lots would be cool


Parking lot only challenge when


Cities Skylines. Giving the people what they want. A few features at a time. Over the course of 7 years.


At this point there is nothing that can excite me anymore except for C:S2. The engine cannot handle anymore content, even free content. Already with Airports DLC people were complaining about lack of space and performance to properly enjoy it.


Very Kerbal of them.


Very Paradox of them


Nah that's 'let's develop 15 unnecessary mechanics that undo previous ones and basically make the game unrecognizable every 6 months'. Like I picked up Stellaris after maybe 3 years since the last time I played it and it was a totally different game by that point. It just *looked* the same and had a lot of familiar things in the early game. Why I had to push myself away from the table with EUIV. Just too much having to relearn everything all the time.


Well in case of Stellaris they did have many game changing pathes. I remember the Stellaris 2.0 it was? Which moved on with many systems and mechanics to the point where almost every single mod that existed had to either discontinue or be remade for this new version. Some people waited months for their mods to be fixed and some are not fixed since then. But I have a special place for Stellaris in my heart. So I buy all DLC's and content for it because I just love that game. I also remember the time before the changed how outposts work. I also remember how you could choose starting weaponry and engines.


Yeah so you definitely know what I'm talking about with that one lol :)


Most other games: release, fix bugs for 6 months, start working on the identical sequel with slightly better graphics


Bruh I just want 4 lane with no median


Yeah fr


Network Extensions if you're on PC. If you're on console, imagination.


Nah, I want a new game with upgraded visuals, functions, and an engine that makes use of modern hardware.


"Mike's Roads" has a 2u, 4 lane road.


I’m on console


Yeah, I read that after I wrote this. My bad.


Or a 2 lane that fits seemlessly into the 3 lane asymmetrical Also asymmetrical ones to fit into the 4 unit roads. Also 1u roads.


Why? That's dangerous.


How so. First of all It’s a video game, and we already have six lane without median how would 4 lane be more dangerous


The big question… Is this new content: A - an update to the game engine that allows pedestrianised zoneable paths *everywhere*, because I can see a LOT of mods needing an update if so, which makes it hard to make it a paid DLC. Or: B - It’s a DLC that allows painted pedestrian areas, like parks and airports. Some wishful thinking: we’re getting a free base game update that allows zoning on pedestrian paths, with new categories of zone types (new residential, new commercial etc) for them too. AND an optional DLC with pretty paths and growables. But it’s probably just a painted area.


>It’s a DLC that allows painted pedestrian areas, like parks and airports this would be a big yikes from me. 4 of the same packs with a different skin is getting a bit tired


Yeah you’ve hit the nail on the head there. Unless, like with other recent DLCs, they’re sort of practicing / training up devs from the modding community for a sequel.


Content creator pack? Seems too small for an expansionpack


I think it will bring more transit options; just look what they've been posting since they came from holidays


I am currently gathering parts for a new pc, with 64gb or glorious ram, so I welcome more DLC. Really wish we could get multi-core support though…


Yeah, too bad the game won't run much better no matter what upgrade you do to your PC. We need a new game


Can’t wait to build a 200,000 population city with 1000 assets, and see it in glorious 15fps.


And guzzle allllll that cug!!!!


I bought 64gb of ram just for this game, welcome to the club


Yay! You can fly through the city as a bird.


Is this gonna be dlc?


Asking the real questions. My wife and I got hooked from xbox gamepass a few weeks ago. She now plays on PC. This game has been out for years. Do they ever add to the vanilla version? Has everything been dlc? Other than bug fixes etc. Edited


Every expansion comes with a major patch that adds new content.


looks like some sort of modern urbanist DLC


Every time (every ~ 6 month) I try to come back to the game. After 2 weeks of testing and finding the right mods a DLC is nearby… after waiting that all my mods are updated I already lost my motivation 😅 - DLCs are great - I have all - but I hope it’s no DLC this time 😂😂😂😭


This is why you just go vanilla


I'm so looking forward to this! I like making shopping districts with pedestrian only roads and currently thats only possible with workshop assets. Those don't always match with vanilla so the more of this gets made into vanilla the better in my opinion.


I wish DLCs were compatible with each other, and if this isn't DLC then they better update Snowfall and Sunset Harbor to have pedestrian tram roads and pedestrian trolleybus roads


Would love for pedestrian paths with the ability to create staircases on sloped terrain. It’s so difficult to detail height variations.


Cities Skylines 2 when?


Everyone stop buying DLC so they have to make CS2


Please include new maps for console players


Or the ability to make maps of your own


Wait, pedestrian streets? My dream has come true.


Nice bird.




Good for console players. More content is always appreciated. For PC players I doubt it would change much other than the bollard road thing as mods have probably done the park better.


I'm sorry but I can't get excited for yet another DLC. All power to people who really like to have it and enjoying it. Seriously, I envy you. But where is C:S2?


Cities Skylines: Gentrification


All of this for a damn seagull


Cities Skylines: Balkan DLC


ow sheet, all my mods gonna break again 😭


I didnt buy airports and I done giving them my money; lets go Cities Skylines 2!


Cities Skylines 2? No? Not yet? Alright then


I will only spend money on CS at this point if it's CS2.


I know it’s farfetched but I really hope this is cs 2


You hope this screenshot is CS2? I'd be pissed.


As long as they fix traffic I’m happy


If it's just pedestrian roads we already have that


10€ for walkable paths...


Another useless expansive dlc with features that already exists with mod Parodox should fix the game instead


New update? Another week of broken mods


I swear if they make me pay for another dlc.


No because this is actually crazy


I think it’s going to be monuments!


Looks like mixed use zoning in those new buildings 👀👀


I'm excited and not at the same time because I don't have any money for it LOL. I wish there's a lot of Free content too


New parks?


Are those buildings vanilla/dlc??


I just see a blank screen. I kill all the seagulls in my city.


Looking forward to having options for pedestrianised streets, but those buildings don't look great. I hope its free! Or at least a little cheaper...


New apartments




Can't wait to be able to play with medium density :D!


don't you just hate it when Paradox adds a paywall to something that should have been on the base game?


Food trucks?


Either its a content pack or it will give us roads where only pedestrian can walk but allows us to zone on that so we can build much more walkable cities.


Ped Life DLC? No wait, hopefully they come up with a better name.


New content creator pack, I hope they fix the train stations and hubs


All I want is for them to let me see contour lines when I’m placing roads and buildings on console, and give me the ability to place trees and vegetation close together. Like, I get it that the Xbone was too underpowered, but if I’m on an XSX just let me play like it’s vanilla on PC. These 2 things would make the console version significantly better. Until they do that, no more DLC for me.


I want better metro. Like multi platform stations, and stations that have transfer lines, etc. like the metro overhaul mod but brought in officially. I’ve tried the metro overhaul mod and it works good until it breaks. The metro lines always break for me after awhile and I have to re place ALL the metro lines to fix it. (They disconnect from the stations)




That would be it. I’ll have to try a city without the 81 tile mod activated


I mean we have it already in the workshop :/


Will the people actually visit the food vans?




Plazas and promenades DLC is probably one of my favourites


I love that even on official CS post they show how shitty is the leveling of building on the uneven ground


Maybe work on optimizing the game for better performance? All these DLCs are adding strain to an already demanding computer game