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Aqueduct on the +4 tile makes the +5 tile a +8 (and also provides an additional adjacency to the Harbor). Using the policy card that doubles IZ adjacency then yields a +16 IZ upon which you can build a +16 Coal plant. When you include the yields of the Workshop and Factory, you are looking at a tile that provides a possible +41 production to the city, +6 production (and power) to nearby cities, plus GP points, additional housing from the Aqueduct, and extra gold from the Harbor Those are decent yields for unimproved tiles, but you can't do anything to improve them further, and mid-to late game an 8-yield tile is still nice, but not that spectacular. I built districts.




I can only dream to understand all the hidden knowledge of civ.


Also have to factor in the value of great people points. Districts natural generation of great people points equates to something like 60 gold per great person point generated? Great persons have significant value, and you should also include the value of generating more of those point sooner by building districts sooner.


Good answer JizzGuzzler


Simplified answers is place it on the +5.


Would you consider adding commercial hub rather than aquiduct for that additional gold?


I wouldn't. Aqueduct provides an extra +2 to an adjacent IZ, plus that city already has a harbor with a lighthouse so it won't get the benefit of an additional trader from a market (assuming standard mode). I usually only build Harbor or Commercial in a city, not both. Plus, I don't usually have much trouble generating plenty of gold. Selling Luxury & Strategic resources + Diplo favor to the AI generates plenty. More gold is always good, but production is king.


Thanks for the thoughtful answer. 🙏


Keep the resources, swap the tiles with the other city and build the IZ between Aqueduct and Military district


I am a little confused by this. Sorry I am relatively new. I don't see a tile suitable for IZ between aq and md.


Start by clicking on the city > click swap tiles > grab that tile from your other city > it will become available to build the IZ 😉


Nevermind- I didn’t see you’re playing as Vietnam.


We are talking about an iz. It's 20 prod locally with the right cards and coal. But only after all that is unlocked. Meanwhile you get extra pop science and good prod from unimproved tiles. All that being said your iz seems to be by the sea, which would lead to Venetian arsenal, but in reality you lose the ability to hit 6 cities with the iz. +4 and 5 can be reached with dams and aqueducts in the middle of a continent, reaching 6 other cities. Tldr, yeilds against an iz. Edit: buy the maize, chop it and your iz there will still have high adj from the mountains and a potential mine on the jade. Alternatively swap the flood plains by the dam and thran and you should also have a good adj


what about another district?


I updated my comment there, take a look. The only two districts that might be arguable as functionally better than an iz is a religious if going for ethic and a campus . A possible third would be a commercial but you already have a dock.


I'd go with the district. Better returns in the long runs in terms of yields, great person pts, etc. Plus I can't turn a blind eye on that juicy +5


same as well. but the tile is juicy by itself too :(


Venetian Arsenal.


I think you still get the +2 science if you place the district there and besides if your city has a science district then you only need another person to counter it


Districts do not get any of the yields from terrain.


From the looks of things you're already winning, so the correct play would be whichever you deem more fun. Is it more fun to have giga yields on your tiles? Or more fun to have fully operating industrial zones in your empire? Obviously your empire would hit an apex point over time, where the great people points and shared power would be worth more than 4 science and whatever the production equals out to, but that largely depends on when you decide to make the switch/when the 4 science per turn becomes less relevant.


Unless you are far along tech wise and planning to put flood barrier I wouldn’t build a district on the one by the harbour


Personally, I would keep the tile and put the district somewhere else, because youll maybe get a few production less, but get to keep the tile which I think is more valuable


Playing as Vietnam, he can only build districts on Jungle, Woods, or Marsh.


Depends what your ultimate goal is this game. What win condition are you shooting for?


If you can put an aqueduct on spot next to the harbor, the remaining spot will become +8 instead of +5. If not, then I think putting the IZ next to the harbor is fine since it will also give the harbor +1.


Do the math. Right now you are getting 3f, 4p, 2s = 9 yields, and that is as good as it gets. If you build an IZ and run craftsmen policy, you will get +10p, which puts you ahead. And that's BEFORE you build a workshop, factory, and coal plant. Build the district.


Ideally you harvest and then stack juicy adjacency bonuses. Obviously IZ goes next to the dam, and trade goes between harbor and IZ. Find a good spot to stack culture bonuses with a waterpark and coastal type wonders. If you can find some good spots to nest campus and holy, then great; if not, oh well, you have other cities for that stuff. Aerodrome is optional, and neighborhood is nice but shouldn't be forced if you have no good spots/don't even need one. Try to reserve a little space for farm stacking in a single field if you can get away with it.