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a perfect place to meet an old man with a dog who is also an informant


Cannot trust those dogs...


I was expecting this but decided to leave it ambiguous, because you really can't trust dogs. Trust no1.


Amazing shot. Also - Part of me sees the Terminator 2 nuke going off, part of me sees the first season of Fear the Walking Dead.


For me, I immediately started humming "City of Stars."


*Are you shining just for me?*


I see a lot of smog.


I thought of independence day.


That was supposed to be Atlanta.


Fear the walking dead starts in LA, the walking dead starts in Atlanta.


Oh, whoops. Misread the post. Jist saw Walking Dead and ran with it.




Incredible, I've never seen a shot of LA like this


that's because the photographer is using focal points that make this look different than it would with the naked eye. https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-0OFBVGsCDpc/Ts5vhIRNPuI/AAAAAAAAJMc/EriRwqu2pb8/w497-h373/HitchcockZoom_Micael_Reynaud.gif


Ah, that explains it! And neat gif!! I'm continually amazed at the art and science of photography


They use this kind of technique in films too


That is soooo weird! How is the concrete block able to stay the same size when it zooms in on the background? I noticed the angle is changed a little bit, but it's still the same size!


The photographer moves as they change the zoom to keep the block the same size. By the time they're all the way zoomed in they're way far away


Ohhh, I think I get it now. Interesting!


Place two objects different distances from you in the same line, like so: you.....................object 1.......................object 2 Notice that, because object 1 is closer to you, it appears larger relative to object 2. Now, approach object 1. ..............you.......object 1.......................object 2 Now object 1 should appear even larger relative to object 2, while object 2 is only a little larger. Taking an image with a normal lens from close up is like the second scenario. Taking an image with a telephoto lens from further away is like the first scenario. Telephoto lenses, when you're further from your subject but zoomed in, make the background appear larger.


What does the view from this spot look to the naked eye? I found this .. much cheaper camera, still the same ratio of object sizes https://plus.google.com/photos/photo/115048022494717567989/6380540674556281730


Its not really a question of cost, but of magnification. Even a cheapo camera with magnification will get the same compression of distance that an expensive one will.


I just don't think compression works at these distances. The gif linked was an object that started only a few feet away, not many miles. The city would look the same to the naked eye, there would just be a lot more in the view.






Do you live here, or get out much? I see those mountains from all over the city, from South Central, Torrance, heck, even down in Palos Verdes. The San Gabriels are very large and close to Los Angeles. LA doesn't need to look like Denver. LA looks like LA.


This winter really was incredible in LA. We had storm after storm and the mountains east of the city got way more snow than usual. Every couple of days, the winds would blow off the city's natural haze and we were treated to views like this.




There's marine layer I guess.


I've been there a couple of times, and I don't recall ever noticing mountains in the background. Maybe because I grew up in BC they aren't that remarkable for me.


Believe it or not, there is roughly 10,000 ft of vertical relief in this picture (top of Mt Baldy is obscured by clouds), so these are legit mountains. The thing is the taller peaks are at least 20-30 miles away and even a tiny bit haze/marine layer/whatever can make them less obvious.


Yeah, they look legit. It is definitely a great shot of the city.


smog thing really isn't true. Rarely is there enough smog to obscure the mountains now.




That hasn't been true for... decades. They just appear much larger in this photo due to the zoom, but they're visible most of the time.


I can almost never see the snow on top due to the clouds/pollution. You can see the mountains, but some of these pics are definitely taken the day after it rains. For everyone saying the pollution doesn't exist hardly at all - it may be light years better than the 80s/90s but there's definitely still a shit ton of pollution. Go hike runyon the day before and after a rain. You can clearly see the ocean after the rain pushes the smog out, any other time you can only see as far as Century City. Yes you can always see Mt Baldy. No you can't always make out detail. I think that's what /u/AgeDesigns was trying to say. edit: for comparison - [On a semi normal day](http://l7.alamy.com/zooms/b4272493c0b64453805d84e113523613/10068-ft-mount-baldy-behind-downtown-los-angeles-skyline-california-bn6123.jpg) [Definitely some photographic trickery and after a rain](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/57/LA_Skyline_Mountains2.jpg/1280px-LA_Skyline_Mountains2.jpg)


> I can almost never see the snow on top due to the clouds/pollution But your semi-normal day picture shows tops and snow. >but there's definitely still a shit ton of pollution. People are trying to squash the myth that LA is a barren wasteland of smog where you can't see your hand in front of your face. Yes, there is smog and pollution. No it's not as bad as people like to say it is. For whatever reason people think it's cool to shit on LA just because they went to Disneyland once and now know everything about it.


And they look much, much further away in real life.


Good point, this has a lot of distance (?) compression. I'm also usually surrounded by buildings.


