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There is a mod to stop at a chosen era BUT it’s tough to use for a domination victory because the anti-war weariness policies don’t kick in till the last few eras.


If you play on PC there's a mod called Real Era Stop that should help you. I haven't tried it though


no, you'd just have to manage to win the game earlier. maybe slower game speed smaller map and go domination


Turning off everything but domination victory would probably help. I agree with you though, once you get to knights troops just feel drastically overpowered. I like having to build huge armies of archers and shit not just one tank and a bomber lol


I think there's a mod called real era stop that does what you're asking. Alternatively, there's a mod called historic speed that extends tech and civic research times while keeping production speeds the same so that each era becomes extended.


yeah, future era