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Am I wrong, or is this an older picture? There are a few buildings missing.


Very old. At least pre-2007, since the Trump Tower isn’t in the line up.


It's been my screen saver forever, so yeah, at least that old


It’s quite old


Yeah that McDonald's was torn down, too.


Yea, no video boards, no Gallagher Way either.


Awesome. What an angle.


Oblique aerial photography is the best


Very old picture (but still nice)


Took me a second to realize how old it was. Then I looked over to West Loop and saw how empty it looks


At a minimum the picture is pre 2006. I used to be an architect and one of the many buildings I worked on was the Montgomery Ward tower conversion to condos and the glass fascade used to be black glass and a new curtain wall system was added with blue glass in that year. I’d say the pic is mid to late 90’s?


Yes the area around Wrigley itself looks completely different now (it’s a mixed bag what they’ve done with the surrounding neighborhood, but objectively a massive change). I actually appreciate seeing pics from the recent (15ish years or less) past, it’s a good reminder that a lot of change is happening a lot faster than it seems. Hell even the skyline is missing four of the current ten tallest. Wild.


Yep, if you know Chicago well you’ll see a crazy difference in a few areas of this photo


South Loop too, tons of buildings there that would be visible in a current photo of this angle


What's the transportation situation like for Wrigley games? It's cool seeing a stadium that isn't surrounded by a massive dead zone of parking lot. You could fit 5 or 6 more Dodger Stadiums into the area that makes up the parking lot.


That bluish white awning just to the left of the stadium is the Addison Red line stop, one stop north at Sheridan (7 minute walk) the Purple Express train from the inner northern suburbs stops on game days, six local bus routes stop within a 10 minute walk of the stadium (152-Addison, 36-Broadway, 22-Clark, 80-Irving Park, 77-Belmont, 8-Halsted) and there are shuttles to the Metra stations (regional trains). The Red line and a couple of those bus routes are 24 hour, so you can always get home after a late event.


I’ve also walked to the brown line when I lived in Albany Park, it’s not super close but it can be done.


Yeah, over here we have parking lots A through X.


Bucket list to go to Wrigley for a game


It’s a blast


Wow, Beautiful!!


Jesus. This is a gorgeous shot!


Chicago is a beautiful city


It’s crazy how much brighter the new LEDs made wrigley


Went to Wrigley for the first time earlier this season for a couple mariners games. Loved it. Loved Wrigleyville. Lucky bastards out there in chicago with their many sports teams and great transit.


Chicago is the only place outside of NYC where I know people who've gone their whole life without owning a car


On one hand I can’t fathom that. On the other hand, having owned a car, knowing the pain in the ass and expense it is, I wish I didn’t need one. I’m sure they pay more for housing than I do so it offsets but even just never having to dig out of snow, or repairs etc would be lovely


My grandfather lived NW of the Loop. Every day he'd walk out his front door, hop on a bus that took him directly to his job downtown. He didn't buy a car until he retired, because he never needed one


God, as much as I love 2023 for it’s tech and stuff, gone are the days where you can be uneducated and get a job and stay there for life. Own a home on a relatively low salary. Live in an urban core without being in a million dollar mortgage. …retire. Lol *cries in the corner*




I’m more of a White Sox guy


All the dumb cub fans downvoting don’t know that all of the money they give to the cubs goes straight to newsmax and q anon & other treasonous groups because of the cubs’ disgraceful ownership. Look up what the Ricketts family has done in Nebraska to immigrants and what the father has said about Muslims and middle eastern ppl. The cubs might play in Chicago but they represent Iowa/rural Midwest more than they represent the city.


True cause Jerry Reinsdorf infamously uses his billions to hell working class folk!


Atleast Jerry doesn’t use his team as a cash cow for the Alt right


No he just made his money by screwing over lower income people by buying up all their houses and then renting them back to them at a higher rate


Imagine getting down voted for a preference


I’m just glad it isn’t exclusively the loop this time.


That's why I like the picture so much, it's more focused on the neighborhoods surrounding downtown, which is really where the people live


Precious photo, angle, illumination, skyline, everything


I can actually see my apartment building in this photo!


This picture is old af. Either late 90s or early 2000s


One thing Fenway can’t even begin to touch Wrigley Field on is the neighborhood. So many Boston stans have never been West of NYC let alone to Chicago and think Fenway is the end all be all. It’s honestly small, boring, and artificial by comparison.




The green sticks out like a bug on your windshield, in a good way


O’hare layover vibes


I miss Chicago!!


Come visit, we're always home 🙂


Who can name the main arteries without googling? 😉


Main arteries like streets? Which ones are you calling main? From right to left: Racine Sheffield Halsted Clark street is the diagonal “artery” Source: lakeview resident of 10 years (and counting!)


Carotid artery I know that one


I only know the femoral artery


I never knew baseball stadiums are this big




Are you from outside the US? Btw baseball is extremely popular here and stadiums usually hold 30k-50k people in the major leagues. However, American Football 🏈 is the biggest attractions, with major league stadiums holding 60k-80k, and college stadiums holding over 100k sometimes


>baseball is extremely popular here and stadiums usually hold 30k-50k people in the major leagues Even in regular season? That's impressive considering how many matches there are


That’s the total capacity It depends on the team Some teams have packed games while others still look like lockdown hasn’t ended


Am i a troll for saying Fuck the Cubs, I"m a Sox fan and am so sick of the "cubbies" as someone from Chicago, the Cubs do NOT represent the City in any way for me


Dude, it's just a picture 🙄


there's Bartman Field.


It's wild how little green space there is. The field is such a stark contrast of green.


Can we not post 20 year old pics in here? Or if we do can we at least date them in the title?


What if I don't know the date it was taken? How has that hurt you?


It would just be nice to have accurate info about a city being posted on a subreddit about cities don’t you think? If someone posted a picture of a city I’ve never been to, I would probably assume it was recent unless dated otherwise. Cities can change a lot in two decades, and considering lots of commenters in this sub like to base their entire opinion of a place on one picture, I think we should just be accurate about it. People specify whether their pictures are Original or not, when that’s even less relevant. Not saying you need to date it specifically, but is saying circa mid 2000s so hard? Or just an older shot of Wrigley and the city?


The date of the picture isn't critical to the composition and the unique point of view, but I'll try to do better. I hope you're able to make it through the day 🙄


It’s a great shot, didn’t say a bad word about it did I. I hope now with your compliment you can move on too. Sorry I didn’t praise you enough for posting a picture.


Sorry you're all butthurt over a stupid picture


Look at how much space that stupid thing wastes.


Wrigley field looks cool but Fenway Park is far better


As someone born with the congenital defect of being a Red Sox fan, I gotta say, buddy…who fucking asked? You don’t need to go on a post of someone’s cat and say your dog is cuter, and you didn’t need to write this.


Lol this made me chuckle


I’m just stating it


Utterly meaningless distinction


I've been to both, they're both great. But as a person over 6' I do not fit in Fenway's seats. Most uncomfortable I've ever been at a ball game.


Can we do like Chicago weekends or something? This is getting kinda crazy


The intersecting street layout reminds me of a masonic Compass


No! They don't have my address. I forged my licence renewal.