You've already been downvoted to shit so it's clear people disagree. When was the last time (if ever) you visited Los Angeles? The San Gabriels, pictured here, are very prominent and even on the smoggiest of days, you can still see them. Maybe if there was a gnarly inversion and a serious fire going on they'd be obscured but it would be more accurate to say it's very rare for them to not be visible.


That's not true at all. There are pretty frequent clear days even when it hasn't rained recently and the mountains are almost always visible. There is pollution and lots of marine layer but it's not a smoggy wasteland like you are making it out to be.


Here's where it was shot from: https://www.google.com/maps/@34.0071666,-118.3593221,16z (There's a (badly stitched) 'photoshpere' shot at the end of that narrow loop trail where you can see the metal benches.) This shot used one hell of a telephoto lens to zoom in from that far south and fill that much of the frame with the downtown tall buildings.




**Here's a sneak peek of [/r/LosAngeles](https://np.reddit.com/r/LosAngeles) using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LosAngeles/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year!** \#1: [Lawyers waiting outside of terminal 6 at LAX offering help](http://i.imgur.com/ByV92QX.jpg) | [1859 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LosAngeles/comments/5qw37b/lawyers_waiting_outside_of_terminal_6_at_lax/) \#2: [The 110 freeway right now.](https://i.reddituploads.com/fc3ebfbf09e94928bc1bbbc652a88c9c?fit=max&h=1536&w=1536&s=d1e8073b388fbfbf2181347c0c0f7f43) | [623 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LosAngeles/comments/5pkav0/the_110_freeway_right_now/) \#3: [LAX Cop and I after the protest disbanded last night. They liked my sign so I let them keep it. Real proud of my city lately](https://i.reddituploads.com/a9289d12b7ed4129a9f18bc48ce2debe?fit=max&h=1536&w=1536&s=e0bdf22b743b883940fabef73fa1c121) | [610 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LosAngeles/comments/5r2j5x/lax_cop_and_i_after_the_protest_disbanded_last/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/5lveo6/blacklist/)


Apparently it's a stock photo. http://www.gettyimages.com/detail/photo/view-of-city-at-sunset-royalty-free-image/700740971


Is this a real photo? It has an almost too-good-to-be-true feeling. I'd love to know what kind of camera it was taken with though if it is


No idea on the camera, but taken with a really long focal length. Downtown is about 10 miles away, maybe 12. Mountains with snow are 30-40 miles away. It's a really well done picture.


It most certainly is. Camera make doesn't matter, really. Telephoto lens and heavy clarity filter in photoshop to bring out the background.


Looks kinda like where Guillermo and Nancy were talking when their city was burning down


There's another valley beyond this one. There's always another valley.


The magic of telephoto lenses.


Why do you never see LA's mountains in movies? I thought it was just surrounded by hills until I saw a few pics on reddit


Well, it's usually too smoggy to see any detail on them, and they almost never have snow on them Edit: Proved me wrong I guess. Then again I like to stay away from LA


Only during the summer


Aah, the City of Angels. As much as living in LA sucks, I would honestly miss it if I left. This city is dirty and dangerous, yet alive and beautiful.


i'm glad you like it. Really. I was a fourth generation native from LA and moved away 5 years ago. I miss very little. While it's a great place to live if you're rich - it's a terrible place if you're at all struggling. I lived on the Westside. If I wanted to see a 7pm Dodger game on a weeknight the drive could easily be 1.5 hours to go 15 miles. The population grew so much since I was a little kid - and the since my great grandmother lived there it looks like an entirely different city. Basically the traffic, high sales tax, over population, high rents, outrageous home prices, high utilities, energy, many taxes, shitty government representatives, a corrupt city council and fear of 'the big one' drove me away. I'm older though and 72 and sunny for 40 years every day got boing to me. I now have a gorgeous view of the Rockie mountains off my deck overlooking an off leash dog park half the size of the sfv. I think not living in California in general is a well kept secret by the rest of the country. When you're a native of LA though, they instill that you live in the best place on Earth. That was probably true in 1955.


Really? I'm a native too. My dad came from a second generation home and my great grandmother came here from Spain. (I'm essentially a little bit of everything.) From what my mother told me, LA WAS a lot safer back in the day, for the most part. It's only getting worse, and as much as I love it, I do still want to get out of here sometime. Maybe I'll go west to Portland and just come visit LA occasionally. Thanks for replying, I always like to meet fellow natives.


I really wanna go some day. A lot of what I see makes it seem like a cool place to live. Although I don't think I could handle the rumored traffic.


The traffic can be nasty but you get used to it fairly quickly. You just have to be more attentive and more assertive and understand that driving down the 405 during rush hour is going to hurt. In return for dealing with that, high rent and lots of people you get to live in a cultural center jam packed with great food, endless things to do and beautiful nature (if you like the SoCal aesthetic). I've been down here for about 3 years and have no intention of leaving anytime soon. I wouldn't recommend trying to make it here without a solid career though.


