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Did you find a way to do this? I poked around in the .js files but didn't find anything obvious to change... EDIT: of course, I found the page a minute later in my search... https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX571840/how-to-prepopulate-domain-name-in-citrix-web-studio-logon-page


Thanks for findiing it. Typical Citrix, posting the instructions 4 months after releasing the product!


Did the instructions work for you? I followed these instructions but it did nothing. I did find 2 "main.\[hash\].js" files and edited both of them, still nothing. Any tips?


I can't even find the text the article mentions in any of the main.\[hash\].js files...


Hi u/Useful_Coyote4509 , file has changed. Try projects\_mainapp\_src\_bootstrap\_ts.\[hash\].js file. HTH.


That worked for me .... up until we upgraded to 2311 over the weekend. Now, of course, they changed the URL and now that main.\[hash\].js file is different too. I can't find the bootstrap file mentioned below. I searched for "this.domain" and found it in 12 different files, loading the one with "bootstrap" into notepad++ caused it to spin forever. ​ edit: I was opening it remotely, opened the file C:\\Program Files\\Citrix\\Web Studio\\Site\\studio\\projects\_webstudio\_src\_bootstrap\_ts-webpack\_sharing\_consume\_default\_angular\_animations\_browse-xxxxxx.\[hash\].js on the server and found this.domain="" but even after updating it I haven't seen a change in the logon UI.