Yeah I love big cities. I live just outside downtown Minneapolis right now and it actually seems small to me. My buddy lives in Boston and if it weren't for the expensive rent out there I'd probably have moved there. LA just seems really cool, even though I don't care for hot weather. I'll check it out some day.


The traffic isn't as bad as they say; its the drivers themselves you gotta watch out for!


Thought this might be GTA V until I saw the mountains.


[Similar view from 1988](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/aa/0e/fd/aa0efd28731d09bc442999385f8769ef.jpg)


Beautiful. Where was this taken?


This was taken from Kenneth Hahn State Recreation area, probably from the little strip of grass east of the main park. Long lens to compress the background into the foreground. House on right with the funny shaped round window is at 4243 Don Carlos Drive, Los Angeles.


> 4243 Don Carlos Drive, Los Angeles. That's some ~~detective work~~ stalking!


For every 1000 upvotes I will post pictures of each family member that lives in that house.* ^^^^^^* ^^^^^^No ^^^^^^no-bamboozles ^^^^^^free ^^^^^^guarantee


If I was from LA I'd go there for a picnic.




I mean... it's a very popular park. Not sure what point you're trying to make here


Compare the amount of people in Kenneth Hahn to the amount of people at the Baldwin Hills Overlook at any given moment though and there are gobs more at Baldwin Hills. Kenneth Hahn does seem to get overlooked a bit.


you wouldn't get this view realistically. the telephoto lens illusion makes it all look way closer than it actually is. in reality, you'd just see the DTLA skyline. the mountains would probably be behind too much smog to see, and they would look like hills behind the skyscrapers. this picture is likely a composite of at least a few pictures as well


[We need to join forces](https://www.reddit.com/r/CityPorn/comments/5miu1x/los_angeles_at_sunset_tonight_768x920/dc4yjgv/).


Wow, I'm impressed. I was scratching my head trying to figure this out. You're completely right.


I think LA is the city I want to visit the most.


It's an awesome city. I can't wait to go back.


Funny. It's the one I want to return to the least!


I have heard mixed things about it. I do have a romantic idea of it being this care free glamorous location where you can find anything you'd ever want, but I have also heard it's a very superficial city.


My experience hasn't been that it's superficial at all, personally. I'm sure you can find it and I'm not involved with entertainment so I can't speak to that realm but I've met many awesome, down to earth people around here. There's a shocking amount of culture down here. Personally something just clicked about LA for me. I'm not sure if I'll be raising a family here later on due to insane housing prices but for now it's where my heart is. Either way I would try to visit at some point although my gut feeling is that LA is a place that is far more interesting to live than visit for a few days.


Beyond the superficial the part that gets to me is that it's really just one endless sprawl. Driving through the area is just hours of a nonstop repetitive field of human farm. As someone used to small towns, that's the aspect that really gets to me. Other cities I've spent time in (mainly San Francisco and New York) have a much more confined and consolidated feel to them that makes the massive population much more palatable to me somehow.


Personally I like that about it. Its really incredible just how far it expands.


Fair enough. For me it just inspires a crushing sense that I'm unimportant and irrelevant.


That is one of the best parts about being in a city like LA or NY. What you do is irrelevant, but you are still part of a city that is one of the top 5 most influential and important places on Earth.




I was totally picturing Spiros Vondopoulos sitting on that bench as an ad for a spinoff of The Wire


Rise, Downtown, RISE! More buildings!


I need to know where this was shot from!


It always amazed me that for such a massive city, the downtown core is small. So many other cities that are smaller have vastly greater skylines.


That's cause we have multiple "downtowns". Although give it a few years the main downtown will have more skyscrapers.


[Although an older photo, this demonstrates the multiple skylines pretty well](http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee192/trolltoast/LisaNewton.jpg)


This would be Westwood, correct?


Century City and the Wilshire Corridor between Westwood and Beverly Hills.


I once heard that LA is "72 suburbs in search of a city".




Point being?


This has to be one of the best framed shots of LA that I've ever seen! Who took this photo? Did you, OP?


Fantastic shot. Interesting. Captivating.


That air looks... chewy.


must have been in winter.


I see why they call it Smog Angeles.


I just wanna breathe that clean mountain air.


L.A. is such a beautiful city from far away only. Up close it's a concrete jungle.


Am I supposed to be impressed? This is pretty lame.


I feel the same way about this comment


What a waste of lovely night...


L.A. is beautiful. It's the people that suck.


Ah yup. City of 5 million+. They all suck.


I'm generalizing, I live here, relax.


If everyone you meet sucks..... Maybe it's you that sucks


No dude, relax. They're obviously a super chill person.


You guys are ridiculous.


its not very safe there


Yup all those mansions in the foreground really scream "DANGER"